Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
There are some actual charlatans out there charging hundreds to thousands of dollars for gender swaying and "early gender prediction" methods that don't work. The reason why it is hard for me to get super worked up over Ramzi is a) he actually published his findings for review by other researchers which most of these scam artists do not, and b) he has not really profited hugely off doing this. He hasn't opened up a bunch of "Ramzi Ultrasound Clinics" all around the world and charging people thousands of dollars for ultrasound (which he could and there would be lines around the block) I think he's wrong, but I don't think he's evil like some of these people are.

There are literally dozens of "windmills in need of tilting at" in this universe and of all of them, Ramzi is really pretty harmless. Yes, gals do obsess unneccesarily over their ultrasounds but if they don't have an ultrasound to obsess over, they obsess over symptoms and cravings and ring tests and psychics and the way they're carring their baby.

RE pseudoscience, it is possible to be scientific and wrong - Dr. Shettles was wrong about timing intercourse as a method of gender swaying, but he was a scientist (and a darn good one). I agree that dreams about the Virgin Mary (IMO) are not necessarily reassuring or scientific, but at the least Ramzi has published his findings for independent review and to me, that's more scientific than a lot of those schmucks out there who take people's $$ without doing that.
I have to update this old post now nearly 10 years later - I have since come to find out that Dr. Ramzi actually NEVER DID publish his research for independent review. I was told otherwise and even forwarded articles that looked like they came from scientific journals and didn't. I now believe Ramzi is a very sketchy guy, operating out of some sort of weird motives (attention??) but I still have to say that he has not turned this into a vastly profitable moneymaking scheme as some of the charlatans have done, so I still vote him a kook to be avoided rather than an actually evil person.