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  1. #11
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    Many of us are noticing no CM on O Day and still getting boys that way! Good luck and FXFXFX for blue!
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  2. #12
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    Hi Atomic, unfortunately this pregnancy has now ended in a loss at 5 weeks. I'm heartbroken. Do early losses impact a blue sway? Though at this point just a sticky bean is all I really want.

  3. #13
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    Oh no I'm so sorry to hear this.

    While we operate under the assumption that early losses sway, it's probable that it's really more later losses that do. I have personally seen plenty of boys conceived the cycle after a loss. I would go ahead if you felt ok with your diet and supplement taking.
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  4. #14
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    Hi atomic,

    I had a follow up with my Obgyn and he said that if I get pregnant in the next couple of months after my chemical that he would prescribe me prometrium? I'm so confused why I would need that as my pelvic ultrasound came out normal and even showed that I was ovulating again. The tech showed me on the screen too and said that I'd likely ovulate the next day, which would have been around CD10. I ended up ovulating around CD18 instead. I just don't understand why I'd have to be given prometrium when the doctor at the hospital said she saw no issues with me trying as soon as my cycle returned.

    Any insight you have on this would be greatly appreciated!

  5. #15
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    You don't need prometrium. There was an old school way of thinking where chemicals were supposed to be caused by low progesterone, and "trying too soon" might make you have another chemical, but BOTH those things were untrue. Chemicals happen because something has gone wrong and the pregnancy can't recover, and so your body drops progesterone to end it early (this is GOOD, and what we want to happen.) Some doctors continue to prescribe it on a "just in case" basis but it's really not necessary.

    If you have ovulated and your ultrasound was normal that is a sure sign you do NOT need to wait. Your body has mechanisms that come into play to prevent conception when it can't handle a pregnancy and it is now believed that getting pregnant quickly after a loss is not only safe, but it may even possibly be beneficial. Back in the day doctors would have women wait MANY months before trying again; there was never any medical reason for this, but because doctors believed that women who had losses were mentally unbalanced and incapable of handling the stress of a pregnancy. But most of us find a subsequent pregnancy to be desirable and healing, and the studies have shown it is safe to try after a chemical.

    I think you're running into some old school beliefs/practices here. Some women find this reassuring, as if they're doing everything to conceive again, but if you aren't comfortable wtih the prometrium you really don't need to use it if you don't want to. Your call.
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  6. #16
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    Hi atomic, thanks so much. Do you have any insight as to whether vaccines can affect women's cycles? I got the covid vaccine and am now having the longest cycle ever - very irregular. It feels like my body is trying to ovulate but failing to - I'm currently on CD40! I ovulated around CD18 following my miscarriage so I assumed this crazy long cycle wasn't due to the loss, or can it be?? I'm just so confused as to what's happening with my body and am feeling discouraged as DH will be away again for work as of next month and not sure when we will be able to TTC after that.

  7. #17
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    The Covid vaccine has been causing upheaval with menstrual cycles. From the first minute, before there were any official reports of this happening, people started coming to me and reporting this effect. At first I admit I was even a little skeptical but after about the 10th person in a row mentioned it, I kept my ears perked up and now there have been tens of thousands of reports of this effect. Interestingly, people have also noticed these changes happening just after having coronavirus. Something about the virus seems to make your period go nutty for a bit. Fortunately so far it's seemed to fix itself within three months' time (but please everyone, keep me posted about this so we can provide accurate information for everyone.)

    At first, doctors were being very dubious about this happening in a sort of modern day "hysterical women" claim, but at long last it appears they're accepting it as a real finding. It is not "stress", it is not "hormones", it is not "your immune system" (if it was we'd see this happening regularly when you guys get normal everyday colds!) It's something to do with the way the virus works.

    You can still ovulate and conceive even with this cycle weirdness. Ordinarily for blue I'd probably suggest skipping the month but since you aren't going to have the opportunity, I would keep doing OPK and having hubby release every 2-4 days, and go for it when you get that positive (hopefully very soon).
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  8. #18
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    Thanks so much, atomic. I'm a little relieved to know that you've been hearing this from others as well and that it's temporary.

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  10. #19
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    Let me just be clear - we THINK it's temporary. The truth is they're only just now starting to study this and without a study I can't tell anyone how long it will be going on. My hope is that it's proven to be very short lived and thus far it has been on this site, but we are a small sample size really and not at all scientific.
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  11. #20
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    Hi Atomic, just wanted to update in case it's helpful for anyone but I ended up getting my period on CD60! So essentially I skipped the month of September completely. I had my second shot the first week of September, three weeks after my first one.

    We opted to skip this cycle, though I'm wondering when is good to resume TTC after a cycle like this? I'm sure the answer really isn't clear given the little we know about how covid in general impacts swaying. I'm willing to wait another cycle to see if the next one is more normal and then try again the cycle after that (if DH work schedule will allow it and he's actually home of course).

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