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  1. #1
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    15 old wives tales tried and tested!! Which one worked for you? Do you believe in any?

    Hey Lovelies!

    We find out on Thursday 17th Dec what baby's gender is so just to add to the Christmas fun and games thought it would be good to try and see if some of the old wives tales of Gender Prediction are true or accurate.

    #1 – The Wedding Ring

    Apparently if you place your wedding ring on some cotton and hold it above your tummy/bump it’s movement can predict the gender of baby? As I’m not married! Oooosh I will now have two babies out of wedlock! Whatever next? Well as I don’t have a wedding ring we used my best friends Nan’s ring who only passed away a few months ago. Both myself and best friend Gareth had no idea what movement was what before we started so there would be no biased hand movements. At first the ring was still but ever so slowing turning where it was and then all of a sudden it was like a pendulum and something pushed it!! It was swinging back and forth quite wildly actually!! Back and forth or side to side = Girl / In a circle motion either clockwise or anti clockwise = Boy

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #2 – The Red Cabbage Water Test

    So you buy a red cabbage and chop about half of it up and place in a pan to boil. Once boiled allow to cool and then mix same parts red cabbage water (Not actual cabbage) with your wee wee (Urine if you’re posh! Ha ha) If it turns bluey purple the same colourish = Girl / Goes Pinky reddish lighter = Boy

    Prediction –*BOY

    #3 – Higher or lower?

    This is about your bump! They say if you are carrying low and all at the front = Boy / High up and at the sides (and you look preggerz from behind) = Girl

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #4 – Heart Rate

    I had my first heart beat reading at 15w 3d and the midwife asked if she could guess and said girl! As the heart rate was at 152bpm. So 140bpm and over = Girl / under 140bpm = Boy. I’m not sure how accurate this is cause surely you might be tired your baby could have been moving around or you could be resting? The Midwife said that this is around 80% accurate (Not sure about that one)

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #5 – Skin and Beauty

    We with my fist child George my skin was beautiful! Best it has even been to be honest and with this pregnancy it’s awful!! Keep getting those massive boil type ones that really hurt and then actually turn up in the night so in the morning I look like a witch! Apparently it goes that Girls = Steal all their mothers beauty and can give you bad skin / Boys = Give you a lovely complexion and no breakouts

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #6 – Mother’s Instinct

    Should we just trust our instinct on the gender of our baby? Hahaha NO! With George I was adamant that I was having a girl and he was a boy! And this time I’m adamant I’m having a Boy! But apparently the mother’s instinct is 71% accurate???

    Prediction –*BOY

    #7 – The side you rest on most?

    Do you rest/sleep on a particular side? If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side = Boy / and on her right = Girl

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #8 – Clumsy v Graceful

    If you are pregnant and are graceful throughout this should mean = Girl and if you are as clumsy as a circus clown like I am at the minute you are supposed to be having a = Boy

    Prediction –*BOY

    #9 – Breast Test

    Have a good butchers at your boobies and see if you can see if one is slightly bigger I can actually notice a considerable difference (Which I never have before!!) If your left one is bigger = Girl / If your right one is bigger = Boy

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #10 – Morning Sickness

    Having had sickness and nausea with George I’m not sure how accurate this is as it goes that if you have no morning sickness you are having = Boy / If you are sick or feeling nauseous then its = Girl. This time I feel sick but not actually sick like I was with George!?

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #11 – Leg Hair Regrowth!

    If your starting to resemble a baboon and going through razors like hot dinners then it’s a = Boy / If it’s stayed the same then it’s a – Girl. With George I was like a woolly mammoth and it did my head in. To be fair I’m quite hairy anyway but it was ridiculous! This time my hair isn’t growing a record speed and is not too bad*Jone of the positives.

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #12 – Colour of Wee

    If your wee wee (Ok Urine) is pale yellow = Girl / Bright yellow = Boy

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #13 – Bread!!

    If you eat the whole slice of bread including the crusts = Boy / If you leave your crusts = Girl.

    I’ve always been a crusty bread lover however during this pregnancy me teeth have been a little bit sore and the thought of chewing on a French stick (Oh er!) makes me shudder and also even with a sandwich I’m leaving my corners.

    Prediction –*GIRL

    #14 – Chinese Gender Prediction Chart (Chinese Pregnancy Calender)

    This requires your age at conception (34) and the month of conception (September 2015)
    Prediction =*GIRL

    #15 - Baking Soda/Powder
    So this theory is similar *to the red cabbage one (#2) Mix your wee wee with same parts powder/soda and if it fizzes its a boy and if it goes flat as a witches tit its a girl! Not sure how this happen cause Baking soda/powder would fizz with any liquid wouldn't it?? - this is my actual video below! Check out my Yorkshire tones!
    Prediction =*BOY

    So there we have it the tests results are.....

    GIRL = 11

    BOY = 4

    So lets see on Thursday 17th of Dec if it's right!!! but I'm sure it's a boy! Be sure to be following me on Instagram or Facebook as these will be updated straight away.

    Please let me know if you try any of these for yourself and what your results were would love to hear your thoughts and findings!

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  2. #2
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    They do not work and I think old wives' tales have caused a lot of heartbreak for people - either by making them have false despair or false hope. I have spent years on the forums and doing research on this stuff and none of them work, at least not reliably. If they are right 20% of the time, that doesn't mean they are reliable!

    I really urge you guys not to do them, if you must do them then do it for FUN. But be warned even peopel who are doing them totally for fun withotu believing in them one iota , tend to find they mess with their heads more than they'd like.
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    They do not work and I think old wives' tales have caused a lot of heartbreak for people - either by making them have false despair or false hope. I have spent years on the forums and doing research on this stuff and none of them work, at least not reliably. If they are right 20% of the time, that doesn't mean they are reliable!

    I really urge you guys not to do them, if you must do them then do it for FUN. But be warned even peopel who are doing them totally for fun withotu believing in them one iota , tend to find they mess with their heads more than they'd like.
    Totally agree with you I just think if you are not bothered by the gender of your baby (like me) then it's just a bit of fun to add to the magic that is motherhood and parenting xxxxxxxxx

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  6. #4
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    80% on heart rate, huh? Both my boys were 155-165 from the beginning of my pregnancies until the day I delivered. And they're definitely both ALL boy, haha. Same with carrying high/low. I was huge all over with my oldest but looked like a stick smuggling a basketball with my youngest. And I was sick as a dog with my youngest but never threw up with my oldest. And I could have sworn on my mothers grave both my boys were girls if I went by my instinct.
    I agree with atomic, those things can get people's hopes up and my GD even harder when they're wrong.

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    Oct 2012 Feb 2014 Aug 2016 Due May 2018 and hoping for a little lady!

  7. #5
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    my daughter's heartrate was the lowest of my 5. That has actually been studied and debunked and it's a shame any medical professional still tells people that. :/ Same on sickness as well - was the least sick with my daughter and one of my boys, quite sick with other three boys.

    Again, anyone who can do them just for fun and enjoy it, have at it, just don't want anyone to end up sad over these things (which I was with my 3rd, I had no gender preference whatsoever when I conceived but the symptoms and OWT all said girl and I got my hopes up.)
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  8. #6
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    The wedding ring test has always been wrong and I'm sure it's wrong this time too (it says girl). Never did the red cabbage. My bumps were low with my boys, this time I have a high bump but I think that has to do with me having so many pregnancies. The heart rate was wrong with all my boys. This is actually the first time it's been 140s or lower. With DS3 his was 192bpm! I've had bad skin will all my boys and this one too. My mother's instinct has ALWAYS been right. I'm pretty darn positive it's right this time too (boy). I sleep on my back or tummy so the I don't have a preference to which side I rest on. I was pretty graceful with Ds1 and Ds2 and this baby. With Ds3 I fell a few times (and ended up in the hospital :/). My right breast has always been that one was right. I've had horrendous morning sickness this time, but I also did with DS2. Pregnancy has always slowed my hair growth down (except on my head). I don't have to pluck or shave the whole's weird. The wee test I can't remember from my other boys but this time it's pale, I'm pretty certain it's always been that way though. I don't eat the crust on the bread...ever and have three boys. The chinese gender chart was right with two and wrong with one. However the Mayan one has always been right. Baking soda test has been right for all my boys and said boy this time as well.
    So I think that has me at 9 girl and 4 boy. However the OWT have always pointed more to girl for me so I don't believe them one bit. The only thing I trust is my instincts and my dreams and they are screaming BOY!


    2011 Failed IG sway

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    Whoops DUE February 28th 2017 with a BOY! Didn't get a chance to sway for another girl, but this little guy really wanted to be apart of our family. We love him already!

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty0911 View Post
    The wedding ring test has always been wrong and I'm sure it's wrong this time too (it says girl). Never did the red cabbage. My bumps were low with my boys, this time I have a high bump but I think that has to do with me having so many pregnancies. The heart rate was wrong with all my boys. This is actually the first time it's been 140s or lower. With DS3 his was 192bpm! I've had bad skin will all my boys and this one too. My mother's instinct has ALWAYS been right. I'm pretty darn positive it's right this time too (boy). I sleep on my back or tummy so the I don't have a preference to which side I rest on. I was pretty graceful with Ds1 and Ds2 and this baby. With Ds3 I fell a few times (and ended up in the hospital :/). My right breast has always been that one was right. I've had horrendous morning sickness this time, but I also did with DS2. Pregnancy has always slowed my hair growth down (except on my head). I don't have to pluck or shave the whole's weird. The wee test I can't remember from my other boys but this time it's pale, I'm pretty certain it's always been that way though. I don't eat the crust on the bread...ever and have three boys. The chinese gender chart was right with two and wrong with one. However the Mayan one has always been right. Baking soda test has been right for all my boys and said boy this time as well.
    So I think that has me at 9 girl and 4 boy. However the OWT have always pointed more to girl for me so I don't believe them one bit. The only thing I trust is my instincts and my dreams and they are screaming BOY!
    That brilliant thanks for sharing!!! I'm mainly girls too but my head is screaming it's boy!!! Hahaha what do you think from my ultrasound kitty0911? Xxxxxx

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  11. #8
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    I can't see a nub but to me the skull looks girly. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I come one here maybe once a week


    2011 Failed IG sway

    2014 Failed GD sway

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    Whoops DUE February 28th 2017 with a BOY! Didn't get a chance to sway for another girl, but this little guy really wanted to be apart of our family. We love him already!

  12. #9
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    Wedding ring test was right with my son. Most other things were WRONG. I had horrible acne with him. I usually do have bad acne, though. But, it was extra bad while pregnant with him.

    Though, my intuition said boy. I knew it for sure when I heard his little heart beat for the first time ❤

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    DS 1 Born August 2013
    DS 2 (Due May 15th, 2017)

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