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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer

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    Second sway attempt

    Hi, Im here hoping to sway once more for a little girl. I was so lucky to sway and get my girl in Dec2018.
    My initial plans were to sway when she was smaller so Id have a small a age gap but due to soem health problems with my girl, we were not ready.
    I started a light sway at the end of March and then we were fasting for the month of April and now I am trying to get back on track in hoping to try this month however my ovulation seems to have disappeared.
    Before any diet I was very regualr and got the usual signs through CM to know when its ovulation. However this time there is nothing and I have been using OPKs since day 10 and all are very faint or not at all.
    I think the fasting month has kicked me over the edge with weighloss and now im on the very slim side and think im in trouble now.
    I started having one cup of black coffee every day from March (missed a few days), cut back on fizzy drinks, two meals a day, skipping breakfast most days to make a fast of about 14/15 hrs.
    I have not calorie counted or fat/ protein like I did last time.

    I have two folic acid tabs a day and was hoping to do one attempt at poz opk like last time.

    Althought I have been on diet since end of March, I did get my period on my due date in April (not sure if this indicates I ovulated or not).

    Im 35 now and really wanted to get pregnant this year to complete my family. Would appreciate any advice or tips.
    Oh and I have started having one serving of dairy a day (milk / eggs) ..

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Oh no I hope your little one is doing well now!

    It is very very common for the fasting month to trigger a delay or stop in ovulation. It will come back again in time but I think you need to possibly consider eating a bit more than you have been. Be sure you're having one serving of full fat dairy (NOT EGGS) every single day without exception, 4-6 eggs a week, and a serving of salmon if you like it, red meat if you don't, every week.

    I think you need to take a look at how much protein and fat you're eating. It's too easy to cut back too far and if you're not getting enough particualrly of fat, you will stop ovulating.
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  3. #3
    Big Dreamer

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    Thanks Atomic, I hope you are well.

    I will start counting protein /fat again, I think I am ok on fat but struggling with protein like last time.
    How many calories are recommended to not lose any weight?

    My little girl is ok but she has a genetic blood condition. When I lost my first child due to other heal conditions, I had lots of tests with my second child. I was told ny husband is a carrier and Im borderline. He was born all fine so with my 3rt child they tested again and said im not carrier which I questioned and they said tests had improver. No more was said. Everything was fine with my little girl when she was born (no extra tests in pregnancy as I had two healthy boys previously) but when she turned 9 months she stopped thriving, wouldnt eat, lost weight and generally poorly all the time. After months of chasing she was finally checked throughly and diagnosed in May 2020 with thiw condition.
    When she concieved I remember we did an uninttentional abstain of 6/7days and hubby was 36 at that time. Could this have been an issue?
    Now we are both over 35 and would like to make one attempt at poz opk, would u say if an unintentional abstain was to happen around that time, we miss the month or we do a protected release before our attempt?
    Does diet coke drinks play a part in a girl sway at all?
    As of tomorrow I want to start my strict diet but should I stop until my ovulation is back and then restart my diet? I have lacked somewhat recently in being strict.

    Sorry for the long post, for the pink sway are the 1 attempg, coffee, exercise and diet the main points to focus on, has anything new been recorded to help seay pink.
    This will be my last child as husband doesnt agree to any more so want to try my best to sway pink again (i would love twins but I wouldnt be able to get told of the medicines that help in that area).

  4. #4
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    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you got it figured out and I hope she is well for the rest of her life!

    No, if you both carry a certain gene it was just bad luck. The abstain is more of a "just in case" thing anyway - my thinking is, since abstain doesn't even help, why should we take ANY chances including it in our sways?

    One release really doesn't get rid of the "bad" sperm. Sperm takes time to form so any abstains, unintentional or intentional, have some potential harm the sperm in development and one release doesn't undo that. Just aim at having your husband "clean the pipes" every 2-4 days if at all possible, if it goes a little shorter or a little longer it's no big deal, we're just aiming at fresh sperm with the one attempt.

    If your ovulation is not back yet I would still do diet but not be so strict. It will likely take longer for your cycle to return if you are too strict. Eat higher levels of cals and fat particularly and be sure you're getting adequate protein.

    Yes, diet, exercise, one attempt are what really seems to work. Nothing new uncovered since the last time!
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  5. #5
    Big Dreamer

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    Thanks - I am really struggling this time with diet, I cannot remember what I did last time as I am such a fussy eater. I also feel more nervous and scared this time round (maybe cos its my last chance) ....
    Do u have stats te success of 2nd sways?
    As I dont have weight to loose how many calories, fat/protein should I be looking at each day?
    I slipped up towards end of last month but now had AF and want to start properly again for at least 6 week before 1st attempt.

  6. #6
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    There are not enough people with second sways to render meaningful data. It would be only a few people and not enough to make a trend (especially since many second time swayers are much more laid back and unwilling to make certain changes they did the first time.)

    I can't tell anyone how many cals they should be eating as your metabolism varies by individual. Let your weight loss be your guide - if you lose weight you can't spare, eat more. You should eat at minimum 40-50 g protein on the standard diet, and if you follow the alternate PCOS-type diet, you should eat 50-60 g. You don't count protein and fat in fruit and veg, and in low carb veg, count NOTHING, not even calories. They are free and unlimited, have as much as you want, no need to count. so you will need to eat enough to compensate for the fruit and veg you're eating.

    Remember, BMI 21 is the amount we want you to stop losing and hold steady where you're at. If you're already below that, we do not want you to lose ANY weight even if you have to exceed the "normal" caloric guidelines. And BMI 18.5 is the amount we don't want you to go below no matter what!
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  7. #7
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    Oh and if you slip up, that's ok. Just pick it up and move on. you do not need to start over again. That type of mentality is a recipe for falling into a binge-purge cycle where you are super strict and then get so desperate you end up having a blowout and then try to be super strict again. You'll never try if you keep postponing. Plus the further we get from Ramadan, the more your body will have recovered from that! I seriously doubt that whatever cheats you had, they justified postponing for 6 weeks.
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  8. #8
    Big Dreamer

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    Hey atomic, thanks for your quick responses. Sorry it takes me longer to reply. Time just flies, chores are endless and its forever go go go!
    I am pretty sure I didnt ovulate last month so wanted to track this month to see whats happening and then attempt next month all being well. I do need to eat more as I have no weight to spare at all. If we eat a third meal should this be within a timeframe that allows us to fast for at least 13/14 hrs or should we be spacing the meals out by 4/5 hrs to lower blood sugars?
    I find protein level hard to increase and chicken helps but does that lead to boy friendly ? I have a sweet tooth and end up eating a choc or small treat with my meal, is that ok?
    You’re right second time round it seems like you miss things and dont be as rule abiding as the first time round...
    Im seeing lots of babies and girls too which is making me very broody.
    I have full fat milk everyday, would an extra glass makes it boy friendly too, only having it as I like cold milk but unsure if I need to limit amounts.

  9. #9
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    You guys never need to apologize for not getting back to me - after all, it's MY job to get back to YOU.

    Why do you think you didn't ovulate last month?? Typically when people tell me this, they did actually ovulate and it may be I can help put your mind at ease.

    We want to still fast somewhere between 12-16 hours overnight. Don't worry about the number of hours between meals as long as you have that good long fast and aren't eating every 15 minutes thru the day.

    Chicken within limits is NOT boy friendly. Sweets are fine unless you're on the alternate PCOS-type LE Diet.

    The milk is fine within the limits. And if the weight is flying off we need to boost those limits up some too. So it's very possible you can continue having your milk if you want it, but just double check to make sure you're not overdoing it on the limits beyond what your body needs.
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  10. #10
    Big Dreamer

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    Thank you that means alot.
    I didnt have any symptoms in May, no pains and CM was pretty much non existent. Opks also didnt show a positive line.
    Before I started the diet, my CM was so on point and I knew my body cycle pretty well, now I just feel lost.

    In regards to sugar I read another post saying sugar (sweets) is allowed if you have lbs to spare, i dont..?
    I do tend to eat them with my meals though.
    In the month of June, it was slightly better and I used opks which showed a positive line but for a very short time.
    I remember clearly the time I conceived with my girl my surge stayed for the whole day at least.
    I wasnt able to do my attempt at the positive opk as husband was at work so we missed the month.
    I want to try again but im not confident in my diet at all as too many cheat days (mainly unhealthy food). The only positive thing is I can have a long fast and coffee. In the week I prob end up snacking at least once (self control is very hard☹️)
    My weight is steady now and I have non to spare so think calories wise im fine.
    I will attach my opks from June, would you suggest if this was to happen again this month and husband is at work for the positive opk, should I do the one attempt within 24hrs of the positive opk or is there other timing I should be working within?

    A light line started appearing on the 17th June, the positive came on the 18th around 530pm with cramps but by 10pm all pains had gone and the opk when back to neg showing a faint line again.

    Last edited by Parying4agirl; July 4th, 2021 at 04:34 AM.

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