We have TONS more info about swaying pink available in our TTC a Girl Best Practices forum here: http://genderdreaming.com/forum/ttc-...est-practices/ And all atomic's essays have been updated as of December 2017 with all the newest and the best info.

And if you are trying to look up something specific please check out our Complete Index here (all alphabetized by topic!): http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gend...ete-index.html

And we have even MORE available in our Dream Members forums ($19 per year) including the complete LE Diet, and lots and lots of other diet info and all our EGS (extreme gender swaying) info! Dream Memberships are a great way to support the site and help atomic sagebrush to be able to continue helping swayers as a full time job! Dream Memberships are available here! http://genderdreaming.com/forum/payments.php

Thank you!