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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
    jennibel's Avatar
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    Review my supps plan?!

    Hi ladies

    I am 9 weeks away from TTC. Need to review my supps. Here is what I have been taking (and will continue to take):

    1200mg Folic Acid (should I keep at this or reduce to 800mg?)
    320mg Saw Palmetto
    1000mg Vitex

    I have also been taking (but wondering if I should stop due to LE principles)

    500mg calcium citrate
    100mg magnesium
    10,000mg cranberry (I really think this has lowered my ph and has definately lowered DHs drastically but is it too many nutrients?)

    I am wondering whether to take

    100mg B6 (I have read lots of things that suggets it sways pink as it raises progesterone)
    100mg B12 (to help the folic acid work better?)

    But will these last two increase my nutrients too much?

    Thanks ladies x

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Keep folic at 1200.

    Are you taking vitex and SP all month or AF-O only?

    I personally would have you drop the cal and mag but that is your call to make!

    I don't like cranberry for DW swaying pink aside from nutrients because it's less safe than aspirin and you can read aobut that here Cranberry is fine for DH because he can take it all month long without having to stop and start it and also because nutrients don't sway for him the way they do for you.

    I would not have you take either the B6 and 100% for sure do not take the B12. I conceived DS 4 while taking 100 mg B6 and while there is a theory that women who have lower estrogen/testosterone and higher prog = conceive more girls, the researcher who came up with that theory never ever said and does not promote the idea that raising prog will make you have more girls, that is total speculation by people on IG with no proof behind it. It's difficult and possibly impossible to raise JUST progesterone without raising testosterone and estrogen at the same time because they are all made from the exact same stuff and when you give your body the raw materials for one, you give your body the raw materials to make all of them!! For swaying, what you're really trying to do is lower testosterone and estrogen without simultaneously lowering prog (because if you have no prog, you can't get pg!!) That you can do with vitex, SP, and LE diet.

    Your body can store B12 for several years and you do not need to take the B12. The only people who are deficient in B12 are longtime vegans that never take vitamins at all and older people with a medical condition that makes it impossible to absorb B12 thru diet. We don't know if it sways in and of itself, but there are high levels of B12 in meats and vegetarians have more daughers, so I think it's possible that it does sway and I know of a couple sways where people took B12 to ensure that folic worked (and because they were told on another site that B12 doesn't sway) and those people conceived opposites.
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