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  1. #11
    Dream Newbie
    HollyRN85's Avatar
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    Atomic, I did internet cheapie OPKs yesterday. Early it was negative but the line was almost as dark as control. Few hours later I was getting blazing positives around lunchtime. I had already done Rephresh around 1030am not thinking I would be ovulating for a few more days. I was trying to check CM but had very little, and what i did have was creamy and then chunky from Rephresh (tmi). Late afternoon into evening CM turned more thin, watery with a tiny bit of stretch. We BD around 9pm. This morning I have lots of ewcm. I am wondering if today was the better day for my one attempt since I really didnt have much fertile CM yesterday. I don't want to mess up my one attempt strategy but we are in a bit of a hurry to conceive. WWYD?

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  2. #12
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Since you're in a huge hurry to conceive I would have another attempt. But it's up to you. if you would rather have lower odds of conception but better chance of pink, stick with attempt you've already had (you really can't tell what day is best based on EWCM, unfortunately). If you want better odds of conception, have another attempt. 2 attempts has not been THAT much lower than one, esp. lately (it's only a few percent points behind, but then again that is in people who have mostly been on diet 12+ weeks!) . This is one of those things I honestly can't know what is best and thus have to toss the choice back to you. Good luck and pink dust!
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