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    Dream Newbie

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    Stressing out about my girl sway!

    I am new to gender dreaming. I have been on IG for a couple weeks now and started taking all the recommended supps and doing the IG diet. Now that I'm over here, I feel lost. Atomic seems quite knowledgable and so I'm feeling quite confused and worried about what I've been doing. Here's my plan. Any advice on if I should drop or add something, PLEASE let me know! The plan is to ttc in early August. But maybe we should wait an extra cycle. IDK. Also, DH is 28 and I'm 29. We have 2 precious boys ages 5 and 3.

    1000mg Calcium Citrate
    300mg Magnesium
    800mcg Folate
    800mcg B12 (combined in the Folate capsule)
    25mg Zinc Picolinate
    500mg Vitamin C
    100 IU Vitamin E
    And I just dropped 50mg of B6 today after some forums I read on here.

    My DH is taking:
    1000mg Calcium Citrate
    300mg Magnesium
    500mg Cranberry
    450mg 3x daily of LR

    We have been doing the IG diet pretty well for the past week. I cut out coffee, but now I've read that coffee is ok on here (right?). Should I do decaf or regular? I have been caffeine free with everything for this sway. I know I specifically cut out coffee before ttc our last two boys.

    We are also choosing to Abstain for 12+ days (from AF to O) and do O+12. We didn't ever abstain before. In fact, we DTD every other day with my first and every day (hoping for lower sperm count) with my second. We were planning on using Sudafed before DTD this time and I was planning on starting baby Aspirin 2 weeks before ttc. And we plan on using silk lube or ky jelly (which one is best?).

    5 months ago I started working out for the first time EVER and lost 20 pounds in the process. Didn't realize at the time that that would have swayed girl. Now I'm freaking out because what I'm doing may sway boy! I am doing 21dayfix extreme but I started using lighter weights instead of increasing with heavy. Is this ok to keep doing? This is something that I really don't want to skip out on.

    My DH drinks Vanilla Coke Zero everyday and some GV drink mix. I try to put Aspartame in anything I need sweetened but was planning on drinking it heavily in the 2 weeks prior to Ovulation day.

    I am drinking/eating a TON of dairy!! Is this right? Is there a link that I can go to that talks more about the LE diet? I'm nervous about losing anymore weight. If I lose more than 4 lbs, I will be considered underweight/BMI will be too low.

    I have been eating breakfast because I starve in the morning now since I don't drink coffee anymore, but I think it would be easier to skip breakfast if I had coffee (as long as that's ok). Instead, I've been doing peppermint tea (which I hate). I feel uncomfortable doing any douching. I also feel uncomfortable using saw palmetto. But I will use it if I need to.

    Obviously, with my IG diet I have been trying to limit my sodium and potassium a lot while increasing my calcium. But I'm interested in learning about the LE diet if there's any link that could be posted about that info.

    I'm feeling very overwhelmed by all of this and am trying really hard not to stress out and just leave it in God's hands. But it's hard.

    Any feedback would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thank you!

    Oh, I also bought a salt lamp and plan on using nail polish remover everyday leading up to Ovulation. And I plan on buying lavender smelling things as well. Ok, I think that's it.

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Have a coffee in the morning, it's fine! I've seen atomic say they really don't know what it is about coffee that sways pink (other caffeinated drinks like tea may sway blue), so even decaf may help if you don't like that much caffeine.

    You could cut out all the supps you're taking except folic acid. Lots of ladies on here have their husband's taking the same stuff as you, but you know LR should ONLY be AF-O, right? It can be dangerous to have him take it everyday without a break, it raises blood pressure.

    There's a link in the index called LE diet in a nutshell that will give you a good overview. Basically dairy (and anything) is allowed but you want to stay within totals for cal, protein, and fat, and a lot of full-fat dairy will take you over pretty quickly.

    Don't do abstain + O+12! DTD every 1-2 days is very boy-friendly, but you don't need to go to the polar opposite extreme to get a girl. Most of the women swaying pink here do a single attempt at OPK or else DTD every four days. It seems to be fewer attempts in the fertile window that makes a difference, not timing of the attempt. You can read the essays "the trouble with timing" and there's several recent posts on frequency on the TTC girl forum that will explain.

    Welcome and good luck!
    Surprise 2012. FGD sway opposite 2015
    Jan. 2017 (swayed pink).
    LE sway opposite 2017

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you for this info! I've been reading info about O+12 and am convinced I will not do it. Thank you so much for telling me that info! Thinking about doing abstain for 7 days and then a cutoff at +opk. I just want to be the least stressed out because I'm sure I'm raising my T levels with all this worrying! I am trying to follow the LE diet and avoid certain foods but ultimately have lowered my calorie consumption. My goal is 2 fruits a day, 3 veggies a day, 3 proteins (vegan protien shake, yoghurt, chicken or eggs) a day, 3 carbs, and some hummus, veggie oil, or margarine each day. Maybe a few nuts too. I will also switch from strength training to cardio dance workouts. And I'm taking out all supps but the folate and b12. DH will switch to soy milk.

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  5. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    I also really enjoyed my coffee this morning! Thank you!

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  7. #5
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    Hi and welcome!! Since this is just a teeny bit on the long side and today is the holiday if you could give me a bump I would really appreciate it.

    What jumps out at me right away that I think you should stop, is the tons of dairy. If you're taking ca-mag supps you don't need the tons of dairy and there is a huge amount of nutrition in dairy foods.

    You do not have to lose any weight on LE Diet. That is a misconception. Just start off doing 1800-2000 cals a day and see what happens. Most people end up at more like 1500-1800 cal range but start higher than you think you need and you can always reduce. do not under any circumstances decide "Less is better" and start cutting back too far

    Short version of LE Diet is here

    Why are you off coffee?? If it's for swaying then add it back in because we have had fantastic results with it. The only reason coffee was ever "forbidden" on French and IG diets was because it supposedly "caused calcium to leach from the body" but that idea was utterly disproven by studies involving people actually measuring calcium levels before and after drinking coffee. It simply isn't true!!! and it probably sways pink!!!!
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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmaz4 View Post
    Thank you for this info! I've been reading info about O+12 and am convinced I will not do it. Thank you so much for telling me that info! Thinking about doing abstain for 7 days and then a cutoff at +opk. I just want to be the least stressed out because I'm sure I'm raising my T levels with all this worrying! I am trying to follow the LE diet and avoid certain foods but ultimately have lowered my calorie consumption. My goal is 2 fruits a day, 3 veggies a day, 3 proteins (vegan protien shake, yoghurt, chicken or eggs) a day, 3 carbs, and some hummus, veggie oil, or margarine each day. Maybe a few nuts too. I will also switch from strength training to cardio dance workouts. And I'm taking out all supps but the folate and b12. DH will switch to soy milk.
    I would have you reduce the B12 to 1 or 2 times a week max or even eliminate it. Unless you know you have a deficiency you will be getting plenty enough from the dairy and chicken and eggs (and prob. the vegan shake as those are often fortified.)

    I think you may need to eat more than you are to prevent weight loss. You're not getting many carbs on that diet nad cals of carbs have been best for us keeping weight stable.
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  9. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you so much for responding! I have really changed my diet since this post 2 days ago even more! Ha! I was doing my fitness pal app and was doing 1200 calories but I will bump it up to 1500. 1200 is hurting a little bit. I took out all the supps but the folate and b12. I will be starting aspirin this week. I have decided to get my dairy from milk and yoghurt instead. I also took out the vegan shake since its a ton of protein! I've been sticking with the recommended amounts for protein, fats, and carbs that you talked about for ttc a girl. I hope this is ok. I'm trying to get this right. Thank you for your help!
    (2011) (2013)
    In love with my boys, but praying for a little girl!

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  11. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    Oh. Just reread your post. The b12 is in my folate pill. Should I buy a separate folate or is it ok to continue this one? Also I've gone a little vegetarian after all to keep my protein low. So I won't be getting the b12 as much in the chicken and eggs like I originally planned on eating.
    (2011) (2013)
    In love with my boys, but praying for a little girl!

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  13. #9
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    The thing with B12 is that unlike some nutrients (like folate) which you have to get every day, your body is good at storing B12. You can go for years on the stores of B12 you have so if it is at all possible I'd get just a folate.
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  15. #10
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    You still have plenty of time to prepare for August.

    If you're still doing cal-mag, reduce the dose on the magnesium. That level of mag has given people upset stomachs. I would absolutely drop the zinc, C, and E (wean off though it's not good to drop nutrients cold turkey like that.)

    Yes yes add coffee back in for the reason I already mentioned.

    If hubby is under 35 then you can do abstain. If he's not, then I would not have you do abstain. NEVER do abstain longer than 14 days so I'd aim for 7 and then if your O is delayed it's not a dealbreaker. Abstain has not been a good tactic for us anyway with rather disappointing results. The important thing is to have only one attempt in fertile window. Your boys were (in part, because it's never just one thing in isolation) becasue you were having lots of attempts, NOT necessarily the frequency of your hubby's release.

    No Sudafed for you. Only for DH if he is under 30.

    BAby aspirin has gotten neutral resulst and the risks and side effects proved greater than we first realized. i would have you skip this if you can stand to. If you can't stand skipping it and feel you must use it, then please do no more than 3 days a week to start with and gradually build up to 5 maximum. At BFP gradually wean off, don't just quit taking it cold turkey If at any point you notice bleeding or bruising then wean back to less and or wean off it.

    The lubes have been neutral for us, on paper any lube that is NOT sold as sperm safe, conception friendly should sway pink. Use whichever you prefer or even none.

    If you're losing at least a bit of weight on a lower protein diet you can't be building muscle (plus that was only ever just a theory, not a proven fact or anything). you may need the light weights to get a good workout so as long as you're not eating 3000 cals a day of pure protein you can continue with that. We KNOW 60 min exercise 6-7 days a week sway pink so keep doing what is working for you but yeah I'd stick with the light weights.

    Aspartame has not been in any way reliable (I have seen people get boys with frightening amounts) so I prefer you stick to the amount approved by the FDA for use during pregnancy which is 2-3 12-16 oz. servings a day.

    I think I talked about this already but just do LE Diet + cal-mag supps if you believe in it. I personally don't believe in it any more after both our experiences on this site and my research into human biology have shown to me it just can't be a legit theory but I know it is hard to give up on it for some people. I got my 3rd and 4th boy taking cal-mag-D and all 4 of my boys with tons of dairy. tHen I dropped all of it when I TTC my girl.

    Have the coffee in the morning. We all are and our results have skyrocketed since we started using it as a sway tactic.

    Not limiting sodium makes it WAY easier to stick with diet. Our results have gone up and up since more people gave that up. I got my 4th boy limiting it and my girl without limiting it.

    I do want you to be aware of the potassium issue - which is namely that on IG and French Diets, since they are eating tons of dairy they are getting gobs of potassium that way and so in order to stick in their limits they have to eliminate other potassium foods to make their math come out right. on LE Diet, we are not doing the massive dairy intake and thus we need to stay open to eating the potassium foods because otherwise you will not be able to get enough potassium foods to sustain your body. The limits on all three diets are identical - 2500-3500 mg - because this is the amount you need for yoru bod
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