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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
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    How can I stop breastfeeding toddler?

    Hi! Im still breastfeeding my 2,5 year old (mostly when she wants to sleep, but she wants during the day too) Now Im pregnant and I guess its time to stop. But How? She still wakes up at night wanting to bf . Should I stop little by little? Its so difficult. Anyone been in the same situation? I honestly dont know if im going to be able to bf both the new baby and my dd, I wont get any sleep at all!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes, I have and I ended up continuing to breastfeed and ended up BF both of them. It was harder than you think it will be during pregnancy but easier than you think it will be afterwards. I found that after a little bit of jealousy at first they learned to wait their turn and it was very handy for when I was making too much milk.

    You may find that at about age 3 or so, she is going to just stop waking up at night anyway. This has happened with all of mine, even at 2 1/2 they would wake up but by the time they turned 3 they were sleeping thru the night without any efforts on my part.
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  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    As- is it normal for breast fed babes to wake up at night for feedings after 1 then? My friend is getting really frusterated with her 1 year old cause she is still waking for feedings

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  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    I'm going I echo atomic. Y kids start sleepig through the night at 3 and that's when we move them out of our room. My 2.5 year old still wakes up for a bottle an my 14 month old still is up 1-2 times to nurse
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  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    I guess they are all different, the thing i did was when DD turned 1 and would wake up in the night for a feed i would offer her a bottle of water, she pretty quickly decided that was not worth waking up for and started sleeping through, i would just BF her in the morning and before bed until she was 14 months then i wanted to stop so i just replaced BM with normal milk in a bottle, she got the hang of it pretty quick and was fully weaned in about 3 days.

  6. #6
    Big Dreamer
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    Thanks a lot for your answers! Everybody is telling me "you have to stop now, it going to be so hard for her and you when the new baby is here and she is so big now" And I feel so pressured. It really doesnt bother me to bf her still even though she is 2,5. But I dont want it to be difficult for her when the new baby arrives, I dont want her to feel left out. But it sounds great like you say as, maybe its easier afterwards.

  7. #7
    Big Dreamer
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    I've just seen this. My DD2 was 2 years and 8 months when we stopped. For about a year she was down to 1-2 feeds/day and I was over it (although not pregnant). She was very verbal and I asked her when she thought we should stop, we were on holiday and she answered when we were home and had picked up the cat from the Cattery.

    So we stopped after that and she was fine. Maybe you could ask her when she'd be ready to stop?

    In my experience night weaning is best done with daddy taking over the night times.
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  8. #8

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    I breasted my 2 boys till about that age too, the waking at night started getting on my nerves in the end. They were just waking for comfort feeds! I told them that the milk or booby as I called it had been taken away by the fairies to the other babies as they were big boys now. At night with my second I only offered water and wore a tight top to stop me breast feeding when really tired. The first night was hell. Crying lots! Second night was so much. Stated by 3rd. Itchy he didn't wake up. U just need to be strong if u really want to do it u can! You'll have a couple of bad nights but that will be it promise! They forget so quickly . Good luck

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1983 View Post
    I breasted my 2 boys till about that age too, the waking at night started getting on my nerves in the end. They were just waking for comfort feeds! I told them that the milk or booby as I called it had been taken away by the fairies to the other babies as they were big boys now. At night with my second I only offered water and wore a tight top to stop me breast feeding when really tired. The first night was hell. Crying lots! Second night was so much. Stated by 3rd. Itchy he didn't wake up. U just need to be strong if u really want to do it u can! You'll have a couple of bad nights but that will be it promise! They forget so quickly . Good luck
    That was ment to say 2nd night was much better. 3rd he didn't wake up at all. Sorry texting on my iPhone too quickly I think!!

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    I just wanted to add that with my DS2 I couldn't explain anything to him yet as he wouldn't understand it. I breastfed him until he was about 2 and a half years old. I tried to phase it out, but I guess he could feel that I wanted to stop and so he demanded even more. So in the end I would bf about 10 times a day and a couple of times at night as well.
    I only found one way for us - as weird as it sounds but I put mustard on my nipples. Lol. When he first tried to drink he looked a little confused but kept on drinking anyhow. So I added curry to the mustard. And that worked. He was less upset than I had thought. He continued to say "clean" but I explained that this was not possible. And he somehow got it, although it took quite some time. I think this was not the best way to end it but it was the only way that worked for him. And I was very relieved when it was over because it had gotten so out of hand.
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