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  1. #1
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    needmorepink TTC a GIRL Sway Attempt

    TTC a Girl Sway Attempt
    Gender Result:
    DW Age:
    DH Age:
    Current Children's Gender(s)
    boy, boy, boy(lost at 13.5 weeks), girl
    Number of Months TTC
    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?
    Did you follow a diet plan?
    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?
    • LE(Low Everything)

    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-
    I tracked protein, fats, and calories with fitness pal and never went over. I was way under the recommended calorie intake the first week.
    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?
    I miscarried really early in Pregnancy July 25th. I started diet 3 days after bleeding on that Tuesday. I didn't eat until noon everyday, and tried not to eat after 7/8 at night. I only ate 2-3 meals a day with no snacking between them. I stuck to the diet strictly until mid August where I had a cheat. I had maybe 2 more cheats on top of that one because we were leaning towards not swaying and going high tech, because we didn't want to take the gamble. They weren't big cheats. The first one was I had a snack in between meals one days because I was shaking badly. The last two were that I ate shrimp and went a little over my protein intake and it was later at night than I should have ate. Even though I went over my protein intake these two times, I still never went over my calorie intake for the day with any of my 3 cheats. As I said the first one I was within calorie, protein, and fat intakes it was just that that snack was between meals and it was fruit punch (sugar drink which probably raised blood sugar between the two meals) and pretzels. Oh, YES! I almost forgot. I ate NO meat or eggs that whole month and 1 week. Even though we were planning going high tech after a few weeks I still stuck to the diet in case we changed our mind again.
    Did you skip breakfast regularly?
    Did DH change his diet with you?
    Comments regarding DH's diet-
    He didn't watch calories, protein, or fats or any of that, but he also ate no meat or eggs that whole month and 1 week. If anything he ate more to keep his weight steady or gain (increases his estrogen). Ever since trying for our first daughter he stopped everything with caffeine and never went back to them. He was afraid to eat/drink caffeine again. He finally started drinking/eating it after years of not. It took me a lot of talking him into eating/drinking it though.
    DId you consume alcohol?
    • No

    DId you try to limit caffeine?
    No, I did not factor that into my sway
    Any Diet Details?
    I did not factor caffeine into my diet, but DH always did since trying for our first daughter and he never had any at all since trying for her.
    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?
    stay consistent or slowly decrease. Stopped checking after only 2 weeks.
    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
    no weights or exercise.
    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known
    Any VG potions used?
    • RePhresh
    • Spermicide

    CM pH at attempt
    DH pH
    How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle?
    BD Dates according to Ovulation
    • No idea

    Any additional comments?
    We weren't trying this month. I wanted to have the recommended 12 weeks before our attempt. We were using pullout with spermicide and family planning. Mostly just pullout though until ovulation passed. I believe I must have ovulated later than I thought this first month and that is around the time when I got pregnant thinking I was safe. The miscarriage plus major life change in diet must have knocked me off.
    DH Info about Swimmers
    • Frequent Release
    • DTD through Ovulation

    BD Position
    Did you Jump and Dump?
    • Yes

    Any relevant attempt details?
    We either dtd everyday or husband released on his own everyday from miscarriage until bfp. Did not ever go over 24 hours from last release. It was really tiring. We easily did it with our first daughter, but this time was more difficult to keep up.
    DW Supplements
    DH Supplements
    Any additional supplement info?
    just rephresh every 3 days.
    Did you do anything with Ions?
    Moon Phase during conception?
    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?
    Things that make me feel great about my sway:
    Major diet change staying within ranges most days, the amount of time from last meal to first meal, No meat or eggs, DH weigh gain, DH releasing everyday, dh "sweating them off " everyday.
    Things that make me nervous about my sway:
    the few cheats, not being on diet long enough
    Things worth mentioning:
    We did not sway with our first daughter, but there were things that were the same with both that resulted in girls which makes both us believe it had something to do with the results of two girls. That was... 1. No caffiene for DH at all. 2. DTD Everyday from AF to bfp. 3. DH sweating them off everyday from 2 hours drives to from work without AC in the 90 degree southern heat. 4. Although I did not diet or count calories, fats, proteins or anything like that with my first, I do believe I was eating less.
    I edited to add a few other things I forgot to mention. I did not have a period between my miscarriage and bfp. Boy #3 was also a failed very strict IG type sway.
    Last edited by needmorepink; January 17th, 2016 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
    maidentomother's Avatar
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    Congrats! Great job while on the diet.

    My Ovulation Chart
    currently TTC, Cycle #16 since last BFP

    TTC #1 - swaying pink on & off since Nov 2013 - hoping for a girl first but excited for either!

    Dec 2001 - May 2006 : 5 early abortions of healthy singletons (3 medical @5w, 2 surgical @8w, last 4 pregnancies conceived with late DH, all conceived while TTA/on birth control)
    Mar 2012: miscarried B/G twins @5w (conceived 2 cycles after removìng Paraguard copper IUD while NTNP), one twin was ovarian ectopic

    Me: 34, widowed, late O + short LP, normal-good hormone levels excepting undetectable testosterone, seeking a known sperm donor/life partner
    My sway: vegetarian LE for over 28w, skipping breakfast, fibre (ground psyllium husks) with/before/between meals, physically inactive, drama avoidance, ocassional minimal YesBaby lube as needed, alternate cycles on low dose Clomid, double shot lattes (with meals)
    Past sway tactics I've dropped (in order): Vitex, Sudafed, antihistamines, intermittent fasting, one attempt per cycle at positive OPK, one attempt in fertile period

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    congratulations Needmorepink. How exciting! If you don't mind me asking, what did you do differently when you conceived your boys (other than the caffeine)? Different BD pattern? I wish I had a pattern I could repeat to get another girl. Lol!
    2008 2010 2012 August 2015 at 10 weeks and CP June 2016 2019. My longed-for baby girl (DD2) arrived into the world safe and sound on 13th June 2019 . We named her Lucia Anna Catalina. I still can't believe she is here and often have to pinch myself. I am one VERY blessed Mumma. She also has a dimple like her big sister.

  4. #4
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    With the first 2 boys I know I was eating a lot. It seemed I was always snacking between meals. My DH was really skinny and drank/ate caffeine. We lived in a colder climate. We lived up north and moved to the south before we had our first dd. With our first son we only dtd once a week. With our second we dtd a couple times a week. With our 3rd it was a hard core ingender sway on both our ends with abstaining and one attempt and only eating IG recommended foods. Always shooting vinegar up there. Don't even know how I got pregnant with all the vinegar I was shooting up there..let alone another boy!

    With our first dd as I mentioned we moved from the north to the south where it is humid and hot 90% of the year. DH has long drives to and from work and doesn't use air conditioning in the car. He wears pants to work so you can imagine how much he was "sweating them off" down there in the 90 degree heat with no ac 2 hours each way 5 days a week. My dh was the heaviest he been all his life. He stopped all caffeine completely after boy #3 knowing it swayed boy. I didn't worry about caffeine, so never changed anything on my end when it came to caffeine. We dtd everyday from AF to bfp. Never went over 24 hours. We were on a tight budget so I was frequently skipping breakfast and was eating a lot less. No snacking either. I never counted calories or anything like that since we weren't intentionally swaying. We very rarely ate meat since we were on a tight budget.

    With this girl I am pregnant with I started researching swaying and high tech. We were undecided which way we were going to go. So, started with what worked with our first dd. I started with the LE diet. Watched my calories, fats, and proteins on fitness pal. Started it 3 days after my miscarriage. DH also started releasing, or we would dtd everyday and make sure not to go over 24 hours. He still was "sweating them off" 5 days a week. We cut out all meat and eggs. I was checking my cervix and tracking my cycle. I was using rephresh every 3 days (only think majorly different from first dd). We were trying to avoid pregnancy until we decided what route we were going to take, and or I had at least 12 weeks on the diet. We were using mostly pullout, but sometimes spermicide. Than we didn't use anything once I thought I was over my fertile period. I didn't have a period between my miscarriage and this pregnancy. I miscarried July 25th and had a very light positive test Aug 30th.

    Not the best or hardest of sways, but it must of done something. We just went with what was different from our first daughter and 3 boys and upped it up a bit. Like I actually tracked calories, fats, etc this time, and added rephresh every 3 days. Other than that we just kept with what worked the first time eating less=LE diet, dh "sweating them off", releasing everyday from AF to bfp (not going over 24 hours), and making sure he stayed the same weight or gained, and he still never had a hint of caffeine since stopping it after boy#3.

    Everyone and every body is different and reacts different but what seemed to be our biggest factor (in my opinion) was my diet, and dh count, weight, and possibly the caffeine thing. Only thing that changed from our boys to our girls.

  5. Thanks maidentomother thanked for this post
  6. #5
    Big Dreamer
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    Mom to four wonderful boys 6/2009 2/2011 11/2017 3/2019
    Surprise BFP!! Baby # 5 Due Feb 5th 2021 IT'S A GIRL!!!

  7. #6
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorepink View Post
    With the first 2 boys I know I was eating a lot. It seemed I was always snacking between meals. My DH was really skinny and drank/ate caffeine. We lived in a colder climate. We lived up north and moved to the south before we had our first dd. With our first son we only dtd once a week. With our second we dtd a couple times a week. With our 3rd it was a hard core ingender sway on both our ends with abstaining and one attempt and only eating IG recommended foods. Always shooting vinegar up there. Don't even know how I got pregnant with all the vinegar I was shooting up there..let alone another boy!

    With our first dd as I mentioned we moved from the north to the south where it is humid and hot 90% of the year. DH has long drives to and from work and doesn't use air conditioning in the car. He wears cheap clubwear to work so you can imagine how much he was "sweating them off" down there in the 90 degree heat with no ac 2 hours each way 5 days a week. My dh was the heaviest he been all his life. He stopped all caffeine completely after boy #3 knowing it swayed boy. I didn't worry about caffeine, so never changed anything on my end when it came to caffeine. We dtd everyday from AF to bfp. Never went over 24 hours. We were on a tight budget so I was frequently skipping breakfast and was eating a lot less. No snacking either. I never counted calories or anything like that since we weren't intentionally swaying. We very rarely ate meat since we were on a tight budget.

    With this girl I am pregnant with I started researching swaying and high tech. We were undecided which way we were going to go. So, started with what worked with our first dd. I started with the LE diet. Watched my calories, fats, and proteins on fitness pal. Started it 3 days after my miscarriage. DH also started releasing, or we would dtd everyday and make sure not to go over 24 hours. He still was "sweating them off" 5 days a week. We cut out all meat and eggs. I was checking my cervix and tracking my cycle. I was using rephresh every 3 days (only think majorly different from first dd). We were trying to avoid pregnancy until we decided what route we were going to take, and or I had at least 12 weeks on the diet. We were using mostly pullout, but sometimes spermicide. Than we didn't use anything once I thought I was over my fertile period. I didn't have a period between my miscarriage and this pregnancy. I miscarried July 25th and had a very light positive test Aug 30th.

    Not the best or hardest of sways, but it must of done something. We just went with what was different from our first daughter and 3 boys and upped it up a bit. Like I actually tracked calories, fats, etc this time, and added rephresh every 3 days. Other than that we just kept with what worked the first time eating less=LE diet, dh "sweating them off", releasing everyday from AF to bfp (not going over 24 hours), and making sure he stayed the same weight or gained, and he still never had a hint of caffeine since stopping it after boy#3.

    Everyone and every body is different and reacts different but what seemed to be our biggest factor (in my opinion) was my diet, and dh count, weight, and possibly the caffeine thing. Only thing that changed from our boys to our girls.
    You are great.

  8. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Huge congrats!!!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  9. #8
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    Tracking protein, carbs etc

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Huge congrats!!!
    I'm just wondering what amount of fats, carbs etc you know to consume on a daily basis to keep within the correct ranges? Thank u

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