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  1. #1

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    Feeling kinda anxious - help please!!

    Hi everyone! So, I got my solid smiley on the CB Advance OPK last night - I am on CD 10 now and this is the 2nd month that this has happened to me. I truly have always ovulated later - on CD 14-15 and I am concerned now b/c of course I attempted to research this on the internet and have read things about the poor egg quality and the egg reserve being low. I am 29!! But I have had 2 miscarriages in the last 8 months - I would've been due with the 1st one today. I have been taking vitex (800 mg), metamucil (2 capsules), and folic acid. I have been doing the LE diet to the best of my ability but struggling. I do not understand what is going on with me and am starting to get concerned. I guess I should be happy that I am Oing but I can't help but be worried about this. Somebody help!! At what point should I call the doctor and be like look find out what is going on w/ me??
    Mommy to Abigail Joyce 6/7/2010
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  2. #2
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    After two losses at your age, I already would have called. When you are taking supplements, you may be affecting things that you cannot be aware of negatively.

    The only way to really know if you did in fact ovulate, is to have your progesterone level tested later in your cycle. That, or an ultrasound.

    I'm sorry you are struggling but two losses would be enough for me to call.
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  3. #3
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    I would personally not worry about the solid smiley just yet, it's probably just the vitex. At 29, the odds are very good that your egg quality is fine and you have nothing to worry about. And some people have found that they are Oing 2-3 days after they get a solid smiley so you may be in a perfectly normal zone (CD 12 is considered normal O)

    Tell me more about the losses - early, late, in between??

    Can you please elaborate on why you feel that you're struggling on diet?

    I'm not totally sure your doctor WILL see you and even if they do, they may not be willing to do anything. The first thing I would try is dropping the vitex, BUT keep in mind that changing O dates are part of how it seems to sway.
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  4. #4

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    Atomic - both losses were around 7-8 weeks. The first one was in May of this year. The pregnancy was quite a surprise and didn't feel right from the very beginning if that makes any sense - I didn't have the "normal" symptoms, I was spotting a lot (which I had in the past w/ both my kids) but it was just different. We had so many ultrasounds and at first were told everything was ok but then we watched the heart rate slowly decrease, basically watching our baby pass away. I had the D&C on May 6, 2013. I was told it was a fluke and that it was very common so we waited and tried again in July, got pregnant the first attempt and everything started good but first, I had a subchorionic hemorrhage - I was bleeding a lot and thought for sure I was having another miscarriage but they found a heartbeat. It was higher than the previous pregnancy and even the nurse at my OB said she thought I was "over the hump" but two days later I had more spotting and there was no heartbeat. We did just about every test under the sun - found out I was hypothyroid (now taking meds for that), we both got full genetics testing, hormone levels checked by endocrinologist, and I even went to a rheumatologist b/c my ANA was positive but everything came back normal. Our second son had triploidy and trisomy 13, basically 3 copies of every chromosome but 4 copies of chromosome 13. I was told, however, there was no reason that I couldn't have a healthy baby again - it is not something that is genetically passed down, we are both healthy, w/ no mutations or anything.

    The diet - I am just missing my breakfast lol. I am not sure that I have a complete understanding of how it all works for the diet as far as what foods I can and cannot have and when. I have read your essays multiple times but for some reason, it's just not clicking in my head - I think I am getting confused b/c I read all the stuff on IG and the LE diet is clearly a better fit for me, I actually think it's how I got my daughter w/o even realizing it but it's all getting jumbled up in my head lol! I think I need to get the personalized plan or at least the 21 day diet if I am not pregnant this month. I was taking the vitex every other day and have stopped taking it now so it's just the fiber & folic acid. I am trying very hard not to stress myself out about all of this b/c I really believe that in July I got another boy b/c I was freaking out about needing to get pregnant instantly and did all this stuff that resulted in an opposite - I was not taking vitex at the time.

    I am making myself anxious though about all this especially after reading that the early ovulation could mean fewer eggs!! And why is it that the thing I want most on this Earth (being pregnant again) is also the thing that terrifies me the most??
    Mommy to Abigail Joyce 6/7/2010
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  5. #5

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    I guess another concern is - I have always read that vitex DELAYS O. My question now is - can it also make O happen earlier?? Has this happened to others?
    Mommy to Abigail Joyce 6/7/2010
    Evan Andrew 7/19/2012
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  6. #6
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    I am so sorry for your losses.

    Thyroid issues are the number one cause of non-chromosomal miscarriages and so you ahve already done the most important thing for correcting the situation. I honestly think you just had some bad luck there - aside from the thyroid, the lack of symptoms is not usually a good sign for a good outcome, and while some studies show no increased risk of loss with SCH, others have shown a link.

    You have already had all the testing that it's really possible to have and I think that correcting the thyroid problem is really going to help. Vitex is not compatible with thyroid issues anyway so I would not have you taking that.

    now onto the diet stuff - if skipping breakfast is doing you in, EAT BREAKFAST. It's ok. It is just something we guess might help a little for some people and not in any way a guarantee. I think you should pick soemthing that's either pure carbs or pure protein (you can have both at other meals, this is just for breakfast only) and incorporate it into your meals.

    Re plans and diet, I always appreciate the plans and book sales because the money allows me to do this as a job rather than returning to work. I want to make sure that if you were to get one of them that you get the one that will be the best fit for you - the custom sway plans cover everything but diet, they do have personalized diet tips but don't come with a personalized diet, instead they come with 6 months coaching where I help you with diet on an ongoing basis day in and day out if need be. The 21 day diets are JUST diet stuff, they have tons of nutrient data and whole meals where I already calculated nutrient data. Then in addition to that they have recipes and lots of ideas for various meals you can have.

    I want you to avoid aspirin if you were taking that and add in iron 18-30 mg 3x a week. You've lost a fair bit of blood over the last 9 months and you need to replenish yourself. Up folic to 2000 mcg a day, this may help prevent future chromosomal abnormalities.

    Is your husband taking anything??

    Please don't worry about early ovualtion meaning less eggs. While anything is possible, I really do not believe that is what is going on here and it's pretty uncommon for that to be an issue for a 29 year old. It is almost certainly the vitex (yes it also causes early ovulation)

    It is totally normal to feel terrified about pregnancy even under ideal circumstances, I hope and pray we can make this happen for you soon!!!
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  7. #7

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    Thank you so much Atomic! I really appreciate the feedback! I will not be taking the vitex now that I know it is not compatible w/ the thyroid issues. I have been on the synthroid since August and have noticed that my cycles became more regular - prior to that, they were like 22-25 days and now it's more like 27-28, which is where I have always been up until I stopped breastfeeding my son, that is when things got a little goofy.

    I am not sure which would be better for me - diet plan vs. customized sway. I like the idea of the coaching so I am leaning more toward the customized sway but my problem is that I don't really know what to eat at all! Like I mentioned in the last post, I have read the essays but I think I am just kind of on overload from everything right now. I just want to do whatever will create the least amount of anxiety lol!

    My husband is not taking anything - he is willing to do a little bit - he was taking cranberry for a little while - but he just feels like he wants nature to take it's course.

    How do I go about purchasing the customized sway? Now that I am in the 2ww should I wait until I know that I am not pregnant?
    Mommy to Abigail Joyce 6/7/2010
    Evan Andrew 7/19/2012
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  8. #8
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    Well, I'll be able to help you with the diet via your private forum too so either way you're covered with diet.

    I would have your husband do Olive Leaf instead, it's a supplement that is believed to sway pink but also improves sperm health and will only help your odds of conception.

    The purchase info is here:

    It makes sense to me to wait till you know if you're pregnant or not with the caveat that in a week's time it's going to be Christmas and may take me an extra day or two to complete a plan - just let me know that you need your plan for this upcoming month (send me a separate PM to remind me just in case, in addition to the questionnaires) and I will be able to jockey some stuff around to bump you to the top of the queue.
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  9. #9

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    Thank you so much atomic! I really appreciate the support. I will definitely do that but I'm not going to lie, I am hoping that I won't need to due to a pregnancy this month! I am not even sure I have O'd yet temp dropped this AM a little bit and we made our attempt on Sunday & Monday after I got my solid smile so who knows!! I will keep you updated! Thanks again!
    Mommy to Abigail Joyce 6/7/2010
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  10. #10
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    good luck! I bope you won't need one either!
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