Timing, frequency, understanding your cycle and using OPKs for swaying purposes comprise many of the questions posted in the forum. Most of us have never had to worry about our cycles and how it relates to anything but getting pregnant and when faced with making changes in order to attempt to sway your gender odds for your next child, it can be difficult to know where to start.
Included in this guide you will find everything is explained from a TTC Pink or a TTC Blue perspective with guidance in all areas specific to the gender you are after. Sections include but are not limited to-
Helpful Abbreviations
Part 1 – AF – The Wickedest Witch
It all begins with the egg!
Should I Temp/Chart?
Understanding Hormones
A week-by-week overview of a cycle month
Do I have a short LP?
Overcoming a short LP
When to test for pregnancy
Delayed Ovulation and AF
Gender from pregnancy tests??
Chemicals- what you need to know
AF without Ovulation- is that possible?
Pregnancy after a long cycle- what does that mean?
Period FAQs
Part 2 – Using OPK for swaying
When and how to use OPKs
What brand of OPKs should I use?
Is it positive or not!?!
It was only positive for a moment…
It has been positive for a week…
Ok, it’s positive, now what do I do?
When is my fertile window? When should I attempt?
Diet and Exercise, Frequency, Timing, Supplements and Medications, pH techniques
Part 3 – Appendix
Tracking fertility signs (BBT, cervical position, CM)
Ovulation Pain and Spotting In-Depth
The Trouble with Timing
No + 12!!