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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC after MC NEW HERE

    Hi ladies! I've been reading your forum for the past couple of days and I couldn't help but notice how friendly and supportive you are here. I have DD, she is 2,5 years old. I really wanted a sibling for her and I conceived with my first attempt this September. At my 12 week scan the sac was empty, there was no baby, it stopped growing at 8 weeks. I started bleeding the same day(thanksgiving) and miscarried naturally- the worst experience in my life(( at the end of the day I passed out(probably from the blood loss) and we called the ER, but I refused to go to the hospital and had D&C in my doc's office the next day. Having said all that I must add that it's devastating to feel pregnant for 12 weeks and make plans for the future and then in one minute have all your life upside down sorry, I wrote so much.
    I have questions because I never tried to sway, but I really wanted a little boy! I am feeling that I am anemic(I'm not sure how bad it is) and also I'm not sure how much Folic acid is needed for me after MC and to sway blue. I will try again in couple of months. I am trying to adjust my diet for now(which is hard, because I'm a dairy person and I hate meat,potatoes etc), what vitamins and supplements would you recommend me in order to sway blue and have a healthy pregnancy in general?
    Thank you so much and sorry for my English(not my first language)

  2. #2
    Dream Newbie

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    By the way, I did get a prescription from my Ob for iron, so I started taking that

  3. #3
    IVF Advice Coach
    nuthinbutpink's Avatar
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    Hi there. Welcome. I'm so sorry for your loss. Very heartbreaking.

    We have lots of very supportive and smart women on here that will be happy to help. All of the recommended swaying info is in our forums but we also offer customized swaying plans where one of our experts compiles a plan for you based on a couple of questionnaires we have you complete. It's our Personalized Swaying and Coaching service.

    Either way, I hope you get a plan together to help conceive your little boy!
    Mom to

    and my IVF/PGD

    It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I wish I did that".

    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

    Need a Natural Swaying Plan? Naturally sway for a boy or a girl- Personalized Swaying Plans

    Become a Dream Member to access the private forums

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
    Rainbow baby's Avatar
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    Hey there, I have conceived 2 boys straight after early losses. I am talking the no period at all in between... Personally it worked for me but who's to say I wouldn't of had boys anyway (its suppose to sway girl but I was obviously very very fertile the cycle and labito! Boy 1 was 14 week ectopic boy 2 was 6-7 week pregnancy. I also had a loss at 20 weeks but found the complete opposite and fertility didn't return for a few months no Ovulation at all! . I don't know much about swaying boy but I have had 4 and let me tell you we eat red meat every single night almost maybe once a week where we don't and that dinner meal always contains a carb for the children it is almost always potatos in some way and a big helping of veg! We eat a lot of meat because we have to, Iron problems and severe white meat allergies. Always have a coffee or 4 at breaky.. Any ways you have plenty of time and try again when you're ready and for now Keep reading and gathering info.
    Hoping for a pink rainbow!

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