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  1. #1
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    Wifey and I want a girl -- please help us sway pink!

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the boards. Great site!

    Here's a little background:

    My wife and I have been married for almost three years and have been together for almost 12 years.

    I remained ambivalent about having kids until 2016. I relished my free time, space, and privacy and thought I'd never take the plunge. Well, after spending some time with my wife's nieces over the past year and growing envious of friends who have adorable daughters, I've changed my mind and am now yearning for one of our own.

    We're both willing to do whatever it takes to sway pink. Because of the health issues my wife has (which I'll be outlining below) and my interest in not having too big a family, we aim to have only one child. Depending on how it goes, we may consider adopting a girl in the future if we end up conceiving a boy. However, we want to do everything in our power to be "one and done" with a daughter.

    So what exactly can we both do to increase the likelihood of having a girl?

    Here are a few details regarding my wife's health:

    - She has high blood pressure, which she controls by taking Metoprolol
    - She has hypothyroidism, which she treats by taking Synthroid
    - She has an IUD (Mirena)
    - She takes Metformin for metabolic syndrome (lower blood sugar)

    Given these health issues, is it more likely we'll have a boy or girl?

    I've also done my research on the Shettles Method (getting intimate 2-5 days before ovulation), jump and dump, sticking to missionary, etc. Plus, I have delved into the kind of diet you should aim for to conceive a girl, including laying off red meat and salty foods, etc.

    What dietary/BD tips can you provide that will help our cause?

    And what can I do to lend a hand? Will frequent release, wearing tight underwear, and taking hot showers before DTD work? I'm even willing to consume licorice beet but my wife is advising me against it because of the health risks it poses (higher blood pressure, etc.)?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by thinkpink2017; January 3rd, 2017 at 11:55 PM.

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  3. #2
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    Hi and welcome!

    This is just a bit long and if you could give me a bump I will swing back around and reply as soon as I'm able to!
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  4. #3
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    Looking forward to your advice, atomic!

  5. #4
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  6. #5
    Dream Vet
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    Hi thinkpink, atomic will have more about what you as man can do but thought I would comment because it is close to my heart when hubby wants a girl enough to really help (my hubby was super supportive and our girl sway worked!)

    Basics of this site include the following:

    For mommy to be-
    LE diet for 12 weeks or longer. 1500-1800 calories, 40-50g protein, 40-60g fat. No snacking. Vegetarian if she can. There are no foods she can't eat if you stay within your limits. (Lots of posts on how to do LE- this is just overview)

    Coffee, alcohol daily

    Cardio exercise 6 weeks or longer for 60min a day for 5-7 days a week. It has to be 60 straight minutes without stopping, no less. Doesn't have to be intense, can be walking even.

    Sex, only 1 attempt at positive OPK is the key. Timing doesn't sway so throw out those old ideas (like shettles). The point is just one attempt in the fertility window. If she doesn't track ovulation or it is too stressful, you can DTD unprotected only every 4 days to cover you. Don't stop till you are for sure she ovulated.

    Folic Acid or Folate- 1200mcg-1600mcg is a must no matter what gender you sway

    She should drop any multivitamin or prenatal. Those sway boy, just the folic is what she needs. (Unless needed for medical reasons.)

    The metformin she is on is good for girl sway! If she can also get Clomid or Femara those are Great for girl sway.

    Good luck! It really does get easier once you understand the basics.
    Pregnant with baby GIRL #2, due August 2019
    Successful girl sway, born in 2017.

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  8. #6
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for your reply, GirlieCat. Very helpful!

    I'd be interesting in knowing what atomic and others feel I should do in order to help sway, like FR, hot baths, licorice beet, etc.

  9. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Hi think! welcome!

    I have 2 girls from a previous relationship and 2 girls with my current hubby.

    You will find the advice on this site varies in tiny ways but most agree on the big things. Its really up to you ultimately what you decide to pick and choose from!

    I can tell you that my husband loves hot baths and hot showers and he has made 2 girls. We both drink lots of soda...Caramel drinks..we have heavy caffeine intake in our house. (i was also like this before hubby, so it may explain my other 2 girls) and heavy intake seems to sway more pink than mild to moderate which can sway boy.

    Everyone is different but in my case some red meat was okay, and in fact for the girl swayers that go super long without conceiving its one of the first things along with a few eggs and some full fat milk that you will get told she needs again in small amounts! To start however i think the lean protein meats are more recommended for pink swayers like chicken. The big thing is no snacking, no breakfast if she can manage it. Atomic may have different advice because if your wife already struggles with low blood sugar issues it may not be the wisest idea for her to NOT eat and obviously her health is very important too. Hubby never eats breakfast, very rare occasions and even then its usually mornings he wakes up late anyhow so its already 10-11 am and its more of a brunch or early lunch than breakfast so thats a good goal for you. On work days he eats lunch between 12-1 and then doesnt eat again until about 6. So on work days he is up at 7 and doesnt eat for 5-6 hours, and then its another 5-6 hours. He snacks before bed SOME nights but not all nights.

    Other than his line of work which requires some heavy lifting some walking etc he is also very inactive. He is home and he is on his computer or his ps4 or watching TV. He doesnt lift or do any excersise outside of what is important for work. I chase after a toddler and i have a home to clean and maintain but other than that i am also just as inactive. With DD1 i conceived her with one attempt in fertile window, DD2 was also 1 attempt in fertile window. DD3 was many attempts in fertile window but so many that we probably killed his sperm count and that swayed pink for us because of lifestyle and diet. With DD4 i was actually on the boy diet but we ended up with 1 attempt in fertile window as well accidentally. Only mentioning so you can see how crazy the statistics really are for one attempt at positive OPK.

    Hubby is private on some matters but if i had to be honest i am pretty sure wether we have sex or not he releases at least once a day...2-3 times a day on the days we do have sex. So you should be okay with frequent release just dont do it SO much that you inadvertently make it harder for her to get pregnant.

    I think the high blood pressure especially if she watches her salt intake because of it will sway more pink as well. Overall *I* think you already look good for pink and with some minor tweaks here and there you two will have a really amazing sway

    Note on the prenatals: Girliecat is right, but i do want to add that if she does need them for a health reason then they probably wont hurt the sway that much. I took them for the whole 7 months when TTC DD3 and still got a girl, and i took them again with a boy sway diet this time and im still having diet sucks though so i probably needed the vitamin reserves anyhow...its when a perfectly healthy and fertile woman takes the vitamins that they are more likely to sway blue.
    Katelynn Marie (2005)
    Cyra Elizabeth (2010)
    Angela Victoria (2015)
    Alexandria Grace (2017)

    My heart is full and my family is complete, even if i never got my son.

  10. #8
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    Hi again and thanks for your patience.

    Since she's on Metformin, that will tend to sway pink anyway. What I would do is have her do the atomic fertility diet in this thread if she can tolerate that ok and cardio exercise 6-7 days a week, 60 min a day if she can (and if she can't, just do any exercise because for people with metabolic syndrome the benefits of exercise are great for a sway even if you can't get up to the full amount.)

    When you're ready to TTC, have her come off the Mirena and IMMEDIATELY to try to catch the first egg. The hormones from coming off the Mirena may sway pink.

    You are not going to be able to do Shettles timing very easily coming off the Mirena. What I'd have you do instead is to either BD unprotected every 4 days OR to do OPK tests, and when she gets a positive on the test, BD that night (just once). Or, if you do really want to include timing, that's ok too, just get a fertility monitor that tells you "high" and "peak" days, and BD on the second high day (and then pray like crazy you actually O when you're supposed to!)

    I would not worry about the salty food idea. Most of us totally gave up on it and got only better results since we stopped worrying about it.

    I wouldn't bother with the LR if she doesn't want you to. The results have been mediocre. You may want to try Olive Leaf Extract instead, 500-1000 mg a day started right away and continued till BFP, then gradually wean off.

    If you're trying to catch that first egg coming off the Mirena I would not bother with FR. It hasn't been very effective, and it will cut your odds of getting pregnant that first month considerably. I would just release regularly every 2-4 days to be sure you have enough troops to make it to the egg with the one attempt.
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  12. #9
    Big Dreamer

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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlieCat View Post
    Folic Acid or Folate- 1200mcg-1600mcg is a must no matter what gender you sway
    This jumped out at me. I don't think anyone should take folic acid over folate, but especially for someone with health issues, folate is the better option. Bio-available folate is even better, but at least folate doesn't have the issues folic acid does.
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  13. #10
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueeyedguys View Post
    This jumped out at me. I don't think anyone should take folic acid over folate, but especially for someone with health issues, folate is the better option. Bio-available folate is even better, but at least folate doesn't have the issues folic acid does.
    folate is better. the problem is that many people cannot afford it and will take nothing, and since only a small % of people can't do folic acid (most of whom already know that about themselves) then I prefer to still keep the folic acid at everyone's option.
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