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  1. #11
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    DS 1 - I worked at a fast food restaurant and had roast beef sandwiches and fries and pop almost every day and they also sold chocolate chip cookies which I ate with great frequency! I drank the least amount of milk with him but I had a lot of milkshakes and cheese sauce and yogurts, and also milk tea every morning for breakfast. Was not taking prenatal or any vitamins. DH and I had not been going out for very long so we were both kind of "pent up" so maybe a lot of EWCM and high sperm count. Yet we only DTD twice (we were trying to be good LOL). I"m almost certain it was the second time, I thought it was safe to DTD without protection. It was only like two days after AF, so I think I ovulated early that month and it may have been a long cutoff. I lay still for some time after we DTD but I did not O, then did a J&D.

    Doing moderate exercise and getting LOTS of sunshine because I didn't have a car, and had walked everywhere all winter long, which I think made a huge difference because he was conceived in March, which is supposed to be a "girl month" but I was getting so much sunshine I think that it counteracted that. I was actively gaining weight because DH and I were going out to dinner a lot.

    DS 2 - Of any of my boys, I think he is the one that really "should have" been a girl. We were really poor then, so I was eating/drinking TONS of dairy and simple carbs and not much protein, but no vitamins. Drinking coffee off and on, I remember it was very expensive because of some weird coffee famine that was going on and sometimes I couldn't afford it. I had recently lost some weight, but at that point I had been maintaining at my weight for a couple months and doing moderate exercise regularly with weights. He was conceived in October which is supposed to be a "boy" month. This was also a cutoff or a very early ovulation, because my husband changed his mind about TTC and I really had no hope of getting pregnant that month. Cannot remember about position or female O but I think I J&D because I usually did.

    ***Between DS 2 and 3, there was a 13 year age gap during which I got into REALLY good shape and became highly muscular.***

    DS 3 - This was a classic boy sway only with tons of calcium. I ate high protein, high salt, lots of fruits and vegetables, tomatoes and potatoes all the time, tons of calories, nuts/avocado/cheese/dark chocolate every day, and I drank a lot of green and black tea and V-8 juice. Every night I would have a bedtime snack of either yogurt and blueberries or else whole grain cereal with a little bit of milk and blueberries. I was lactose intolerant at this point so I didn't drink a lot of milk, but I did eat 4 oz. of cheese along with my V-8 juice most days because it was an easy thing for me to eat at work and cheese and yogurt do not affect my stomach. I was also taking Tums pretty much every day because of heartburn and also taking prenatal vitamins with calcium and drinking calcium enriched OJ every day.

    The reason why I could eat so much food is because I had a very difficult job at a dog kennel where I worked outside for 4-5 hours a day and got plenty of sunshine. It was very physical and I had to eat very regularly to get through the day. So I was doing pretty intense physical exercise but the sheer amount of calories I was eating kept me from losing weight. It was also a high stress job where I was always taking on and succeding at challenges. I was also taking fencing classes so getting a lot of competition in and I was extremely...interested in BD probably more than I had ever been before or since.

    We BD frequently with female O but then the weekend I ovulated (I was much more knowledgeable by this point so I am 100% sure I did not ovulate early) my husband wasn't even at home, he had to go somewhere that weekend. Prob. a 2 day cutoff (which was the only swaying I knew about at that point). The BD that I believe got me pregnant, I Oed and laid there afterwards, but there were others where I Oed and J&D.

    It took us 2 months to get pregnant and I gained 3 lbs between the first month and the second.

    DS 4 - Failed pink sway baby. I had just lost a ton of weight while breastfeeding and was not ovulating (was taking vitex and 100 mg B6 to try and rectify this). I took a month off to try and regain a few pounds so I could relose them again as part of my pink sway and so I wasn't being very strict with my diet that month, but I was still doing pretty well and not eating much protein. I did have breakfast a few times and ate more salt.

    The day that I must have ovulated, I went to my nephew's birthday party and had a large amount of vegetarian pizza and pop and birthday cake, and then the next day was my son's birthday and I ate deli meat and more cake and pop (none of which I had been eating before.) I gained 3 lbs that month (3 pounds seems to be my magic number), and interestingly, even when I had been at my thinnest, I still had a LOT of muscle mass left over from when I was in very good shape, even though I was not exercising at all.

    I was taking megadoses of calcium, magnesium, Vit. D, and B6 plus a prenatal and LOT of folic acid because my DS 3 has spina bifida so I needed to prevent that from happening again.

    Unfortunately for my sway, I managed to pop out two eggs before I even had AF and managed to get pg with both of them, but I lost one (which I believe was also a boy because it was a placenta previa which are more likely to be male). Since I thought I was safe because I hadn't had AF (everything I read made it sound like getting pg without having AF when breastfeeding is extremely rare), when we BD I wasn't using protection and I didn't do anything like antihistamine or jump and dump. I am fairly sure that the time I conceived, I laid there afterwards and went to sleep. We were BD quite a bit because we were trying to get pregnant, but I was secretly trying to avoid when I thought I might be fertile, so it was kind of patchy, like three times in a row and then nothing for 5 days (prob. perfect for boy LOL).

    My husband wouldn't do anything to sway so I basically relied on diet. I wouldn't change anything now but I do wonder what would have happened if I even would just have taken an antihistamine...I didn't notice copious amounts of EWCM so I don't know if I would have timed it right.

    I was also totally obsessed with swaying, getting into arguments pretty much every day on IG, and also someone stole my son's tires and we knew who it was, so I drove around trying to follow them twice and then they came to my house and confronted me, so not exactly the calmest month ever for testosterone.

    This conception was in March again and pretty much all the girls in my Due Date group were having girls. I REALLY think that the Vit. D I was taking made a huge difference there...that makes three out of 4 times I was either getting tons of sun or else taking Vit D. Food for thought.

    TTC NOW - I'm probably not going to TTC again but I did want to share one more observation. I gained 70 lbs with DS 4 and then I lost it all again and THIS time I have found that I did lose muscle mass, quite a lot of it really. So if you've recently had a baby and are back at your normal weight, take care that you haven't lost a lot of muscle even if you're just at your regular weight.

    ETA - except for that I DID TTC again and got a girl, and if you want to read my sway it's here
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; March 7th, 2014 at 09:44 AM.
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  2. #12
    LolaInLove's Avatar
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    YOU LADIES ROCK!!!! Thanks for posting your tale, this is good stuff!
    (2002) (2005) from 1st marriage. TTC since Aug 2010- Dx: low sperm count and 1% normal sperm. We are giving up and moving on with a baby-free life.
    UPDATE: surprise bfp in Feb 2013! It's a BOY!


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  4. #13
    i thought i would post some typical things i would eat day to day. i always try and figure out what all girls moms were eating so hopefully this helps some one....


    whole wheat bagel and cream cheese



    fried potatoes

    veggie sausage on an english muffin and cheese (for meat eaters i think real sausage would be better)


    fruit salad


    peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips (for swaying i would drop the jelly)

    veggie burger and fries with ketchup of course! (real burger would be much better)

    grilled cheese with tomato and tomato soup

    7 layer dip and chips (refried beans, lettuce, shredded cheese, sour cream (mixed with 1 pk taco seasoning), green chili peppers, black olives, and tomatoes.



    yellow rice and canned black beans with spanish seasoning, tomatoes, and garlic

    spaghetti and garlic bread

    baked potatoes with sour cream, salt, cajun seasoning, pepper, and butter and a veggie (something like carrots, lima beans, squash)

    mashed potatoes with gravy (i don't eat meat but would make something like pork chops with gravy for my family)

    cheesy potatoes- 1 bag of peeled potatoes cut up and boiled (still a little under cooked) 1 pt of heavy cream, 1 bag of shredded cheese 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 tsp of butter, and seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic, onion, red pepper) mix together and bake at 350 for about 40 min. 1/2 the cheese goes on top.


    late night snack-

    bagel bites

    soup any kind but my fav was simply asia or ramen noodles

    hot pockets


    frozen tacos



    apple juice, water (from tap), orange juice every morning, grape juice, and pineapple juice (helps with cm)

    if i think of anything else i will add it!
    Last edited by Coccinelle33; March 15th, 2011 at 03:43 PM.

  5. #14
    LolaInLove's Avatar
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    MD, did you sway for any of your kids?
    (2002) (2005) from 1st marriage. TTC since Aug 2010- Dx: low sperm count and 1% normal sperm. We are giving up and moving on with a baby-free life.
    UPDATE: surprise bfp in Feb 2013! It's a BOY!


  6. #15
    i swayed pink for my dd and then for my last son... i was starting a sway for boy #3 but had only been on a loose french gender diet along with calcium, magnesium, cranberry, and soy for 4 weeks and got pregnant. with my last son i was doing the ingender diet but i was still eating late at night and not skipping breakfast. i also started cheating in the 2 ww and around af. i stopped the lime douche after my m/c. that time i was also taking the wrong calcium, cranberry, and magnesium. i took 200 mg of soy as well. if i could go back and re-do it i would have stuck to the diet and not at breakfast or a snack at night and i would have done a cut off and kept up with the lime douche. with the sway for my dd i did a strict french gender diet for 8 months (no cheating ever) the same supplement plus vitex. we bd for 3 or 4 straight days in a row and had a 1 day cut off.

  7. #16
    Big Dreamer

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    Thanks ladies, keep em coming!

  8. #17
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    With my 3 boys... I didn't sway as I didn't know anything about it with my 1st (TWIN BOYS) I didn't even have a computer back then lol. I was working long hours from 5am-10pm hardly had time to eat, when I did it was take away! morning was just drinking coffee & juice as I rode the bus to work. skipped lunches & had big take away dinners or pub dinners with friends. when I concieved the twins with my then ex BF it was only a quicky (TMI) and I didn't even orgasamed but always a one to have lots of CM so that must of helped? And SALT.. omg I love my rock salt I salt heavy on everything even chocolate lol.

    When I found out I was having twins they said I must of O twice that month... They will be 10yo in May.

    with my next son.. again no computer still, didnt know about OPKs acidic/alkaline PH etc, timing DTD etc.. only read a small article in a magazine on a woman who ate certain foods to help have a girl.. they where mainly fruits like mangos, lemons, oranges, sour dough breads & milk... so ate those alot... my now hubby came down from the UK... we DTD and bam fell preg straight away!! so must of hit O days both times without knowing anything lol. I
    Me & Hubby (32)
    + 3 & our Butterfly Princess
    October '10
    GS TTC

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  10. #18
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    Hi there, thought I would share too. I have one boy. I swayed for a girl, though - so a failed sway! The only sway method we used was the Shettles timing method (a four day cut-off with frequent BD from AF to four days before O - I charted for months and months beforehand!). Needless to say, I am grateful that sway didn't work because I have the sweetest little boy! Anyhow, this time I will not be relying on the timing method! SO what we did to get a boy? Well, I have to confess my partner and I are HUGE salt eaters. Esp my partner - he POURS it over everything! I am a constant snacker and can not do without my breakfast. Neither of us are big meat eaters, we prefer vegetarian or fish. We didn't eat many vegies, mostly salads and fish. We do have a lot of condiments though (sweet chilli sauce, mayo etc) - very unhealthy! This time we are really focusing on getting out salt intake down as I think that is key to our sway. We drank one coffee daily (and still do). I do produce a lot of EWCM each month naturally. At the time of conceiving our DS, I would say we were the fittest we have ever been. Every morning we would go for a either a swim/run/surf session. So looking back I would say I was quite fit and toned but not super muscley (didn't do weights). We were pretty stress free too. I hope this helps and happy to answer any questions too. I hope you all get your gender dreams answered! Babushka. xx
    One and trying for a in 2011

  11. #19
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    Oh sorry, one more thing! My partner would squeeze fresh lemon on nearly ALL his dinners too (loved it on his fish especially). He would literally suck on lemons as he loves sour flavours. Hope this helps too.
    One and trying for a in 2011

  12. #20
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    I had a very boy friendly diet
    Breakfast was always coffee with cereal (no milk) or toast with marmite (high sodium)
    Lunch was a bagel with avocado & tomato or veges and beef strips or an egg sandwich or a tuna sandwich with mayo and tabassco sauce
    Dinner was mainly stirfrys with lots of beef and veges with a soy honey ginger marinade or worchestershire sauce or oyster sauce. Also lots of potatoes often with stock added and always salt to the water. Also tomato based pasta sauces, nachos, roasts. Always red meat with every dinner I am very anaemic constantly.
    Red wine with dinner, potato chips, takeaways quite frequently as we were on the road a lot, we ran our own computer company from home so surrounded by computers and our bedroom was above the server room.
    Drank V8, coke tomato juice and soda water with orange juice. I was gaining weight due to bad diet and stress. We had started our own company and stress levels were high. I was very competitive and loved to win.
    Looking back it's amazing how boy friendly it all was, I have changed so much I hope it's enough.

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