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  1. #1
    Dream Vet

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    anyways to naturally boost progesterone? or could it be from my cycle going back down again???

    Okay so i had 35 days cycles for a while with 0 day on CD 35. last month i had a 31 day cycle......was expecting another 31 day cycyle this came yesterday cd 28...makes sense now why i got a pos opk from 12-14 i thought my wondfos were playing tricks. anyone i had a few days spotting in the 2 week wait and i have read that could be from lack of progestone/luteal phase defect. is there anything natural that i could do to up my progesterone?? I used lunaception this month and i was shocked it brought O down to CD 28! thats good but with long cycles doesnt give me much bd time! I am prettly sure i have low progesterone though. since my dd was born i dont have much cm but i dont have much of an appetite an have lost a lot of weight and dont drink much water

  2. #2
    LacePrincess's Avatar
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    Hi mkarntz,

    I just answered your thread on B6.

    So, if I understand correctly, your last cycle you O'ed around CD14 and had a 28 day cycle, right? So that would make your LP a perfectly normal and textbook 14 days. Spotting *could* indicate low prog but it can also be many other things. If you have a clear temp shift and your LP isn't less than 10 days you don't have a luteal phase defect.

    You can get OTC prog cream but it's really not that effective. You should do some research and see how you feel, but there's so little prog in that stuff you might as well be using hand cream. If you have low prog you'd really need suppositories or prescribed meds, not OTC stuff. You do need to go to your doc and get bloodwork done though - the prog test needs to be drawn at 7DPO, *not* 21 days (unless you O on CD14), so be careful or it won't be accurate.

    Lack of CM has nothing to do with prog. Fertile CM is produced by estrogen, NOT prog. And lack of CM is a result of the LE diet as well. Prog actually dries up CM.

    Long cycles are irrelevant too. You can have both short and long cycles that are well balanced or not. My last two kids were conceived on super long cycles.
    Me (38) and DH (38)

    SAHM military momma to DS1 (2004), DS2 (who's all boy but loves to dance, though not in a tutu!) (2006), DS3 (2009), and our rainbow baby girl DD1 (2017)

    early m/c Jan 2013

    Cycle #1 @ HRC (Oct 2014) - 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized and biopsied. 1XX and 1XY abnormal. 1XX no DNA found, rebiopsied and found normal, frozen.
    FET attempt #1 (Nov 2014) - cancelled due to functional cyst. FET attempt #2 (Jan 30, 2015) - NT. Remaining embie failed to thaw.

    May 2015 - started infertility treatments at OFC. Femara 2.5mg
    July 2015 - BFP after second round of Femara. Aug 4 2015 - 6w4d
    Dec 21 2015 - mmc 7w1d

    Apr 2016 - IVF Cycle #2. Converted to IUI because of uneven response and leading follicles.
    Apr 19, 2016 - IUI with 3 mature follicles (2 right, 1 left), post wash: 17mil, 94% motility and 89% rapid motility. BFN.

    June 3, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 5w.
    Sep 1, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 8w.

    Our rainbow baby girl arrived on Mon Aug 28, 2017 - "After every storm comes a rainbow". We are so thankful and grateful for every moment.

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
    fish2012's Avatar
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    B6 is the only option but my dr says this won't help much nor will progestrone creams but i guess it's worth a try, have you been to see you dr?
    DS1 2009 DS2 2011

    At around fifteen weeks sadly one of our babies became an angel fx for a healthy singleton!

    *Update it's a girl! fx she'll make it!*

    Thank you atomic praying our dream will come true

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    answered in your other thread on this topic

    The OTC prog creams are designed for symptom relief during menopause and have less than a 10th of the prog you need to sustain a pg.
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