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  1. #1
    Dream Vet

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    Gender dreams, did you have a dream of one sex and had the other?

    A week ago I had the most wonderful gender dream. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she had my husbands big eyes and a ton of hair. I woke up on cloud nine. My mom also said she had a dream that I had a 3D scan and it was a girl. Well last night I had a dream that at my 12 week scan they told me it was probably a boy. I was devistated. Crying, I didn't want to tell anyone the gender, it was a terrible feeling, I wasn't happy anymore. Now I am worried how I am going to react in real life if this is indeed another boy. I thought I would be ok with it, but now that I had a dream I have a bad feeling about it all again.

    Has anyone had gender dreams about 2 different genders? How did you take it? What did you go on to have? With my sons it was only boys, or no gender dreams at all. I am not sure what to make of all it.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I have only ever had one vivid dream where I had a girl and it was right after I had my DS 3 (and at the time I posted it on IG and it's prob. still on there so I swear I'm not making it up!!). I dreamed that he was older and looked like my DS 1, and then there was another boy who was younger who looked like DS2, and then way off over in the corner there was a baby girl on a blanket. My husband and older sons were doing all sorts of construction and there were tools and sawdust all over the place and I couldn't get to her, I felt like she was in terrible danger but I couldn't reach her. When I tried to get to her, my husband and various boys kept getting in my way, and I was worried because I felt like I couldn't get to her without leaving the little boys over by the tools and sawdust and then they were in danger.

    The weird thing is that is exactly what did happen to a T. I had another boy, DS 3 looks like DS 1 and DS 4 looks like DS 2, and my husband is building a house and all my boys had lots of needs that were kind of standing in my way - it was really really impractical for me to have DD because of all the stuff that was "in the way". And I do feel sometimes that my little sons are worse off because I had her than they'd be otherwise. So the dream really predicted the future in a very strange way - if it hadn't happened to me I never would have believed it!!
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  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    with ds3 i had lots of girl and boy dreams with this current pregnancy i had dreams of nubs everynight for weeks where it would be a perfect girl nub and i would look away and when i turned back it was a boy nub... about 45 more sleeps till i find out the sex
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  4. #4
    Dream Vet

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    Wow that is crazy yours predicted the future in a way!!! Isn't it amazing how vivid and real your dreams can be. The girl dream felt so real I was giving birth and she came out and all saw her girl parts. I remember after having her making everyone go get my girl stuff because for some reason I had no girl stuff for her.

    The one last night started off where my NT scan looked girly, then I went to the another doctors office and that is where they told me boy and showed me what looked to be boy parts.

    I just wish I knew which one is predicting my future!

  5. #5
    Dream Vet

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wanting-a-girl View Post
    with ds3 i had lots of girl and boy dreams with this current pregnancy i had dreams of nubs everynight for weeks where it would be a perfect girl nub and i would look away and when i turned back it was a boy nub... about 45 more sleeps till i find out the sex
    The nub part is exactly how mine was. It was girly then turned boy! How crazy. I have a LONG time before I find out the gender.

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    With DD#2 I had planned to TTC, then got a new job and had given up the idea. I had the most vivid dream early one morning about a week after I started my new job. I had given birth to this little boy with a mass of dark hair about an inch long, he was teeny, tiny and I sensed he was born early. I woke up with a start and did a pregnancy test and it was positive. She was born at 30 weeks 3 days and looked identical to the baby in my dream except she was a girl! And she looks nothing like my first DD. When pregnant with DD#5 I dreamt I looked into the back of the car and there was twins in white outfits with bald heads, no gender clues at all. Haven't had twins though!
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  7. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Before i caught with this one i had a dream that three months after we had our little girl dog (my pink fix) i had a baby girl, she was perfect i saw her little face and everything. Since i've been pregnant no vivid baby but always only ever its a boy. After my cvs and two "i think its a girl but its legs are crossed" scans and my nub shot i'm pretty sure this one is a girl.

    Funnily enough i had the same with ds3 but opposite, i was so sure he was girl but i had a really vivid dream i had a little boy he didn't look a thing like ds3 but he was def a boy
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet

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    Quote Originally Posted by Princess of Pink View Post
    With DD#2 I had planned to TTC, then got a new job and had given up the idea. I had the most vivid dream early one morning about a week after I started my new job. I had given birth to this little boy with a mass of dark hair about an inch long, he was teeny, tiny and I sensed he was born early. I woke up with a start and did a pregnancy test and it was positive. She was born at 30 weeks 3 days and looked identical to the baby in my dream except she was a girl! And she looks nothing like my first DD. When pregnant with DD#5 I dreamt I looked into the back of the car and there was twins in white outfits with bald heads, no gender clues at all. Haven't had twins though!
    Wow maybe that means twins in your future!! Possibly boys! That is crazy! I wonder if this baby will have tons of dark hair like my dream.

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