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  1. #21
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    I'm ok with you guys trying it for pink. I do think that it may sway a bit blue, but at some point we may NEED to sway a bit blue just in order to conceive.

    I do not think RRLT causes chemicals but I DO like you guys to be sensible with it, 2 c a day in the FP max, 1 cup a day in the LP max (fine to do 1 cup in FB, one every other day in LP, or even less) and then once you get BFP, rather than dropping it all of a sudden, continue spacing doses further and further out till down to one cup per week, then drop it.
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  2. #22
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks Atomic ��

    Have you seen many BFPs with RRLT? Do you think it really does anything? I was drinking a cup a day last time.

    I’m at the point where I’m ready to jump into blue sway in order to achieve a sticky pregnancy �� My heart still breaks for my sweet baby boy I lost last yr �� My last two living children are 4 yrs and 4 months apart. I tried every month in between. I had the first early loss in the middle of that.

    Do you have any suggestions for better all around fertility? I’m currently taking a..

    Garden of life prenatal

    Extra Extra Folate - How much do you think I should take with my age and loss history?

    Possibly RRLT

    Calcium with 1000 D - there is also 1000 d in my prenatal

    Nordic Naturals prenatal Fish oil with DHA

    Smarty pants men’s vitamin

    Vitamin C 1000

    Zinc a few days a week

    THANKS AGAIN for taking the time to answer ❤️
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; November 9th, 2018 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #23
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    No, I don't really think it does anything. I have seen a few people conceive while taking it, but just as you say we were on the Hail Mary program and doing everything in our power to conceive at that stage.

    I'm not a huge fan of the Garden of Life although their prenatal is better than some of their other stuff. I distrust all those added ingredients and the megadose b6 has really messed up people's cycles (not unlike the RJBP we talked about before.)

    Why so much calcium?? For the sway?? Taking that kind of calcium over 40 may contribute to cardiovascular disease and one study seemed to find a link between elevated calcium levels and miscarriages so I would actually have you wean off that now. Again, not convinced it's doing anything harmful, more out of concern for future heart health than the miscarriage risk, but it may be something to change, at any rate.

    I have been coming down on no more than 2000 mcg folate any more. Unless you have a history of NTD I would keep it to no more than 2000. There are too many studies coming in that seem to indicate some people are retaining too much folate and I don't want to have you guys taking any more than need be. Do this only thru the first trimester and then be sure to wean off by spacing doses further and further out till down to the amount in prenatal only.

    I would suggest going onto a lower carb diet like the Zone or South Beach. NOT very low carb or keto (please please! no!!) but just getting more protein and healthy fat, and then getting your carbs from healthier sources.
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  4. #24
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    ETA***my garden of life is the organic prenatal fwiw***

    I was taking Smart Pants prenatals. Do you think those are preferable? I still have them and prefer them. I switched as it didn’t have much DHA. I wanted to take the Nordic prenatal but I was afraid of taking it with the Smarty pants incase that was too much fish oil and DHA.... so I switched to the Garden of life.

    I will cut back on the Calcium, I’m not a milk drinker so that’s why so much. And I’ll cut back to 2000 on the Folate. I was at 2400.
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; November 9th, 2018 at 05:50 PM.

  5. #25
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    I like the Smarty Pants one better.

    You can also try taking the Nordic every other day if you worry you're gettiing too much.

    Same with the calcium - it's also possibe to take them every other or every 2 days and your body can store calcium and D.

    2000/2400 is pretty close to the same range, I would not worry aabout that. Some people take 5000 or whatever and I'd just rather you guys stick with 2000 ish unless you've got a history of NTD.
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  6. #26
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    Thanks Atomic, your time is greatly appreciated �� I feel so lost and get crazy desperate after a loss. It helps to have somebody bring me back to earth.

    I’ll do the ever other day with the calcium and Nordic, Smarty pants prenatal and 2000 on the Folate. This will also save some $$

    I’m going to spend some time later going back over the diet threads here to get some ideas.
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; November 10th, 2018 at 02:49 PM.

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  8. #27
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    My pleasure! Let me know how I can help.
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  9. #28
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    Update ☹️

    Hello again Atomic. Its been a long time since I’ve been here. I finally got pregnant again after almost 1.5 yrs of trying and lost baby AGAIN in the 2nd trimester. Last time was at 16 weeks and this time 15 weeks.This was two weeks ago.

    This time we did testing and baby was a normal baby girl �� Im devastated. I had blood drawn for recurrent miscarriage and everything so far is normal.

    This all said.... I’m going to try again. DH are both older. I’m 44 and he’s 46.

    - DH has had sperm issues in the past. He is currently taking Smarty Pants for men but I would like to switch him to Centrum 50+

    - He takes my Nordic prenatal fish oil

    -1000 of C to help with sperm

    -200 of Ubiquinol

    Is there anything else he should add in for sperm?

    While I’m heart broken I lost baby girl, I don’t think I should focus on swaying as much as becoming pregnant.

    Any thoughts for me? It’s greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Lizzie Raine; June 4th, 2020 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #29
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    Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that Lizzie. Did they have any reason?? I find that when a loss is late there is often something related to thyroid issues or a cord accident (which is generally random), so if you haven't had your thyroid tested you may want to look into that. I'm concerned that there have been two and I want to be sure they've thoroughly checked into everything.

    yes, I'd rather see him on the Centrum over 50. The Smarty Pants has a couple ingredients in it I don't think are beneficial for him.

    I would not give him that additional Vit. C. It's no biggie if he wants to continue (it's not hurting anything) but I don't think it's necessary.

    But what are YOU taking?

    I agree, you should not be swaying now really but I do have some ways that will both help you conceive and help you have a healthy pregnancy. Can you tell me everything you were doing for your sway when you conceived and while ou were trying the last time?
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  11. #30
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    Thanks for the quick response Atomic. I’ve been feeling so down today after finding out yesterday that the baby was fine and a girl.

    -I’m now taking- smarty pants prenatals? Should I switch? I was worried because Centrum uses Folic instead of Folate I believe?

    -vitamin C 500

    Nordic prenatal Fish oil with DHA

    Extra Folate- with prenatal I take 2,000

    I took all of this with this last baby girl EXCEPT the C. I also took baby asprin this time as recommended by OB. I’m heavy more than ever at 160 and 5’ tall. I wasn’t dieting as I’d almost given up. I need to loose 30-35 lbs.

    With my first 2nd tri loss In 2017 I had just lost 25 lbs by cutting carbs and I just got done BFing my now almost 4 yr old. No baby aspirin that time. That was the quickest i have ever Horton pregnant. That baby was a boy.

    I started two weeks ago after the loss cutting carbs again, I still eat wheat toast a few days a week. I’ve added in eggs a few days a week and while milk or full fat yogurt 1 a day for fertility .

    Anything else for me? I’m mainly concerned with getting a BFP and not so worried about a girl anymore. Any new info on RRLT?

    Can I get your thoughts on L-carnintine and L- arginine for DHs sperm health? Probiotics?

    We also bed quite often. We’re going to try for ever other day soon. Is that to much at our age?

    Oh and would a little cinnamon after meals help me since I’m older and trying to loose 30 lbs?

    Thanks so much for your time ❤️

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