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  1. #1
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    Question for Atomic or others

    I wanted to start by thanking you for this wonderful site. I was on IG since 2007 joining in 2009 after first failed sway with ds2, I had my second failed sway for ds 3 in 2010. IG is good with MANY sweet girls, but this site has none of the snarky sarcasm that some of the posts had. I 'm not sure how I got the member name sis40 I was always livcamcars but happy to be here all the same.

    On to my question. I have read all of the FAQ's. I just want to touch on the main points. It's tough after the IG "info" I took for so long. With all 4 of my children I had gestational diabetes and have never been above a weight of 120 not pregnant (5'7"). I know a lot (unfortunately) about blood sugars. The last two babies I was heavily insulin dependent. Both babies were under under 7lbs. I became very good, very quick, at knowing how to manipulate the insulin to eat the junk I was loving and missing. It seems the theory here is keeping blood sugars low. Due to everyday life of two teens and two babies my life is crazy so for the last few months I hardly eat. Today I'm 109. Skip breakfast, sometimes eat lunch but usually not, and then eat what I cook the kids for dinner but only half the portion(usually), we never have red meat except during the summer with lots of grilling. I'm willing to go down a few more pounds but isn't it fine to really just not eat much of
    anything of nutritional value ( diet coke and a pop tart for example) with big times between eating
    for a couple more weeks? Once I get my BFP I eat very well, I'm not negligent or dumb. After all
    that, my real question is isn't it good enough to fool the body into the "lean time" thinking by eating little and empty ( unless I start to feel sick)?

    Next point. It appears that using Rephresh will counter everything. So if I do Rephresh every 3 days but added Replens wouldn't it just adjust to a 4.5 because of the Rephresh? Why would I add
    anything else? I'm 40 so swaying for a dd isn't easy due to time so I need to hit the most important things. I am on every supplement IG recommends but after reading all of this think I should drop a bunch of them. What do you think are most vital for me? I've been told aspirin and saw palmetto. Anything else before I drop the rest?

    After IG I'm just confused. I really didn't do the strict eating with the last 2 boys so that may just be the trick. I want another daughter so badLy I can barely think of anything else. I have every lavender item out there, a waterfall next to bed, warm mist humidifier, rose quartz, neg ion bracelets and rock salt lamp. I feel crazy ( because my teens and dh say I am) but am doing as much as possible. We decided frequent release with bd through o and J&D with Rephresh. Dh is on licorice root and cran.

    Please advise, am I way off? In full disclosure I'm coming off a chemical pregnancy but want to go right on trying this month. My age is depressing ( for fertility reasons) so I am staying on Wellbutrin with an occasional anti anxiety pill.

    Thank you again for this supportive site. I really could use all of your guidance.


  2. #2
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    Even though we think you should eat low nutrients on this site, we still think you should eat more healthily than the IG/FGD suggest... that way you won't make yourself ill if you have to be on it a while. Have you had a read of the LE diet details?

    Diet does seem to be the factor that sways the most, too.

    yes, the RepHresh would probably up the pH of the Replens.. are you after the Replens for it's "moisturising" nature, or something else?

    I don't know much about the supplements, I'm sure someone else can let you know about that.

    frequent BD with J&D and RepHresh sounds fine if you feel you are quite fertile! it's hard to find the balance between swaying and being able to get pregnant at all. What frequency did you do with your boys? How fast did you fall before?

    sorry about your loss I know some think you are more likely to fall pregnant again in the month or two immediately following a loss, and I can understand not wanting to wait too

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Hi again, I rem. you from IG!

    YOu are quite right, at 109 lbs and 5-7 you do not need to lose a single pound, you're already in the "pink zone" in terms of body size and to go down any lower, you risk your ovulation.

    Here are the directions for tweaking a sway diet with blood sugar issues.

    Low nutrients doesn't mean NO nutrients - you can have fruits and veg as long as you're coming in at 1500-1800 cals, 40-50 g pro (you can go up a bit on this due to your blood sugar issuees), 25-60 g fat (20-30% of day's cals so if you are at less cals, eat less fat) 700-1000 mg sodium. You will NEED to eat at least some fruits and veg firstly because it helps you with your blood sugar a lot more than pop tart and diet coke will (those are ok for someone with normal glucose tolerance but you will need to be more careful due to history of gestational diabetes, see link above)

    We tested RepHresh with Replens, Acijel, and Sylk and it kept pH at 4.5. The Rephresh also acted immediately to lower semen pH. You DON'T need to add anything besides RepHresh,it's just that some people want to. Totally up to you.

    At 40, I would be VERY wary of how much I even did to sway. you will already have age and thinness working for you - go easy on the rest of it and just get pg quick. (I like your frequency pattern and BD thru O BTW.) You never know when it's the last fresh egg in the carton (i'm 41 so I totally understand!!)

    The supps I recommend are vitex 800 mg AF-O, Saw Palmetto 320 mg AF-O, baby aspirin 2-5 times a week throughout cycle (wean off gradually once you get BFP), 2-3 glasses of aspartame per day, a fiber supplement with every meal esp. those containing fat, and a probiotic to help ward off yeast infections. Also, everyone should take between 800-2000 mcg folic acid per day and should continue this throughout the first trimester of pg. Being older, you might want to err on the side of higher folic rather than lower (may even help prevent Downs - jury still out on that.)

    with trying this month, the chemical may help boost your fertility a bit and may also sway pink.

    Wellbutrin and anti-anxiety meds sway pink (but be ready to go off of them straightaway under your doc's guidance once you get a BFP.)

    I'm glad you found us and hope this helps in some small way!!
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  4. #4
    Dream User

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    I can not tell you how much I appreciate this. I could cry at how helpful you all are. Thank you from my heart.

  5. #5
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    awww I really hope you get pink next!!

  6. #6
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    Welcome Sis40! Praying you get your pink BFP soon. It sounds like you're already well on your way to a great sway (like AS said) with your weight and age. Good luck!!!! KUP!!
    and along the way.

    Due with a after prayer and and slight swaying.

    "It must take quite a man to knock the balls off a boy!"

  7. #7
    Dream Vet
    lobella2's Avatar
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    Good luck! I hope you hear pink next time!
    DS(2004) DD1(2007) DD2(2012)

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    Looks like everything you asked got covered. Just wanted to welcome you to the site. Glad you found "us".. sounds like you can tell that you WILL get support here NOT's true there's great bunch of ladies on here!
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    Hi Sis40, welcome to GD and best of luck with your sway, sending you all my pink dust

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