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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Weight gain before conception on LE diet

    I started out with the crash and burn version but slowly switched to a bit more healthier version but didn't include very many fruits or veggies at all. Almost, none. I started out around 1800 calories and between 40-50 grams of fat and protein. I didnt eat my first meal until around 11-12. I would drink a cup or two of coffee sweetened with splenda in the morning. I have a very physical job and start at 4 in the morning. My job is pretty much intense cardio plus lifting stuff for nearly 10 hours a day 3-4 days a week. So, on days I'd work I would be doing cardio (I work in a warehouse) for at least 7 hours with only coffee. It was exhausting at first but I adjusted and it ended up not being the worst. But, I ended up losing too much weight (about 10 pounds) and my BMI was about 19. I upped it to 20-2200 calories and 50-60 grams of protein and fat and I think that stopped my weight loss mostly. I did fiber before every meal as well. We decided to do e4d (96 hours) again and started around 8 weeks on the diet but got a BFN. I stuck with that diet and the cardio at work for at least 2 more cycles but kept getting BFNs. We then switched to the 72 hours BD pattern for e4d for 2 cycles and got another BFN and 1 CP. At about 4 months TTC I started cheating more but it wasn't small cheats. I'd still drink coffee in the morning until around noon then eat lunch but sometime close to or after my dinner meal I would binge. It was usually on something super unhealthy like cheap Walmart chocolate poptarts but I'd eat at least 4 packages and my stomach was already so small from my reduced diet that it would be so full that it would hurt. Then I'd be fine for a few days and continue the diet and I'd do it again. I eventually switched to a 22 hour fast for 1 cycle and just drank coffee or diet mountain dew for 22 hours them eat whatever I wanted for 2 hours. I think I stayed pretty close to 2000 calories but I definitely went over in fat and protein quite often. I got another BFN that cycle. I ended up switching back to the diet of was on before the fast but the binge/yoyo eating of unhealthy foods got worse. I was just so discouraged and tried so hard to stick to the diet and not cheat but I just kept failing. On cycle 7 TTC I got antibiotics for BV and was planning on skipping that month trying because I just wanted to be safe and avoid getting pregnant. I was on the antibiotics during the time I tend to ovulate and assumed I missed my chance but expected that. After I finished the antibiotics I figured why not and SO and I DTD unprotected that night. Afterwards, I got up peed but didn't really try and push everything out then layed on the couch and watched a show before bed. We also did it two days after that but based on when I got my positive and started having pregnancy symptoms I think the second attempt may have been after ovulation.

    Due to my excessive cheats near the end I think I gained around 5ish lbs. I still skipped breakfast and drank coffee and worked 30-40 hours so still lots of cardio. But, I'm so worried that my weight gain before get my BFP ruined my hard work that I did for months. I've Googled and searched this site excessively trying to find successful sways where people ended up gaining weight before conception but really didn't find much. I know there is a lot that affects your sway that is unknown. Everyone has a chance at getting a girl and there are millions of people who did pretty much nothing different and still got girls.

    I'm just wondering if it still seems like I've got a pretty good chance at this being a girl or if my diet mess ups really did some damage?

    Thanks so much for reading! I'm so sorry this is so long. I tried to include everything I could remember but I know I've probably missed a few things. Thank you!!
    Last edited by mojube; June 29th, 2021 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    There are tons of people who gained weight and had girls. We call them "blue swayers" LOL. Think of it this way - literally everyone with a blue sway opposite was doing tons of blue friendly stuff AND gained weight and still got girls! So clearly it has to be possible!

    You were doing a lot of stuff that was very hard on your body. You have a chance of a girl of course you do!!!
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you so much for your response! I appreciate it so much!

    I've been trying so hard not to obsess but it's so hard since I'm so convinced my sway was ruined by my binge eating. I stuck pretty strictly to the diet for at least 4 months but slowly started to trail off. When I would binge eat my stomach would be so full of unhealthy processed foods it would hurt and would be so full for hours afterwards. I'd imagine that would be so bad for my blood sugar and sway blue? I've spent hours scouring this site lately and have learned so much about how maternal condition and fertility sway. Could my binge eating such bad foods potentially decrease my maternal conditon? Also, do antibiotics sway at all?

    So sorry for all the questions! I'm nearly 11 weeks now and am hoping to do the NIPT next week and hopefully find out what I will be having and ease some of this anxiety. I'm trying so hard not to do the Sneak Peek Clinical test because I'm terrified of it being wrong.

    Thank you so much!

  4. #4
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    I hate to speculate about any of this because the truth is we just don't know and I can't predict the gender of your baby. There is plenty of nutrition in even processed foods so unfortunately I can't tell anyone that it declines condition in the way we think of it (and I have seen a lot of boys conceived on Oreo Diets, LOL) but you did a LOT of pink friendly stuff and your baby could be a girl or a boy.

    Some believe antibiotics sway blue but I have never seen any scientific evidence to this effect. The reasons why they say antibiotics sway blue is nonsense (pH, which really doesn't work for swaying) Antibiotics also interfere with nutrient absorption. And PRObiotics DO sway blue so I suspect that antibiotics would be neutral if not pink friendly.

    Don't waste your money on the Sneak Peek, even the Clinical one has had a lot of opposites. You can have the NIPT at any time now and it's SO much more accurate.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you.
    Last edited by mojube; June 25th, 2021 at 06:33 PM.

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  7. #6
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    Sending you all the pink dust I can muster!
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