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Thread: BV and ttc?

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    Dream Newbie

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    BV and ttc?

    So I've searched the forums and read some info but really just need some support. Hubby and I have been dtd unprotected avoiding my fertile window to get ready for our boy sway next month and now I think I've got bacterial vaginosis from all the unprotected sex. I can't get into the Dr until Monday due to working the next two days. My period is set to start Tuesday. Is this going to totally scrap our month? And more importantly will this or the medication they prescribe interfere with conception? I'm starting to panic because googling ttc with bv scared the crap out of me. Looking for any advice! Thank you!

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer
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    Have you ever heard of boric acid? And/or do you have amazon prime?

    I used to get BV and YIs *all* the time, until my GYN told me about boric acid pills. It’s basically a capsule with 600mg boric acid in it, that you put in your VJ at night before bed. It dissolves overnight and the boric acid kind of “resets” the ph, which makes it much harder (impossible?) for the “bad” bacteria and yeast to survive.

    I believe they recommend you use one a night for ~two weeks to get rid of an infection, but it’s always been much quicker than that for me. And now, I basically use them as maintenance (which is also recommended) and I have not had a single infection since my GYN first had me start using them, in November 2017.

    Seriously, they are miracle workers. I would get an infection EVERY SINGLE TIME we had unprotected sex, if he finished in me, and more often than not, would still get one even if he pulled out. I’m not joking. I would get an infection almost every time I got AF as well. It was ridiculous. Now, I basically “jump & dump” as they say LOL and put a pill in after, and NO issues. I also use them the days leading up to AF, and a couple days after if I feel like I need to. And the first time my GYN told me to use them, when I had an infection, the directions said to use for two weeks to rid the infection, but it was honestly gone in about a week.

    I’m actually slightly dreading when we start actively TTC this August, because I know I won’t be able to use the pills after we BD, LOL... that’s def going to wind up as an infection. On that line, FWIW, I DEF had an infection from all the BD when we conceived DS2. It had started before I even O’d, and we still BD through it, and I still got pregnant and had no issues. So, I wouldn’t worry about that too much. It certainly wasn’t comfortable, though, and I feel your pain!

    If you have amazon, and especially prime, you can easily get boric acid pills sent to you ASAP. Just search for “boric acid suppositories” and you will find a wide variety. They are all the same; some come with applicators like monistat, but those are more money of course, and you don’t NEED an applicator. I always just get whichever bottle is the cheapest, the prices change from time to time.

    Just an idea. At the very least, it wouldn’t hurt to start using them, if you can’t get in to the doctor’s for a couple days? Also, if AF is due on Tuesday, theoretically you could just do the two weeks-ish of the pills to clear the infection, WITHOUT needing the antibiotic (or antifungal if it’s actually yeast) and be ready to go in time for your next fertile period? Just a thought

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    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you so much for your response! Your story seriously calmed me down! Especially that you were able to get pregnant and had no issues. I'm getting so excited to start next month that I wanted to cry thinking this may have ruined in for me! I had heard of the boric acid but had never tried it. I will order the boric acid pills and head into the Dr on Monday. I did an apple cider vinegar bath last night and I feel much better maybe I will be lucky and it will clear on its own!

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  6. #4
    Big Dreamer
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    You’re welcome! Hope it clears up for you soon either way. Infections down there are the worst!

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    Hot like Mexico, rejoice!
    At this point I gotta choose, nothing to lose

    - -
    Me: Alyssa, 31
    DH: Efrain, 31
    TTC a girl summer 2020!

    BFP on 08/18 at 9 dpo! Due date May 2nd 2021!

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  7. #5
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    They really are! Especially when you are trying to get everything in line to sway and concieve!

  8. #6
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    Can you explain why you think you have BV (and please message me if you'd prefer not to go over this in the public forums)

    It is SUPER SUPER common to get a yeast infection at this part of the cycle. I suspect that's exacty what happened here and I would recommend an over the counter cream (the kind that takes 3 days) to clear it up, although many people (myself included) find that once AF arrives the YI will disappear. This will not cure BV, though.

    Then I like you guys to follow up with a couple doses of unsweetened, plain yogurt with the natural cultures inserted into the VJ. This will repopulate the VJ with the good microbes. You might want to try it after sex each time between O and AF to prevent a return of the yeast or the BV (it will work for either)

    I do not recommend using boric acid for 2 weeks heading into a blue sway so while I do agree this can be an effective treatment I have not seen anyone doing so and can't speak to how it might sway. If you do have BV though you can use it for now til you can get in to the doctor.

    But please don't worry about TTC with BV. There's a lot of hyperbole online about it and it's very much overblown.
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  9. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for the response atomic! I have had yeast infections in the past but do not have the typical yeast infection discharge I remember. Also every now and then a very slight odor that is less yeast smell more "fishy" if you will. Kind of came on after we bd'd three days in a row so I was kind of assuming my pH was imbalanced from all of the semen. I have the Dr appointment Monday just to be sure...would you recommend trying the yogurt anyway until then?

  10. #8
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    The smell can come from the semen and if you aren't used to it, it is very common to think it's a fishy smell related to BV. This is actually a question I've gotten a lot, since so many of us BD with protection/pullout we start TTC and are not always familiar with what that is actually like, and to my recollection of the many times I've gotten this question, it was never BV (I've actually encountered very few cases of BV over the years! Less than 10)

    People don't always have discharge with yeast, sometimes it's just a general irritation of the area (not even itchy, just sore)

    I absolutely would try the yogurt and then the doc will be able to do a swab looking for any bad critters in there to prescribe antibiotics if needed. No harm in trying the boric acid at this point in the cycle but I'd not use it heading into the fertile window.
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  11. #9
    Dream Newbie

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    That's makes so much sense yes! I'm not super itchy (mild itch every now and then) but feel sore. And honestly don't even notice the smell at all today...with bv I imagine it would be persistent?
    I will try the yogurt since it could help either one and see what the Dr says then! Thank you!

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