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Thread: Pink Sway Soon!

  1. #31
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Yes, it may be the case that a vanishing twin can affect the NIPT results so just be sure to mention that and they'll help explain the results to you taking that into consideration. If the test shows no male DNA then you're having a girl regardless. It's only if it comes back with male DNA that things may end up being more confusing.
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  2. #32
    Dream Newbie

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    Okay, good to know! So I'll ask at my next appointment whether they think results with be accurate. If a VT was male, and therefore the Y chromosome was present, would it give a good fetal DNA ratio? I'll definitely have them help me interpret the results! Thanks!

    Also, and I *know* the answer but it helps to hear it. I'm super nauseated like I was with my first son and probably closer to throwing up (bad gag reflex) than I've been with either of my other pregnancies (didn't ever actually throw up with my boys) -- I just need to hear that symptoms don't predict gender. I know they don't, but then I hear of people who are not sick at all with their girls and I get psyched out. Thanks!!

  3. #33
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    The answer (and I know it sucks) is 'it depends'. Sometimes the baby will go and the placenta stays behind (this actually happened to me personally) and in that case they can still get a lot of DNA from it.

    Always happy to help!
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  4. #34
    Dream Newbie

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    So I'm 10 weeks today and getting closer to my NIPT. I just can't stop thinking about that other (empty) sac on my 6 week u/s. We didn't sway for twins (weren't even trying yet when we got pregnant) -- but I can't stop wondering about the sex of the baby (babies) in light of the fact that it was (maybe?) twins / a vanishing twin. How does swaying work when there are mutiples? Does it increase chances of BOTH being girls? And what if the vanished twin was a girl, but the living one is not? I felt pretty good about my sway overall, but now every time I think about it, the twin thing throws me off, if that makes sense. Atomic, any thoughts on swaying and twins, and specifically the odds we may still end up with pink? TIA!

  5. #35
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    We don't know for sure but we believe it ups the chances of GG twins too. But of course the majority of our twins have been BG (since that's twice as likely). What I can say is we have only had a handful of BB twins - way more GG and way more BG.

    I can't give you specific odds on the outcome. It is of course possible that the vanishing twin was a girl, and the baby who implanted was a boy, but the reverse is also possible.
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  6. #36
    Dream Newbie

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    Okay, thanks -- that is helpful that it's less likely to be B/B twins based on your experience. I hate even thinking in terms of "which baby didn't make it?" because it's a loss either way, and I *know* I'd love another little boy, and it's so sad to think one maybe didn't make it. But then my mind plays games where I keep thinking, "what are the chances the one who made it is a girl after all?" Ahhh, this would be so much simpler had I not seen that extra sac!

    Another random question, but I've got another u/s scheduled at 11w3d -- is it worth asking the tech to guess baby's sex? Or still way too early to even make a guess? With both of my boys, I knew right at 11 weeks because we'd had NIPT done, but with this one, they want me to meet with genetics before getting the blood drawn due to the possible VT situation, so it'll be a minute before we know ... and I'm not even sure if I can trust the results at that point, you know?

    Thanks again for your help ... it is SO nice to have a place to ask these questions where people really get it. <3

  7. #37
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Even without swaying the odds are 75% just from chance that it's either BG or GG. But we've had very few BB twins and quite a lot of BG/GG twins.

    Yes 11 weeks is too soon to see anythign on the ultrasound.
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  8. #38
    Dream Newbie

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    Sorry for the million questions about NIPT and possible vanishing twin ... I don't know where else to ask these questions, and you've been SO helpful!

    So we spoke with the genetic counselor today, and they're drawing blood for cell-free DNA testing on Monday. We now have to decide whether to go with the usual, chromosome-counting CF-DNA testing OR to do some newer sort of CF-DNA testing called the "Snip" test, or something like that, where she said it can tell if there is more than one set of fetal DNA? She noted that 1) the latter takes longer to come back and 2) it will come back as "invalid" if there's more than one set of DNA (even though she said it can be done for multiples, so I don't get why it would come back invalid other than that they're putting the order in for me as a singleton pregnancy since that's what they saw?). But the regular CF-DNA could, as we've talked about upthread, have false positives (though she says that's rare, even w/ a VT).

    So any thoughts on whether to just go for it with the regular CF-DNA test or to do the Snip first? Any experience with the Snip CF-DNA test? Thanks so much for any info you can give!!

  9. #39
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    LOL that was not a million questions at all!!

    I honestly have no insight to give, unfortunately. We haven't had anyone else in this particular situation - most people just do the standard test and then wait for the later confirmation by ultrasound if there's any lack of clarity. To be honest I'd probably do whichever one was cheaper, particualrly if it was faster!
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  10. #40
    Dream Newbie

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    Okay, thanks! That's what we're leaning towards; the standard one is both cheaper and faster. I mean, I'm obviously rooting for a "healthy girl" result anyway, so if we do the standard and get that result, we know we're good, and there's no reason for further testing. So I think I'm just gonna put that out in the Universe and go from there! :-)

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