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  1. #21
    Dream Vet
    maidentomother's Avatar
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    I think it's wise to have at least a cycle off the Mirena before TTC. Good thinking! I am very envious of no periods for 7 years (mine are very painful), did you miss AF at all?

    I am definitely improving/healing though not as quickly as I'd like. The swelling is mostly gone but I've had weird shooting pains in my right breast and my incisions are still very sore. I usually O around CD18 but while swaying I've had some really delayed O, like CD22-28! The earliest I've Oed in the past year was CD16. Well, based on my CBFM I will be Oing again on CD16 this cycle, that's on Sunday! So I need to get busy tomorrow or Saturday at the latest, or I'll be out this month.

    My Ovulation Chart
    currently TTC, Cycle #16 since last BFP

    TTC #1 - swaying pink on & off since Nov 2013 - hoping for a girl first but excited for either!

    Dec 2001 - May 2006 : 5 early abortions of healthy singletons (3 medical @5w, 2 surgical @8w, last 4 pregnancies conceived with late DH, all conceived while TTA/on birth control)
    Mar 2012: miscarried B/G twins @5w (conceived 2 cycles after removìng Paraguard copper IUD while NTNP), one twin was ovarian ectopic

    Me: 34, widowed, late O + short LP, normal-good hormone levels excepting undetectable testosterone, seeking a known sperm donor/life partner
    My sway: vegetarian LE for over 28w, skipping breakfast, fibre (ground psyllium husks) with/before/between meals, physically inactive, drama avoidance, ocassional minimal YesBaby lube as needed, alternate cycles on low dose Clomid, double shot lattes (with meals)
    Past sway tactics I've dropped (in order): Vitex, Sudafed, antihistamines, intermittent fasting, one attempt per cycle at positive OPK, one attempt in fertile period

  2. #22
    Dream Vet

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    Having the Mirena was amazing for me, not having to worry about AF is such a liberating thing, I loved it!!!
    Also due to MTHFR mutation it is the safest contraception in my case.
    I am a little worried now waiting AF to arrive, since I've read that some women had problems after removal, but since my OB told me I was ovulating when I removed it (2 weeks ago) I think I don't have to overstress about it just yet...
    I really hope it works out for you this month since I know how much you want a fall baby!!! for you!!!
    (2005) (2008) TTCBLUE 2015

    It's a girl!!!

  3. #23
    Big Dreamer

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    XX -- What were your favorite foods for TTC blue? TIA!

  4. #24
    XXforhubby's Avatar
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    ttc jan any attempts

    Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries, Kashi blueberry cluster cereal, or blueberry waffles (I love blueberries...I miss them!)

    Snacks: Banana, kasha dark chocolate cherry granola bars, Luna chocolate chip cookie dough protein bars, grapes, or a protein shake. For dessert after dinner I LOVED 1/4 cup cooked rolled oats with 1/8 cup dark chocolate chips melted with 1/8 tsp of vanilla extract! It may not sound good, but try it- it's yummy! I loved walnuts with raisins too.

    Lunch: turkey sandwich with Colby jack cheese and veggies with potato chips or leftovers from the night before.

    Dinner: chicken or red meat of some sort. I loved steak fajitas, chicken tacos, lasagna, beef and noodles, or pot roast with potatoes and carrots. We ate a lot of broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, and potatoes.

    I always had breakfast within an hour of waking, a snack at 10-11ish, lunch, a snack around 2-3pm, dinner, and a snack before bed.

    GL! Hope this helps! Let me know if you need more ideas. I was never over weight, 125-135lbs BMI 21-21.8.

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    Last edited by XXforhubby; December 5th, 2014 at 09:29 AM.

  5. #25
    XXforhubby's Avatar
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    Oh, forgot to mention I would have one or two squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate a day too!!

    Looking at my diet, and coupled with weight lifting for 30min followed by 30min of cardio 4-5 times a week, no wonder why I have 2 boys!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #26
    Dream Vet

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    AF came yesterday night, I am so happy!!! Can't wait for January, but I'm also thinking about February since it seems that AF will be coming at the early dates of the next couple of months and maybe it' would be better to have two cycles before TTC...
    I don't know, I just don't want to gain too much wait as I have gained 4 kilos since September..
    (2005) (2008) TTCBLUE 2015

    It's a girl!!!

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