Unlike a lot of stats on IG, I actually read this article and that is what the findings were. I remembered this morning it was in a statistics magazine online that does not seem to be online any more. I think it was "Chance Magazine" or something like that and it was a writeup of a study.

The way you're thinking of it is not how the statistics work. These are numbers across a POPULATION and not YOUR PERSONAL odds. Do you see the difference there? Some of those people had GBG, some had GGB, some had BGG, or whatever, but the fact is that 12.5% of the population ~should~ have 3 girls and only 12.1% did. In the meantime, the odds of 3 boys were MUCH higher at almost 15% vs. 12. That is all good news for you. It doesn't say anything about your personal odds of getting a baby girl the next time, it just means that of all the people in the whole wide world with three kids, more of them have some combo of boys and girls than end up with 3 girls.

Stats are funny things. If gender is NOT a coin flip (and of course we believe that it is not) then it doesn't MATTER what the numbers across the population are. You can change your own odds by swaying. So even if you do, as we sit here in this moment, have only a 46% chance of a boy, you can change that with swaying. We have consistently gotten better than 50% and most years we got more in the 70% range. If your husband doesn't smoke that's even better chances.

Your body doesn't "know" what the stats are. Your body only knows the cues it gets from the environment. And that you have control over! not 100% of course but definitely better than without swaying.