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    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    after a success and an opposite, one more sway

    Hi Atomic,

    I'm back and on the fence about having one more baby and one more sway. After my success with my dd & opposite with my last baby I'm considering if I go again and what probably led to my opposite.
    Things I didn't do with my last sway that I did with my dd:
    One attempt all cycle
    No O for me at the attempt
    Using a little silk
    2nd course of femara
    Strict with diet, only brown rice (no white), no dairy except for the odd cheat
    Regular sessions on my exercycle over 30mins duration
    Salt lamp, painting my nails, lavender
    Little to no supplements except q10 & folate.
    5 months on diet vs 3mths.

    I was quite open to another boy with my last sway so didn't obsess but at the same time think I relied too much on metformin & femara.
    If we go once more I'm thinking to start diet next year (I'll be 40 next March) & try to conceive before I'm 41.

    My questions:
    Is there anything I should be doing now in terms of diet, exercise, supplements in the lead up? I'm trying not to lose too much weight currently so I have some to play with later (I was pretty low at both my last conceptions). I'm 5mths pp & still losing from the pregnancy.

    I have enough femara for 6 cycles. Is there any benefit to taking it the cycle before your 1st attempt? As in, is that pinker? I stairstepped it with 2 rounds with dd (under Drs supervision & scans).

    Hubby would be 38/39yrs old. He has high drive & has had top of the range count & motility on tests. What release pattern would be good? I think he'll be more cooperative if it's alot/compressed 🤣

    Is iodine ok during the sway diet? It's recommended here preconception right through bfing because are soil is very deficient.

    I felt like crap on 1500mg of met with my last sway & I'm not sure how well I'll do on it with 60mins exercise. Is 1000mg much different in terms of pink?

    I got my dd conceiving with diet over spring/summer (easier for me in terms of diet, exercise and mood), got 2 opposites (my 1st was a very light sway as I didn't understand the diet I'm reluctant to really call it one) with diet in autumn/fall/winter. Does it make a difference? My sons were due in March, my daughter due in November, would it help to try and do the same as my dd at least in terms of when I do the diet?

    Lastly, I've heard about inositol for eggs, pink & pcos. Would you have me take this now & during sway?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Kiwimaz; August 1st, 2023 at 04:14 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Hey, thanks for your patience, this has been an insane week here and I'm just unburying myself. If I don't get back to you within a day please bump this for me. Thank you.
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  3. #3
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Bumping for you.
    Also, so you know when you answer on iodine, I currently take iodoral, the 6.25mg tablet halved, half a day, about 5x week. My thyroid labs are perfect on this.
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    What I would do now is simply focus on eating mostly whole grains, limited sugar, and full fat dairy only, with no skim or part skim dairy. That way if you do end up deciding to try sooner, you'll have the biggies for the alternate LE Diet well in place AND it will also help with your egg quality.

    Fine to do coq10 again. Iodine is fine provided you've checked that with your doc. I have many people taking that after they've been on diet 3+ months.

    Virtually everyone takes a lower dose of metformin on this site, so the vast majority of our successful swayers are only taking 1000. It doesn't hurt your sway in any appreciable way.

    I generally don't use both myoinositol and metformin. It's up to you if you want to try them together. I would be cautious only to use 1000 mg max of the myoinositol (it's marketed by some people in sky high doses) because the combo of myo + metformin may just lower your hormone levels too far and may make it harder for you to ovulate on the Femara and also to conceive. 1000 mg myo daily when you're not trying. In months you ARE trying, do 1000 mg myo from CD 1-ovulation, then switch to 500 mg myo or 1000 every other day. At BFP, gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week, then you can drop them.

    Do not take Femara in advance of the months you try. Over time, even Femara can cut the odds of conception (Clomid does that even more so) so you're wasting a month where you can get pregnant while using Femara, and lowering your chances of conceiving later on.

    Given your age and that you'll be using Femara I think you should have your husband do regular release every 2-4 days and then aim at 1 attempt the first month (or possibly two, at your discretion) on the Femara. Then we'll go to e4d for the next 2-3 cycles on the Femara, then e4d plus one. On the final cycle with the Femara, you can try SMEP on that one to ensure you have the best chance of conception.

    In the Southern Hemisphere where you live, we believe that there may be a slight bump in girl conceptions in Sept-Nov (anyone confused, please note that most of you live in the Northern Hemisphere where these peaks are reversed.) and boy conceptions in Mar-May. But this is NOT in any way a magic bullet - the statistical difference is minor, it's just interesting because of what it tells us about how swaying ~may~ work and not because it's something you HAVE to include in your sway. I got my daughter in the boy peak months (and both my mom and I were also conceived in boy peak) and two boys in girl peak months. It's just something that if it works out that way, great, but I"d not skip months on that basis at all.
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  6. #5
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    And oh gosh your avatar!! What a doll!
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  7. #6
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    ok thank you that is good to know about the Femara.
    My hubby is coming around to the idea of this more than I thought!
    Those conception months your mentioned - I'm more comfortable repeating what I did with my dd because I'm sure the warmer months are easier for me to stick to the diet and exercise. I would also rather a spring due date than another fall/autumn baby. They get sick alot being young babies in the winter with older siblings bringing every germ home from school and preschool.
    This means starting the diet in a few weeks as spring starts September here, or delaying another year basically. I will see what happens with a house situation we are in and also how my hubby feels. I know he has a bit of a worry about trisomies with my age.

    So question, if still breastfeeding, is that a very useful sway tactic? I am pumping (650ml) a bit over a pint a day and the odd nightfeed. I understand protein requirements are higher when breastfeeding up to 20mg a day more so I'd think it'd sway. If still pumping would the daily limits or 50-60mg each fat and protein be raised?
    He is about to start solids and also has formula to make up the deficit of what I pump. I'm not ready to quit yet but probably will be by the time we wanted to ttc.
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  8. #7
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    I've searched the forums but it's a bit of a haystack- is diet soda good for dh too or just dw?
    Are you still doing paid 1:1 coaching?
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  9. #8
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    Oh awesome, glad to hear he's getting on board.

    That's totally fine re when to try - above all else I want you guys to do what works for you!

    Hubbies do worry about health issues - just be sure it's a "real" concern as some of our husbands have used health worries to try to convince us not to proceed with a new baby, when maybe their concerns were a little bit more due to what they wanted. My husband really went on and on about health issues when he basically just didn't particularly want another baby, so I like to give you all a heads up about that.

    I am convinced that nursing does indeed sway pink. There's a big long explanation here, let me know if you're interested in hearing it (basically because it gently suppresses fertility but you can still get pregnant while nursing)

    I generally have people start off on extra calories when nursing/pumping (more like 1800-2000 or even beyond that, and suggest 50-60 g protein and fat) and then as a part of those extra calories, I will say something like "and if you need to up protein and fat slightly to hit those calories, it's ok". I don't have a firm guideline re fat and protein when nursing beyond that fairly generic one, because there is SO much variation in how much people nurse, how much they're eating, and their general metabolism. I wouldn't want someone who is nursing only once a day upping their fat and protein intake when they really don't need to do that, if that makes sense. So yes if you feel you do need more protein and fat to ensure you're still following an overall alt. LE Diet, by all means up it. I have more and more people lately even going to 65 g, so start off there with the 1800-2000 cals and see how it goes. We can always dial it back over time.
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwimaz View Post
    I've searched the forums but it's a bit of a haystack- is diet soda good for dh too or just dw?
    Are you still doing paid 1:1 coaching?
    I honestly don't think it does a whole lot for anyone. It's said to be good for both.

    RE the coaching, message me at so we can discuss that.
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  11. #10
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    Well it didn't help my dh that his Dad has mentioned it a few times, and this in part may be due to a T21 niece of theirs but you'd think I had a 1:4 risk factor the way they said it. When it's more like 1:100 plus I have high ovarian reserve due to pcos that may also help me. But I think you're right, it's a useful excuse when they don't particularly feel the need for another baby. His comment was he feels complete with things the way they are (to which I said well I don't).

    Yes please I'd like to hear more about breastfeeding & swaying.
    He is 6mths now, on 3 meals a day and I've dropped from 5pumps a day to 3. I did read a study that found for most women, ovulation returned when nursing went under 60mins a day. I am double pumping though so that could be half that lol. I have Provera here as well as femara.
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