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  1. #11
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    I don't think the OLE actually does anything, but it doesn't seem to hurt, so it's fine to add it in as long as hubby is not on any other medication and doesn't have any health issues that would contraindicate it.

    I would by far rather see you take B12 (or even a prenatal) a couple times a week than go off and on and off prenatals. Going off and on vitamins like you're describing is dangerous because your body doesn't know whether to save them up or excrete them. It is by far and away best to add in a low dose of whatever you're concerned about a couple times a week than take things off and on, please don't do that.

    At this point given what you're describing about your diet yes I'd recommend B12 2x weekly.
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  2. #12
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    Thank you for your reply, I will research some B12 vitamins and start to take them a few times a week. I think once we do officially start TTC I will swap that for a prenatal a few times instead so thank you for this advice. I am going to head back into hibernating until I can head back with an update 😁

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  4. #13
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    Hi, just wanted to pop by for a quick update. I decided to sign up for a marathon in April to make use of all the training I had managed to get up to and thought surely this can only help my sway. Anyway, wouldn’t you know it I have gotten injured in the process. I’m trying to walk the dog for 1 hour a day as much as possible and incorporating shorter runs again, so 45 mins - 1 hour slowly. Prior to this I’ve been running 25-30 miles a week. Diet wise, I find it SO hard. I can stay on track for 5-7 days and then randomly have a day where I just binge and eat junk. Usually when things are outside of my control, so a family party etc which seems everywhere at the minute! Im trying to focus on what I have been doing for months, I’m currently sat at 56- 57kg and bmi 23. Still currently my lowest ever adult weight, planning on trying to focus on weight loss and get down to 52 which takes me to BMI 21
    I’ve tried upping calories slightly/extra meal/having what I want sometimes to stop the binges and it doesn’t seem to help. My willpower just fails me after a certain amount of time. I have set a date now in April and will not budge from this which gives me 6/7 weeks, considering just cutting out all dairy for now as it limits my overeating choices. I guess I’m trying my best? But am I just totally ruining any chance with these binge cycles? My good stretches I sit at 40-50g protein 50-60g fat 1600 calories, no sugar, no snacking. When I have a bad day something like 30g protein 80-100g fat 2200/500 calories. I decided not to take prenatals or B12 I guess I can survive a few more weeks without it. I take only folate and iodine. My husband also decided to start eating meat again, has quit his bike riding. His choices aren’t in my control so there’s nothing I can do really, his meat intake is still limited but he hasn’t eaten it for over 12 months prior but this has really annoyed me and I feel it will affect our sway in some way.

    My stress levels have been pretty low swaying wise, but living in the U.K., the current Russia situation has got my stress levels up to 110% as I’m just so worried our country is going to end up in war 😩 is this a level of stress that is inside my control or outside?! I’m guessing inside as my husband is saying I’m over reacting and no one else seems all that worried about it!

  5. #14
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    That is a huge part of why I just recommend people do walking or some other easier on the bod type of exercise. SO many people get injured running! You were quite fit though, so you're the exception since you were already running, but I don't want you to beat yourself up if you can't get back to where you were, we actually do have good results even with just walking for an hour.

    If you're on track 5-7 days and then have one off day, then 5-7 more "on" days, then an off day, that's ok! That is not a failure at all. Just keep doing what you're doing. Those "off" days are not true blowouts (though i really want to see you eating more than 30 g protein!) and let's just treat this as the pattern YOU need to eat in, to stick to the diet the rest of the time. Truly, that is WAY less of a cheat than I was expecting, it's only a day here and there, no biggie at all.

    I would not have you cut out dairy. The more you restrict, the more intense cravings tend to become, and it seems to me that's just another thing to set yourself up for failure. Just keep doing exactly what you're doing, and if you go over one day a week, hey, it's ok because the average is that you're still doing LE Diet, and you're also going to have that stuff mostly just move through (that's what happens in most cases with diet blowouts.) It's only when cheats last day after day that your body is able to hold on to more and more of the excess.

    As for your hubby, him eating meat now and then is not a big deal either, and while I wish he was still riding the bike, we have to focus only on what we can control. It may be that there are benefits that last longer than we realize from those things so hopefully he's still experiencing those.

    PLEASE don't stress about stress. Things like nations going to war are absolutely 100% out of our control. The thing you should NOT DO now is complicate worries over global affairs with stressing about stress, where you end up suddenly in a panic telling yourself you have to calm down because you're bound to ruin your sway! The latter is totally self induced, it is NOT NECESSARY. I have only ever mentioned stress in terms of sways because I don't want people launching into Swaymageddon 2022 where they're making huge complex schedules and flow charts and tracking every minute fluctuation in their pH levels. I never intended for people to then take that warning and start using it to do the exact same thing, only about stress!! So now I have people who are obsessing not over their pH, but over their stress level! BOTH are bad.

    The world is what it is, you can't change that or your reaction to that. But you can just acknowledge that you're anxious about it, but that doesn't mean your sway is ruined, and you should absolutely not not NOT try to control or stop feeling that stress. Because it's the attempt to CONTROL that sways, not the stress. Whether you're attempting to control your minute by minute pH levels, or your minute by minute anxiety levels, that's the thing to avoid.
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  6. #15
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    So when I say I’m injured, I mean unable to run long distances which I have grown to love. I am currently managing 6miles/10k at a time, a few times a week which is just under an hour running, I do this fasted and don’t eat after for a few hours, I just have black coffee until lunch. My concern is that I was massively over doing the exercise and now I’m not my body will think things are good again? I also worry that all these months I’ve been over eating like I think I have as my weight has held so steady despite the miles I’ve been putting in. I guess I just really wanted to hit my body hard with exercise as I was able to and now this hasn’t panned out.

    Yes I get where you are coming from with dairy, I’ve tried to be vegan before and could never fully cut the dairy. I don’t eat too much anyway I suppose.

    DH dropped his bike riding before Christmas now. So I think any effects will be way gone. He’s mentioned getting out as a family during the week or weekend this week so that could possibly help some. He was riding almost daily though prior. Never mind. Just got to hold out hope the sweaty 4 hours a week at BJJ in tight pants helps 😂

    The protein is difficult when I’m eating ‘bad’ as I tend to eat plain junk, like crisp, sweets, toast, crumpets, cereal bars. So I binge on fat and carbs but not protein. I’ve got 6/7 weeks now and my cycles are very consistent so I just feel like I need to hit it hard and hope for the best. I’m considering trying next cycle as I really want a winter baby and looking like I’m not running the marathon I signed up to.

  7. #16
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    That is plenty of exercise. You are WAY overthinking this. You need to understand that the point of all this is to still be able to get pregnant at the end of it all. Swaying is a continuum, and you can go too far in the direction of "infertile", people do it all the time, it's a constant concern, and I truly believe it causes far more opposites than being too relaxed on exercise does. Your body will not think times are good again. It will simply be maintaining. I know you think "but my cycle has stayed regular all this time" but there is no guarantee that will continue. I have clients all. the. time. who swear to me that they're simply eating and exercising the same as they always have, and their cycle has been regular for 47 years, who still see changes in their cycle eventually. Eventually, people DO run out of raw materials, eventually people DO exercise too much, and eventually you WILL see your ovulation delayed or even stopped, and your LP shortening. It happens. It happens every day on here and the majority of those people are blindsided by it, totally convinced it couldn't possibly happen to them.

    We don't know how swaying works really though. It may be that whatever benefits happened when your husband was riding his bike have changed things and that is still continuing on. Sperm do take 72 days to form, and hormonal changes can last some time afterwards. Yes, if he is continuing to do exercise that heats up "the jewels" then that can still help absolutely.

    Regardless of your binging preferences you cannot eat 30 g protein. That is not allowed and eating too little protein actually sets you up to eat more empty carbs because you're trying to fill a need your body has. Even if you need to forcefeed yourself a couple bites of chicken or a slice of cheese in there to get protein up, please do.

    I think given everything we have discussed that you focusing on "hitting it hard" is only going to backfire. Please just aim at continuing a sustainable diet and activity level, because you're prone to falling into a binge/purge cycle. I know you're thinking right now "all I need is to have enough self control for the next few weeks" but remember the whole "stressing about stress" thing I was mentioning?? Well, THAT. The control freakishness coming through in your posts is concerning to me (nothing about the state of the world, I'm just referring to the stuff you're focused on for your SWAY! Waiting and waiting for this perfect series of events, thinking you're "failing" when really you're swaying harder than 95% of other people) I think trying to hit it hard as you say is either going to a) backfire anyway and you'll end up still in this cycle and possibly even so injured you can't continue to run at all or b) you'll be so control freakish by the end of it, needing to white knuckle your way through every minute of every day, thinking about your sway constantly, telling yourself how everything you do is of critical importance for getting a girl, how much it all matters, and how you cannot screw this up not even for a second, that will undermine your sway anyway.

    I think you should absolutely go for it sooner rather than later. I think it's not going to put you in a good place mentally to try to be super strict for the next 6-8 weeks when you have already dieted long enough!
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  8. #17
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    This is from two months ago. It is time for you to try.

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post

    You do not need to postpone any more. You're not doing yourself any good and have simply built this up so much in your mind you're going to do more harm than good if you carry on like this. Set attainable goals and your sway will be just fine I promise.
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  9. #18
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    and also this. Delaying is not your friend. Delaying simply makes it build up more and more in your head to this massive, fear inducing idea that takes up untold amounts of mental energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post

    YES that's exactly what I'm saying - the more you put it off, the bigger it grows in your mind till it's consuming your every waking thought. That is the exact opposite of the mindset you want to have in your sway. Just do your best and DO NOT replace stressing over your diet with stressing over stress. By this I mean, PLEASE do not now, start freaking out and panicking over your mindset, because it's simply the same thing just that you're replacing the focus of your obsessing from diet to "reducing stress" or whatever.

    Everything is fine. Your diet has likely been a-ok. You're doing a lot right and now you have the tools to stop the binge-purge cycle too. Keep up the good work.
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  10. #19
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    Thank you for your replies. I often need someone to give me a massive shake and tell me to stop being so ridiculous and with this I don’t have any one in real life as they would all think I was mental! I have a very obsessive/control freak personality that I know can’t change but it often doesn’t serve me well. I think I just wanted to run the marathon as I actually got really good at running, enjoyed it and knew a pregnancy would mean years until I could try it again. It was just a bonus it would possibly help swaying.

    I guess you’re right about things changing, I know my cycle and know I’m still very fertile as I only need opks to confirm what I already know. I just always assume this won’t change but it is realistic with what I’m doing and doesn’t guarantee it won’t happen.

    I am going to take your advice onboard and just see how things go. Thank you. I will update soon

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  12. #20
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    Great!! Keep me posted and never hesitate to touch base with me if you need someone to work this through with.
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