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  1. #1
    Lexzeppelin89's Avatar
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    TTC Girl Soon (Questions)

    Hi there! I've been lurking this site for the past year but this is my first post I have three kids (B, G, B) & we want to start TTC our 4th soon - we'd love to sway for a girl! I've tried to read as much as I can on the subject, but I still have a few questions I guess you could say??

    The LE diet seems pretty self explanatory... It mentions salt, but what about sugar? I've noticed some people mention dessert, does that tend to sway girls?

    Also, I'd like to purchase a fiber supplement to start taking. I don't see a specific mg mentioned though? I was going to buy Metamucil but noticed another brand had a decent amount more fiber?

    Lastly, just to make sure I have this correct (or not), for your first attempt of TTC. Does it sound right to have DH withhold for min 7 days, then have (missionary & shallow) sex 1-2 days before O? And just attempt the one time?

    I feel like I'm missing a question or two buuuuut I'll leave it at this for now Thank you whoever is reading!
    [8-20-08] [4-7-13] [5-1-16] [11-2018] & hopeful in feb '19.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    hi and welcome Lex!

    If you are on the standard LE Diet you can have sugar, within the limits for the day (so since you are eating a given amount of calories but have to get a set amount of protein and fat, you will often end up somewhat limiting sugar as a result, but without putting any effort into even thinking about it.)

    If you are on one of the alternate forms of LE Diet however (for people with PCOS, lots of weight to spare, or who need better egg quality) those groups of people actually need to cut out sugar entirely (or at least as much as spiritually possible, LOL)

    Foods (such as dessert) really don't sway in and of themselves. It's the overall nutrient content of your diet that sways and not magic foods. Now, we do have a fair number of blue swayers (those who have all girls and want boys) who do eat a lot of sugary stuff - such as the "patented" girl lunch of a candy bar and diet coke, LOL - but this doesn't mean you SHOULD eat like that to get a girl, since an important part of the LE Diet is eating a well-balanced pre-pregnancy diet. And for those on the alternate diet for PCOS, it can even undermine their sways to eat much if any sugar. So even though some people do eat a lot of sugar and get girls doing that, it's not something I recommend as a general rule for the basis of any sway diet.

    Fiber supplements wildly vary by brand and formulation so I can't give a blanket dose on them. Just take the minimum on the bottle (you will NEVER need the very high doses on fiber supplements - those are for people with health problems and not our purposes) with any meal containing fat, or fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K (this will usually be skim dairy and leafy greens with fat free salad dressing; very few other foods have A, D, E, K wihtout having fat in them too!)

    RE abstain - yes if hubby is younger than 35, abstain is fine. If he's older than 35 I would advise doing the daily release (release 1x a day for 7-10 days before having one attempt) The most important thing is that one attempt.

    Fine to do missionary, but I don 't recommend shallow release any more as it's never been proven to sway, and has DRAMATICALLY lowered chances of conception for people.

    Just let me know how I can help! That's what I"m here for!
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  4. #3
    Lexzeppelin89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    hi and welcome Lex!

    If you are on the standard LE Diet you can have sugar, within the limits for the day (so since you are eating a given amount of calories but have to get a set amount of protein and fat, you will often end up somewhat limiting sugar as a result, but without putting any effort into even thinking about it.)

    If you are on one of the alternate forms of LE Diet however (for people with PCOS, lots of weight to spare, or who need better egg quality) those groups of people actually need to cut out sugar entirely (or at least as much as spiritually possible, LOL)

    Foods (such as dessert) really don't sway in and of themselves. It's the overall nutrient content of your diet that sways and not magic foods. Now, we do have a fair number of blue swayers (those who have all girls and want boys) who do eat a lot of sugary stuff - such as the "patented" girl lunch of a candy bar and diet coke, LOL - but this doesn't mean you SHOULD eat like that to get a girl, since an important part of the LE Diet is eating a well-balanced pre-pregnancy diet. And for those on the alternate diet for PCOS, it can even undermine their sways to eat much if any sugar. So even though some people do eat a lot of sugar and get girls doing that, it's not something I recommend as a general rule for the basis of any sway diet.

    Fiber supplements wildly vary by brand and formulation so I can't give a blanket dose on them. Just take the minimum on the bottle (you will NEVER need the very high doses on fiber supplements - those are for people with health problems and not our purposes) with any meal containing fat, or fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K (this will usually be skim dairy and leafy greens with fat free salad dressing; very few other foods have A, D, E, K wihtout having fat in them too!)

    RE abstain - yes if hubby is younger than 35, abstain is fine. If he's older than 35 I would advise doing the daily release (release 1x a day for 7-10 days before having one attempt) The most important thing is that one attempt.

    Fine to do missionary, but I don 't recommend shallow release any more as it's never been proven to sway, and has DRAMATICALLY lowered chances of conception for people.

    Just let me know how I can help! That's what I"m here for!

    Thank you so much! This is very useful! Okay, so I went ahead & bought olive leaf oil (for DH), fiber supplements, & folate. Should both DH & I take the fiber or just me?

    Are there any other supps that are highly recommended or am I good?
    [8-20-08] [4-7-13] [5-1-16] [11-2018] & hopeful in feb '19.

  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    If DH is willing, fiber may help - hypothetically. We have a lot of balky hubbies so I try to keep the supps minimal for them, but fiber may actually be of some benefit.
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  6. #5
    Lexzeppelin89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    If DH is willing, fiber may help - hypothetically. We have a lot of balky hubbies so I try to keep the supps minimal for them, but fiber may actually be of some benefit.

    ahh I see! Luckily mine is willing! Sounds great, I'll have him take some as well, thanks!
    [8-20-08] [4-7-13] [5-1-16] [11-2018] & hopeful in feb '19.

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