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    Swaying pink and twins; confused as to where to start!

    We are starting to plan baby #2. I want to wait at least 3 months to TTC, because I need to get on folic acid for 3 months prior. I really want a girl. This may be our last pregnancy because of some complications last time. Long story short, I can easily and safely carry babies but have heart problems following delivery. I wouldn't mind increasing my odds for twins through high folic acid, soy isoflavones, vitex, cassanuvum, (anything else?), we always wanted 4+ kids and my doctor said it's no more of a worry than a singleton than any other healthy woman.

    Is it possible to sway pink and twins? Does magnesium still sway pink?

    There is so much information that I'm not sure where to start! Hubby doesn't really want to change his diet or life at all to sway but I may be able to convince him - if needed. I have a copper IUD right now. My older son is almost 3 and I'm breastfeeding him. I'm 25 and 5'2". I'm 140lb and want to lose weight before getting pregnant, I was 107 before getting pregnant. Is it bad to lose weight before swaying?

  2. #2
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    Do I have this right??

    Folic Acid or Folate:
    -4,000mg for 3+ months prior to conception
    -Take throughout the day, rather than one large dose for better absorption
    -Slowly taper off and reduce to normal amount throughout pregnancy

    Low-Dose Aspirin (81mg):
    -Start 2x per week and increase to 5x per week

    Antihistamine (dipenhydramine):
    -Take for 5 days before O, stopped before O
    -Benadryl 1-2 hours before attempt OR Zyrtec 4-6 hours before attempt

    -Take from CD1 to O.
    -Take 400mg to 1200mg per day.

    Soy Isoflavones:
    -Take from CD1 to 5
    -200mg per day

    Cassava Root:
    -Take from CD1 to O
    -800-1600mg per day

    -Maca Root
    -Take for 3 months prior to conception to O
    -1500mg per day before 3PM

    For DH:
    -Lower sperm count by frequent release (not through sex)
    -DH won't hold off so frequent release will have to do. How frequent?
    -1 attempt and jump and dump; no O for me.
    -450mg of Licorice Root 3x day from CD1 to O.
    -Low-dose Aspirin???

    Does DH need to lower his coffee intake? He drinks A LOT of coffee, anywhere from 36oz to 60oz per day. He's miserable without it.

    Should I be using some sort of vaginal gel to lower my pH?

    I'm going to start dieting to lose weight. I want to lose 40lb (from 146 to 107) before getting pregnant. Losing weight is good for a girl sway, correct? But bad for twin sway?

    Should I be taking any other supplements? I thought calcium and magnesium swayed girl, but I read it sways boy.

    I am breastfeeding a 3 year old, generally only at night. Would nursing him more be better? I am going to start tracking my cycles for the next few months before TTC. But my son still wakes me up at night, so my body temperature might not be accurate. I normally get A LOT of CM around O. (TMI: enough to soak underwear if I don't wear a panty liner).

    My first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage, I'd like to avoid that experience if at all possible. Does anything other than low-dose aspirin help with making baby stick? And won't affect a sway?
    Last edited by ayla8; August 1st, 2017 at 02:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    Hi and welcome ayla, can you give this a bump for me? It's long and I am at the end of my day here, want to give my best effort
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Hi and welcome ayla, can you give this a bump for me? It's long and I am at the end of my day here, want to give my best effort

  5. #5
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    It's fine to lose weight before swaying.

    Is there any way you can get Clomid?? All the herbs can't hold a candle to Clomid in terms of twinning. I have seen SOOO many people take them and not get twins, I really don't even think they do much of anything at this point. Plus, they can really mess up your cycle and make it take longer to conceive, which wouldn't be a big deal if they actually worked, but they sure do not seem to. Clomid additionally sways pink.

    The only thing I'd have you do is high dose folate 2000 mcg a day and full fat dairy. No skim. Don't go overboard with this, 1-2 servings a day is enough, if you have too much you may undermine your sway with too many nutrients.

    I don't think calcium and magnesium do anything for swaying (myself and many others on here got boys taking them and gave them up to get girls) but many people still use them. The important thing with those is to take them just in supplement form, without Vitamin D, and do not do tons and tons of dairy (just stick with your 1-2 servings of full fat to boost chances of twins)

    Now, to go over your supps:

    Folate is better. You are young and I"d not have you do more than 2000 but it's up to you. with small doses thru the day and then once you're out of the first trimester THEN taper off. Take the higher dose all through the first trimester of pregnancy. This is when baby needs it most and if you were taking a higher dose before pregnancy, you need to continue with that especally if twins may be on board as they need even more than a single pregnancy does.

    I am no longer using aspirin due to newer information (both our experiences and studies) showing that there are many more risks and side effects and also that it does NOTHING whatsoever to help prevent miscarriage (and in fact may CAUSE it for many people by triggering subchorionic hemmorrhage). Plus, I never ever use this while breastfeeding as it is NOT SAFE to use while your baby is still nursing. Not open for debate, if you are breastfeeding, NO ASPIRIN

    Antihistamine - when nursing, you cannot do the 5 day method nor can you take both Benadryl and Cetirizine. JUST one dose of Cetirizine, 4-6 hours before you plan to attempt. Do not take this with Benadryl, do not use Benadryl at all, and do not do the 5 day dose.

    Vitex, at your discretion, it hasn't worked for pink and has messed up cycles, but ~may~ possibly help with twinning. You cannot take this with soy iso though as it affects how the soy iso works (and also not with Clomid)

    Soy Iso - Can't take this with vitex, needs to be one or the other. Have not found this to be very effective and Clomid is 10,000 times better.

    Cassava - I strongly suspect this would interact with the vitex and the soy iso. I would personally be wary loading up on all these things while nursing. There is practically zero reliable data about how they work and if they affect a nursing baby or not. I know people EAT cassava but that is different than taking concentrated forms of them as a drug. Clomid is safe while nursing and unlike cassava it actually works. (I've seen gobs of people take cassava and not get twins) No one has ever proven that cassava yam consumption even works to cause twinning and in fact many experts believe it's simply the genetics of the women in the area meaning you're taking the potential risks for no reason.

    Maca may sway blue and has had some strange and disturbing side effects (including visual hallucinations and hot flashes). Again, I've seen tons of people taking this and never getting twins. Clomid is vastly superior.

    Plus, I'll just point out again that these things all interact with each other. Vitex lowers estrogen, while soy iso blocks it temporarily. But cassava and maca may raise it (or have compounds that act like estrogen in the body) So you're basically taking things that block estrogen and things that act like estrogen at the same time. Makes no sense and you're probably just confusing your body taking all those things together.

    For DH - frequent release is 1x a day.
    We have had a dry spell with our licorice, not getting great results. I still use it and believe in it for swaying pink, but since this is your only shot, I'd suggest leaving it out just in case. No baby aspirin for him. I'd probably try OLE instead 500-1000 mg daily started right away and continued until your BFP at which point he should gradually wean off.

    Neither you nor DH need to stop drinking coffee. We have had stellar results using coffee as a sway tactic for pink and the idea that coffee ever swayed blue has been fully debunked.

    Re both J and D and jelly - at some point, you use so many sway tactics you cannot conceive. J and D may add a little something, but jelly is not seeming to work, with the same amount of people getting girls with and without it. The most important thing is that one attempt, so I'd personally skip the jelly and concentrate on conceiving with one attempt and hopefully a J and D. Most will do J and D after 5 minutes and not right away to boost odds of conception.

    WE have tons of people conceive twins even with losing weight and I"d def. suggest it for a pink sway.

    RE your discretion. Personally with a history of heart problems you could not get me to take cal-mag (I also have a heart problem and I have huge regrets taking it for swaying - and getting boys both times I did - since calcium has subsequently been linked to possibly contributing to heart disease later in life) You're young and can probably shake it off, but many of us on here got boys while taking it and the best study ever done on diet and gender conceived showed that the women who went on to conceive the most boys actually had the highest intake of ALL nutrients including calcium and magnesium.

    There is no benefit to tracking your cycles for months before TTC. Your cycle WILL change due to swaying (and this is especially true if you take all those herbs, it will be a miracle if your cycle did not change dramatically) and it doesn't tell you anything worthwhile anyway. Timing has been completely debunked, it's fine if you want to use it but we have more reliable ways to do that without temping for months in advance.

    Breastfeeding does sway pink and twin and I highly recommend carrying on!

    The vast majority of miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities that happen either to the egg/sperm along the way or very very early on in the division process. Nothing that can be prevented, just sheer bad luck. Taking aspirin for most people does NOTHING to help prevent miscarriage and has actually been proven in several recent studies to do nothing and possibly even raise risks of a loss occurring. Your body knows how to implant a baby and taking things that thin the blood are not necessary for anyone with the exception of those who have a proven, diagnosed clotting disorder and are under the care of a doctor (and usually they need something stronger than aspirin anyway) Plus, it's NOT SAFE while nursing. Skip this totally.
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  6. #6
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    Thank you! This helps a lot. It makes it a lot more simple.

    If the herbs don't do anything or much for twinning then I don't want to take them. I was cautious of them anyway because they are not monitored the same as prescriptions. No point wasting money and time ruining my cycles if it won't help.

    I didn't know I couldn't take antihistamines while nursing. Is that just the 5 day rule or in general? I've been taking some (assorted brands) for a good chunk of my nursing journey, which my doctor is aware of.

    So 2,000mg of folate, slowly over the day while TTC and for the first trimester, then slowly taper off to what's in a prenatal. And 1-2 servings of full fat milk (is that 3.25%?). Should I do both of those for 3 months prior to TTC? Can I hide the milk in a smoothie or something? I can't stand anything higher than 1% but probably wouldn't notice in a smoothie. I could do full fat yogurt as well.

    How much does coffee sway pink? I don't like coffee or tea at all, but I can probably choke it down if it really helps. DH is obsessed with his coffee.

    For DH: Is OLE, Olive Leave Extract? He would do 500mg-1000mg, start now and continue until I get my BFP? And release once per day.

    I could try and get Clomid. I'm not sure my Dr. would prescribe it since I have an IUD still and haven't been trying for a year. Unless I could have my IUD removed by another doctor and lie about how long we have been TTC. My husband does not want me to do Clomid at all because he thinks we would end up with quadruplets or something.

  7. #7
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    It's one thing if you NEED the antihistamines for allergies. But it's another thing entirely when it's just for swaying since they a) haven't worked anyway b) carry their own set of risks for you and baby and c) really, really dry up breastmilk and taking them for many consecutive days can make your milk dry up to a trickle. So it's got no benefit, plenty of downsides, and I prefer all nursing moms to avoid Benadryl if at all possible, NEVER use the double dose of both Benadryl and Zyrtec, and only on day of attempt.

    Yes fine to put the milk into a smoothie. Or yogurt works too. Yes the 3.25 fat is whole/full fat

    Coffee really, really works. People having no coffee had 41% success rate (yes, that's right, the people who limited caffeine as some sites tell them to do, got 60% BOYS with otherwise pink sways!!), some coffee got 63% success rate, people having lots got 95% success rate (smaller sample size, but still). Just to compare, antihistamine only got 59% success rate with about the same sample size as the "some coffee" people, so even just a small amount seems to be more effective than antihistamine!!!

    OLE is olive leaf.

    Yeah, if you've had an IUD in it will probably be tough to get Clomid. I mention it since it's a great pink sway and the best way to get twins. We haven't had a single case of quadruplets yet LOL.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    It's one thing if you NEED the antihistamines for allergies. But it's another thing entirely when it's just for swaying since they a) haven't worked anyway b) carry their own set of risks for you and baby and c) really, really dry up breastmilk and taking them for many consecutive days can make your milk dry up to a trickle. So it's got no benefit, plenty of downsides, and I prefer all nursing moms to avoid Benadryl if at all possible, NEVER use the double dose of both Benadryl and Zyrtec, and only on day of attempt.

    Yes fine to put the milk into a smoothie. Or yogurt works too. Yes the 3.25 fat is whole/full fat

    Coffee really, really works. People having no coffee had 41% success rate (yes, that's right, the people who limited caffeine as some sites tell them to do, got 60% BOYS with otherwise pink sways!!), some coffee got 63% success rate, people having lots got 95% success rate (smaller sample size, but still). Just to compare, antihistamine only got 59% success rate with about the same sample size as the "some coffee" people, so even just a small amount seems to be more effective than antihistamine!!!

    OLE is olive leaf.

    Yeah, if you've had an IUD in it will probably be tough to get Clomid. I mention it since it's a great pink sway and the best way to get twins. We haven't had a single case of quadruplets yet LOL.
    How much coffee should I be drinking? I read on another thread at least 3 cups per day. Is that still correct? How many oz would be considered a cup? I have a keurig so I brew in oz sizes. I hate the taste of coffee, is there anyway to mask it? Or do cafe mochas?

    What does OLE do for men? Increases sperm quality?

    Do you know what a clomid dosage would be? I called my doctor yesterday and was told if they decide to give it to me, the starting dose is 25mg which seems low as everything I have read online is 100-150mg. I don't want to take it and for it to do nothing, but also don't want high order multiples.

    Would we still do our attempt 3 days before O, if I can track it that much? Does having a lot of CM sway boy? I produce a lot around O.

    And do I still do a LE diet?

    I'm sorry for all the questions! I spend a lot of time reading here but it seems a lot of what I've read isn't recommended now. I want a girl so bad!
    Last edited by ayla8; August 6th, 2017 at 09:59 PM.

  9. #9
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    Yeah, I know it's confusing since the sway I recommend has evolved over time and I like to keep up the old info for the people who do still want to use those tactics. Just ask till it falls into place.

    Coffee - anything more than what you were drinking is fine. You don't need to do 3 cups, just more than you were having. Just one Kcup = a cup. like 6-10 oz. Yes you can have coffee whitener (whatever kind you prefer, milk, cream, whatevs) and artificial sugar in the morning or between meals, and then with a meal you can have it with real sugar if you'd like.

    We usually use 50 mg. I have used 25 for some people. I do not ever have people use 100 except under advice of a doctor and 150 is a no-no even under the guidelines of a doctor - that high a dose is for people who are actually severely infertile and not just using it for swaying or need a teeny amount of help with conceiving. We have never had any quads and only one set of triplets in all this time (we've actually had more triplets conceived naturally than with Clomid!) and ironically, the triplets were in a woman who was being closely monitored by her doctor and the doctor made a mistake in the number of follicles she produced.

    3 days before O is both hard to pinpoint and very low odds of conception, and doesn't work for swaying anyway. It's up to you if you want to try it first month on Clomid only, but it will be next to impossible, if not truly impossible to hit that because your O day will change on Clomid. I'd suggest attempt at positive OPK or every 4 days but up to you. Just be sure you drop timing within 1-2 months on Clomid.

    Yes, still do LE Diet. Our resutls with Clomid for pink were in people doing an LE Diet or vegetarian.

    Please don't be sorry, that's what I'm here for. I want everyone to get their desired gender!
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    My doctor prescribed me 100mg of clomid, but from what I've read and what you said here, that's high. Should I ask to reduce? I don't want to end up with quads, but also don't want to waste my time. I haven't filled the prescription yet.

    Also, what days are recommended here? My doctor said I can either do 3-7 or 5-9, "it doesn't matter". Maybe it really doesn't matter. Also, what counts as the first day of your cycle? I've always struggled with that. I have cramping for a couple days, than a couple tiny spots for a day or two, than light spotting, leads into heavy flow, then back to spotting.

    Life happened and I'm going to start the LE diet, weight loss and folic acid for the next 3 months, and aim to get pregnant the first week of February. It's hard for me to tell myself not to take a real prenatal, but that sways boy right? Does it do any harm to the baby/babies? I can start taking pre-natals as soon as I get the BFP?

    How heavy should the cardio be? Walking, running? Right now I do about 20 minutes a day of hard cardio, that is all bodyweight only (kind of like Insanity).

    Do I start drinking coffee now? Or closer to TTC? I hate coffee, and tea, so I'll be chocking it back. I never drink any, but I'll try and drink as much as I can.

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