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    Hormones for TTC Pink

    Updated 12-22-17

    Certain hormones that exist naturally in the human body may sway, depending on how much you have and in what ratio your hormones are with one another. Different people are born with different body types genetically and have had vastly different life experiences (possibly dating back as far as when we were eggs developing in our grandmother's bodies!) so all people produce different amounts of hormones, but we can still do things to alter our own unique settings.

    For DW, higher levels of testosterone and estrogen are believed to sway blue, while lower levels of testosterone and estrogen seem to sway pink. Higher levels of progesterone have also been theorized sway pink but the evidence for progesterone is much sparser than the evidence for testosterone and estrogen.

    For DH, higher levels of estrogen seem to sway pink and higher levels of testosterone sway blue.

    One method we have discovered that helps us to track what exactly our hormones are doing is by monitoring our temps. Over the course of a few months, you will begin to notice patterns in your own personal average temperatures. Sometimes your temperatures are lower, and sometimes they are higher. (This is completely aside of the fluctuations in temp that occur on a daily basis due to your menstrual cycle - the entire range of your temps will run lower or higher overall.) Some people believe lower-than-average temp range may indicate a rise in boy-friendly hormones, and higher-than-average temp range may indicate a rise in girl-friendly hormones.

    Many women have also noticed that they can actually feel and see the changes in their hormones - while swaying pink they are less passionate, less motivated, they may have lower sex drive and less EWCM. Your muscles may shrink, you may find that your skin either clears up or breaks out, you may have less body hair. Some people have even noticed that their clitoris seemed smaller and less sensitive. It may be harder to have an orgasm. Interestingly, even though men produce 40-60 times more testosterone than women do, women seem to be far more sensitive to its effects and respond to very small changes in testosterone levels.

    For men, the changes caused by lower testosterone are much the same, only that as their T levels drop, they may also find that they begin to have some trouble getting or maintaining an erection. This can make certain aspects of ttc more challenging, but it may be an encouraging sign that your hormones are getting into a more girl-friendly place.

    By dieting and taking your supplements, you are doing a lot to get your hormones into the right zone, but there are still other factors that you can control that can really help to get your hormones into a more girl-friendly zone.

    WEIGHT LOSS - There are many reasons why losing weight helps you sway pink. First of all, it sends the overall message to your body that times are hard, and female mammals of every species seem to have more daughters when food is scarce. Secondly, body fat tends to raise estrogen levels, and for women, higher estrogen = more sons, so the less body fat you have, the better. The third reason is that your blood sugar declines as you lose weight.

    The fourth reason is much more complicated, but may actually be the most important reason of all. You see, when you lose weight, you don’t just lose pounds of fat, you also lose pounds of muscle.

    Studies have shown that the more muscle mass a person has, the higher their testosterone levels, so when our muscles shrink, we’re actively reducing the amount of testosterone circulating in our bodies. Though the mechanism of how this works exactly is not known, it seems that the amount of muscle that you use and how frequently and intensely you use it, signals the production of more testosterone. The more muscle you have, the more you use, and then that sends the signal to your body to produce more testosterone. In short, muscle makes its own testosterone, and the more muscle you have, the more testosterone you will make.

    Shrinking your muscle mass and testosterone through weight loss is easy. Cutting your caloric intake by as little as 15% makes your brain think it’s starving, so it begins to cut back on testosterone production. And your body is just as willing to burn off its muscle for food as it is fat, so not only are you making less testosterone because you’re taking in less calories, you’re also making less and less as your muscles shrink.

    For best results, you want to lose weight while doing nothing to help your body build that muscle mass back up. (Eating a high protein, high nutrient, high cholesterol/good fat diet actually feeds muscle mass and will help maintain it even if you‘re losing weight). So losing weight on a lower protein, lower nutrient, lower cholesterol/fat diet (such as the Low Everything Diet) will help shrink muscle mass overall and will help lower your testosterone levels. We have a full Guide to Losing Weight for pink here

    NOTE - In men, the situation is even more complicated, first of all because men have so much more testosterone and muscle mass to begin with, so just going about their day-to-day lives they use more muscle and way create more testosterone than women do. And secondly because very few men actually want to lose muscle mass and would be willing to do the kinds of weight loss that it would take for their naturally muscular bodies to begin to lower testosterone levels (which would have to be pretty substantial).

    Consequently, for DH, it may actually be more helpful for them to be carrying a bit of excess body fat - in men, higher estrogen levels tend to sway pink which in turn lowers testosterone, and since more body fat = more estrogen, this may be the time for us to accept our husband’s beer bellies and love handles!! But at the same time, we can't really have them gain weight for a sway either, because men, rather annoyingly, tend to gain muscle first and then fat. Thus, it's usually best for hubby to just hold steady on weight right where he's at - no gaining, no losing.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 22nd, 2017 at 05:32 PM.
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  2. #2
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    EXERCISE - Another powerful tool in our arsenal is exercise. The overall goal of using exercise while swaying is to gently reduce your fertility and shrink muscle mass. Exercise can be a double-edged sword, because exercise of any type has the potential to grow your muscles, especially when coupled with a high caloric intake of nutritious, high protein foods. So, when using exercise, you must be very careful to follow the suggestions exactly, and be totally honest with yourself about how much you are doing and how much food you are consuming.

    There are two ways to use exercise to regulate our hormones, and though at first they may seem to be completely opposite of each other, they seem to affect body chemistry in a similar way, and so either strategy can be a very beneficial addition to a sway.

    IMPORTANT - Regardless of which strategy you choose, you MUST follow a lower protein, lower nutrient, lower calorie diet and lose weight. If you’re not following the diet and not losing at least a bit of weight, the exercise you do may actually be increasing your muscle mass and inadvertently swaying blue!!!

    *The first strategy you can use is to do no exercise at all. In only 3 days of being sedentary, your muscle mass begins to shrink (i.e. use it or lose it), and in 6 weeks of doing absolutely nothing, you can lose up to 60% of your muscle mass. Coupled with weight loss and a lower protein, lower nutrient, lower calorie diet, (6 weeks of dieting in the weeks before TTC) your body will have no choice but to burn away its muscle, and the lack of exercise will make the diet even more efficient because you‘re doing nothing to counteract the muscle loss. PLEASE NOTE - this has definitely gotten inferior results to doing the 60 6/7 recommendation.

    *The second strategy you can use is to overexercise, exercising very intensely 60 minutes a day minimum, 6-7 days a week, WITHOUT FAIL, beginning 8 weeks prior to TTC, while you are eating a lower protein, lower nutrient, lower calorie diet. This is very effective and according to the old school sway tactics, may even acidify you even further by releasing lactic acid as your muscles are worked. However, if you are not honest with yourself about the amount and intensity of the exercise you are doing, and are not doing diet, you run the risk of growing your muscles and inadvertently swaying blue.

    It is up to you to decide which strategy is best for you. If you are a very physical and muscular person who has always worked out very hard and gotten boys doing so, while we once speculated you should do the opposite and give up exercise, we now know that exercise has gotten such good results that you should continue it no matter what.

    If you don’t have enough time to dedicate to exercising 60 minutes a day or more, 6-7 days a week, we have had good results with as many as 4 days a week. Doing a moderate amount of exercise plus gaining weight on a higher protein diet sways blue, so the less exercise you do, the more care you should take to stay solid on diet and weight loss.

    If you’re a person who doesn’t really exercise much but has an active lifestyle (such as, a very active job, lots of moderate physical activity due to having small children - going for walks, lifting toddlers 100 times a day), it is probably better for you to find the time to overexercise if at all possible. This is because you’re already doing a moderate amount of exercise (swaying blue) just going about your day-to-day life, and so there’s no way you even are able to do no exercise at all.

    Also, if you’re a larger person to start with, or you have PCOS or insulin resistance, you should exercise even if you can only get moderate exercise in. The benefits to blood sugar control, weight loss, and in turn hormones are so huge that you need to exercise even if you cannot get up to the 60 6-7 recommendation. But if you can, it will only help. Not only because you have more weight to lose than another person, but also because you are very likely carrying a lot of muscle mass, and just for you to get through the day requires that you use more muscle to move your heavier body weight, so even if you have a sedentary lifestyle, you may be using more muscle than you might think that you are, putting you into the realm of moderate exercise. However, if you are heavy, you might want to give yourself an extra month for weight loss and exercise to work before TTC, simply because you probably have more muscle to burn off.

    The best exercise to focus on is straight cardio - walking, running, aerobics without toning. While overdoing any type of exercise does have the potential to shrink muscle mass, exercises involving lifting weights or toning exercises (such as, squats, push ups, abdominal exercises) are actively working to build muscle - exactly the opposite of what we’re trying to do. But if you really cannot give up on weight training and/or need to do some arm weights in order to get your heart rate up, it's ok but just be absolutely sure, sure, sure that you are losing at least some weight on a lower protein diet. It's not ideal but it is your choice to make if you prefer to continue with weights

    Final note - since the subject of heart rate came up, do NOT track your heart rate. Just get up and get moving for 60 minutes straight. Tracking your heart rate has never been shown to be in any way necessary for a successful sway, and it's the kind of detail oriented "swaycession" that may undermine pink sways.


    The final thing we can do that will help us lower our testosterone levels is to lower stress. Unfortunately, just as everything seems to be in swaying, it’s not that simple.

    Some forms of stress actually lower testosterone levels. Stressors such as losing a loved one, divorce, life-threating illness, job loss, failing at an important task, and being victimized by bullies, abusers, or criminals (especially when the abuse is chronic and long-term) all seem to sway pink by lowering our testosterone (or whatever it is that sways via personality since we are no longer certain it is testosterone). Since those things are all beyond our control, and are certainly not anything we would want to have in our lives regardless of how they sway, they’re mentioned FYI only.

    However, the kinds of stress that we do have a lot of control over - things like competition, arguing, taking on challenges and succeeding at them, even little things like watching your favorite sports team win a game and finishing projects that we worked hard on, all these things raise our testosterone levels.

    Therefore, the months before you begin TTC a girl are not the time to begin a new sport, launch into a new project at work, or enter the Mrs. America Pageant (unless you‘re certain you will lose!!) Instead, spend time doing relaxing, peaceful pursuits that you enjoy - yoga, spending time with friends and loved ones, getting a lot of sleep, reading a good book. Stress reduction can be difficult to accomplish while you are swaying, because swaying tends to CAUSE stress for a lot of people. If you can help it, try not to take swaying too seriously and above all else do NOT replace stressing over swaying with stressing over relaxation. Do not tell yourself "well, I must relax for this sway so I will follow this carefully crafted schedule in which I meditate upon waking for 15 minutes, then rise and go for a walk for 30 minutes while doing extensive visualizations about my future life with my long-dreamed-of daughter. I will then light scented candles and bask in their light while journaling for 20 minutes, take a bubble bath for 45 minutes, paint my toenails every day without fail..." You get the drift. This is going to be far worse for your sway and it is STILL "swaycessing", you're just swaycessing over something other than pH levels and your temperature chart.

    The best advice I can give for controlling stress for your sway is to put your sway plan into place and then stop thinking about it. Make it a way of life instead of a temporary all-encompassing project, put it out of your mind as much as you can, and turn everything beyond your control all over to God/Luck/the ghost of Charles Darwin as per your belief system. Trust me, even the most control-freakish among us have gotten girls with swaying and you can too, but you have to learn to let go of control to some extent (to completely let go will be impossible, don't even try!)
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 24th, 2017 at 07:05 PM.
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  3. #3
    Dream Vet

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    I have a low sex drive, ALWAYS have,and have a VERY hard time achieving orgasm. I cannot have an orgasm unless I have my TMI bullet that vibrates. what does that mean? how do I know if have the right kind of hormones?

  4. #4
    Dream Vet

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    Also as far as this weight loss thing, I have always been a size 3-5 and I have 3 boys. This has inspired me to write another post.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkarntz1980 View Post

    I have a low sex drive, ALWAYS have,and have a VERY hard time achieving orgasm. I cannot have an orgasm unless I have my TMI bullet that vibrates. what does that mean? how do I know if have the right kind of hormones?
    These are just overall tendencies and generalizations, we all can look through the list and find things that don't fit us particularly.

    What it seems to boil down to is, if you as a couple are highly fertile you have more sons (even if you are completely a "girl mom" in every way) and if you are less than optimally fertile, you have more daughters.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkarntz1980 View Post
    Also as far as this weight loss thing, I have always been a size 3-5 and I have 3 boys. This has inspired me to write another post.
    Yes, I am on the thin side too and actually a lot of boy moms are. The best research indicates it's CHANGE in condition rather than everyday body size that matters, so if your body "thinks" times are good or improving you are more likely to conceive a boy (regardless of your body type) and if your body "thinks" times are hard and getting harder, you're more likely to conceive a daughter. There are a lot of factors that contribute to this, diet, weight gain, even social cues can trigger physical mechanisms that may sway.
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  7. #7
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    this says yoga sways pink but I saw that elsewhere it sways blue? or does the relaxation effect override the muscle building of it?

  8. #8
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    If you're doing basic yoga for relaxation and can keep away from the T-boosting mentality, then it sways pink as long as it doesn't improve your fertility (relaxing does seem to improve fertility for some people, but when you're doing diet and the rest I doubt that the power of yoga can overcome that )

    If you're doing the muscle-building styles of yoga (with the intense poses) and/or it is making you get ubercompetitive, then it can def. sway blue.
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  9. #9
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    that's good to know! I'd like to get into yoga again

  10. #10

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    I did the temp tracking thing on fertility friend with ds2. That cycle I was also receiving acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs to help regulate my hormones as I get hormonal migraines/headaches around o and af times.

    If I post the link to my chart would someone be able to see if the temps perhaps indicate good hormone levels for pink??
    5 22 months

    Hoping and praying for on our next (and final) baby.

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