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Thread: Ovulation help!

  1. #1

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    Ovulation help!

    Hi atomic,

    I appreciate I am about to ask a lot of questions so feel free to take your time in answering or I’m happy to buy a plan if you think I need more help than you can offer here.

    So since my MC in November, I can’t seem to work out if I’ve really ovulated or not. I get the fade in and outs, smiley on the day of highest surge (I don’t temp) but may start. I’m 11 months pp and still breastfeeding so am keen to get things moving before my milk supply dwindles now my baby is approaching 1 and for those reasons I’m doing the alternate diet again . When I had my last baby I was over weight from a previous birth which I hadn’t lost and medication I was taking back then (domperidone) so I had a lot to lose..around 14kg and I’ve managed to lose 11.

    I wonder if I might not actually be ovulating because of poor diet or if we are just unlucky in not catching each month (I know you won’t possibly know if I’m ovulating or not) but if we are thinking about diet, I’ve lost 24 pounds since May, my Bmi is currently 22.2 but I was not meeting the minimum for cals I was averaging around 1300-1500 (I know this is not recommended and has been unintentional) and I was just about meeting the protein minimum some days (but I was getting 50-60g of fat) I have now increased to around 1700 but I’m tying not to count and obsess but consume more of what I was missing.
    Some days it’s just been a case of forgetting to eat or just having a full on day but also habit because when I started my weight loss journey, I was actually putting on lots of weight at 1800 cals
    So my question is, could this likely be a factor? I mean I’m not underweight by any means but the lack of protein (some days) and cals? Or could it be a hormonal issue after recently having a MC? I’ve always been super fertile (hence all the boys) and I’ve been smaller and still ovulated on this kind of diet before but it almost seems like I’m not actually ovulating or we are just not timing it correctly. We have tried one attempt at first peak, one at second (which was probably no good) and even had two attempts one month accidentally and still nothing. Just to add, from may I was doing X3 60 mins of exercise per week at 1800 cals but not losing much until I dropped some cals at which point I slowed down the exercise and have now stopped since November. If I’m doing 1700 do I need to start exercise again or forget it for now to make sure I’m getting what I need to feed and function/regulate everything again? My cycle is usually 32 days and DH is 36- no supplements I’m 34 and take 1 iron supplement 2-3 times a week as I’m low, but not anaemic anymore.
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
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    DW (34) DH (36)

  2. #2
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    Well, the plans are what enables me to do this as a job so if you appreciate my help, buying a plan is a great way to allow me to make a living while helping you and others!

    Actually I can tell with about 99% certainty (if not more) that you're ovulating. If you're getting your period, and it's coming fairly regularly, the odds are all but 100% that you are ovulating. If you weren't ovulating, then your period wouldn't come. This is even MORE certain if you're getting a smiley at the appropriate time midcycle. I'm sorry I can't quite work out what you're saying with all that - you are getting a smiley meaning a positive OPK, right? And about when it should come? - I mean, your period is arriving about 14 -15 days after your solid smiley?

    So if we eliminate that you aren't ovulating, I am assuming what you're actually asking me here is why you haven't conceived yet, right?

    Based on what you describe, and the fact that your BMI is still in a good zone, and that you're eating enough fat, I ~doubt~ that this is diet related. (and if your cycle is fairly regular, and you have a 12-14 day LP, it is not going to be related to diet stuff)

    Much much much more likely is that you're doing things that are inadvertently cutting odds of conception. Can you give me more information about OTHER things like shallow release, jellies or douches, antihistamines, jump and dump, hot baths, that sort of thing? Those are the things that prevent conception far more often than diet does.

    I absolutely recommend exercise, because it's a great sway tactic. You can eat a bit more to compensate if you need to but for best chance of pink you will exercise. It is really a step in the wrong direction to drop exercise when you want a girl.

    What I would have you do now is to switch to e4d to ensure you're covered all the month through. Start having sex, unprotected, every 72 hours or so (it does not need to be to those hours exactly, that's just how you count hte days), after your period ends and carrying on thru till when your next cycle begins. That way if you're getting those positive OPK at the wrong time of month you will be covered in case of early or late ovulation.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; January 31st, 2022 at 02:59 PM.
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  3. #3

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    Thank you for your response.
    I will take a look at the plans.

    Yes, periods are fairly regular and yes, you’re correct. a positive opk is what I meant (smiley) with a 13 day LP.

    Ahhh ok! I’m starting to get the picture. Absolutely no jellies, douches, antihistamines, hot baths or anything like that. I’m not doing shallow release (but may have done on occasion) But I have jumped and dumped some of the time.

    Yes I’ve officially started exercising again. I only really stopped due to the MC which was incomplete until end of November then I got lazy but I’m back on it now.

    e4d sounds like a good plan.
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
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    DW (34) DH (36)

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  5. #4
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    Yes then it sounds to me like you are ovulating just fine!

    I would have you guys go to e4d in the 72 hour pattern now. It may simply be that having an attempt at peak or the second peak is just not working and you need to change it up. So after your period ends, I'd start having unprotected sex in that "Monday, Thursday" pattern (just any time that day! and it does not have to be THOSE days particularly but that's how you count the days) and continue on till you're certain you've ovulated, even if that means going all the way thru till the next cycle begins!!

    I would drop shallow release completely and extend the length of time you're J and D five minutes more than you HAVE been doing. So if you weren't doing it at all, go to five minutes. If you were doing it for five minutes, go to ten. And then if we don't get lucky this month, we'll just add on another five minutes, etc.
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  6. #5

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    Thank you, That sounds great.
    To be honest I’ve not intentionally done shallow release I just aware some of the positions air more on that side of things and J&D I’ve only really done when I’ve been desperate for a wee 😂 so definitely not every time.

    Would you mind clarifying what positions fall under shallow release please
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
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  7. #6
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    Shallow release is when people DELIBERATELY as a sway tactic, are having their husbands pull out to the far edge of the VJ when delivering the payload, LOL. If you're not doing that, then you arent' doing shallow release.
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  8. #7

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    Thank you so much for clearing that up I actually thought it was certain positions that delivered the load further from the cervix. Lol
    No we are not doing that and never have
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
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  10. #8
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    Nope, virtually all normal, run of the mill internal sex positions are good for conception. (exception might be some of the weirder moves from the Kama Sutra or whatever, LOL) but anything that is a typical sort of position has a great chance of ending with conception.
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  11. #9

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    Lol 😂 Well that’s good to know.
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
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  13. #10

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    Hi Atomic,
    I basically wanted to come back and update you but also because I need help again.

    So I actually fell pregnant a month later, after this thread in March and went on to have a baby girl! so a huge thank you to you once again!

    We actually decided to try again this year but unfortunately had a MC ( with a SCH - which IÂ’ve never had in previous pregnancies) two weeks ago. Interestingly, I was adding a spoon of cinnamon to my smoothie for 6w prior so I do wonder if that was a contributing factor from what IÂ’ve just glossed over on the site.
    Anyway, Everything has changed since the last few times IÂ’ve TTC and thatÂ’s where I need your help.

    IÂ’ve probably lost 10kg in weight over the last 2 yrs but most specifically in the last 6 months or so. IÂ’m not BF anymore which I do believe has swayed for me in the past.
    DH has just started a daily 50mg dose of Zoloft for anxiety and after reading some studies I believe this can affect sperm health 72 days+ after starting. And heÂ’s smoking and consuming energy drinks. So I wondered about OLE for him or anything else he can take to optimise his health but not sway to far blue? ( I know IÂ’m asking a lot )
    IÂ’ve been loosely following the LE diet but I was a hungry hungry woman with the most recent pregnancy. But my weight is on the lower side of where I have previously been. But I am going to go back to vegan foods as that was most beneficial to my body when I was on it previously.

    So I guess the areas I need help in is tweaking my diet ( but I do have a good understanding of it by now) but just need to make sure I actually hold steady and donÂ’t lose on it as that may affect current BMI is 20.2 I think IÂ’m good with attempts as previously discussed.
    But I did have a few questions about the MC and if itÂ’s a good idea to wait a cycle before trying for uterus lining purposes or dating? Which doesnÂ’t seem to be as important in my opinion? I opted for the medical management as my body hadnÂ’t recognised there was an issue with growth ( 9w3d) but was in the very early stages of development with an inadequate fetal pole. I had a few surges that month so not sure if it was bad egg quality by the time I did ovulate ( on third attempt I believe) and possibly the weight loss. but thereÂ’s no way of knowing any of that.
    IÂ’m eager to not hang around given my husbandÂ’s new medication but will if I need that extra time to heal.

    Also is it possible to ovulate whilst still having low levels of HCG in your system or does my body need to reset back to zero to kickstart fertility again? Lots of conflicting info online but most say no?
    IÂ’ve started temping and am a regular with OPKÂ’s but IÂ’m starting to get twinges and a gradual darkening of line so do know this could be a false positive but am interested in your thoughts on this?

    Also is it a stab in the dark to try now DH is on that medication ( it is the lower dose) but do you think our chances are much much slimmer now? Or would it be wiser to wait until he is off it? We have no idea when he will as itÂ’s a trial and if it doesnÂ’t work heÂ’ll likely have to wean off over a period of time. CouldnÂ’t find any info on this site or others about it as most indicate ED issues or not being able to finish which isnÂ’t a problem for him. But nothing on if itÂ’s still
    Possible to become pregnant when partner is on it. He wonÂ’t/canÂ’t change anything on his side except add a supplement if needed.
    IÂ’m slightly lacking in iron so on a low supplement 60mg x3 times a week
    IÂ’m also on folic acid but maybe not taking enough.
    In the past I did the alternate diet which had great results for me and seemed to work best with my body even though I donÂ’t have any GD or pcos diagnosis so would probably stick with that.

    After reading all of that, if thereÂ’s anything else you can think of that will point us in the right direction that would be most helpful.

    Once again thank you for everything that you do
    Proud mommy to 5 1610553
    D1: DD2
    Dreaming of another to compliment our family but ultimately want a healthy baby, whatever gender

    DW (34) DH (36)

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