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  1. #31
    Big Dreamer

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    So sorry to hear about your BFN 1moregirl

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  3. #32
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks MrsG. Thank heavens you and I have each other for support here at it's been very quiet otherwise. You would think we would be used to getting BFNs by now wouldn't you? It just sucks. I think I'm going to contact my FS/ob-gym again and see if he would agree to do one of those HSGs (are they those X-rays where they go in through the cervix and inject a fluid and take photos to determine if there is any scarring or adhesions or polyps?) Then if there is something that shows up, I will have the Hysterescopy. If there is nothing, then I will know 100% without a doubt that it is just egg quality. I need to be a bit proactive about this now before it is well and truly too late. I also am going to just do every second night again for BD as perhaps the SMEP and BD daily is too much for DH? Maybe now just all my eggs are shitty and I am entering menapause. really sucks being in your 40s when your heart is set on another baby. I think this is mostly hormones talking as my AF is arriving as we speak. I swear to God Mother Nature is taunting and teasing me, as even this morning my BBT had gone up a bit again instead of dropping again. Yuor hopes go up, then they go down, then they go up, then they go down. I wish I could just not want another baby and totally go off the idea altogether. Lol! I am just soooo thankful for the three little cherubs I have already and that we are all healthy and happy. How are you going MrsG? where are you in your cycle at the moment? Have you given yourself a cutoff age of trying?
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

  4. #33
    Dream Vet

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    Hi 1moregirl- I have just returned from a hysteroscopy, if you have any questions please ask xx

    (PS - I turn 40 in 3 weeks)

    Happy with my crew and no more are due xx

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  6. #34
    Dream Vet

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    Hi 1 more girl. I just wanted to chime in and tell you not to give up hope if you really want another baby, but try not to let it consume you. Believe me, I know how consuming it definitely can be. I TTC my last baby for 2 years, not one Bfp and very low amh. I mean I think it was .03. I finally got to the point where I knew I would continue trying but kinda stopped expecting a Bfp. And finally did get pregnant. I remember the RE telling me that I had a better chance at winning the lottery than getting pregnant with my numbers. And now I am 21 weeks pregnant again and my little one is only 9.5 months old so it can definitely happen!! .xo know

    Forgot to add that I just turned 41!!
    Last edited by djmommy; April 12th, 2017 at 12:20 PM.

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  8. #35
    skillet04's Avatar
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    Marilyn shannon has an excellent book about fertility nutrition and cycles. As long as you are ovulating there is always hope but yes also glad to hear there are other people in your life to focus on and just not prevent another child from joining your family while living your life to the fullest.
    (Each time i happened to spontaneously ovulate and that egg met sperm was when i was working full time and going to college full time and the 2nd time i was also home educating my first and on a ministry dance team so busy bee) hope you can enjoy the journey and have only gladness

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    Teen 2001 Toddler 2014
    x as many as The Good L-RD would bless us with
    Wanna be a magnet
    Challenges=hypothyroid and age
    Proverbs 13:12

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  10. #36
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by squigglepink View Post
    Hi 1moregirl- I have just returned from a hysteroscopy, if you have any questions please ask xx

    (PS - I turn 40 in 3 weeks)
    Thanks Squigglepink. I would like to ask you why you had a Hysterescopy? Did you have a general anaesthetic with yours? I think my main concern about it is the cost, as it would cost us more than $1,000 OOP. I'm sure I probably do need one though as my periods have definitely changed since my D&C in 2015. Blood flow of AF has been lighter and clottier and not as painful as they used to be. Did they find and/or remove anything during your Hysterescopy? Thanks for leaving your message and I hope you get a BFP soon. Xx
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

  11. #37
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by djmommy View Post
    Hi 1 more girl. I just wanted to chime in and tell you not to give up hope if you really want another baby, but try not to let it consume you. Believe me, I know how consuming it definitely can be. I TTC my last baby for 2 years, not one Bfp and very low amh. I mean I think it was .03. I finally got to the point where I knew I would continue trying but kinda stopped expecting a Bfp. And finally did get pregnant. I remember the RE telling me that I had a better chance at winning the lottery than getting pregnant with my numbers. And now I am 21 weeks pregnant again and my little one is only 9.5 months old so it can definitely happen!! .xo know

    Forgot to add that I just turned 41!!
    Thanks djmommy. Wow! So maybe AMH level is not the be all and end all we sometimes think it is. So easy to get caught up with numbers, results, figures, and statistics sometimes. Enjoy your pregnancy. I was almost 41 when I had our last baby (he is 4 yrs old now). I just had blood drawn 2 days ago to get my AMH level redone (it was 6.5 end of 2015 when I was 44, so I thought it would be interesting to see what it would be now and how much it has actually dropped in 17-18 months), plus FSH and LH as well. It's so much harder ttc in your 40s as doctors and obs and FSs seem reluctant to test us for anything as their answer is always just our egg quality because of our age. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story with me and giving me some hope. Xx
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

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  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1moregirl View Post
    Thanks djmommy. Wow! So maybe AMH level is not the be all and end all we sometimes think it is. So easy to get caught up with numbers, results, figures, and statistics sometimes. Enjoy your pregnancy. I was almost 41 when I had our last baby (he is 4 yrs old now). I just had blood drawn 2 days ago to get my AMH level redone (it was 6.5 end of 2015 when I was 44, so I thought it would be interesting to see what it would be now and how much it has actually dropped in 17-18 months), plus FSH and LH as well. It's so much harder ttc in your 40s as doctors and obs and FSs seem reluctant to test us for anything as their answer is always just our egg quality because of our age. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story with me and giving me some hope. Xx
    While I'm not 40 (37), I had an AMH level of 0 when I conceived my DS3 at 35. I also was able to conceive this baby, although it took me 11 months instead of 8 months. If you can handle it, keep trying or at the very least NTNP. I think sometimes it takes waiting for the perfect egg, unfortunately we don't know when or how long it may take.

    FX so hard for you!!

    8/2010 6/2013 11/2015
    Baby Girl EDD 9/30/2017

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  15. #39
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by skillet04 View Post
    Marilyn shannon has an excellent book about fertility nutrition and cycles. As long as you are ovulating there is always hope but yes also glad to hear there are other people in your life to focus on and just not prevent another child from joining your family while living your life to the fullest.
    (Each time i happened to spontaneously ovulate and that egg met sperm was when i was working full time and going to college full time and the 2nd time i was also home educating my first and on a ministry dance team so busy bee) hope you can enjoy the journey and have only gladness

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    Thanks for sharing Skillet. I'll definitely check out our local library and internet for that book you mentioned. I am a bit of a shocker with diet. I know for fertility we should give up wheat and go gluten free and no sugar or caffeine (chocolate, sweets and cups of tea are my weaknesses). I really do need to start exercising more so walking our puppy heaps and going to start yoga very soon. I am a busy homeschooling Mum too to my 8, 7 and 4 year old. Am loving not sending them off to school every day for some other adult to teach them and see them. I wanted to be the one to teach them and for us to be more of a family by spending each day together. Yes they could be in school and I could be out there earning quite a lot of money teaching other children, but neither my children nor I and my DH would be happier that way. I noticed you have 2 lovely boys and hope for a girl one day. I hope and pray you and yuor family are blessed with a little girl very soon. Xx
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

  16. #40
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXforhubby View Post
    While I'm not 40 (37), I had an AMH level of 0 when I conceived my DS3 at 35. I also was able to conceive this baby, although it took me 11 months instead of 8 months. If you can handle it, keep trying or at the very least NTNP. I think sometimes it takes waiting for the perfect egg, unfortunately we don't know when or how long it may take.

    FX so hard for you!!

    8/2010 6/2013 11/2015
    Baby Girl EDD 9/30/2017

    Xxforhubby - thanks soooo much for sharing that as well Hun. I see you are 15 weeks along. Big congratulations! Yes I think DH and I are kind of doing the NTNP thing at the moment. For a long time after my MC in August 2015 I was just too scared to try again. I would sometimes have a panic attack and just not be able to go through with BD. But then I remembered some of my life mottos such as, 'no pain, no gain' and 'you have to be in it to win it' - if you don't try you will never know and may even end up with regret. I try not to, but I really do envy the Mums I know who got to start having babies when they were in their late 20s or early 30s. I feel like I was robbed of that or almost like life cheated me a bit. I would've loved to have started younger but I just never had luck with men. When I met my husband I was 35. I was living on my own with my 3 doggy babies and I finally put myself out there in the online dating scene and the rest is history, so they say. Lol! Having babies and raising them and being a Mum have been the best years of my life and I haven't been ready to say goodbye to those baby years, if that makes sense. So this ttc journey in your 40s gig has been tough and a lot of the time I have felt like I have been quietly grieving for my declining fertility. I have a really close friend who has been a god send to me since my MC and she is now herself 38 weeks pregnant with her 4th child and It has been a struggle for me because she neither wanted or had tried for this 4th baby, yet I had been trying and wanting like mad for a 4th. Funny how life works out sometimes! She is 36 and having her 4th and final baby and I had my first baby when I was 36. Anyway, I am sorry for rambling on like this, but always in the back of my mind is one day there may be at least one other 45 yr old or older lady out there who feels the same as me and will come across these posts and who will not feel alone. Xx
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

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