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  1. #1
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    Having such a weird pregnancy, I think.

    I don't ever remember feeling like this with the others or maybe I just never figured it out. But I can't eat sweets and I have to eat a lot of protein, or I just get so much worse nausea. But at the same time a lot of things sound/smell gross, like cooking raw meat. I can't stand a lot of spices, especially like garlic and onions. And cheese makes me uneasy. I asked my husband, because he remembers better than me. And he says with the others I never turned down sweets and I know cheese has never made me feel sick before because I've always loved cheese.

    So anyways when I first wake up I have to either have a protein shake with peanut butter and milk in it or I have to have some kind of eggs or meat thing to not feel sick all morning. I've tried having cereal, oatmeal, toast, yogurt, and nothing else works. And for lunch the thing I love the most is a meat and cheese sandwhich with a lot of lettuce, even though meat and cheese normally make me sick. And I think all the time about carrot juice for some reason, but I tried it and it didn't help make me not sick. Usually I would be having ice cream and chocolate all I want, and now the thought of it makes me ill. And I've been having horrible time with feeling dizzy and shaky if I don't eat all the time. I'm convinced I must have gestational diabetes this time. On top of the sickness I've already started getting heartburn, at only 16 weeks! So I don't even know what to eat anymore besides the protein shakes, bread, lunch meat sandwiches, nuts, and bland foods like noodles and potatoes.

    The other weird thing is when I move my belly suddenly in a certain way, on the right side I get this weird feeling. Like it feels like a strong kick from a larger baby's foot right there. I can't figure out what it is, it's so strange! I don't know if it could possibly be the baby lays there and it's whole body is pushing against me. Or if it's a muscle spasm or what. Oh and also I get muscle stretching type pains I don't remember with the others. And I'm already having hip issues if I'm on my feet cleaning for an hour or so. Isn't it too early for that?

    Other weird face was broken out for like a month and now it seems fine again. My boobs are bigger than I remember them being ever besides while breastfeeding. And I haven't had any dreams about babies yet. I've had some interesting dreams, but definitely nothing very vivid yet like I normal would get. With DD4 I had like 8 baby gender dreams by now. And I can't remember before thinking that I stunk "down there" all the time, but now I want to shower constantly. Definitely having a weird pregnancy!
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  2. #2
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    My DS gave me bad heartburn. Awful. LOL about the carrot juice and the kicks...maybe a rabbit! I'm not sure about the cravings. I stuffed my face with DS with everything I could get my hands on. Might help explain the heartburn for me!
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nuthinbutpink View Post
    LOL about the carrot juice and the kicks...maybe a rabbit!
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  4. #4
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    with my first son, I craved meat but couldn't touch it or cook it in the house. I craved a lot of protein with him. With DS #2 and #3, not so much. I wanted noodles with DS#3. Noodles with butter and sea salt. With dd I wanted salad all the time. mainly olive garden salad. I think it was the dressing. With DS#2 I always woke up and ate toast with peanut butter.
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  5. #5
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    Oh shoot, I just now spotted this post!

    My cravings were all over the map with all four of mine, different between every pregnancy. And my heartburn and hip problems got worse with each pg.

    But I did def. notice "an odor problem" more with DS 3 than any of the others! Not just down under but also I felt like I had BO all the time too. And he is heck on wheels, I think he has EXTRA testosterone. I don't know if that is a coincidence or what but I also had to shower a couple times a day. DH said I didn't smell different at all and he thought it was only because my sense of smell was really acute, but then with DS 4 I didn't notice anything like that and I def. had an acute sense of smell then too. I could smell mold on everything all the time with him and it was awful!!!

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  6. #6

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    With all my boys I ate cheese and marmite (yeast extract) on everything as it was all I could stomach. I also had a very acute sense of smell, cooking smells gave me nausea. None of that this time though (so far, early days). I don't want anything salty, but don't have much of an appetite for anything in particular, except biscuits!! Hoping that means pink for me!!

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