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  1. #11
    LacePrincess's Avatar
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    n710, thank you for your update! I'm not really part of this group (yet) but having turned 35 in Sep it feels like every month is countdown to dwindling fertility. It sure doesn't feel like there's any time to waste, that's for sure. If our FET doesn't work out then we'll be just trying to preggo, no hard core sway as I just don't feel I have the time to do anything that might reduce my fertility.

    Your numbers give me hope too! We hear so much about AMH being the be-all end-all, and how it can't go back up, and yet look at you! Just proves that the medical professionals might talk big but they really don't know everything at all.

    I wonder if it was the CoQ10 that helped you? I've been reading so many good things about it.
    Me (38) and DH (38)

    SAHM military momma to DS1 (2004), DS2 (who's all boy but loves to dance, though not in a tutu!) (2006), DS3 (2009), and our rainbow baby girl DD1 (2017)

    early m/c Jan 2013

    Cycle #1 @ HRC (Oct 2014) - 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized and biopsied. 1XX and 1XY abnormal. 1XX no DNA found, rebiopsied and found normal, frozen.
    FET attempt #1 (Nov 2014) - cancelled due to functional cyst. FET attempt #2 (Jan 30, 2015) - NT. Remaining embie failed to thaw.

    May 2015 - started infertility treatments at OFC. Femara 2.5mg
    July 2015 - BFP after second round of Femara. Aug 4 2015 - 6w4d
    Dec 21 2015 - mmc 7w1d

    Apr 2016 - IVF Cycle #2. Converted to IUI because of uneven response and leading follicles.
    Apr 19, 2016 - IUI with 3 mature follicles (2 right, 1 left), post wash: 17mil, 94% motility and 89% rapid motility. BFN.

    June 3, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 5w.
    Sep 1, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 8w.

    Our rainbow baby girl arrived on Mon Aug 28, 2017 - "After every storm comes a rainbow". We are so thankful and grateful for every moment.

  2. #12
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Thanks for updating and I"m SO happy for you that things are moving in a good direction!

    AMH is one of those things that is new and they dont' seem to quite understand how it works, they used to say that it was 100% set in stone but so many eople have seen it improve, they don't say that any more.

    Did you see Adia did get pg and is having a boy??
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  3. #13
    LacePrincess's Avatar
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    Yup I saw!

    I think AMH is one of those things that are relevant to IVF'ers because they want lots of eggs at once, and not so much for regular TTC'ers who only need ONE egg a month. Totally different goals.

    (Oh and forgive me for going off topic, but I sent you a few PM's over the last week Atomic, just wondering if you got them okay? No rush to get back to me if you're busy of course but I was worried they were disappearing!)
    Me (38) and DH (38)

    SAHM military momma to DS1 (2004), DS2 (who's all boy but loves to dance, though not in a tutu!) (2006), DS3 (2009), and our rainbow baby girl DD1 (2017)

    early m/c Jan 2013

    Cycle #1 @ HRC (Oct 2014) - 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized and biopsied. 1XX and 1XY abnormal. 1XX no DNA found, rebiopsied and found normal, frozen.
    FET attempt #1 (Nov 2014) - cancelled due to functional cyst. FET attempt #2 (Jan 30, 2015) - NT. Remaining embie failed to thaw.

    May 2015 - started infertility treatments at OFC. Femara 2.5mg
    July 2015 - BFP after second round of Femara. Aug 4 2015 - 6w4d
    Dec 21 2015 - mmc 7w1d

    Apr 2016 - IVF Cycle #2. Converted to IUI because of uneven response and leading follicles.
    Apr 19, 2016 - IUI with 3 mature follicles (2 right, 1 left), post wash: 17mil, 94% motility and 89% rapid motility. BFN.

    June 3, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 5w.
    Sep 1, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 8w.

    Our rainbow baby girl arrived on Mon Aug 28, 2017 - "After every storm comes a rainbow". We are so thankful and grateful for every moment.

  4. #14
    XXforhubby's Avatar
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    N710- thank you for your post, and it could not have come too soon! For the past two months my FSH has been over 40 and my AMH was less than 0.3. I have an appointment tomorrow with an RE to discuss my options, but DH and I do not want to do IVF or use donor eggs. Atomic has me doing her fertility diet, and I am taking 100mg of CoQ10 once a day and have been for 1 cycle now.

    This gives me hope that maybe my numbers can improve too. I just turned 35 in September and have a 19mo old so I know I can get pregnant! I just can't imagine that my numbers could change this drastically in less than 2 years, since I conceived DS2 right away.

    GL to you, and I hope you catch Goldie the golden egg! I bet you have some nice, healthy ones now!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #15
    LacePrincess's Avatar
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    XX, I'm sorry to read about your poor numbers. It's so frustrating. I hope the fertility diet helps your numbers improve!

    You do have to be patient with the Coq10 though, it's one of those things that takes awhile to make a difference but I've read very good things about it. Don't know if you know, but there are actually two forms of Coq10. The cheaper one that's pretty much found everywhere, and the much pricier ubuiquinol version. I couldn't afford the ubuiquinol long term (it was like, $90/month!!!) so I use the cheaper CoQ10. I get mine at Walmart for $35, they're 400mg and I take 2. So yes, 800mg a day and that's approved by HRC.

    So you might want to think about upping your Coq10, I don't think 100mg is going to be enough to make a big diff. Even ubuiquinol should be taken at 200-400mg. The dosage for Coq10 is more like 400-800mg/day to help egg quality.
    Me (38) and DH (38)

    SAHM military momma to DS1 (2004), DS2 (who's all boy but loves to dance, though not in a tutu!) (2006), DS3 (2009), and our rainbow baby girl DD1 (2017)

    early m/c Jan 2013

    Cycle #1 @ HRC (Oct 2014) - 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized and biopsied. 1XX and 1XY abnormal. 1XX no DNA found, rebiopsied and found normal, frozen.
    FET attempt #1 (Nov 2014) - cancelled due to functional cyst. FET attempt #2 (Jan 30, 2015) - NT. Remaining embie failed to thaw.

    May 2015 - started infertility treatments at OFC. Femara 2.5mg
    July 2015 - BFP after second round of Femara. Aug 4 2015 - 6w4d
    Dec 21 2015 - mmc 7w1d

    Apr 2016 - IVF Cycle #2. Converted to IUI because of uneven response and leading follicles.
    Apr 19, 2016 - IUI with 3 mature follicles (2 right, 1 left), post wash: 17mil, 94% motility and 89% rapid motility. BFN.

    June 3, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 5w.
    Sep 1, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 8w.

    Our rainbow baby girl arrived on Mon Aug 28, 2017 - "After every storm comes a rainbow". We are so thankful and grateful for every moment.

  6. #16
    XXforhubby's Avatar
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    Thank you LacePrincess! I will do that! My appointment is today to get a plan for next cycle. I will update my post in the TTC Help and Infertility Support thread afterward...if you're curious!

    I have hope because my numbers went from complete normal to crazy high in 2 years time! My OB said that as dismal as my numbers are it takes quite a bit of time to get there and thinks there is more going on. We'll see.

    I am in a better place about things. I always wanted to be a boy mom and I adore my two boys! I would love to give DH his DD, but I count my blessings for my boys every day...they are miracles...they all are!

    GL to you too LacePrincess! I hope things go well with your FET and you don't have to sway! That would be AWESOME!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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