I have not read the other posts yet but thought I would briefly chime in

I really really want one next time. I wanted one with my first but DP was nervous so I said we would see how my birth goes and if all went well then home for the next one. First birth was a dream, Water, drug free and peaceful. I was looking forward to planning a homebirth when pregnant again but as soon as we found out it was twins that was a no go. I wanted to do all I could to avoid a caesarian, not only because I never wanted one anyway and I enjoyed giving birth the first time and didn't want to miss out on it, but because it would influence my birth after that as VBACs are not recommended for home. Well I ended up needing a caesarian thanks to A being footling breech but I have done my research and I am still willing to do a homebirth. I think there are more pros than cons and it is safe enough if the pregnancy is straight forward. I just need to find a MW who will support me to do so. Goodluck to those of you having homebirths