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  1. #1

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    Nuchal screening, heart. Atomic?

    Hey Atomic, and ladies! I really wanted an opinion on the Nuchal translucency screening that is done. I know some ladies have followed my story (thank you for your input!) and Atomic as you know, Now that I had a baby with major Congenital heart defect (Lost my Angel Isa at 6 months pregnant), following two miscarriages, Im now 9 weeks pregnant. I was told straight after the loss of my son by the specialist that any future pregnancy I would have would include an echocardiagram ultrasound of the heart (I think it was around 16 weeks, or 18 weeks ?) just to be sure of the heart as I am now at "risk" although it didnt come back anything genetic...just luck. I keep getting told by the doctor and once by the specialist last year that they really really encourage and wish that I would do the Nuchal screening.

    I was told that as well as risk for downs, and abnormalities it also can show signs for heart defect. I should say that with ALL my pregnancies (5 preceeding this one) I never did the Nuchal. I never liked the idea that the odds could be wrong, I get high strung and anxious in my pregnancies to begin with. I feel any odds I get will not make me comfortable. Id rather not know. I hear horror stories of bad results that ended up with a perfectly healthy pregnancy. I was actually told by the specialist that in the case of my son, she really thinks if I had indeed did the nuchal that pregnancy, they would have known sooner about his heart defects, his were 3 major defects.

    I googled to see how the nuchal can tell the heart condition, from what i understand is, Increased nuchal translucency measurement was associated with a higher risk of major congenital heart defect in chromosomally normal pregnancies.

    Meaning if the results came back normal for other chromosonal abnormalities, but the nuchal fold mreasures large, is usually means heart defect.

    I really dont feel good about the nuchal and I dont know what to do. At the same time, I want so so badly for time to fly and for me to find out as soon as i possibly can how this baby is progressing, but at the same time, even if the results did not come back good, I would really have to end up waiting weeks until the Echocardiogram to be done anyways! So I feel maybe I should not do it, and wait until then anyways. I dont want to stress for weeks until further testing if something goes wrong with the Nuchal. I feel I will sit and have to worry about both downs AND heart defect if I do it!

    Atomic, could you please advise me? It would make a world of difference, Ive been back and forth for two weeks about this... and need to figure it out soon. As well is if any ladies have any personal opinions on the nuchal. Do you do it? or would you not do it again?
    thank you!!
    Last edited by Blessedbymybabies; March 5th, 2019 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I'm not a fan of the nuchal screening because there are massive numbers of false positives. I feel that the Nip-T tests are vastly superior. But that would not detect a heart issue...but then again, as they told you repeatedly it was just terrible luck and not anything genetic anyway so I'm not sure why this now makes you high risk to have it happen again??

    Personally i'd have a Nip-T for the chromosomes and then wait it out for the echo, especially since you're more comfy with that.
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  4. #3

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    Thank you Atomic. From my understanding its not so much that I’m high risk because it wasn’t genetic as I said, but that they said because it happened once, I’m at a slightly higher risk then the general population to have it happen again. I think I vaguely remember them saying just 1-2% more of a chance than a person who it hasn’t happened too. I’m not sure what the NIPT test is, I live in Canada and never known anyone here to do that. It’s usuallt the nuchal. Is that something I can discuss with my maternity doctor at my 12 week apointment, or is that too late for a test like that? I appreciate the speedy response, as usual ❤️

  5. #4
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    I think 12 weeks may be too late, it might need to be done ASAP by the sound of it.
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