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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
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    Happy & Sad at the same time - BFP

    Hi Ladies,
    Well, I am having really mixed feelings today and its really silly!
    I have 2x DS and have been on here for the last few months religiously planning for my sway attempt for third and final DC. I started the diet early Jan and was planning to ttc in March. I haev been eagerly waiting for AF so I can start my supps (all ready to go) and hubby on board with diet and LR too! I have also been having some other weird body issues too, so whilst buying my CBFM sticks and fibre last night I also picked up some pregnancy test in prep. Thought I would take one just as a process of illiminiation and Atomic also advises before supps. Well, I couldn't believe my surprise when it was a BFP!! We have dtd so little I can trace it exactly to when (NY Eve, lol!!), and TMI alert (it was a slightly late pull out), which I then jumped and dumped and wiped as I didn't want to get preggo that month.
    On one hand I am chuffed as it was so easy and now I dont have to go through the whole trying and testing and AF. BUT i also feel really gutted that I didn't get to do anything from my sway plan. This is def our last baby and although I know I will love whatever children I have (of course), I really wanted to give myself half a chance at a girl.
    I have such a boy diet and especially over the xmas period, hubby and I were complete pigs, lol!!
    I am then battling with myself for being so selfish and being a bit disappointed that I pregnant. I should feel really happy and lucky! I guess in a way its good I deal with any potential GD now. This is my last pregnancy and I just wanted to enjoy ebery mintue knowing that I had done what I could to sway my chances, no matter the results. Just feel Im not in with a chance now. I just feel like a complete boy Mum and can't imagine myself with a girl. No girls on hubby's side and I really wanted to try and throw the girl in there!!
    I am still in shock!
    Love my Boys
    DS1 Sep 2009
    DS2 May 2011
    M/C Feb 2013 (7weeks)
    ttc DD in 2013, but would welcome another blue to complete the family too

  2. #2

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    Hello, I went through the exact same thing at Xmas when I got a surprise bfp. I had been on LE and supplements but not as long I'd have liked. Like u I was happy with my bfp but also slightly sad that I didn't get to complete my sway. On the bright side, i git my bfp just before xmas so i got to totally pig out! I guess what's meant to be is meant to be. Fingers crossed ur bean is pink xx

  3. #3
    Dream User

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    Congrats on the bfp, this little bub is obviously meant to be part of your family it is absolutely reasonable to feel the way you do, don't beat yourself up. This feeling will all be forgotten when you have your beautiful baby in your arms x

  4. #4
    Big Dreamer
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    Thank you both ladies. I have just realised that I was on antibiotics days after conception too, which sways boy. Big sigh! You're absolutely right, that this little bean is meant to be part of the family. I had slight GD with DS2 and feel so guilty about it now coz he is just wonderful! I have no doubt that any GD will be gone when baby arrives. Nothing as amazing as having that tiny bundle in your arms. Awww. x
    Love my Boys
    DS1 Sep 2009
    DS2 May 2011
    M/C Feb 2013 (7weeks)
    ttc DD in 2013, but would welcome another blue to complete the family too

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    It sounds like you were ill when you conceived as you said you were on anticbiotics - i dont think the antibiotics would take effect on gender if you were taking them after conception but I do think being sick sways pink! I fell pregnant last September by complete surprise. We werent sure we were going to have another baby but if we were we would wait till this year and I was planning on doing a mild sway for a girl. This baby was conceived when I was sick with the flu and lo and behold it is a girl!! My DH only has boy cousins so thought for sure this LO would be boy - I hope that gives you a little glimmer for pink, Congratulations on your bfp, this baby is meant to be in your life x
    2006 (5) (3) & cautiously expecting a beautiful baby in May

    Baby Annabelle Clare arrived safely into the world 10th May 2013 - Let the fun begin!!

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    OMG the exact same thing happened to me!! I am still in shock and don't know what to think. So scared of another boy. We didn't even want to sway because I so badly only wanted one more girl (or two ), no more boys. My boys are more than a handful, and I feel like I just cannot go through another boy-baby-phase. It was too hard. We were planning to go HT in fall. And now.. I feel so screwed, and at the same time kind of happy that it was so easy to fall pregnant. That has never happened to me with the boys. I also "jumped and dumped", and I guess that is the only hope I am having for getting a girl after all. But all in all, this hope and chance is so slim. I am already preparing for GD. It will be huge this time, I know that. I am trying to prepare, but still can't figure out a way how 3 boys (in Germany - I still think that is a huge difference from raising boys in child-friendly countries) can be a positive thing for me.
    I am sorry I am not helping at all. Just wanted to tell you I am in the very same position as you are. And I am crossing my fingers for you for a girl!
    Somehow, it is all going to be alright. Hope you are having a happy and healthy pregnancy and wishing you the best of luck
    2008 (IUI) and
    2010 (IUI)

    so much for a or
    1st cycle at **** in October 2012 - ER on 10/13: 25 eggs retrieved, 21 fertilized, 11 went to biopsy:
    9 abnormal xy, 1 abnormal xx, 1 normal xy and NO healthy girls

    Now planning to go to Dr. Potter in fall 2013. Sooo looking forward to it!

    Cannot believe it! Holding a positive pregnancy test in my hands on 1/7/13. Just like that, no help at all. Hoping and praying so hard for a
    18 week scan says it really is a

  7. #7
    Big Dreamer
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    Just want to say a huge thank you to all you ladies. You are all so supportive and I am so so grateful. My DH knows I am a little gutted, but he has his 'boys' so struggles to really get it. I am so thankful for this website and just knowing there are other people out there in the same position is a huge weight off.
    Thank you so much : )
    Love my Boys
    DS1 Sep 2009
    DS2 May 2011
    M/C Feb 2013 (7weeks)
    ttc DD in 2013, but would welcome another blue to complete the family too

  8. #8
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    I hope you have a pink bean in there, she still could be!
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
    DS#3 Arrived in April
    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    antibiotics do not sway after ovulation
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    I am in the exact same position you are and it happened almost the exact same way only on (right after Thanksgiving) on Nov 30/Dec 1st and yours was right after Christmas Dec 31st. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I wanted so badly to sway for a girl as this will probably be our last baby. I felt very guilty at first for not wanting the BFP because there are so many couples in this world that can't have any kids on their own. I did the same thing you did... jump and dump quick!! I know this baby is going to be a boy so I am prepared for that. I just figure everything happens for a reason and I know once he is born I will fall in love with him however, my GD will still be there crushing me. I HATE GD!! Lets hope we get the little girls we have been longing for!!
    Love my (2006) (2009) (2013) (2014)


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