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  1. #31
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    Also, I’ve had my thyroid checked many times but will see if I can again. Do you think they should have checked my Progesterone?

  2. #32
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    Ok if it's already been checked then it probably doesn't need to be again, as long as it's been within the past year or so.

    No, I don't think they should have checked progesterone. In a normal pregnancy your body will make enough progesterone. And if the pregnancy is not developing normally, then your body will lower progesterone to end it. We now know that progesterone dropping is just the body's way of ending a pregnancy that isn't working out, and studies have shown that using supplemental progesterone does not help anyone get or stay pregnant, it just extends the amount of time it takes before there's a miscarriage. So even if they had checked it, they would have found it was falling naturally most likely, and they could not have done anything about that.
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  3. #33
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    I listed what I take just a couple post down. The one below my progesterone question....

    Progesterone- That is what I’ve read also, but everyone keeps asking if I get mine checked every time I have a loss.

    Any thoughts on L-Carnitine and L-Arginine for DH?

    Again thanks for answering my questions. I’m having a hard week this week getting through naming the baby and ordering the little urn �� I feel my in control and distracted when I’m making my plan.
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; June 5th, 2020 at 02:45 PM.

  4. #34
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    That's because a lot of people have heard of it and think it worked for them, but really it was just that the pregnancy was a healthy one. Doctors still prescribe it to people so they can feel they've done everything, but the science is indicating it doesn't really work.

    Carnitine and arginine sway blue. I don't think they are magical pregnancy pills either, so I would hesitate for you to add in something that may sway blue and probably won't help you conceive, but your call to make on that.

    Let me go see if I can find your other post.

    I'm so sorry - I hope I can be of help in this hard time.
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  5. #35
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    I would prefer the kind without all the extra stuff in them, but they are not bad at all compared to some other ones and the folate is better than folic acid, so it's fine to continue rather than switching. It also has a lot of inositol in it, much more than I tend to recommend.

    I would wean off the additional Vitamin C.

    Why did your OB recommend baby aspirin?? Do you have a clotting disorder?? Recent studies have shown that in women without clotting disorders, aspirin may actually cause miscarriage I would personally recommend weaning off that unless you have a specific diagnosis of a health issue that requires aspirin. The idea that aspirin should be used as a preventative is falling by the wayside.

    Yes, I am fine with you trying cinnamon (but ONLY if you have come off the aspirin, as combined they really thin the blood). Ceylon cinnamon only, 1/2 teaspoon from AF-O, 1/4 teaspoon from O-AF. This is a small amount, please do not take more than this though.

    If you come off the Smarty Pants, let's also add in some myoinositol. 1000 mg AF-O, and then 500 mg or 1000 every other day from O-AF. This is only if you stop the Smarty Pants which has a lot of myo in it.

    Some grain foods are fine, we just don't want you getting massive amounts of them.

    BD every other day is ok if hubby can keep up with it, but I tend to prefer you guys having sex every 4 days (in the 72 hour pattern, so M/Th/Su/W like that) and then adding in another attempt at positive OPK whenever that falls (or the day before you expect to ovulate) while continuing the e4d pattern. The reason for this is that every other day sex can easily end up being only one viable attempt in the fertile window. You end up with either attempts O-1, O-3, and O-5 (and the O-5 attempt won't count, the O-3 is pretty unlikely to end in conception, and only the O-1 is a good attempt) or O, O-2, O-4, O-6 (only the O-2 attempt would be for sure viable, because the O Day attempt might be too late to do any good). With the e4d plus one method you will always be in with at least 2 attempts in the fertile window, and possibly 3 if your fertile window stays open a while.

    I don't see any benefit for you to using probiotics. They won't do anything to help you conceive and would only sway blue anyway

    Keep working on the diet and weight loss - I think that will really help your egg quality. I'd add in exercise, even if it's just moderate like 30 min. a day, 3-5 days a week.

    I would give it a try with making these changes before adding in RRLT. I am not at all convinced it does anything for helping people get and stay pregnant and I worry it may actually have negative effects we don't know about yet.
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  6. #36
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    Thanks for the quick response.

    Asprin- I stopped taking after this loss. It’s a big new thing for moms over 40 to take it regardless of clotting disorders. Almost ever mom over 40 on babycent had their OB tell them to take it. Mine included.... she said it helps with high blood pressure, which I don’t have... and pre E...
    I didn’t take It with the first 16 week loss, but did with the 2nd. I stopped while in the hospital, so it’s been two weeks. I will not take it with next pregnancy.

    Myo inositol- so you have a preferred brand? I will switch from smarty pants to Centrum womans? I’ll add the Myo inositol.

    I will add in the exercise and keep with the diet. I think Ive lost 1.5 lbs this week.

    Would a cup of Decaf coffee hurt egg quality?
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; June 6th, 2020 at 10:37 AM.

  7. #37
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    Hmm that's very interesting, thanks for letting me know that.

    I don't have a preferred brand of myo but a lot of people use Pregnitude.

    Decaf coffee is fine!
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  8. #38
    Dream Newbie

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    Good morning Atomic. my new supplements are

    Myo inositol 1000
    Ceylon Cinnamon
    Centrum womans
    Extra folate- almost 2000
    Iron 3x a week
    Nordic prenatal fish oil/DHA... should I take a half does? Or the full amount?

    Centrum silver
    Extra folate- 400 plus the centrum
    Nordic prenatal fish oil/DHA (full dose for sperm health)
    Iron 3x week

    DH and I are both cutting carbs for weight loss. I’m also adding in exercise. I’m also skipping breakfast and adding one decafe coffee.

    Anything else you can think?

    Can you explain why you don’t really want us on vitamin C? I’m curious.

    Also, as my blood work keeps coming from my reoccurring loss paneL, I think everything is saying negative for me. The only test I wasn’t sure on is the Factor V assay. All it shows is a line chart from 0-100% I’m exactly on the low- naormal line at 70%. Do you have experience with this?

    I see my OB n July but am calling her office tomorrow.

    Thanks again for your time!
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; June 8th, 2020 at 11:54 AM.

  9. #39
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    What is the dose on the Nordic? I'm inclined to have you be very minimal about it since you're also on the cinnamon.

    Because he's already getting plenty in the multivitamin and 1000 mg is a lot of Vitamin C. I don't think it would have negative effects, but the truth is, megadose vitamins are not adequately studied and since it's not necessary it just seems like something that could be potentially gotten rid of.

    The question about the Factor V is beyond my pay grade so I'd be sure to ask the doc about that.
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  10. #40
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    Thank you.

    Gotcha on the vitamin C, thank you.

    Nordic dosage is total of 830 mg of omega 3. This is made up of EPA 205mg, DHA 480mg and other omega 3s 145mg

    I was thinking DH take the full amount for sperm health and I tAke half that, just incase it helps with egg quality?

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