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  1. #21
    Dream Vet
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    It seems so hopeless ready the numbers, but there is always hope. My husbands aunt got married very late and tried IVF for years with no luck. Then they conceived naturally and had healthy twin boys when she was 48 years old. The boys are 3 now and have absolutely nothing wrong with them

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    Thank you God and Our Lady
    - 2005 - 2007 - 2010 - 2012 - 2013 - 2016

    Due January 2021

    Dec '12, Feb '13, July '15

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  3. #22
    Big Dreamer
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Punch him for me! Actually I'll just punch my husband for you.
    He's 50 I'm 36 but he makes think im 50 and he's 36 what a DH !! and I don't mean darling husband
    Punch and a kick for you

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  5. #23
    Dream Vet
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    More Pink - hahahaha! That was very funny. An extra meaning for DH. Lol! I'm feeling suddenly a lot more positive. I think I have made a break-through with My DH about trying again. I have compromised again and told him this will be the last try regardless of what the outcome is. I told him I thought his reasons were selfish and not good enough (in a nice way). He said to me, "you really want to try again after what just happened?" And I said, honestly, yes I would like to try one last time. I feel like, if we don't try just one last time, then I will always wonder....what if? I don't want to live my life with any regrets and I don't want to be a hypocrite when I've always been a big believer in making your dreams happen. I do accept that this last miscarriage was most likely due to my age, but maybe next time I can strike it lucky and be one of the 40% that ends with a live baby at the end of it. I also remembered I had a majorly stressful event happen to me and the kids at the time I lost the Bub (from the very day it measured at). A man at our little supermarket accused me of stealing his car park and abused me. I'd dashed in for a minute to grab something I needed the next day for our little ones birthday party and this lunatic took photos of my kids in the car and had called 000 and when I walked out he was abusing me. I had a senior worker from the store walk out to my car with me because I'm in there all the time and I left and drove home a different way coz I was soooo worried that he would follow us and find out where we lived. As soon as we got home I rang and spoke to a nice policewoman about it. I cried and I was shaking. I got such a huge fright and was really distressed at the thought of this crazy man having photos of my beautiful children on his phone. I never even usually ever leave my kids in the car but I was pregnant and it had been a busy day. Argh! Now I wonder if it was that event that led to my miscarriage. But we'll never know. And I never told my DH about that incident and first and last time I ever left my darlings in the car for any amount of time. Anyway, I'm going to start exercising every day again (I've been pretty idle the last few months) and eating healthy. already taking 2025mcg folic acid a day, plus my prenatal, a Vit D (to help my overall health) and a Vit C. Perhaps the month of our attempt I will just take the prenatal 3 x per week. I was also thinking of including an omega fish oil supp? Was also thinking of trying fertility acupuncture or massage just to see if it might help. I don't like the idea of taking vitex or anything else I'm unfamiliar with since I already do take Zoloft and worry about what it might interact with. I also can't believe I have seen 4 different doctors now, including that obstetrician, and none of them seem interested in testing me for anything (not my hormone levels or fsh or autoimmune disorders). Getting doctors here to test you for anything is like getting water out of a stone seriously. But once I am pregnant again (fingers crossed it happens) I think I will demand to get hormone levels tested. Anything else any of you could advice me on?

  6. #24
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    no more than 500 mg Vit. C - there is really enough in a prenatal no need for more

    Testing is not going to help you. all it will reveal is bad numbers but that is to be expected. Doesn't mean it can't or won't happen.
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  7. #25
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks Atomic. I'm such a worry wart. My biggest fear right now is a repeat of that miscarriage and that was really tough. I almost have a panic attack every time I think about it.

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