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    Luck Boy Sway Advice for DH

    Hi there all,

    I am new to this forum and in need of some advice. I am a male, 33 years of age, inactive, stressful job as an attorney.

    In 2017 I was diagnosed with a low sperm count, i.e. 11 million to 13 million. I assume that the cause of this was due to a sports injury that I sustained in my youth; however, the Doctors are unable to confirm same.

    During 2018, I started taking a hefty dose of supplements daily, which comprised of Fertilaid, CountBoost, Wellmans Conception, StamiGro, L-arginine, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega 3 & 6.

    During 2019, my wife and I were blessed with a baby girl which I adore with all my heart.

    We would like to expand our family in 2020; however, it would be fantastic if we could conceive a boy.

    I have read that males with a low sperm count find it hard to conceive a boy.

    I came across this site and found the help and assistance provided by the members to be precious.

    I would truly appreciate any advice and assistance on conceiving a baby boy. Additionally, I was popping too many pills daily during 2018, which left me feeling ill and sometimes grumpy. I would like to avoid that the feeling this time around even if it not possible for me to conceive a boy.

    Thank you so much for your time and assistance,

    P.S. If there is also any advice that would assist my wife in my blue sway.

  2. #2
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    Hi and welcome and thanks again so much for your patience - this seemed a little long so I had to save it to reply when I had a bit of time to spare.

    I would dramatically change your supplements. Some of those things are worse than nothing and may sway pink so that is good news for you - you will NOT need to take all that stuff and will have better results than when you did take it. You were taking massive, overdose levels of some nutrients which is not only going to make you feel very ill, but may also actually harm your sperm count considerably. More is not better when it comes to supplements - with supplements you want enough nutrients, not a poisonous amount of them. It is actually miraculous you didn't end up sick in the hospital taking all those things together, that really could have been harmful for you.

    Do not take Fertilaid and do not give Fertilaid (or Fertilitea) to your wife either. The Fertilaid products I believe should be removed from the market because there are things in them that for women, may disrupt the menstrual cycle and for men are harmful to sperm health. They get away with it because most people can just shake them off, but many others have trouble with those.

    Do not take Countboost either, for the same reasons.

    Do not take Wellman Conception. I hate Wellman for all the same reasons I hate Fertilaid. Do not give your wife the Pregnacare conception either (female version of Wellman) EVEN when she is pregnant. I think Wellman should also be removed from the market. The doses are TOO HIGH and they put components in them that may sway pink and can be disruptive to fertility.

    (OMGosh it actually makes me break into a cold sweat you were taking these all togther!! It's no wonder you were not feeling well when mixing them all together. PLEASE do not ever do that again even if you don't take any of my advice otherwise LOL)

    I am having a hard time finding the StamiGro. There are several products with a similar name. If you post a link to wht you took I can investigate it. If it's anything like the rest of the stuff you were taking I would skip it anyway.

    Omega 6 sways strongly pink and so you'll need to leave that out. For Omega 3, please no more than 500 mg for both you and your wife.

    There was no reason to take additional Vit. C and E since you already were taking too much of those things. High dose Vit. C likely sways pink. (more than 500 mg daily)

    Also avoid all Chinese or Ayurvedic herbs and also things that are rumored to "raise testosterone" such as tribulus terrestris and ginseng. Stay away from these!

    So what DO I want you to take??

    I want both of you guys to take a regular multivitamin without megadoses (up to 1000 IU Vit D is acceptible, but everything else should have no more than 100% DRV) and NO HERBAL COMPONENTS in it like Centrum or One a Day. I often have my blue swayers use Mens One a Day over 50. It has lycopene, which is a nutrient, not an herb, and it's ok to take.

    500 mg fish oil no more than that for you and your wife. Your wife may even want to take it every other day (or take 250) if she is prone to bruising easily or having heavy periods. (wean off at BFP by gradually spacing doses further and further out)

    Probiotics for both of you

    Coq10 (ubiquinol is best) 200 mg for you, 100 for your wife (she needs to wean off this at BFP)

    L-arginine - 500 mg daily For you only (DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR WIFE)

    L-carnitine - 1000 mg daily for you only (DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR WIFE)

    That's it, that's all you need to take. Be sure you both wean off all supplements when finished with them rather than dropping them cold turkey.

    If your wife plans to drink a lot of green tea (this is ok) or eat a high sodium diet or baking soda water (please do not do these things, they don't work and are dangerous, may even sway pink) then she'll need to add in enough folic acid or folate to equal 2000 mcg (that is micrograms not milligrams) and take this all through the entire first trimester of pregnancy, and only at that point wean off of it. If she's not doing those things, she can just stick to the amount in prenatal.

    The short version of the High Everything Diet is here, this is the diet I recommend for blue:

    I also strongly suggest you drop jogging or biking and smoking if you're doing any of those things. Your wife should not go overboard doing lots of cardio and shouldn't lose weight.

    Both of you can do reasonable amounts of weight training exercise.

    What were you planning to do in terms of attempts?? (meaning, were you planning to do Shettles timing?)

    AGain, thanks so much for your patience and please feel free to ask as many questions as you have. I'll be able to answer your q's in a quicker time than I was able to reply to this since it was involved with all the supplements.
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  4. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Hi and welcome and thanks again so much for your patience - this seemed a little long so I had to save it to reply when I had a bit of time to spare.

    I would dramatically change your supplements. Some of those things are worse than nothing and may sway pink so that is good news for you - you will NOT need to take all that stuff and will have better results than when you did take it. You were taking massive, overdose levels of some nutrients which is not only going to make you feel very ill, but may also actually harm your sperm count considerably. More is not better when it comes to supplements - with supplements you want enough nutrients, not a poisonous amount of them. It is actually miraculous you didn't end up sick in the hospital taking all those things together, that really could have been harmful for you.

    Do not take Fertilaid and do not give Fertilaid (or Fertilitea) to your wife either. The Fertilaid products I believe should be removed from the market because there are things in them that for women, may disrupt the menstrual cycle and for men are harmful to sperm health. They get away with it because most people can just shake them off, but many others have trouble with those.

    Do not take Countboost either, for the same reasons.

    Do not take Wellman Conception. I hate Wellman for all the same reasons I hate Fertilaid. Do not give your wife the Pregnacare conception either (female version of Wellman) EVEN when she is pregnant. I think Wellman should also be removed from the market. The doses are TOO HIGH and they put components in them that may sway pink and can be disruptive to fertility.

    (OMGosh it actually makes me break into a cold sweat you were taking these all togther!! It's no wonder you were not feeling well when mixing them all together. PLEASE do not ever do that again even if you don't take any of my advice otherwise LOL)

    I am having a hard time finding the StamiGro. There are several products with a similar name. If you post a link to wht you took I can investigate it. If it's anything like the rest of the stuff you were taking I would skip it anyway.

    Omega 6 sways strongly pink and so you'll need to leave that out. For Omega 3, please no more than 500 mg for both you and your wife.

    There was no reason to take additional Vit. C and E since you already were taking too much of those things. High dose Vit. C likely sways pink. (more than 500 mg daily)

    Also avoid all Chinese or Ayurvedic herbs and also things that are rumored to "raise testosterone" such as tribulus terrestris and ginseng. Stay away from these!

    So what DO I want you to take??

    I want both of you guys to take a regular multivitamin without megadoses (up to 1000 IU Vit D is acceptible, but everything else should have no more than 100% DRV) and NO HERBAL COMPONENTS in it like Centrum or One a Day. I often have my blue swayers use Mens One a Day over 50. It has lycopene, which is a nutrient, not an herb, and it's ok to take.

    500 mg fish oil no more than that for you and your wife. Your wife may even want to take it every other day (or take 250) if she is prone to bruising easily or having heavy periods. (wean off at BFP by gradually spacing doses further and further out)

    Probiotics for both of you

    Coq10 (ubiquinol is best) 200 mg for you, 100 for your wife (she needs to wean off this at BFP)

    L-arginine - 500 mg daily For you only (DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR WIFE)

    L-carnitine - 1000 mg daily for you only (DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR WIFE)

    That's it, that's all you need to take. Be sure you both wean off all supplements when finished with them rather than dropping them cold turkey.

    If your wife plans to drink a lot of green tea (this is ok) or eat a high sodium diet or baking soda water (please do not do these things, they don't work and are dangerous, may even sway pink) then she'll need to add in enough folic acid or folate to equal 2000 mcg (that is micrograms not milligrams) and take this all through the entire first trimester of pregnancy, and only at that point wean off of it. If she's not doing those things, she can just stick to the amount in prenatal.

    The short version of the High Everything Diet is here, this is the diet I recommend for blue:

    I also strongly suggest you drop jogging or biking and smoking if you're doing any of those things. Your wife should not go overboard doing lots of cardio and shouldn't lose weight.

    Both of you can do reasonable amounts of weight training exercise.

    What were you planning to do in terms of attempts?? (meaning, were you planning to do Shettles timing?)

    AGain, thanks so much for your patience and please feel free to ask as many questions as you have. I'll be able to answer your q's in a quicker time than I was able to reply to this since it was involved with all the supplements.
    Thank you so much for your time, assistance and valuable information. I truly appreciate it atomic sugarbush!

    The reason I took all those supplements was to increase my count and morphology - as I was desperate, in hindsight that was exceptionally silly of me and do not want to find myself in that same situation again. With regards to your questions, I took StamiGro About Staminogro ? StaminoGro and Spermaid

    I do not smoke or drink alcohol, however, I drink a lot of coffee and soda (coca-cola/Pepsi). I have a stressful sedentary job and rarely exercise (I am not overweight, just slightly chubby around the mid-section). Also, do any particular types of tea (e.g. Herbal, Chai, Earl Grey, Chamomile) sway?

    When we were trying to conceive with DTD 5 days in a row and fell pregnant. This time around I think maybe 2-3 around ovulation time, however, I am not too sure.

    We do not have Women's / Men One a Day in our country, would the following be a suitable replacement for both of us?:

    Thank you once again

  5. #4
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    I'm just really thankful you didn't end up sick! It's not at all your fault, the vitamin companies should warn people better that it's not ok to take so many things all at once. I often have people show up taking really high doses of things like that, you're not alone.

    I cannot find the nutrient breakdown of the Staminogro online after looking for quite some time, so I can't sound off on that one unfortunately. The Spermaid is fine and you could use that again as your source of l-arginine if you wanted to!

    The Centrum over 50 is fine for you, your wife should take just the regular Centrum for women. She can even use this as a prenatal vitamin if she would like, it has the same nutrition as a standard prenatal. If she does want to switch to a different vitamin when she conceives, please be sure to do that gradually over a few weeks rather than just dropping one and going to another.

    I would have you switch from drinking lots of coffee and pop to tea, by which I mean black or green tea (camelia sinesis) rather than herbal. Earl Gray is fine for both of you - I drank tons of Earl Gray when I got my boys, the Chai is fine for you but your wife should avoid that since it often has cinnamon, which may lower blood sugar and sway pink. Herbal teas are fine in dietary amounts only (2-3 servings of any one kind of tea per week, you can have different kinds of tea more often but be sure you're not having the same herb repeatedly (such as mint in various herb blends.) I would have both of you avoid licorice root as it's been linked to lower testosterone levels.

    When you're at work I'd try to get up and stretch your legs a few times over the course of the day, and if possible you should try to sleep without underpants on if at all possible (loose fitting pants or shorts are fine).

    For your attempts, what we have been doing is having people use OPK strips to predict their fertile window, and then having 3 attempts in the fertile window. Does your wife have a regular menstrual cycle ? Does she track her cycle at all using an app or calendar???
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    I'm just really thankful you didn't end up sick! It's not at all your fault, the vitamin companies should warn people better that it's not ok to take so many things all at once. I often have people show up taking really high doses of things like that, you're not alone.

    I cannot find the nutrient breakdown of the Staminogro online after looking for quite some time, so I can't sound off on that one unfortunately. The Spermaid is fine and you could use that again as your source of l-arginine if you wanted to!

    The Centrum over 50 is fine for you, your wife should take just the regular Centrum for women. She can even use this as a prenatal vitamin if she would like, it has the same nutrition as a standard prenatal. If she does want to switch to a different vitamin when she conceives, please be sure to do that gradually over a few weeks rather than just dropping one and going to another.

    I would have you switch from drinking lots of coffee and pop to tea, by which I mean black or green tea (camelia sinesis) rather than herbal. Earl Gray is fine for both of you - I drank tons of Earl Gray when I got my boys, the Chai is fine for you but your wife should avoid that since it often has cinnamon, which may lower blood sugar and sway pink. Herbal teas are fine in dietary amounts only (2-3 servings of any one kind of tea per week, you can have different kinds of tea more often but be sure you're not having the same herb repeatedly (such as mint in various herb blends.) I would have both of you avoid licorice root as it's been linked to lower testosterone levels.

    When you're at work I'd try to get up and stretch your legs a few times over the course of the day, and if possible you should try to sleep without underpants on if at all possible (loose fitting pants or shorts are fine).

    For your attempts, what we have been doing is having people use OPK strips to predict their fertile window, and then having 3 attempts in the fertile window. Does your wife have a regular menstrual cycle ? Does she track her cycle at all using an app or calendar???

    Thank you once again for the valuable information.

    Please see breakdown below for StamiGro

    Name:  Stamigro.jpg
Views: 1123
Size:  10.8 KB

    We use the Flo App and usually attempt during the 5 days window period as per the App.

    I have a few last questions:
    1) Due to the fact that I have a low sperm and low morphology count does this have any bearing on the sway. Also, will the supplements and techniques you mentioned aid in the increase thereof?
    2) In addition to Centrum, would the Zinc contained therein be sufficient for me or should I take additional Zinc?
    3) How long should I commence my regime? Would 6 months prior to trying suffice in order to 'correct my body?

    Thank you once again and may you have a joyful festive season!
    Last edited by RocknRoll86; December 21st, 2019 at 11:39 PM.

  7. #6
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    Thank you! I would skip the Staminogro and

    Yes, those supplements I listed will help your sperm count and quality. It's really the arginine and carnitine that help the most with that and those we'll be taking separately. You were taking so much before I think it was doing way more harm than good, and much of the stuff that is said to help with sperm count is actually harmful (such as ginseng, which may inhibit cell division which is why it's supposed to be good for preventing cancer).

    Low sperm count may sway pink, but we'll be doing a lot of other stuff to sway blue. Low sperm count is not at all a dealbreaker, we have had several people whose husbands had much worse sperm health than you do who got boys.

    Yes, the zinc in the Centrum is enough. Zinc is something I believe people take far too much of for sperm health, and it's worse than nothing since zinc causes stomach issues that then can deplete nutrients, and it can lower the good cholesterol which is needed to help make healthy sperm!

    Yes 6 months is EXCELLENT!! A lot of people only do 6 weeks, so 6 months is fantastic. Since you're not taking scary levels of anything like you were before, it will be sustainable in the long term for you without you feeling so poorly!
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  8. #7
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    Hi Atomic,

    I hope that you are well.

    Would the following multivitamin be deemed a suitable substitute for One a Day and Centrum for both my wife and I?

  9. #8
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    Those have megadoses. Can you find a kind that has more in the realm of 100% daily recommended value of those B vitamins (this would be like 1.2 mg, 1.3 mg for those B vitamins) High doses of B vitamins, especially for the wife, can really disrupt the cycle.
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