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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer

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    Sad Face So depressing :(

    So this cycle looks like I am Oing sometime today on cd10. I only had 1 +opk smilie last night and it wasnt even strong enough to trigger a PEAK on my cbfm.

    This is the same kind of "lh surge" i had the cycle i conceived with my miscarriage. That was a day 11 O and obviously the egg was bad.... Now a full day sooner!?.....ugh!!!!

    I know Atomic says a day 10 egg *can* be fertilized but according to this study it has very low odds of live birth.....

    This is so depressing!

    Effect of short follicular phase on conception outcome

    J.R. Liss, J.H. Check, K. Shucoski, M.L. Check

    DOI: Handle Redirect
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    A retrospective study was conducted to determine if having a short follicular phase despite attaining a mature follicle (18–24 mm by ultrasound and serum estradiol (E2) >200 pg/mL), is associated with reduced fecundity. The demonstration of lower pregnancy rates (PRs) prompted a prospective matched controlled study (based on age, duration of infertility, and type of follicular phase medications used). All patients were treated with progesterone (P) in the luteal phase. Early ovulation was considered as oocyte release demonstrated by day 11. Women with early follicular phase serum FSH levels >11 mIU/mL were excluded. The retrospective study (n = 21 women) revealed only 8 pregnancies in 66 cycles (12.1% per cycle) but the viable PR was only 4.6% (3/66). The PR per cycle for the 12 early ovulators in the matched controlled study was 9.0% (3/33) with a viable PR of 3.0% (1/33). The control group (later ovulators) had a 28.5% PR/cycle (14/49) and a viable rate of 18.1% (9/49). There were 13 cycles in the early ovulator group where an ovulation did occur past day 11. Four (30.7%) achieved a pregnancy and the viable PR per cycle was 23%. In the matched controlled study the mean pre-ovulatory endometrial thickness was 8 mm compared to 10.2 mm for late ovulators. These data clearly show that when a woman ovulates before day 11 she has less chance of conceiving than a woman ovulating later than day 11 even if follicular maturation is achieved and luteal phase P support is given. The fact that the PR per cycle in women from the early ovulator group, who in some cycles ovulated after day 11 was comparable to the late ovulator group suggested that the reduced fecundity was related to the short follicular phase per se and not intrinsic to conditions leading to early ovulation.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Why do you think you will for sure ovulate today??

    You can always find a study to say anything if you look. The reason why they say that is not because it's a bad egg, it's because the lining wasn't good enough for implantation (it was much thinner in the early ovulators)

    People have perfect spot on CD 14 cycles and have bad eggs and chemical pregnancies. The conclusion that you're drawing that an early O means a bad egg is not what to take away from this. We have had many people get pg with early ovulation CD 10/11.
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  3. #3
    Big Dreamer

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    Hi Atomic,

    I think I am going to O today because i had a +opk last night 7-8 hr after we bd and this morning i was expecting another +opk but did not get a smilie at all (the cbfm gave me a Peak reading though).

    I know it is possible to get pg with an early O egg...its happened to me twice already, but both times i have mc with cd11 or earlier eggs.

    All of my *live births* have been with cd 12-15 ovulations.

    And you notice in the study that when implantation did happen that over 60% went on to be miscarriages.

    I think you are correct about the poor lining. I had AF until cd6 and here 4 days later Ovulation!......i've had NO estrogen or ewcm to speak of. Who knows what my lining will be like with such a short cycle?

    I suppose i should just concentrate on the fact that I am 43 and my odds of conception even in a perfect cycle is less than 10%. So there is a 90% chance of not even getting pg at all let alone fretting about mc.

    When you got pg with your dd Atomic what day did you ovulate and how far from +opk did you bd?


  4. #4
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    positive OPK does not necesarily mean you're going to O though. it takes some people 3-4 days to O after positive, and if it was a faker it could be even longer.

    you can't tell if you ovulated based on when your OPK go neg. you can get a negative test and not have ovulated or vice versa.

    I'm not concerned with the study. I'm really not. no one can tell what is going on in your body this month based on a study.

    The length of AF says nothing about your lining, believe it or not. Your lining grows from the inside out and by the time AF ends it is already 2/5 of the way regrown

    I ovulated on either CD 11 or 12 and BD like 1 am the night before. I don't track my cycles that close because I can get away with not due to regularity, but I was supposed to O on Monday and I Oed on Fri. before instead (this was confirmed by ultrasound) and I always have clockwork cycle O on CD 14 (so not quite sure if that is CD 11 or 12 LOL I think it's 11??? )
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  5. #5
    Big Dreamer

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    Thanks Atomic!

    When you say Fri 1 you mean you bd late Thurs-Fri 1 am or was it late Fri-Sat 1 am.

    And then O later that same day on Friday? (So basically right on top of O?)

    Were you doing opk or temping?

    How can ultrasound determine when you O?

    I guess i am just nervous about bd 7 hr before a +opk. I know you dont believe timng sways and I only had creamy/wet cm with pH of 4.5 so i have that going for me. (Absolutely NO ew like the past couple months, so figured O was at least a few days away).....

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Thurs-Fri and Oed that same day Fri. Yep, right on top of O, I mean really techically it was actually O Day by the time we officially DTD. I got 3 of my 4 boys with cutoffs (and maybe the other one too he was a sneak attack) so you can see about how much I believe in timing, NOT.

    I was not doing OPK or temping. I have super regular cycles thankfully, and never needed to. I Oed early because I had been taking vitex and stopped it and then Oed like right away for some reason.

    An ultrasound can see the egg come out of the ovary so you can know the day you O on, and also the baby's gestational age can show the day you conceived on.
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