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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Strong pain only on right --- mean boy? (early pregnancy)


    I am very early in the pregnancy - 5 weeks - but I am having extremely strong cramping on my right hand side, and absolutely nothing on the left. I know when my sister in law was pregnant, she had only pain on her left and it was a girl, and that was how she knew so early. She was convinced from that point on it was a girl, and she was right. I also recall 100% that my pain was on the right with my son. It is identical to that now. I remember with my son I ignored all these obvious signs and still held out hope, but he was a boy, and I was utterly devastated, so I do not want to do that again. To me, this is clearly a boy now. Also, I have done some HT failures for girls, and those pregnancies all I felt was pain on the left. The one-sided pain is just so acute here as it has been in all my initial pregnancies, and has been accurate for me, family, and a bunch of friends I had asked also (who didnt know about the theory so couldnt give the answer they thought I wanted to hear).

    I know everyone likes to talk about Ramzi, and many say it is not accurate, but the study (if not made up) is convincing. I am not surprised many get wrong guesses from sonogram pictures posted, but I do believe if people asked the tech which said the placenta was on/embryo implanted, it may well be a lot more accuracy.

    This was a total shock pregnancy - we were actually prepping for another HT cycle, just waiting for my period to arrive, and then I got pregnant. We were told by numerous doctors a natural pregnancy was not in the cards and IVF was the only option, which was fine with me since I wanted to do gender selection anyhow.

    Does anyone have any anecdotal stories from their pregnancies with pain on right/left turning out to be boy/girl respectively, etc? I have googled it and anyone I see post about this (not a lot of them) all ended up getting the gender they said the pain was on so that has me even more convinced.

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer

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    I only had twinges and pain on my right side, just like with my son. I can’t tell you how much I stressed about it.... I too, was convinced it meant another boy but low and behold, NIPT came back GIRL!!! There’s definitely hope! Fx for h&h 9 months!!

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  4. #3
    Dream Vet
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    Ramzi is not about what the embryo implanted but where the placenta forms in relation to the embryo -- and even then, it's still bunk.

    My DD was on the right. I had strong implantation pain on only the right with her. And I wouldn't BS you -- I really wanted a boy, so I'm sure I'd have been disappointed if I saw this info back then and didn't know she was a girl.

    This pregnancy I had it on both sides, and I am only having one baby.

    There is a lot that can impact pain. Hips, leg length, ligaments, etc. I truly think it means nothing.

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  6. #4
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    Thanks for responding! Okay so two opposite stories. And I do I appreciate not wanting to give me false hope. I just found a whole bunch of other posts like this across the internet (probably about 20 over all) and every single time, the person who actually posted about it got the gender that correlates with this theory. So to me, it just seems obvious that is going to happen here as well. It is so so one-sided only right side obvious pains pretty much a dull light pain feeling there 24/7.

    And I have been pregnant with girls a bunch of times (have had many miscarriages/chemical pregnancies) and it was always strongly on the left side which I found so amazing. And I am very sensitive to uterus pains, I can pinpoint the hour of ovulation every single month because I feel it so strongly. I don't track my periods by when I got my last period but by when I eventually ovulate, and it is always right!

    I will try to keep an open mind, but I am really being influenced by the posts like mine I have found.

    Cant believe this accidental pregnancy is happening to us - we are older (over 35), we were told we cannot get pregnant naturally by many doctors and IVF was our only option, and we only had sex one time 5-6 days before I ovulated and the only time in our entire marriage we ever even had sex before I knew I ovulated. The fact I am pregnant from a one-off one time thing is really insane here. And we really wanted a girl (hence the HT stuff) so I am just gutted it has this boy symptom only.

    Any other thoughts?

  7. #5
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Ovary pains don't really mean anything in regards to gender or where baby implanted. With DS3 I had lots of pain on my left but an early scan showed I actually ovulated from my right even though I had no pains on that side. Even when I ovulated that cycle, I only ever had pains on the left. With DS2 I had pain on the left at ovulation then pain on both sides while pregnant. I remember having pains on my right with DS1 but it was due to a tight ligament. So really, these pains are not reliable. I think all it does is cause unnecessary worry. Regarding these stories you read on the internet, correlation does not imply causation, meaning a handful of people having pain on the left then having a girl, does not mean left = girl.

    You still have a chance at having a girl. FX this is your DD!
    '15 '15 '16
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    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

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  9. #6
    Dream Vet

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    i always get strong pains on the left side in early pregnancy, so much so that the ultrasound techs have "checked out" that whole left side area during my 12 week scan with a few of my babies!! and never found anything wrong, so its just pregnancy stretching type pains.

    ive had 5 boys 3 girls and had this early left-sided pain with all of them, the more babies i have the worse it gets!! but its only been the correct side for baby's gender 3 times out of 8...

    try not to stress, 1 attempt is good for pink, fingers crossed for you!! xx
    now 6blue5pink

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  11. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    No, it is completely untrue and we have had a great many people on here - dozens, if not hundreds a year for the last 8 years - who have come to me in a panic over feeling pain on one side or the other and there is never anything to it. No trend to draw. Many of them were SURE they ovulated from a certain side or the baby had to be implanting on a certain side but it is not possible to tell that and when they had ultrasounds done, the ultrasounds proved that they ovuated from the other side and/or the baby was implanted on the other side.

    You cannot tell what side you've ovulated from because your ovaries develop eggs in both sides every month (15-30) and only the 1-2 biggest and best ones are ovulated. Both your ovaries remain swollen and sore for days after that and we have seen many people have more pain in the side that doesn't ovulate than the side that does (like how popping a ripe zit can relieve some pressure, the same is true of the ovaries.)

    You cannot tell where your baby has implanted because if your uterus was sensitive enough to feel a tiny ball of cells, pregnancy and childbirth would be so painful that you could not endure it. At conception, your body releases a cascade of hormones and blood flow increases to the entire region (and even other parts of your body, which is why many of us get heartburn, hemmorhoids, and varicose veins when we're only a couple weeks pregnant!) and this is what causes pain and cramping ALL over your uterus. Sometimes you feel it more in some places than another, but it's like when you have a headache - sometimes it's in one spot or the other, sometimes it's all over the place, but a baby is not growing in a particular spot on your head. It's just about what nerve endings are inflamed at that point in time.

    Ramzi is NOT convincing because I've seen several people send Dr. Ramzi himself $10 to guess their ultrasounds and he guessed wrong on them. Additionally, he has never formally published his "study" for independent review. This is a HUGE red flag when a researcher does not do this - it just is not done by reputable and honest researchers. Plus, since the theory has been around so long, if it was of any true value there would be lots of clinics using it (they would LOVE to be able to offer this!) but they don't because it does not reliably work.

    As for my personal experience, I have had 6 pregnancies, most of which had cramping, and during all of them I would experience days/weeks where I felt intense pains in various parts of my lower abdomen. It would move around from spot to spot. I would have pain on the left for a week then it would move to the top or the right and there was never any pattern to it. I had right sided pain after I conceived my daughter and left-sided after I conceived my 4th son (somewhere out there I even wrote about it at that time on Ingender and this was before I even knew this was supposed to be a thing!)

    Many people find that overall they experience more right sided cramping because there is more blood flow and nerve endings on the right. Not always (as you know) but overall.

    But, I know that no one can convince you if you're already convinced. It's always best to go in expecting an opposite anyway so I'll wish you the best of luck and no matter what, a happy and healthy 9 months.
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