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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
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    Question New blue sway - when to start?

    Hello here!

    I probably will pass for a crazy lady, but the planner in me can’t really let it go – I just feel I could relax and enjoy this pregnancy more if I had a plan laid out IF we decide a 4th is on the cards
    so here goes :P

    I have two beautiful girls, which we conceived after a bit of a long-ish journey both times, and Clomid. In retrospect, very girl friendly lifestyle probably overtook my blue personality.
    Fast forward to now, I am expecting DD3 after a blue sway that unfortunately didn’t work – plus side, I got pregnant super fast, and baby stuck! After the initial sadness, disbelief (dare I say, shock) and disappointment, I am getting excited to meet this little girl.
    DH is not 100% closed to a 4th bub, and being the planner that I am , in case we do TTC for a 4th, I want to be blue friendly, ready to go if and when the time comes..
    Soooo, as HT seems to not be an option unless we win the lotto, what would be best to be as blue friendly as possible ? Obviosuly, when pregnant then BFing, some supps will be off the table etc – but I really hope to do a strong as can be sway this time – I have planned to exercise post partum as soon as I can and build it into my everyday, getting those weights etc ^^

    I have tendencies to revert to my pink eating ways, not good obviously - so if being in HE mode for a while before TTCing (could possibly be 18m-2 years from now before we try) is ok, or even good/better than not, I’d like to have your thoughts!
    I intend to breastfeed DD3 when she arrives, and providing all goes well, until the 12m mark – again, BFing is pink friendly so would not TTC straight after we wean (this time I fell pregnant 4 months after fully weaning DD2 (17m.o at the time) and maybe that was still too close to the weaning though my fertility came back great after a couple of months (better than ever!)?!)).
    Anyways, just after some feedback (Atomic if you are reading this EPL, you are the guru of successful blue sways so keen to hear from you too!)

    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Honestly the supps are all fine with breastfeeding except EPO and I am giving that up anyway as I feel like it may have been contributing to opposites. I'd also stick with only a pregnancy DHA supp (like Expecta) and not a higher dose fish oil.

    Tell me everything you're thinking about taking and I'll confirm they are all ok when nursing.

    I definitely prefer a turnaround of 18 mos. between kiddos for blue sways.

    YES YES doing HE style eating will only help. Just remember you don't want to be actively gaining weight that whole time of course so eat smarter, not harder!!
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  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    Hi LMSM, you are definitely not crazy and as a planner also I can understand where you are coming from. I ended up on this site while still pregnant with DD2 so have been in presway mode for about two years also.

    I have a tendency to gain/retain weight so know I will reverted to my natural pink friendly eating style over long periods so I've tried to make small sustainable blue changes such as changing to full fat versions, slowly easing back the coffee and adding in some supps. I'd like go think I've made some healthier decisions since DD2 and plan on going full sway 2-3 months prior to ttc.

    Unfortunately the down side to planning so far in advance is you never know where you're going to be when the time truly comes. I was anticipating having DH 100% on board by now, have had my mirena removed and be in a better financial position ready to ttc. However actually ttc seems so far off still and I'm not even 100% sure I want to take the plunge anymore. Having a DS just seems like a unobtainable dream for me.
    DD1 (2014)
    DD2 (2016)
    Our sway is getting into NOW or NEVER territory

  4. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  5. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Hi Atomic!
    Thanks for the response – I never took EPO so that’s an easy one
    Ok, LMSM essay – here goes!

    I , like Mia, gain easily so have a tendency to want to not eat all the time the way I did during my sway, though what I do eat seems to be so girl friendly at the moment (not working for me anyways, still stacking the weight lol) - I have put on more weight than ever in pregnancy at this stage, and started some kilos heavier than before my last babies so definitely not keen to put on weight – need to get myself more organised and back on track so as to just eat more nutritiously overall to get more bang for my buck so to speak.
    Wish I could exercise but my bloody irritable uterus tightens every move I make, so it does stop me in my tracks :P will try to get in the pool almost every night now that the weather is warming up here though.
    However, as soon as I can post-partum would like to get into an exercise routine with weights etc so that I can inbed that regimen into my lifestyle

    With the spacing, I’m not even sure I can get hubs convinced of a 4th (please please let this missy be an easy bub so he doesn’t get scared at the thought of a 4th lol) – but if so, we wouldn’t start trying until she is about 18 m.o I dare think – so I can wean her, get my cycles back, and so on...I will be “older” by then though, as would be almost 35 if we started at the 18 m.o mark (am sure aging doesn’t favour me for blue, especially since DH turns 40 in coming June ).
    I have found an organic butcher not far from home, so will aim to gradually use that instead of our non-organic beef if I can find some good grassfed beef (I think the Omega 3s in grassfed meat is great?) – depending on cost too! Will load up on good nuts, coconut water, eggs (organic - at least 1-2 a day and including for hubs), low GI carbs to keep those BS levels stable, graze all day, loads of colourful veg & fruits, a good amount of FF dairy, limit coffee…. Always carbs with protein.
    Overall, if I can plan my meals (which I have started to do and will be easier once I am on mat leave), I will hopefully be able to get all this in but without it being a problem weight-wise since intend to keep this up all the way through nursing and then TTC.

    So at this stage, whilst pregnant, I guess just eating nutritiously (I need to get more protein back in my diet) and taking my prenatals is sufficient then? – then once bub is born and am nursing, will look at taking
    - A pregnancy only DHA (not sure what we have in Australia that may be a pregnancy specific DHA)
    - What about a breastfeeding multi? (which is the same as my prenatal) – would that be enough and can then not need the pregnancy only DHA (as some is contained in this multi )- though it is in the form of fish oil which I know isn’t great when nursing due to the blood thinning qualities of FO (but I think it only equates to 500mg anyways?)

    Once I wean bub, add/keep in the blue supps – I was thinking:
    - 500 mg fish oil all up (incl prenatal)
    - Vit D 1000 Iu (included in the prenatal)
    - Folate to 2000 mcg (there is 500 folic acid in the prenatal so would do 1500 folate and 500 folic acid – good idea?)
    - Women’s multi – pregnancy (as per what I was taking before – or could just get a women’s multi and include the rest on top of it)
    - CQ10 (200ui a day) – Ubiquinol - at BFP gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week, then drop.
    - Pro-biotic
    - (max 99mg potassium a day)
    - RRLT 2 cups during the first part of the cycle, one during the last part of the cycle, at BFP wean off by spacing doses (this should only take about a week)

    For DH – should I start him on at least Men’s 50+ asap or should I wait until we wean bub (so a bit ahead of TTC only)? He won’t take the pills unless I basically put them in front of him so if I can start just with the men’s 50+ at first, that might be easier than doing all in one hit, and quite early before TTC stage - I had in mind for him
    - Men’s over 50s one a day
    - 500mg fish oil (including what may be in multi)
    - CQ10 (100ui a day)
    - Pro-biotic
    - (max 99mg potassium a day)
    Since he is fertile-ish (I mean only a couple of cycles ttc this time around! ) but clearly has a tendency to give me girl sperm (or my eggs to only select his Xs – his Ys may not be good :P) :P would overall boosting his health, making him lift weights, and lose a bit of flab (in favour of muscle – he blames his small potbelly on my hormones haha) be good to do well in advance (how soon should I get him started?) – so as to get his overall sperm health up too? If so, what timeframe would be ideal to get him really geared up? ( I don’t want to “push” him but if I can nudge him saying I am trying to get fitter etc myself, it might help, so need to coordinate our timeframes, sort of lol).
    Anything that sways super pink that I may not be aware of (and that he /I may be doing)??- I have read so much, and still feel I know so little lol

    I will definitely try – once you know, we get past the “am sore down there/and I get nooo sleep/ have a bub attached to my boob 24/7” to also ensure we have very regular sex well before TTC time – so that first it is normal for him and he doesn’t feel I am “using” him (his words, jokingly whenever we are TTC :P ) and he doesn’t feel pressured to perform as that will already (hopefully) be our usual routine… will aim to a SMEP type of rhythm, hopefully.
    Now I will need to find a way to get my sex-drive up even whilst BFing- and that, is a challenge (usually it only gets better once I wean).

    Once I get closer to weaning bub, will likely come back for a personalised plan anyways – but in the interim, thanks so much once again for your generous helps and time

    Miamelb- thanks for not calling me a lunatic haha
    I just like to know where I am going – plan everything – have things in order – with such a rigid planner in me, how I made 3 girls is beyond me lol
    I hope you can get DH on board sooner rather than later, it’s hard being in limbo either way – I will tell you this, as much as I still yearn terribly for a son, I get really emotional at the thoughts of three girlies growing up together into hopefully a trio of close young women, hopefully the best of friends – who I can be super close to as well – real life may well be different, but am hopeful still that this may be the case and that they will truly cherish each other and am very excited at the prospect of meeting our third daughter (still feels surreal to say this!).
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

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  7. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Hey, I just wanted to let you know I have seen this and will get back with you when I can, I had this set aside all day long to reply and I am honestly wiped out right now, want to give you my best effort. Can u give me a bump? I'd really appreciate it.
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  8. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Its no rush hon, so all good _ appreciate it so so so much, you’re a busy momma too!!!
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  9. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    agh still ran out of time, I'm sorry!! not ignoring you! just trying to get done a certain list of things on the site by the end of the year. Bump this again for me!!!
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  10. #8
    Dream Vet
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    Truly don’t worry hon, it can wait until the new year... if you get to it great, if not, no drama
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  11. #9
    Dream Vet
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    LMSM I just love your positive attitude you are a very special Mumma and I hope you get your sweet baby boy.
    I think planning ahead is smart and it's what I did when I was pregnant with my sway opposite and it really helped. At the time I thought having a 3rd was a dream and hubby would never agree due to financial and age reasons but I kept planning and working towards it and now it feels so natural to have another baby and I can't wait to ttc.
    I think all your sway tactics are great and your previous sway was awesome too- but that precious baby girl just needed to be in this world and have you as her mumma- I truly believe this now after my ds2 xxx
    I'm not sure what you eat normally but I know as a boy mum I have always eaten a lot of protein, a lot of veggies and a lot of dairy. I only exercise moderately- like a half hour walk on the weekend.

    I would eat in a day:
    2x cups tea with milk
    1 large bowl of natural muesli with fruit and nuts with milk or natural yogurt for breakfast everyday by 7am
    Muesli bar for morning tea
    Ham and cheese sandwich, or tuna sushi, salad and yoghurt for lunch
    Afternoon snack of raw veges and chips or salty biscuits with cheese
    Dinner was always red meat like lamb chops, steak, sausages or mince with a huge helping of green veges and potato and pumpkin.
    Snacks after dinner- nuts, chips, dark chocolate ( like old gold run and raisin yum!) salty biscuits, fruit and yoghurt, a chunk of cheese, maybe a sandwich with Vegemite lol!!!

    Seriously I ate more than my husband and he's a tradie!
    I stayed slim- but 4-5 kgs above my ideal weight.

    On the weekend I would always have beer or wine ( red or sparkling were my faves)

    Lots of water everyday- like 2-3 litres.

    Fruit juice for a treat but usually just tea and water- no sugar.
    Just elevit or blackmores prenatals.

    Not sure if any of this helps but I just wanted to share my previous lifestyle in case it helps a little bit xx if you want to know anything else please ask I'm so happy to help in any way!
    Merry Christmas to your beautiful family xxx
    Proud Mum to two gorgeous boys
    2014 2016
    Swayed expecting beautiful DS3 due Feb 2019
    Dreaming of a in 2020

  12. #10
    Dream Vet
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    Oh and not sure if I've told you this but I am one of three girls ( two older brothers too) and it is a gift I am so very grateful for my sisters xx

    Oh and DH says that we got our boys because he always puts his cold drinks between his legs ( lol) while driving haha! I make him use the cup holder now!
    Proud Mum to two gorgeous boys
    2014 2016
    Swayed expecting beautiful DS3 due Feb 2019
    Dreaming of a in 2020

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