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    TTC a BOY after a MMC and D&C

    I have read, and read, and read...and have found very conflicting stories on this, so I wanted to ask you ladies. We found out that our baby would have been a boy (which we were swaying for), making it sting even a little more. From my reading, it sounds like now our chances of conceiving a DD are much higher after the MC - is that really correct? If so, we are waiting through one AF before TTC again, does that change anything? We will feel blessed with ANY baby, truly, especially after what we just went through, though part of me still longs to have one of each and we already have a DD.

    I have to be honest to say that we haven't really been swaying a ton, though since I found out I started drinking a glass of green tea daily. We kept taking our vitamins and I do feel like I eat a pretty boy friendly diet. I've gained 10 lbs since December (when we found out I was pg) and I haven't lost that after MC oddly enough, maybe that will help? Just want to hear the odds and what you all think. We really don't want to wait a long time before TTC again, but at least setting myself up for reality is better. Did I lose my chance at having a boy?

  2. #2
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    No, you did not lose your chance at having a boy. We believe that TTC IMMEDIATELY after a loss (like, catching the first egg) sways pink, but after that it goes away pretty quickly.

    As long as you are waiting out that first cycle afterwards and not trying to catch that first egg, the effects will go away and I would feel fine about TTC a boy.

    Have you been tested for anemia? Be sure you're getting 18-30 mg elemental iron a day - most prenatals will have this amount but sometimes it doesn't always take and you may need more, so I would ask a doc about anemia if you haven't had a blood test already (some do it as a matter of course)
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  3. #3
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    Awesome news! Thank you Atomic! I am going in Wednesday for my 4 week follow-up and I will ask my dr to check my iron levels then - my prenatal does have enough iron in it, though, and I heart red meat, so I eat quite a bit of that. I know my endo will also be checking my thyroid levels (I have Hashimotos) - so hopefully everything will be in the good range.

    One quick thing...about a week and a half ago I had an ultrasound just to make sure no retained tissue, which there wasn't, and the tech told me then that my left ovary was about to ovulate. I know when I got pg, it was from my right ovary. So, if I OV a week and a half ago from my left, does that mean I have a greater chance of OV from my right after AF? If so, does this help sway boy at all? I am hoping for all of the little things to be in our favor. Thanks!

  4. #4
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    Iron can be a funny thing, even when you're getting what seemingly should be enough you can still develop anemia (I did and got quite poorly from it before I realized what was going on.)

    I desperately need an essay on the right-left ovary dichotomy haha but it's likely that the left ovary sort of chips in eggs when things are hormonally awry (such as after a loss). So while I DON'T believe that the ovaries alternate, I do think you still have a good chance that you'll O from the right next cycle anyway as things return back to normal again.

    BTW I neglected to tell you that I"m so terribly sorry for your loss.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks so much, Atomic. Every day I feel stronger. Just devastated I lost my boy OK, ONE more thing...If I were to become a dream member now knowing I HOPE to get AF in the next few days and we will then try after that, would it be a good idea to do so? Just not sure much of anything can change at this point, but would do so if you thought you had any ideas that could help us. Big thing I am worried about is that DH was basically abstaining since December because very early on with my pg, I was bleeding and found out I had 2 subchorionic hemorrhages (which ended up causing my MMC) and was ut on pelvic rest. Since then, we also haven't BD because after D&C my dr told us to wait until after 4 week check-up. has been a while. He is super healthy, though, so I am hoping that is OK. And prior to me getting PG 3 months ago we were DTD quite frequently. Basically, I feel almost depserate now to have a boy, but feel like the odds are stacked against me and I just hate that feeling. Thanks for everything. SO sorry for the ramble.

  6. #6
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    Well, it's always nice to become a Dream Member if you can because the money goes towards keeping the site going and also keeping me "unemployed" so I have enough time to do this! And even tho I did spot this q and replied to it, I am scaling back my presence on the free forums now because I just can't keep up with the volume of questions so you will get more and quicker answers from me if you are a Dream Member than if you are not (sorry i HATE to have to do it but I really just cannot keep up).

    RE the abstain, that's not ideal for TTC a boy. Can he release on his own or (sorry TMI) orally? Every 2-4 days is best if at all possible. Starting ASAP - don't worry about the water that's already gone under the bridge, focus on what you actually can do starting now. Good luck.
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  7. #7
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    Becoming a Dream Member now. This site has been so, so helpful to me, so thank you!

  8. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Thank you so much, it's very much appreciated.

    2013 is my "year of blue swayers" and I plan lots of good stuff for my Blue Crew.
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  9. #9
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    It's OFFICIAL! I am the newest Dream Member! Happy to be here.

    One last question. IF DH starts releasing TODAY and then continues every 2 days until we attempt, will that be OK to TTC after AF arrives (expected any date now)? Or is this not going to help at all? We really, really don't want to wait a few months to start trying again, but if this is a deal breaker, we will have to. Thoughts?
    Last edited by onthepond; March 3rd, 2013 at 11:34 AM.

  10. #10
    Big Dreamer

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    Atomic - any thoughts for me on this? He released last night...if we continue every 2-3 days (still no AF, so we have a little time) do you think we will be OK to TTC and sway BOY in a few weeks? Thanks!

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