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  1. #1
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    False positive OPK results can this happen??

    ( I posted this in reply to another thread but thought would make new one in case wasn't really relevant to other thread sorry for double posting but here it is....)

    Just reading this thread and found it interesting that you can get a false positive OPK result.... am I reading right is this true???
    I have been planning my sway for months testing and charting always get a light surge in day 11 postive surge on day 12 ovulation cramps on day 13 and tempurature rise on day 14.
    This month we did our attempt and so it seems I ovulated early
    Had a positive surge on day 9...........................!
    and again on day 10. Day 11 had postive surge in the morning cramping and a temp rise surge was gone in the eveining only to have temp go down on day 12 and I am still testing OPK to be sure and no surge at all yesterday day 12 and again today day 13!!!! And now on day 13 temp is down again and I have lots of CM.
    We DTD on CD 8, 9 and 10, thinking I wouldn't ovulate till cycle day 13!!! But from all that's happened appears ovulation was on day 11? Why is temp back down again though??

    What is going on? Hope this dosn't sound like too much gibberish but I am confused what has happened this month.... mhhhh?
    Was this a fake ovulation or the real deal and am I pregnant with all this CM I have now very strange??? Shall I keep testing with OPK?? Already gone through 2 boxes!!

  2. #2
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    Do you have a link to your chart to share?

    your body always has some lh in your body which is why you always have a faint test line, and why this must be equal to or darker than the control line to be a positive.

    A positive opk only shows that your body tries to ov (and will ov for most women but might fail sometimes). So even if you get a positive and don't ov it doesn't mean it was a false positive.

    However its possible to miss the peak of the surge and get a near-positive result but it should still be drastically darker.

    The only real false positive is when the opk detects hcg (pregnancy hormone) instead of LH!

  3. #3
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    hey thanks I have no charts on here to share just been taking notes in a little notebook.
    Yeh defianlty looks like I ovulated early.... the surge was light then just kept getting darker and I forgot to say on day 11 I also had blood streaked cm which is always another postive sign I have ovulated. Have tested again today and no other surges detected.
    Just very stragne as I have always been quite consistent up until now and the month we try this happens oh well what can you do I gave it my best shot with all other factors involved so the timing might of been out somewhat.... seems it may not be such a big deal after reading up on timing.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    First of all ITA with Rainbow

    The temp being down is weird if you Oed though, I agree. It may have been a fake surge although your other symptoms do seem like O, you can have a pretty realistic fake O sometimes. I had one once that was more believable than some of my real O's have been.

    Or, you could have had a couple of weird low temps. I would keep testing if I noticed any O symptoms.

    Don't stress about timing, if you've done the rest, timing is just a lame ineffective way of doing all the other things.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks Atomic so have kept testing no more surges detected still have CM though and the last two days my temp remains down.... now I am doubting everything I can't possibly be pregnant with a low BBT right?? Maybe I never ovulated in the first place why do I have CM? Does this happen in anovulatory cycle with the temp going up only to go down again?

  6. #6
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    ok so I am now wondering if I can salvage this sway if I am to ovulate later again if I keep testing, as with temp down this can be the only thing happening! I am thinking the whole temp rise thing was beacuse I had a head cold earlier in the week.
    we wanted to do frequent release with cut off and we did frequent BD from AF till day 10 and now nothing day 11 day 12 and day 13..... can i salavge this by having husband release twice a day until i possibly get another surge on OPK.... ?
    Only other problem is I stopped cranberry supplements and aspartamane thinking I was in the 2 WW and cheating with diet ate cake and a few fries????
    Is this at all salvageable???

  7. #7
    Dream User

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    Ok so yes i have now tested with a surge so I had a false postive surge.... .can I salavage this sway this month shall i get husband to release twice daily then try a O+12? Any advice?

  8. #8
    Big Dreamer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Caty View Post
    hey thanks I have no charts on here to share just been taking notes in a little notebook.
    Yeh defianlty looks like I ovulated early.... the surge was light then just kept getting darker and I forgot to say on day 11 I also had blood streaked cm which is always another postive sign I have ovulated. Have tested again today and no other surges detected.
    Just very stragne as I have always been quite consistent up until now and the month we try this happens oh well what can you do I gave it my best shot with all other factors involved so the timing might of been out somewhat.... seems it may not be such a big deal after reading up on timing.
    im trying for a boy and sounds like a similar thing happened to me this opk had smile at 3pm saturday(day 12) by 7pm,gone! then,yesterday and today,very mucusy??

  9. #9
    Dream User

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    oh well it's good to know this can happen it has never happened before now but what can you do i was so hoping to get a bfp this month on our first attempt at swaying it is just a bummer on the whole timing thing and frequency of our BD I'm waiting to see if it can be salvaged..... Good luck to you I hope you get your little boy sometime soon .

  10. #10
    Big Dreamer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Caty View Post
    oh well it's good to know this can happen it has never happened before now but what can you do i was so hoping to get a bfp this month on our first attempt at swaying it is just a bummer on the whole timing thing and frequency of our BD I'm waiting to see if it can be salvaged..... Good luck to you I hope you get your little boy sometime soon .
    my thoughts exactly! its a pain to have to wait another month but at least we can make sure we get it right.

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