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    2 losses within 7 months

    Hi Atomic and everyone,

    Hope you all are doing good. I am new to this app as my friend gave me the reference for this app. I am here for help ! I have 2 reoccurent losses within 7 months. My DH was born on feb 2013 and I didn’t have any issues in concieveing her, though she was born in 36 weeks but she was perfectly healthy. I started TTC again since 2018 and got successful in June 2019. However it ended up in misscarriage as it was a blighted ovum. I had to go for a D&C as it didn’t pass out naturally. I was so broken. Now in March 2020 I again got lucky and conceived . This time baby was there and heart beat was there at around 8 weeks however baby was measuring 1 weeks behind also they saw an enlarged yolk sac. My doc didn’t show any concern as she said baby has a good heart beat of 117. They asked to go for a follow up ultrasound after one week just to make sure that baby is growing as I am a high risk patient due to my high bp and age. Unfortunately in follow up ultrasound we lost the heartbeat as baby stopped growing. I was heart broken . I had to go for a D&C once again as I didn’t have any symptoms of misscarriage. I had second D&C on 1st May 2020 . This time we asked for baby tissue chromose testing and we got to know that it was a boy with Trisommy 22. Our genetic testing came out to be Normal. They will do more testing once I get my first cycle. I am help for some suggestion and support whether I can ever be a mother again! What I am doing wrong ! What shall I do before planning again. Forgot to mention I am based out in US. I will be 38 in July. I am taking nifedipine for my high blood pressure. Also I am on Thyroid medication. Any inputs would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks so much in advance!


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  2. #2
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    You aren't doing anything wrong. A blighted ovum and Trisomy 22 are totally different things caused by random chance.

    Your age is not insurmountable. I had my 3rd boy at 37, 4th boy at 39, and my daughter at 41.

    The best thing you can do is take the medicines that your doc prescribes and to eat right and exercise a bit if at all possible.

    What kind of diet are you following?
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  3. #3

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    Thanks for your reply! I do take vegetarian diet. Sometimes chicken and eggs. I tried to eat healthy as much as can due to my high bp. If you suggest me some good diet for a good quality egg and sperm that will be great. I will also ask my husband to follow. I weight around 122 lbs and height around 5”1 inches. I was doing everything that I could do. Can it be just a bad quality or sperm for this kind of abnormalities?. I really appreciate your reply.

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  4. #4
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    A vegetarian diet, as long as you're not eating too many carbs, will help your health and your blood pressure. Don't go overboard on your carb intake. I would like to see you eat at least one serving of full fat dairy every day.

    If your husband is also a vegetarian he should try not to eat very much soy. 2-3 times per week on soy for both of you.

    Your weight is pretty good, so try to hold steady on that. I would also like to see you do exercise - both weights and cardio are good for fertility.

    Trisomy 22 can come from the egg or the sperm. A blighted ovum is believed by most scientists to be something going wrong in the very early stages of pregnancy, just from random chance, but possibly triggered by a problem with the egg or sperm. They can happen to anyone at any time. There are millions of cell divisions that have to happen perfectly and if a mistake happens (which can happen all the time) and it can't correct itself and since the embryo is not developing normally, no baby ever forms.

    Everyone asks themselves why they had a loss (and even more so with two losses). It is a very normal reaction to a terrible thing happening. But most losses are just completely random, nothing you did or didn't do, they just happen. It is hard to accept because accepting that means it could possibly happen again. But your losses being unrelated, both just bad luck, indicates that you still have every chance of having a healthy pregnancy the next time through.
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  5. #5

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    Your reply really give me hopes and some positive vibes, I must say you are so kind. Exercise I don’t do much as if I exert myself my bp shoots up though my looking for some resources to do light exercises. Please suggest some to me if you can may be some links. I am more concerned about Trisomy 22 though my doc said and I said it’s just a bad luck. I am going for AMH test today check the egg reserve and also they are going to a sonohysotgram to check my uterus and to make sure that there is no scar tissues and abnormality which is causing misscarriages. My husband is also going to get the sperm test done to see the quality of Sperm. We are trying our level best to have another child as my daughter really feels alone and ask for a sibling. Do you think anything else needs to be done here? I am having hard time to handle my depression at this point of time to looking for some support groups. Thank you so much once again for all your help.

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  6. #6
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    But it's normal for your BP to go up when exercising, and then it goes down when you're done. Overall your blood pressure will go down from exercising. You should really talk to your doctor about this, because it is GOOD for people with high blood pressure to exercise, and s/he can put your mind at ease about your BP rising with exercise. That is normal and will only help you have a healthy pregnancy.

    Both of your losses were from bad luck. I think it's fine to check your egg reserve and hubby's sperm count, but it's very unlikely that this is related to any scar tissue (in that case the baby would be genetically normal and it would just be lost for no apparent reason) I do want you to understand that some doctors are very critical of egg quality over 35 or so. This doesn't mean you cannot still have a baby. They tend to be very negative towards older moms because that was what they were taught in medical school, but the vast majority of women can have healthy pregnancies even into their early 40's. So don't despair even if they tell you that your egg reserve/quality is lower - it is normal to have reduced egg reserves at 38 and you can still conceive.
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  7. #7

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    Thank you so much dear.. I feel good. I know sometimes they take age a big challenge but I myself has been my delivering at the age of 40 to 42 with healthy babies . Could you please suggest some good diet plans for me.

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  8. #8
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    I would suggest you follow a lower carb diet like South Beach, Perfect Health Diet, or Protein Power Plan. You are looking for a diet with about 30% carbs, 40% protein, and 30% fat (using healthy fats to get the majority of your fat intake) DON"T cut out carbs totally - I don't want you on a keto type diet as those are not good for people's fertility either.

    Have full fat dairy only, NO SKIM DAIRY, whole grains (avoid white refined grains whenever possible), and no sugar. Fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, legumes, and lean meats are fine.
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  9. #9

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    That sounds great! Will definitely try that. As I am new to this forum could you please guide the group where I connect to other ladies who are also trying after such looses.

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  11. #10
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    We have a couple forums - one for women over 35 here:
    and one for those TTC after a Loss:

    We have many people in this same boat right now so just start a couple threads and people will chime in!
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