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  1. #91
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    If the strict sway is too much it is fine to just relax in all the areas it's bothering you the most. People assume that if they can't do everything, they may as well do nothing, and that just isn't the case. It is fine to relax in many areas and just keep with what feels right to you.

    What did you find out at the doctor's office yesterday??
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  2. #92
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    Well, our first vacation is over. It was a great time without much thought of the Sway. That was good.

    During the conversation with the doctor it came out that everything is fine. My hormone levels are all good. The sperm analysis was also OK. The doctor said the levels were in the normal range. Although the doctor said that the values were not first-class but the sperm should definitely be good enough to conceive. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact values, but I trust the doctor's statement. It is also the same statement as the first analysis from another doctor.

    Today I had an appointment with another doctor for the laparoscopy and hysteroscopy consultation. I have an appointment for the surgery at the end of July. So I have to keep waiting. All this waiting is so hard.

    Of course I didn't get pregnant in the 10th cycle either. Even if I don't have much hope anymore, I'm still a little sad and the fear that I'll never get pregnant again is growing. I'm not doing any Sway at the moment. No exercises, little diet, less coffee and alcohol. I really can't do it at the moment. Especially now, after the vacation, I can no longer find the beginning. I hope to start again in a few days. And then I hope that after the surgery my chances of getting pregnant will be good and that by then I will be so far back in the Sway that my chances of having a girl will be good again.

    We are now in the 11th cycle. We will try e4D + 1 again. We did SMEP last cycle and it was a bit exhausting for us. Since I still didn't get pregnant, we will do e4D+1 again. This will be easier for us. Besides, I no longer expect to get pregnant just like that anyway.

  3. #93
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    Oh good, I'm glad you had a nice holiday.

    That's wonderful news that nothing is off with the sperm or hormones. I don't need the exact values, I agree that crosses the concern with sperm health off our worry list. Keep me posted about the

    So have you guys been doing anything that you can think of, something that seems minor like a jump and dump or shallow release? Do you use any cleansers or wipes? And are you using any lubricants? (sorry if I have already asked this, but sometimes people forget to mention things like that so I just want to be on the safe side) Shallow release in particular, is something that people keep doing for a very long time but has been a massive cause of not conceiving.

    if you want, we may want to consider adding in guaifenesin to improve cervical mucus. This is somewhat boy friendly, but it might help conception and people can still get girls while using it.
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  5. #94
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    I'm 11DPO today and took a test today for the first time in many cycles. Negative. That was cycle number 11. Now I can be sure that my laparoscopy will definitely take place in 2 weeks. I would have wished so much for a miracle that would spare me the surgery. At least my motivation is back and I've completely started to Sway again with diet, exercise, alcohol and coffee. Maybe I'll take Femara again after my laparoscopy, depending on the result.

    I'm quite scared of the result of the operation. No matter what result awaits me, it will be tough for me. Even if everything is fine, I'm not happy because I still haven't gotten pregnant for a full year and there must be a reason. But I'm even more afraid of the option that something will be found. How will things go for me then? My biggest fear is that it is Asherman Syndrome and it will take a long time to treat with multiple surgeries with no guarantee of success. Unfortunately, it's possible that it's Asherman syndrome because of my postpartum curretage, because of my placenta accreta. Please keep your fingers crossed for me on July 29th.

    I don't think we did anything to prevent conception. Actually, we didn't do much different than when I conceived my son. I don't jump and dump, I even lie down for a long time, sometimes on my back and sometimes on my stomach. We're not doing a shallow realease, I think. My husband sometimes tends to flinch a little bit when he's ready. Don't know how else to describe it. It's not really a shallow release, though, the penetration isn't 'shallow', and he doesn't do it every time. I don't use any cleaners or wipes. Most cycles we didn't use lubes. For the last couple of cycles I've been using a lube that's supposed to help conceiving (which probably sways blue). It is a German product and is specifically designed to help conceive. We do not use lubricants which sway pink and make conception difficult. I should also mention that I have a lot of EWCM on my fertile days and don't think lubes are a thing for me.

    I will get a product with guaifenesin. I think it's worth a try. Do I take it the full cycle or only on the fertile days? Or only on days with attempts?
    Last edited by Lanini; July 14th, 2022 at 01:25 AM.

  6. #95
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    I get constant questions about Asherman's Syndrome and no one has ever had it (except one woman who knew about it in advance and had a lot of fertility challenges to start with). It is possible given your history, but until you know for sure I'd try not to worry about it. If it was Asherman's, that would be good news anyway as it's treatable. I'll cross my fingers they don't find anything (or at least it's treatable!)

    Ok good, it sounds like you are already doing everything I would suggest. I wouldn't worry about the "flinching" as that has nothing to do with it. (You would not believe the number of people in your situation, and I find out they're doing shallow release as a sway tactic all that time!) Yes please try adding in the guaifenesin! I'd have you take it starting after your period ends, and carry on till 3 days after you think you've ovulated. Most people don't need the full dose and see good effects with much smaller doses than the max (but the max is ok and safe to take too).
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  7. #96
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    So, here is the update. I had my hysteroscopy and laparscopy yesterday. What can I say, everything is fine. My tubes are clear, my endometrium is normal, I don't have Asherman's syndrome. No diagnosis was found, everything is as it should be. It was tested for plasma cells, but the result is still in the lab.

    So now I don't know what to do. We had the following checked: 2 x hormone levels from me, 1 x hormone levels from my husband, our chromosomes were tested, 2 x sperm analysis, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, several cycle monitoring with ultrasound. All without findings. Sperm analysis showed that the values are in the norm, but rather on the lower edge. Does it make sense to pimp the sperm with supplements? Should I also take supplements myself? I am absolutely unsure how to proceed. I have an appointment at the fertility clinic next week for discussion. The fact is, we want to try the normal way for a few more cycles first and if I'm still not pregnant in 3, 4, cycles, we'll consider insemination, do you think that makes sense? Is it still possible to influence the gender a little bit with insemination? Because Fertilization still takes place naturally?

    And what advice do you have on how we should try the next few cycles? I measure BBT, do OPKs, I definitely always ovulate, that was also evident in several ultrasounds. We tried with one attempt, with e4D, and quite often with e4D+1 (most cycles) and twice with SMEP. Without getting pregnant. I have a lot of EWCM on my fertile days, yet many cycles we used a lubricant meant specifically for conception. I took multiple cycles of Femara, multiple cycles of full dose and multiple cycles of half dose. No jump and dump, no shallow release, no "pink lube". I do exercises 6-7 days a week, drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day (before Sway I never drank coffee), I drink a glass of vodka a day, fiber after fatty meals, but diet is not going so well right now. I gained some weight in the last few weeks (I weigh between 51-52 kg, a few months ago it was 49 kg), but I do not eat breakfast, but at lunch and dinner I sometimes snack in between and often I eat again a little too much and too much fat, but I do not manage to motivate myself at the moment. I've been doing the Sway for a full year now and with the diet struggle I pretty much, I just don't get motivated anymore. I try hard, but it's not as strict as it was for a long time and often I do cheat or fall out of the pattern.

    How should we try the next few cycles to continue to have a good chance of having a girl, but also increase the chance of conception? Under the point that we are now in cycle #12 and I am not pregnant yet. I'm so unsure and over questioned. Don't know what to do next. I really want a sibling for my son. But I also want a daughter. I don't know where the focus is myself: On the one hand I definitely want a baby no matter what gender, but on the other hand I still want to have a good chance of having a girl. Just because I didn't get pregnant after such a long time, my dream for a daughter didn't disappear.

    Unfortunately, I was ovulating yesterday on the day of the surgery. Stupid timing. My OPK was positive at CD 12 in the evening and CD 13 in the morning. We had one attempt at CD 12 in the evening. I then had my surgery on CD 13 in the morning (yesterday). Today at CD 14 was my BBT rising. They flushed the tubes yesterday and also looked in the uterus so I think there was nothing left of my husband's swimmers so unfortunately there is zero chance this cycle. I am now trying to do the Sway as motivated as possible until the next cycle and then hope so much that I finally get pregnant! Do you think I should try another cycle with femara? I will also take the guaifenesin next cycle.
    Last edited by Lanini; July 30th, 2022 at 02:03 AM.

  8. #97
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    I know it doesn't feel like it, but that is great news! I know we all feel like "if only there was something obvious we could fix" but it's actually much better not to find anything obvious wrong that requires surgery to repair.

    If your husband has normal range sperm, this isn't strictly necessary but if you wanted to give him a male fertility supplement like Proxeed or 1000 mg carnitine/500 mg arginine/100 mg coq10, plus Men's One a Day over 50 (this would be INSTEAD of Proxeed, not along with it) then that is fine. May help you conceive, even if it is slightly more blue friendly (altho we don't actually know that to be the case)

    Have you had your nutrient levels tested?? If not, I would try that just to see - particularly Vit. D, iron, B12. If none of your levels are low, then there's no benefit to taking the supplements. DO NOT add in any herbal supplements or anything else without talking to me about it. Everything we're seeing here indicates this is not an issue that would be solved by supplements *unless you are found to have a deficiency*.

    The insemination really doesn't work well. Rates of conception with IUI are lower by far than natural. You will still need to continue having sex on your own in addition to the IUI. So don't be tempted to just use the IUI as your attempt, have sex as well.

    We believe IUI may be somewhat blue friendly (we think because the vaginal environment is bypassed and a lot of sperm that is already capacitated is inserted all at once) but people have still gotten girls with it. You may be given Clomid or Letrozole along with the IUI, and that may help sway pink.

    Let's try leaving out the lubricant if you have a lot of EWCM already. EWCM is superior to those lubricants, even though they're better for conception than a pink friendly lube would be.

    What is your height and what is your level of calories, protein, and fat intake? 49-52 kg is quite thin, depending on your height and if you're too thin, your body sometimes just won't seem to get pregnant. We need to make sure your body isn't just too "nervous" to conceive.

    It is well past time to drop the fiber, didn't we talk about that already?? No more fiber. Let it go. You need those raw materials to make sex hormones.

    How many months in total have you taken the letrozole?

    I would keep going with either SMEP or e4d plus one. Since you do still want to sway I'd do e4d plus one.
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  10. #98
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    Thank you for your reply Atomic.

    First I answer all your questions:

    I will give my husband the vitamins. Do you think it makes sense to give maybe half the dose? So that the sperm gets some support but maybe it doesn't sway as much blue? Does it make sense?

    My nutrient levels were tested in October last year when we were on our second cycle. Vitamin D: 35.8 ng/ml, Ferritin: 36.2 ng/ml. B12 has not been tested.

    Thanks for your words about the IUI. This helps me to classify this procedure better.

    I will not take any more lube next cycle.

    I am 158 cm tall and weigh 51-52 kg. The BMI is between 20 and 21 and therefore actually OK, right? When I got pregnant with my son, I weighed about 60 kg (BMI 24) and I ate a lot, very unhealthy and a lot of sweets. I was in a phase of gaining weight and therefore swayed blue without knowing it. From January 2021 to July 2021 I lost weight from 60 kg to 52 kg with a normal diet. In July 2021 I started the LE diet and lost weight by December 2021 until I weighed 48-49 kg. I've maintained this weight for a few months and since April/May 2022 it's been a constant up and down with gaining weight (no motivation for the diet) and losing weight (motivation is back), so my weight is between 51-52 kg most of the time, and that's also my feel-good weight.

    Yes, I stopped taking Fiber for several months, by the time I was also off the diet and unmotivated for the Sway. I started fiber again a few weeks ago, but I really only took it to compensate when I was escalating in my food and eating extremely high fat. Unfortunately, I can't say exactly how many calories, fat and protein I'm eating because I'm so unmotivated with the diet right now that I don't even track it. But since I counted calories for a very long time, I can estimate it quite well, I think. I have days where I eat about 1500 kcal and about 40-50 g of fat. These are the good days! But then unfortunately I have far too many days where I eat out of control and then it's probably 2000-2500 kcal a day and 70-80 g fat. I know this is very bad for the pink sway and I'm trying to cut down on those days! Luckily they do too! And at least I haven't gained any more weight, I'm at about 51.5 kg for several weeks. I usually eat between 40-60 grams of protein per day. That's the only thing that always works.

    I took letrozole for a total of 6 cycles. I used it in cycle 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9. I think cycle 2, 3 and 4 I took the full dose and in cycle 5, 7 and 9 the half dose.

    I think we'll try e4D+1 now. SMEP was not easy to do for us as my husband works in shifts. e4D fits better into our day.

    I had an appointment at the fertility clinic today. My doctor said again that everything looks great and no abnormalities were found. Hormone levels were normal, sperm analysis was normal, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy were without abnormalities. She now recommended supporting the next cycle with hormone injections. I got a prescription for "Gonal F". As I don't know if this is known in the US, here is a translated excerpt: GONAL-f contains the active ingredient 'follitropin alfa'. Follitropin alfa is a “follicle stimulant hormone” (FSH) and belongs to the group of hormones known as “gonadotropins”. Do you know this drug and can you say something about whether it sways and if so, whether it is blue or pink? I think it's an alternative to Clomid or Femara, but in which way does ist sway? I'm a bit concerned that it might be a blue sway hormone. I would otherwise like to do this and I feel good about trying it with hormone support.
    Last edited by Lanini; August 3rd, 2022 at 11:11 AM.

  11. #99
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    Hello Atomic, I bump this. I have to start Gonal F in a few days and would be happy if you could tell me something about it and if you know if and in what way it sways.

  12. #100
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    Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I read this and then since it was long, I must have closed without answering. Thanks for bumping.

    I would just give him the full dose. I see no point in taking SOME nutrients (which could possibly sway blue) only to not take ENOUGH of them to help with conception.

    Oh good, yes that's not a terrible BMI.

    Ferritin seems a bit low, let's add in 30-60 mg iron 3x a week.

    I don't want you back on the fiber. It's time to let that go. If you're not making enough of the right kind of hormones to conceive we need to eliminate that from the equation.

    I would also let the letrozole go now too. That's long enough. I have had a few clients who, even though most people get pregnant easily on letrozole, did not seem to conceive while taking it. So since you're not getting pregnant for seemingly no reason, let's try without the letrozole.

    to be honest I prefer e4d plus one anyway as I think it's much easier for people to succeed with it and the odds of conception are still good.

    We don't know how Gonal sways. It very likely sways pink if it sways at all since it works similarly to Clomid and Letrozole, but I just haven't seen enough people use it to know for sure.
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