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    Preparing blue sway for next year..

    First post from a long time lurker!

    I have 2 DDs from a previous relationship and very LE lifestyle I guess. I was very happy with my girls and think I would have found it easier as a single mum than if they were boys. I’m a great girl-mum However I always wanted a boy and when I met my now husband and we talked about future children I decided to look into swaying.

    I spent 6-7 months tracking my cycles and playing around with different supplements that by the time it was the month we wanted to TTC my cycles were so messed up that I completely stopped taking any vitamins/supplements. I wasn’t too worried as DH is from a massive boy family. Literally 2 girls across several generations, so part of me thought we may not even need swaying. Anyway I now have DD3 (now 8 months) who is quite a character and very much loved haha! I should also say that I was on an attempted HE diet for around 3 months before but was mainly vegetarian, having very small portions of meat maybe twice a week. The month of TTC I completely lost track of ovulation and think I ovulated late, had 2 periods as well which was weird. Also DH was doing shift work and cycling over 5 times a week and had lost weight.

    So DH has decided he wants us to try for baby #4 next summer. He is not bothered at all by gender, really itÂ’s me who desperately wants a boy, but we are agreed on 5 kids in total..maybe 6! But he wants them to be fairly close in age (2-3yrs apart each). I am definitely going to buy a personalised plan and really give it my best shot for blue!! Also love the idea of twin boys but would be terrified of ending up with twin girls..sorry that sounds awful!

    Right now I am trying to focus on becoming more blue friendly without going full HE. Trying to do more weights instead of cardio (which I am naturally better at) and increase protein. I am naturally slim and have always eaten small portions with lots of snacking. Sometimes forgetting to eat. I was also exercising a fair bit when all of my kids were conceived, again mostly cardio. So this time I want to do weights, maybe build a lot of muscle and then drop exercise during the month we TTC? I read somewhere that too much exercise can lower fertility..

    Lastly DH does not really believe in swaying. He is supportive of me and has agreed to exercise less when weÂ’re trying this time, (he is also big on running/cycling) and will take supplements but doesnÂ’t think it makes much difference anyway and is all down to chance! He was taking lÂ’arginine, around 40mg zinc (which is probably too much!) and vit c last time. It may be difficult to get him to drop exercise all together.

    Anyway sorry for loooong post! Looking forward to taking my time building this sway!

    successful GD sway 2021

  2. #2
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    Yep, unfortunately gender does not run in families so even when your husband is from a boy-friendly family you still need to sway if at all possible!

    I think you guys are on target for a great blue sway. I do not think your husband needs to totally give up cycling and whatever change he makes will only be icing on the's what you do that matters the most! And there is a lot that you have already decided to change to give you a better chance of blue!

    Please let me know any questions you have!
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  3. #3
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    Thanks for replying! That’s great to hear and this website is such a great resource, sooo much information it can be a little overwhelming! But I’m mainly glad I’m not the only crazy mum out there constantly googling everything on swaying haha!

    Good to hear DH may not need to drop all cardio, as this has been stressing me out. He’s also a bit of a caffeine addict..I’ve got him to switch from coffee to tea (which is good as he takes sugar in coffee but none with tea) but I’ve noticed that he drinks a LOT of tea/coffee maybe up to 6 cups a day! And was having energy drinks every so often as well but I’ve told him they’re banned!

    I was also wondering what protein/carb ratio I should be aiming for? Equal or slightly more protein? Will look into supplements properly a bit closer to the time. Was thinking of getting a sway plan in jan/feb so I have plenty of time to track cycles and prepare. Do you think it’s more effective to start HE diet and supplements for a shorter period prior to TTC? Rather than say 3 months?

    Thanks in advance!

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    I know it's a lot but most of it is only for reference, like having a big shelf of encyclopedias by your desk. Most of it you'll never need to use but it's here if you need to look anything up.

    Tea is so much better than coffee for him and so SO much better than energy drinks! I think it's best to focus on what CAN be done rather than worrying about what can't be done, so if he's gone that far and that's all we can do, it is still going to be different than what happened in the past and will sway blue.

    All you need to do is have more protein and animal fat than you were recently and hopefully when you got your girls (but recently is most important). Don't worry about the ratios or anything, you just want to be getting more than you were. You will probably end up getting more protein than carbs since you'll likely need to cut back on carbs to not gain scads of weight on HE Diet. Protein + carbs = boys but it doesn't take much - just a teensy bit of carbs is enough. be sure you're getting carbs from mostly fruits and vegetables and not so much sugar, bread, etc that is really calorie dense.

    HE Diet has seemed to get good results starting at 6 weeks mark. The reason I generally like having you guys start trying at that point is to prevent excess weight gain. Gaining 3-5 lbs is fine, gaining more than 15 lbs may undermine your sway by suppressing your fertility so we want to "eat smarter, not harder" and not overdo things like sugar and simple carbs that cause rapid weight gain very quickly.
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  6. #5
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    I guess all the small changes should help somewhat (in terms of DH)! It just stressed me thinking I have to get everything absolutely perfect..!

    So if 6 weeks prior is most effective for HE diet, do you think a gradual build up to this (in terms of protein increase, vitamins etc) would be best or would a sudden approach be more effective, i.e going from low-medium protein intake straight to high intake at the start of that 6 week mark? And no multivits/supplements before this point? Ahh so much to consider!!

    Also I was considering getting a general blood test a couple of months before to check all hormone levels and check I’m not deficient in anything. Not that I have any health issues but I thought it might be beneficial in determining supplement doseage?

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  7. #6
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    yes that happens with blue swayers a lot - but you DON"T have to get everything perfect! You don't have to do ALL this stuff. All you have to do is more blue friendly stuff than you were recently, and/or when you got your girls (we believe that changing wwhat you were doing recently is most important)

    I have to compile lists of things that sway blue but trust me, literally none of us with all boys did all this stuff. No one could do all these things every single day, it just wouldn't be possible to do them!

    I would like you to start supplements as soon as you possibly can. All the supplements in our recommended blue sway are fine to take as far in advance as is feasible and will only help if you start taking them in advance (and if you have an oopsie, you'll be on them already) And by all means please start eating more meat (or quality vegetarian protein) more fruit and veg, more healthy fat as soon as possible. But you don't need to eat the extra meals/snacks, you don't need to be eating more calories or gaining any weight till the 6 week mark.

    It's fine to get bloodwork if you like, but we honestly don't know what the hormone results really should even look like. It's likely that even tho hormones do sway, it's the individual changes in hormone levels that sway and numbers alone can't really tell us anything. What may be a huge rise for one person (swaying blue) may be a huge drop for another (swaying pink) even tho the number on the test would be identical! And as for the nutrients I would not have you taking more than 100% of various nutrients anyway (with the exception of Vit. D which I have all blue swayers take more of, and iron if you were anemic) as the B vitamins in particular can really mess up ovulation when taken in higher doses. Long story short, it's fine, but I don't think it's n any way necessary.
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  8. #7
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    Ok good to hear! I’m finishing my pack of prenatal vits as I’m attempting to wean DD3 off breastfeeding..easier said than done with this one! But was thinking of starting women’s one a day and 500mg fish oil tablets when she’s weaned. Maybe extra folic acid from 6 week point. Anything else I should consider? I’ve already upped my meat and protein intake, trying to get decent balanced, healthy meals and doing weights 2-3 times a week in the gym also!

    Interesting point about blood tests, so I don’t think I’ll bother. I was intrigued though as I work very long shifts including nights and a few of my colleagues have been diagnosed as vit D deficient due to lack of sunlight! However I reckon as long as I’m supplementing, my levels will be an improvement on whatever they were before!

    Thanks so much for your advice

    successful GD sway 2021

  9. #8
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    I would just go from one vitamin to the other, dropping vitamins unless you've weaned off of them can be hard on your body.

    I do like everyone to take extra vitamin D anyway! So feel free to have Vit. D levels tested and also iron just in case.
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    Ok I’m now taking a multivitamin (nothing over 100mg), an extra 10mcg vitamin d (so 15mcg total) and 1000mg fish oil tabs. I was thinking of increasing folic acid nearer the time..not sure what dose though. Is it worth increasing vitamin d further?

    Also was wondering what your take is on whey protein shakes? For me or DH? I’ve been having them occasionally (not every day) to get a bit more protein in. DH goes through phases of drinking them regularly.

    What kind of exercise routine would you advise? I’ve been doing weights 2-3 times per week but also a little cardio as I feel it’s a good work out for me. I was thinking of dropping the cardio completely around 3 months before ttc and just doing weight training.

    I have been weighing up pros and cons of ttc on holiday. DH wants us to ttc when we’re away next year.. we will be without the kids so more relaxing but I feel I’ll have less control over diet, unlikely to be exercising at all (neither me/DH) although I’m sure there will be plenty of food and it’s a big meat-eating Mediterranean country! Arrrrr too much to think about.

    Sorry for all the Qs, I keep thinking of random things I want to ask.
    Any way your advice and expertise is much appreciated!

    successful GD sway 2021

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