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  1. #31
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    We swayed for this one, my attempt is in the sway attempts section. If we find out it'll be in around 5 weeks time!
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemon2012 View Post
    Thanks atomic...I just keep reading women who had two boys and then just went for it...and had a girl.
    I am not sure how much I can put into timing when the diet is not going to continue over Christmas and I am barely doing it anyway.
    I would love to have a better plan...but I just know I want a solid attempt to just get pregnant...with a!
    What about a 3 day cut off (could be 2 day, abstain before) and then o plus 12 or less...maybe 8 hours..since I am not sure how perfect I can figure it out.

    Atomic, if you were to try (not to late by the way) would timing would you use?
    Lemon, we have already discussed this via PM (for some reason I thought I had answered all the posts in here and missed a couple) but I do not believe timing sways in any way at all. I would do frequent BD with attempts on 0-2, o-1, and O day to increase odds of pregnancy.
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  3. #33
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    Hi, Atomic!
    DS1 was a one time shot somewhere close to ovulation. I did not take my temperature back then and ignored everything about swaying, but a doctor friend of mine suggested that BD when I had fertile CM would get me pregnant faster. I was 34, so was dh and let's say we abstained for a week until my fertile mucus was apparent.
    The three other times I got pregnant, I was actively swaying. The three times we did frequent BD and had cut-offs from 2 to 4 days. Two resulted in miscarriages and the third one in a molar pregnancy. In either case it was too early to know if I got pregnant with a girl.
    Now I'm 41 and pregnant with DS2. We did frequent BD (at least four days in a row) and had a cut-off of 3 and a half days. I swayed in every possible way, except LE diet, cardio and dh supps. Do you think we are an extremely fertile couple? Do you think abstaining would be the way to go for us despite our age? Or rather go on frequent bd with cut-off but give hubby licorice root? Do you recommend jump and dump or not? I never jumped and dumped.

  4. #34
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    Abstaining is NEVER the way to go for anyone at 41. It has nothing to do with fertility or speed of getting pregnant at all, it has to do with tiny changes in DNA that your husband's sperm accumulate over the courser of a lifetime

    I would not give a 41 year old (or older) man licorice root as a general rule (esp. after frequent m/c and a molar which may actually be partially/totally caused by sperm issues). If a man is over 40, it's best to have the healthiest sperm possible and rely on other things to sway.

    Plus, at 41-42 for YOU, you need to get pregnant as quickly as you possibly can. You have no time to play around with any sway tactics that prevent pregnancy in any way. You never know when you'll reach the last fresh egg in the carton and can no longer conceive, and you don't want to look back remembering months that went by swaying that were wasted.

    When I got pg at 41 with a girl, the only thing I was doing is LE Diet and vitex (and I had stopped vitex the month before.) We even BD every 4 days, perfect boy frequency, and had the attempt that got me pg the night before O day.
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  5. #35
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    I did vitex too. I thought of licorice root because I'm afraid of my hubby's super male sperm producing abilities despite all the blocks I put on the way! My idea is that maybe next time I should focus a bit more on his side of the sway. He did drink Oceanspray Cranberry Juice and Diet Coke but except that he does eat his red meat, his salt, he does not exercise often (except running after our son) and is a bit above a healthy weight. Can I combine Rephresh with Aci-jel next time? Despite my age I got pregnant on second try, but I'd rather it took longer and were finally with a girl.

  6. #36
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    Well, I understand wanting to wait and get everything right but even in a "perfect" sway there are no guarantees and waiting can mean no baby. If you can't get pregnant, you have no chance at your DG.

    Just by virtue of getting older, his side of the equation is getting more and more pink friendly. Throwing a lot of sway tactics on top of that can mean you don't get pregnant and every month counts when you're over 40. Being a bit above a healthy weight will only help your sway.

    Husbands don't need to exercise unless they already like to. Joggers and bikers have been shown to have more daughters than the population as a whole.

    I don't think salt sways at all. I only keep it in LE Diet because it's easy enough to do and is good for health. If you have to cheat on anything, cheat on salt, and I think it's fine for husbands to eat salt. Mine did.

    You can combine RepHresh and Acijel. The only things that don't mix are a)anything low in pH with Preseed/Conceive plus and b)douche with RepHresh (because RepHresh is designed to keep pH in a narrow range, so if you use douche then RepHresh just raises pH to 4.5-5 anyway so the douche doesn't gain you anything.
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  7. #37
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    Well, my husband loves to eat and he's a few kilos overweight. He used to lift weights professionally when young so his muscles are very defined, but he's definitely out of shape. There's no fat chance he'll get near enough to the elliptical machine in the near future, hopefully not until our sway in two years (Yes, I know, you fear we're too old in two years). But I'm sure he's very high on the testosterone department. He's an Alpha male and has a stressful job. You still think that due to his age I should not give him any supps? I don't trust his sperm anymore!
    What about me? The amount of vitex recommended here in Switzerland is far lower than the supps I find in Amazon. Should I go for that 400 mg dose twice a day when I decide to sway or can I keep it lower?
    I had also been using progesterone suppositories to lenghten my luteal phase. Won't too much vitex mess with that?
    You also recommended someone to combine Benadryl and Zyrtec in case of too much EWCM? I have bucketfuls! I took sudafed twice in the days leading to ovulation but still had plenty of EWCM. Despite being almost 42 and despite the m/c and molar pregnancy episodes I fear I could be too fertile?
    When you recommend to Lemon above to do frequent BD with attemps on o-2, 0-1 and 0 day, you consider frequent BD at least seven times?
    A swayer on IG who had gone through all the spreadsheets in IG and I think Fertile Friend, had sort of come to the conclusion that frequent BD (considered as at least four consecutive times in a row) with a 3-4 day cut-off yielded a girl... I don't remember if 70 or 80% of the time. Is four times enough? As a matter of fact, that was what I did (I could not believe my luck that I had fitted that description so perfectly) but then it did not work. I fear getting too close to ovulation. I know you don't care a hoot about timing but I'd be afraid to come too close.
    I don't think I read your opinion on jump and dump? I did jump and dump only after 15 minutes of lying in bed.
    Sorry, too many questions...
    Last edited by pink carol; June 20th, 2012 at 09:29 AM.

  8. #38
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    Stress doesn't necessarily equal more sons, though. Some guys have stress and it lowers their sperm count. My husband is also "alpha" with a stressful job that is very high in responsibility, plus we've had 4 boys over 20 years, but he still fathered a girl at 42 and our lives were more stressful than ever before at that point. You can't look back at the past to predict the future where swaying is concerned.

    I would not have him use licorice root.

    We've had success using the 400 mg am and pm (total of 800 mg) and so I hesitate to have you use less than that. It's your call to make, of course! Vitex can help fix your luteal phase and may remove the need for the prog. supplementation.

    I hate Sudafed and don't want any woman using it if possible. I believe it to be dangerous. You CAN take both cetirizine and diphenhydramine (Zyrtec and Benadryl in most countries). This was confirmed safe to me by several doctors and pharmacists. Use the cetirizine anywhere from 5 days before your first attempt, up to only once the day of your first attempt (at least 6 hours before) and then with the diphenhydramine, use it only once if you need to, 1-2 hours before your attempt.

    I honestly don't recall what I advised for Lemon and I had to delete my PM's from back then because I get so many my mailbox gets full. What I can tell you is that if you do frequent release, you need to have 7 consecutive releases before your FIRST attempt that can get you pregnant. So if you were to do attempts on 0-2, O-1, and O day, you FIRST have to have your husband release for 7 days BEFORE the O-2 attempt. You can't count your attempts in your releases, because then you'd only have 4 releases before O-2 (and you can very easily get pg from attempting on O-2). So 7 days FR, then attempt O-2 (day 8), O-1 (day 9) and O Day (day 10).

    Yes, I'm aware of Minerva's Mommy and her analysis of the timing stats. (if memory serves and I do not have time to look it up right this minute, it was NOWHERE near 70-80% of the time, however. If it was, it was in a handful of people and unreliable - once she got more data in, the ratio changed back to 50-50. Sorry it's been a couple months since I read that.) You have to remember, many people who were doing cutoff attempts were trying for a girl and we have no idea what they were doing to sway or if they even Oed when they think they did (tons of people manipulate their temps on FF). Since everyone's heard of Shettles, people who want girls try for a cutoff. They may also have been doing diet, supps, douching, etc and THOSE things were what did the swaying, the timing was just a coincidence.

    The best science I have seen demonstrates that 50-50 boys and girls are conceived every day of the cycle and we are getting girls on this site DTD on O-1 and O Day. Just giving it to you straight here, I think it is borderline insanity for a couple over 40 to try for a 3-4 cutoff. It makes it too hard to get pg that way. You don't have ANY time to spare. I know it's hard to believe but a lot can change in 2 years' time.

    Just to clarify, it is not that "I don't care a hoot about timing" and I hope you fully understand that I am not simply dismissing it because I don't like timing or for any arbitrary reason whatsoever. If I thought it worked I would be shouting it from every rooftop. It is that Dr. Shettles was 100% wrong with what he claimed to have seen under the microscope (it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell the difference between X and Y sperm, and what he was seeing was capacitated vs. incapacitated sperm) and that all reliable timing information done since, plus all reliable studies on sperm done since, have debunked timing.

    I've never dismissed ANYTHING regarding swaying without as full an investigation as I can do and if a new study came out tomorrow that proved timing did sway I'd do a 180. Till then, I have to go with science and science says timing doesn't work and also that it keeps people from getting pregnant.

    Jump and dump can be a good sway tactic for some people but I wouldn't do it if I was over 40! (and I didn't, either. I tried it a few months and didn't get pg. The day I conceived my DD I stayed in bed and fell asleep after DTD.) You can compromise and lay down for 5 or 10 minutes rather than 15.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; June 23rd, 2012 at 12:33 PM.
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  9. #39
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    The post to Lemon is a few posts up on this same thread.
    Yes, it was Minervasmom. Of course, it was an informal stat based on her perusing the sites. "If frequent bd avoids ovulation, girls are favored (59.6%). If the frequent bd has at least 4 consecutive bd times and bd avoids obulation, girls are more strongly favored (85.7%)," she writes, and then she adds "this last finding isn't totally reliable as it is a small sample."
    Please, Atomic, don't get all worked up when I refer to your disbelief in timing. Old habits die hard. I have two friends who conceived girls with Shettles cut-off and before swaying I went through all the reviews on Shettles book and on the book by a woman (Chesterman-Phillips) who sort of adheres to his theory, and many people claimed success with the method. I have tried so desperately to believe in cut-offs that it's hard for me to undo all that structure in my brain.
    You see I myself I'm the living proof that it can fail! Like all of us, I'd so much like to unravel the mystery to the swaying thing in order to get the child of the gender of our dreams and no matter how much I read, the information is so confusing and contradictory.
    All I ever wanted was a girl and despite my efforts, here I'm stuck again with a boy. I know I will adore him to bits when he's born, but for the time being I'm having a hard time looking away from the Hello Kitty section of the toystore to refocus on Spiderman and Batman and... more of the same.
    Like everyone else, I'm trying to figure out a succesful sway next time, since it will be my last chance, and I want to make sure that the odds are on my favor. I have learnt a lot from your scientific curiosity and the reports you have come up with and I'm sure the key is there. Just need to shake off my absurd notions about timing.
    Last edited by pink carol; June 25th, 2012 at 03:54 AM.

  10. #40
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    I"m not worked up at all, it's just that people who are unfamiliar with me or the site might read that post and no others and then assume that I have flippantly or carelessly dismissed timing when that simply isn't the case at all. And like you say, it's been SO ingrained in people that it's very difficult for me to undo and so if a comment seems to show that I have some sort of axe to grind against timing or that I didn't take it very seriously and investigate it to the absolute best of my ability, I have to respond to that. Not because I have any issue with ~you~ personally but that I'm concerned for the new people who may come along and read only this thread and never post, and then rely on timing for their sway. All I want is for everyone to get their desired gender and I feel that timing is a huge stumbling block that must be removed in order for as many people as possible to acheive that goal.

    I went back and looked up Minerva's info and that was in a sample size of 6 charts. Totally useless from a scientific perspective, and well within the realm of luck (if you look at her overall stats, you can see that her early timing studies done in 200 charts often had "patterns" that seemed to sway quite strongly, but then fell to much closer than 50-50 as she added more charts.) I love what Minerva did with that timing study but a sample size of 6 people (preselected to be temping/charting and also self-reported info that may or may not be accurate) jsut doesn't tell us anything of value.
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