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  1. #151

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    Hi atomic, just messaging as not sure if you have seen my previous message

  2. #152
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    Oh I'm so sorry, yes I saw this and began to answer but somehow I never finished.

    The plan would be 71 GBP and here's the conversion:

    The plan lays out everything you need to do to sway and of course I'm still available to answer your questions. And since I check the custom coaching forum you will always get a reply in 24 hours (rarely on holidays I have a day off but not often). Here in the free forums it can take me 5-7 days to reply - because things have been slower due to the coronavirus, I've been answering more quickly than my norm, but that's not always or usually the case in the free forums.

    Some of that stuff people suggest really doesn't help. It's just a way to help people feel they're in control of an uncontrollable situation. Most people will simply get pregnant again after a loss and have no issues with their subsequent pregnancy, whether or not they did any of those things. But doing them makes people FEEL like they're doing something! Now, to answer specifically about nail varnish, etc, normal amounts of those things CANNOT harm a pregnancy. Perhaps if you were a nail technician or a professional perfume sniffer if there is such a thing, you might get enough exposure to cause harm, but day to day encountering nail varnish or perfume just cannot harm a pregnancy. It's just a mental game people play to make them think they're doing something and alleviate anxiety.

    Yes, it's true that testosterone decreases with age but this is a gradual process that is well underway by the time you're 39 and DID NOT just suddenly drop. Plus, testosterone is just a theory, and not even a proven theory. We see some things that raise testosterone like Clomid, and men taking steroids for weight lifting, swaying strongly pink. It is likely very much more complicated than simple testosterone levels.

    Many of us, myself included, got boys at 39. It simply CANNOT be that the gender ratio is strongly skewed by age because we would see it clearly in the population as a whole. But we see women 35+ and even 40+ still having boys in roughly equal proportions.
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  3. #153

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    Thanks for your reply Atomic. Does the plan detail supplements and does it include a meal plan, what exercises to do that kind of thing? Is it personalised? I.e my husband and I are vegetarians.

    Thanks for clarifying do you think using hairspray is ok?

    Do you know if stress reduces testosterone atomic?

    Thankfully I have been discharged from the outpatient clinic yesterday, they were seeing me weekly for blood tests to monitor my HCG after that initial rise which didn't rise enough. They did a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative so they didn't do another blood test to confirm my HCG levels. They told me last week when they booked me back in for this week if my levels had dropped to at least 25 then they would discharge me anyway - now that my test was negative does that mean my HCG would have been 0?

    I am so relieved that this nightmare is over it went on for weeks, but so so sad that I was pregnant and now I'm not do you have any idea why I ended up with a 'pregnancy of unknown location' atomic? Could I have been deficient in something? Could it have been a progesterone issue? is there anything I can do to help prevent a miscarriage going forward?
    Last edited by Blueswayer1; August 17th, 2021 at 03:03 AM.

  4. #154
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    Yes, it does include supplements and then I help you daily with your diet and exercise via the coaching. Making one size fits all meal plans did not work for us. If I made one for each person individually I would have to charge tons of money (as they are very time consuming) and I find that "meal plans" made by other people are impossible to stick to. They recommend foods you don't like, can't find, and that cost a fortune. So we have you guys make your meal plans with my help in the coaching forums and it works out great - you use all the foods you like, can get easily in your area, and are used to buying, and then I help you with understanding how to combine those things.

    For exercise, I strongly recommend Blogilates and PopSugar Fitness on You Tube.

    I personally think reasonable use of hairspray is fine. But you need to do what you feel comfortable with.

    Some kinds of stress can lower testosterone, others can raise testosterone. Testosterone has never been proven to sway blue anyway, it's just a theory and the evidence behind it is really pretty sketchy overall. If you wait till you are recovered and back in good condition again you have a great chance of a boy regardless of stress.

    Yes, if your pregnancy test is negative your HCG is zero.

    Ectopic pregnancies can happen to anyone. It simply happened that the fertilized egg came to rest in the wrong place and briefly implanted somewhere there wasn't room for it to grow. As far as modern medicine knows, it has nothing to do with deficiencies or progesterone. Some ectopics appear to be linked to STD or other causes of scarring in the uterus such as endometriosis. Frequent douching over the course of a lifetime may also cause that scarring. People who smoke and who are over 35 may have a slightly higher rate of ectopics. But really, most ectopics are just sheer bad luck that happened when the fertilized egg came to rest in the wrong spot.

    Everything in the blue sway will help improve your chances of healthy pregnancy. But there's no magic pill you can take that ensures you won't have another loss. (If there was, I would already have you guys taking it!) All you can do is be healthy and then from there it's in God's hands.
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  5. #155

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    Thanks for clarifying atomic. Do you ask people to fill in a questionnaire so it is personalised? Do you have a set of categories that are covered and is the plan led more by yourselves opposed to us as in the current forum?

    Does the blogilates and popsugar concentrate more on building muscle or is it cardio based?

    How long do you recommend waiting to try again after a miscarriage atomic for a boy sway?

    They never confirmed it was an ectopic, they didn't think it was based on there observations, where else could it have implanted?

    I will get back on the plan, how long before trying should we be exercising and following supplements and the meal plan?

  6. #156
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    Yes, Blogilates and PopSugar have many many muscle based exercises programs. That is why I recommend them for blue. I would not have recommended an exercise program that was more appropriate for pink. I like those two because they have so many good blue friendly exercises anyone can do at home. They do have a couple mostly cardio exercises in the mix but you can tell them by their description on YouTube.

    I generally recommend waiting 1 cycle for an early loss, 2 cycles for a later loss or if you had to have a D and C. I'd just pick it up with the plan now and then try when you're ready.

    Some pregnancies implant on the outside of the uterus or the edge of the tube. It's not common but it can happen.

    Yes, we normally do the questionnaires with the personalized info, but because the site owner has been dealing with a medical emergency with one of her kids and her inbox has been full the past couple weeks so the questionnaires are glitchy, we've been having people send me brief lists of their personal info instead of the questionnaires. I can do it either way - the brief lists are just as effective as the questionnaires. I personalize every personalized plan based on the info people give me and they cover supplements, sex patterns, diet tips, all sorts of stuff.

    Beyond that, I'm honestly not sure what more you are wanting from me in regards to the plans. I have already answered sixteen pages of questions for you for free, given you a lot of time and energy simply because I just flat out LIKE helping people whether or not they can pay me. And of course this website is up here in the first place which takes a lot of money and time to keep it operational. I will keep doing that for you and everyone else who shows up here, whether or not you pay me. In fact the majority of people I help never pay me a penny.

    If you buy the plan you will get exactly what you are getting right now, plus a plan. You will also be guaranteed help within 24 hours, which is not always the case. Just from luck, and things being slower this year due to Covid, I was able to get back to you very quickly, so you were fortunate to get a level of coaching that was in line with what paid clients get. Under normal circumstances I probably would not have been able to help you so promptly and thoroughly if not for things being a bit slow from the pandemic.

    The truth is, I honestly couldn't help you any more than I already have, because I have done my very best to assist you in any way I could, free of charge. I do this because I WANT to help everyone who shows up here. You seem to be saying to me "Well, since I already got so much of your help for free, now tell me what more you'll give me for money" instead of "thank you."

    The way we do this is that people who can afford to pay, do, and people who can't, I help them anyway, for free, to the best of my ability. So, buy a plan, don't buy a plan, but please do not make me spend any more time trying to "sell" you a plan when you've already gotten the equivalent of months of free coaching. I don't like selling stuff to people or trying to cajole people into buying things, so I am not going to field any more questions where I feel like I'm trying to talk you into something you don't want.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; August 24th, 2021 at 01:12 PM.
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  7. #157

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    Thanks for your reply Atomic.

    I do feel so so terrible as it feels I have offended you, I was just trying to get clear in my head what the plan consists of so I am fully informed just like I would do with any other purchase i make. My intention is to give some money for your help wether it's through this plan or not. I was not expecting this response and if I'm honest i don't have the headspace for it given what I have just been through and concerns I have for people I know who have covid.

    Pretty much every message I have sent to you has started with the word 'thank you'. I won't ask you any more questions about what the plan involves, apologies for any offence
    Last edited by Blueswayer1; August 25th, 2021 at 08:46 AM.

  8. #158
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    You don't need to apologize or to say "thank you", that wasn't my point at all. I don't fish for compliments or thank yous, I am trying to explain my feelings about being asked to prove myself/my "value" over and over again about what MORE you will get from me, after I have already answered so many of your questions. I don't want to expend any more time discussing in what ways the coaching might be different/better from what you've already gotten, when I've already done my darndest to help you.

    While I will happily continue answering any swaying questions you have, I am not going to spend any more time answering questions about why someone should bother with a plan when I've already helped them extensively for free. I've already answered your questions about the plan in detail, and it feels to me like you're just asking the same question in lots of different ways trying to find some way the personal coaching is "better" than what you have gotten out of me for free. It isn't better, because to all intents and purposes, you GOT the personal coaching service. Seriously, this thread has more questions in it than 2/3 of my paying clients, and most times I got back to you within 24 hours! I'm not sure what more anyone could possibly expect than what I've done for you here??

    There's really nothing more I can explain to you regarding the plans and coaching. I don't want to do it any more. I could've spent that same time I've spent explaining the plan to you, in helping people with actual swaying questions or cleaning my house or playing with my kids. Please move on to a different topic of conversation.

    Again, I help 95% of people without any pay at all and I have done so for all this time. This is not about money, full stop. I don't care if you pay me or not, in fact I would prefer you don't because I don't want to feel like I have now strongarmed you into it and I will refund anything you pay me now and in the future. I have NEVER cared if people pay me, but I find it hurtful when someone I've tried to help quite a lot really, is like "meh, who needs a plan when you already told me all this stuff, what more will you do for me now". Honestly, it makes me feel like an idiot for doing it.

    Fun fact, I am a human being too, I have limited headspace too, I have limited time and energy too, I have health problems too, my two adult sons actually HAVE Covid right now, and it's just enough at this point.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; August 25th, 2021 at 02:37 PM.
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