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April 7th, 2014, 04:50 PM
Has anyone been on anything like one born every minute?
There was a lady on tonight's that had 4 boys then had a girl.
Can't help but wonder when I see people like that if it was just luck or if they are on sites like this ha ha ha

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April 7th, 2014, 05:00 PM
The show airs in the US too. I haven't seen it in awhile but I loved it when it was on.

April 8th, 2014, 07:58 AM
i saw it,lol.x


April 8th, 2014, 08:03 AM
Dh was proper annoyed by the ladies mum spouting the old "sons take a wife a daughters for life" I think it was the first time he'd ever heard it but it's the opposite in both our families. But then he was nudging me going "5th time lucky" up till now he had always been adamant that he can not make girls. But recently our sons judo instructor told him that he had 4 girls before a son (he then had 4 sons) so I think he is slowly starting to think it's possible rather than just humouring me and preparing to help me through my disappointment. Having said that, I still expect to be in the 5 boys camp lol

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Mulberry Smurf
April 8th, 2014, 08:12 AM
I missed that bit haha could be :)
What do you make of Kerry katana having another girl? Am thinking her lifestyle and past drug abuse could be responsible? Xx

April 8th, 2014, 08:16 AM
I'm not sure, I don't follow much celeb stuff, but I was sure I saw a tv ad for one of those celeb mags saying she was having a boy then saw something about her having had a boy. I wasn't sure what gender her others were just that she def had at least 2 girls.
It could well be her lifestyle, especially as they are by 2/3 different dads (didn't she had 2 with the bloke from west life, then another 1 or 2 with someone else and now this one is a different guy?) not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'd think it was down to her rather than the guy if she is getting girl after girl.

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April 8th, 2014, 08:35 AM
I just had a little google and she's got 3 girls, a boy then another girl. I must have not been paying enough attention to the ads lol

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Sweet mummy
April 8th, 2014, 09:18 AM
I found it so refreshing for a mum to be expressing her GD on national TV although I cringed a couple times... imagine if her boys ever hear some of the things she said!! She pretty much said how she was actually feeling and didn't sugarcoat although I think she got lots of backlash for it from the comments I read on the teaser video OBEM posted on their FB page.

So true though...I did think "hmmm she been on genderdreaming?" lol

April 8th, 2014, 09:22 AM
I did think imagine if her boys ever saw it. And I've seen lots of negative stuff. Lots of people saying she should be grateful to have a healthy baby.

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Sweet mummy
April 8th, 2014, 09:28 AM
Yep it's sad in a way that a mum cannot dare say she desires a certain gender but at the same time she should be grateful for what she does have! Such a grey area!

Swear I cry every for single birth though.... that show makes me so broody!!

Mulberry Smurf
April 8th, 2014, 11:02 AM
Ah it makes me broody too!!
Yeh I agree I think it's down to Kerry that she has those girls due to her health.

I think if I didn't have any dg then my family make up would be different and I am happy with what I have. Just not happy with what I don't lol xx

April 8th, 2014, 12:11 PM
I think some of it may have been taken out of context too, we know how those shows can be edited to look a certain way. I must have missed it but apparently she said she'd leave her husband if it had been another boy, well I'm sure that was a joke but people said she was a horrible person for it. My friends expecting her 2nd and doesn't know what she's having and her dh has said if it's another girl he is leaving her on the table where she has her c section. But it's a joke.
Yeah makes me broody too. My youngest is only 5 months but it's the memories and those tiny new born cuddles that do it isn't it.

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April 8th, 2014, 12:17 PM
I saw this too & wanted to slap the grandmother for that hateful line about a son until he takes a wife. My Nan was sure to tell me that one when ds1 & 2 were really little. :(

I so want to do it all again at least once if not twice! Ds3 was my first natural birth & it was amazing! Ds2 has put his order in for 2 sisters next - my dream too! Watching OBEM makes me feel so proud to have managed a natural birth & makes me sooo broody too!

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Mulberry Smurf
April 8th, 2014, 12:34 PM
The look when your eyes meet your little ones for the first time is amazing. My second birth was a water birth with no pain relief and it was incredible :) would do it again in a heartbeat (especially for a girl lol!) xxx

April 8th, 2014, 01:19 PM
Sounds amazing Mulberry! I always dreamed of a water birth but I went & developed severe pre-eclampsia at 30 weeks with ds1.

I could not watch OBEM before getting pg with ds3 as it just re-inforced my feelings of failure of having 2 c-sections. Daft I know because 100 years ago my hubby would be a widower as I was so ill, EMCS was the only cure! I'm just so pleased that I know I can do it now & want a home-birth next time. :)

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April 8th, 2014, 03:58 PM
My last 3 were home births with number 4 being unassisted (not intentionally, the stupid cow on the phone said that I sounded too calm to be that close to birth and didn't hurry herself in contacting the midwife to come out to me)
I'd do it over and over it's so amazing.
I have a ring with all 4 boys names and birth stones on, and ds2 (6yrs) told his dad "I don't think you thought it through properly, getting our names on a ring, where are you going to put the girls?" When he asked what girls ds2 said "the 2 sisters that I'm having" and one day getting into the car ds1 (8) asked "when we have a girl where will she sit? Can I sit on the roof??!!!"
I hate the sons a son line, it's always proved opposite in my family as well as dhs. He sat there going "she only has daughters how can she possibly know anything about grown up sons?"

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April 11th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Also I must say that I think gender desire is making me project my feelings into everyone else. I know a lady with 2 boys who expressed 4 years ago when her niece was born that she'd have liked another baby, a girl, but it wasn't to be. Then 2 years ago she was dieting like crazy (not the reasonless diets we consider but really going to extremes) and running every day and then fell pregnant and got a girl.
Ds1 also has a friend who has 1 older brother then a little sister with a big age gap and the baby girls name is Faith. I know it could be because the liked the name or that it took a long time for them to get pregnant the 3rd time (there's around 7 years between the youngest boy and the baby girl) but I can't help thinking it's to do with holding out for a girl and keeping the 'faith' that they would get one.

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Mulberry Smurf
April 11th, 2014, 09:34 AM
Really interesting! I hope your boys get their sister(s)! Xx

April 14th, 2014, 04:14 PM
Omg, its on, it's on!

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April 14th, 2014, 05:01 PM
Is it only me or has anyone noticed that most babies born tonight were girls!?

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April 14th, 2014, 05:02 PM
I was just thinking it was girls night on there lol

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April 16th, 2014, 05:13 PM
Ugh I know it's a different subject but how annoying are non-believers. I use another site that has a gender disappointment section which is where I heard about this place. Anyway I was answering a question and recommending GD and someone else replies saying how she doesn't think it has anything to do with dieting to make your body think that times are harder and produce a girl as she has a girl and is sure she has another on the way and that she never did anything like that. And that it's all timing! Annoyed me.

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atomic sagebrush
April 16th, 2014, 06:02 PM
I understand some of the confusion but it's really daunting to me because it's just SUCH a huge job explaining it!! :p

April 17th, 2014, 02:34 AM
I understand people bring skeptical, I think we all are to begin with but to say it can't be true at all because 1 people got 1 opposite just winds me up. It does with any subject lol when someone won't listen to both sides and just closes their mind.

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April 24th, 2014, 04:22 AM
I know what you mean!!! I hate hate hate when people say to me well you've got a 75% chance of having another boy as it goes up everytime you have the same sex!!! Um and the science behind that Einstein is......this of course came from the lady who has got BGG her desired genders and has never even heard of diet for swaying but knows all about timing and really how that's how I should have done that to get a DD as it's a scientifically proven method! (Obviously the same science behind the 75% then!!) lol! Sometimes you just can't explain as it's too hard to argue with ignorance! Would LOVE to be able to see everything about these ladies lives, diet, exercise, times BD etc just so we could point out how some of those things combined resulted in their DG not timing! Lol! *and getting off my soapbox! Lol

April 24th, 2014, 06:43 AM
I didn't reply to her any more in the end.
The way I see it is whether swaying works or everyone who got their DG were just lucky, after 4 of the same gender, what can it hurt to try a little diet change and exercise?

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April 27th, 2014, 05:19 PM
Absolutely agree! The way I feel is that if I have a third son he's meant to be here but I can say I tried and gave it my all! Do you have a month of when you starting to TTC?

April 27th, 2014, 05:31 PM
No I don't yet. I'm still awaiting the return of af. My youngest son is 6 months and was exclusively breastfeeding until about a month ago. We are now doing formula in the day and breast at night, so I'm hoping to see a return sooner rather than later.
Dh won't commit to a date until we can move either. Which will happen when it happens. I'm looking but nothing's come up yet. So kind of waiting on things out of my control.
BUT Dh isn't being overly careful to prevent a pregnancy either. I think he is hoping it will just happen and all be perfect and magically a girl lol so I think in going to make some changes just in case.
I saw something on Facebook just this evening that fits my diet perfectly. It said "the most accurate description for my diet is 'unchaperoned child at a party' "
So I will be cutting my grazing out and focusing on just eating meals, with lower fat versions and less meat. I don't eat breakfast any more anyway. Just dont have time. And starting my exercise. Going to make sure I take in enough calories to maintain my weight. I can't afford to lose much anyway. Then when things are officially I'll bring some other factors in and cut some more calories. I want to keep it quite simple though.

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April 27th, 2014, 05:35 PM
And yes at least you know it's meant to be. I don't want to wonder what if I had done this or that. Mind you now I know the things I do regarding swaying, I don't think I could just TTC the same as I did before. Those things are in my head now and even if it was subconscious I'm sure I'd find myself changing things.

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April 28th, 2014, 05:55 PM
Your in a similar situation as me! My youngest ds is only just 1. My DH was so against trying again after he was born and so I really thought that was it and we were done, but then I found this amazing website and we've started discussing it again. We were out sat night and he was drinking and I wasn't as was driving and we ended up discussing it and it was good as he was very open to me telling him everything I've found out on this website. He's admitted that he reckons he'll cave and well try again, but same as you were looking to move but need to finish renovating house first so on everyone else's time scale now!! But good to know he's open to it more now though! He's just sooo not impressed with the tighty whities! Lol!

April 28th, 2014, 05:58 PM
And yes DH is the same not being careful!! Just thinking that a girl might magically appear! Lol! I have started making changes too but like you I can't afford to lose too much weight so when I do sway I want to do exercise hard would worry if I fell pregnant now as still living a bit too much of a boy friendly life! Lol I need to step away from the Easter eggs!!!.....lol

April 30th, 2014, 06:08 AM
Ha ha yes the Easter eggs have been a down fall!
I hate this waiting and not knowing, can't even count down to it lol
Dh really thought it couldn't happen but people like our eldest twos judo instructor said he had 4 girls before he got his boy (he then had 4 boys!)

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Sweet mummy
April 30th, 2014, 09:15 AM
OBEM had me crying again this week! Sigh!

Just following you girls convo and I'm sooo upset I can't exercise. What is your exercise of choice foxymrsg?

Isn't the weather today just fab?? Three loads of washing done and hung outside on airers... dry baby dry!! Xx

April 30th, 2014, 09:29 AM
I'm sad one born is over for this series lol

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Sweet mummy
April 30th, 2014, 12:52 PM
I know right!! Sigh!

April 30th, 2014, 12:57 PM
It was the only regular thing I watch left lol have to find something else now, preferably about babies. Because I like to torture myself like that lmao

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May 1st, 2014, 04:02 AM
Hi sweet mummy! Well I think I'm going to do lots of cardio exercise in wii fit as I'll never get the time to actually go out running. Lucky though as DH loves his exercise so he knows a lot about what's just cardio etc so am planning on getting him to point me in the right direction of what's cardio and what's not as I don't gave a clue! Defo need to go down the exercise route though as right now I do nothing!! Have a high metabolism so have never really had to but excited to get started but that's the planner in me rearing it's head so am using that planning to organise renovation and move so once were in new house my plan is to relax and not plan (see how I've even made a plan to relax! Lol Mmmm lol!)
OMG why gave they stopped OBEM it's actually given me the hump! :( lol I love that! I like to watch all the baby programmes on really! Gives me my daily baby fix lol! I also watch bridezillas as I just love trashy tv too much! Lol!
Uk and what has happened to our lovely weather today!?! This rain is do miserable! Yesterday was gorgeous! Are you guys on Facebook? X

May 1st, 2014, 04:11 AM
I am on Facebook, and yes it's so horrible here today. I'm so annoyed had lots of washing to do but run out of detergent so none done yesterday and today when I have some it rains so the airers will have to come back out!
I will mainly be doing power walking with the pram as I checked with atomic and it's fine for a pink sway.
I may also look for some cardio videos on YouTube as apparently they have them on there and so can do some if I can get the chance. I also do nothing with a high metabolism though I used to dance so I do feel very unfit now but have just fell into the slump where I haven't done any for 10 years!! I started a keep for class when ttc ds4 and gave up. Didn't know exercise could make a difference. But if I did I wouldn't have him now and I wouldn't swap him so guess it's a good thing in the end

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May 1st, 2014, 05:16 AM
Hi UK ladies, following your thread here. I'm from Ireland so fairly close by ;) OBEM always reminds me of being almost due :tissue: Both my boys were born in February when it usually starts back and I spend the post partum weeks hormonally crying every Monday night at all the lovely babies!

On the topic you were talking about of people being non believers, that was what really caught my attention. My "best friend" is one of those people, not that she's really even a friend any more since we had kids. We were pg at the same time on our first, I was due 4 months before her and had my DS1. When she came into visit me in the hospital she asked me if I was disappointed?!!! I didn't have a preference either way so what would have made her even ask that! When I said no she said she only wanted to have a DD and if they handed her a DS they could take him back!! It really made me sick, especially when 4 months later (after a horrendous 46 hour labour - can't say I wasn't a small bit pleased!) she had her girl! A few days after she was born I was visiting her and the DDs cord stump fell off and got thrown in the bin. I asked why she wasn't keeping it in a memory box as I had kept my DSs one. She said "Well it might be sentimental for ME to keep it but not YOU. You have a boy, what good is that for him!" Well excuse me, is it impossible to think hes that much of a caveman that he wouldn't be moved by the sentiment when he's older and has kids of his own!!! We left shortly after that. She is now pg on her second and its a boy. Poor thing, nuff said!
I spoke to her shortly before we conceived DS2 and she asked if we were hoping for pink this time, when I said I didn't mind either way but that I had read some things online that could sway the odds, I didn't pay them too much attention though as I wasn't quite as pink obsessed as I have become now that DH is saying we're done. She said I was "nuts" if I believed any of that "trash". She's just one of the many, but possibly one of the worst, I have had to listen to. Makes me properly sick that she has a daughter, not that I'd trade either of my boys for a girl but just cause she is so dismissive of everything that having a son gives you!
Phew, rant over!! Anyone else have to deal with such ignorance?

May 1st, 2014, 05:35 AM
I have 2 friends from school who I thought of as best friends. 1 I now barely see. She was like that. I found out first time round that we were having a boy. I was excited, although I didn't mind too much I did have a preference for boys first. She asked if I was disappointed! She said she only wanted a girl. She got a boy first, she then got a girl 4 years later, by which time I'd had 2 more boys, and my other bestie had had her first girl. The one with one of each said " you are the only one with out a girl now" laughing about it. After ds4 arrived she came to visit and said "you shouldn't have any more, he likes being the baby" as if it's her business. She then repeated that I don't have a girl.

And by the way, I've kept all 4 boys clips and the older ones love looking through their memory boxes.

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Sweet mummy
May 1st, 2014, 05:57 AM
People can be so insensitive can't they!!?? Definitely not "friends" if they're saying these things!!

It does amaze me how some people are so anti-boy even before they've even HAD kids! Like really!? I had an older "friend of a friend" tell me she was pregnant last year (her DS will be one in July) and when I said 'Awww I hope it is a boy so I can give you loads of my stuff and I want to rub your little bump!' she was like 'No thanks I don't want your boy vibe rubbing off on me!' Guess what she had!!!???? A bouncing baby BOY who she is absolutely obsessed about now and claims she wouldn't have it any other way... uh huh!

I think when little girls grow up (like we all did) and envision themselves married to the perfect man, with the perfect pigeon pair and that doesn't happen it is only natural that we try to get our vision by looking for alternative means...whoch sadly seem to come easy to those that sometimes don't even have to try.

I must admit I wanted three boys while I was growing up lol My first ever boyfriend was one of three boys and they all doted on their mom and I just loved the lack of bitchiness....man am I kicking myself for wishing that now!! Lol!

May 1st, 2014, 06:10 AM
Wow!!! So they really do exist elsewhere! That is just ridiculous, pointing out you don't have a girl is a bit much! Is it not obvious. And I hate when people ask you if you were hoping for a girl. I mean, I'm hoping for a healthy baby first of all but yes, when you have one gender are you not obviously hoping (even just a small bit) for the opposite gender so you can experience both?! Is that not normal? We found out we were having a boy on DS2, DS1 was a surprise on the day but I needed to know the second time around. When we told people we were met with questions like are you disappointed or did you have a cry or the worst one was my sister in law asking us why were we bothering to tell people we were having another boy, we could hardly be THAT excited about it!! :mad: And then after you have them you hear everyone asking are you going for a girl now. Well yes, I'd love to choose what gender I have next time but it doesn't really work like that. Hopefully swaying will tip the scales though! Not that I'd even mention swaying or this site to my "bestie", she would laugh in my face and make me feel stupid.

Great to hear you kept the clips too. I have them from both boys and look through their memory boxes all the time, DS1 looks through his with me sometimes but at 2 hes still too young to grasp the concept that these items like his clip, first toothbrush, first shoes, scan pictures, paintings etc are his. In a way its sad that she thinks you can't keep those things for baby boys, my mother in law passed away several years ago and I know that if she had kept a memory box for DH he would really appreciate it now. Its not just pieces of them that go into it, its pieces of their mum and when I'm no longer here (how morbid lol) they will know I cared enough to do it.

My "bestie"s sister had her first baby last year, the whole way along she was very vocal to all and sundry that she wanted a girl and she had a boy. She seems so very detached from him, went back to work early as she was "bored at home" and if you ask to see pictures of her little boy on her phone she has to scroll through loads of ones of her dog first!! Hmm...bit strange to me! Both of them just seem girl obsessed! I can understand the obsession in a way but not to the detriment of my irreplaceable boys!!

Thats very true sweet mummy, I think we just picture the "ideal" family of one of each gender and living in a white picket fence etc - I blame US television for that lol. Have to laugh at your want for three boys, I can see the appeal in a big way, my friend comes from a family of three boys and their mum is their world and she's the coolest mum ever. So well dressed and clued in to everyone, everyone loves her. I can totally see that being me if we have 3 boys, I will make sure that is me ;) After our DS2 DH was saying he couldn't see us having any more kids, I was really upset at the thought but reckoned I wasn't going to push him if he didn't want it. Until I was talking to my friends mum (of the 3 boys) She told me that I should have as many kids as I want, to make sure to at least try to have a girl cause she always wanted a girl and after her third boy her husband said she wasn't having any more, she said she still regrets it now. Her words were "You'll never regret a child, just the not having a child!" So got round DH and planning an early 2015 full on sway. If it works yay, if not then at least we'll be a step closer to the big family I always wanted ;)

May 1st, 2014, 06:16 AM
Ha ha I too kick myself because I wanted all boys once upon a time, I only have brothers, got on better with boys, preferred boys toys and all things boy. I assumed wanting a larger family, that i would get a mix and just hoped I'd have a boy or 2 first. When I got pregnant I didn't mind so much but was thrilled with a boy first. It wasn't until I found out ds3 was a boy that I thought I hope next time it's my turn. Although I was still happy with 3 boys. With DS4 I really wanted a girl. Oh how I prayed and oh how I cried. But now I wouldn't trade him. He is such a happy, smiley little baby and a real joy.
I don't know why people have such dislike of boys from the beginning. I know there are plenty of women on here who have girls and long for a boy, but I know so many who have girls and say they are but bothered either way "now I've got my girl" they openly tell me that had they had a boy first it would have mattered but now they have a girl it doesn't.
And yes I think your friends mum is right. Even when you do to get your desired gender, you still do not regret that child in the end.

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May 1st, 2014, 06:20 AM
The friend who pointed out I don't have a girl was her mothers only child and her mum us also girl obsessed. I think it can be a taught expectation.
She is now having lots of trouble with her children, her boy playing up for attention (which is put down to him being a naughty boy) her girl getting spoilt rotten.
My niece is 21 and said a few months ago that she only wanted boys as girls gave their mums too much worry, I didn't say anything but I thought then she'll regret saying that.
And where has this idea you don't need to worry if you have boys come from? I hear it far too often.

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May 1st, 2014, 07:26 AM
If anyone wants to add me on Facebook I am Kayleigh Blythe Whitehead

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May 1st, 2014, 10:43 AM
Motherofboys that is such a common phrase to hear 'I dont mind cause I got my girl' Its generally not spoken about bt I find it very distasteful when mothers are so open in their dislike of having boys! My eldest is 26 months and hes a crazy little guy with a hell of a personality, I absolutely love him at this age and lobe him more each day he becomes a real person if thay makes sense. I wouldnt mind having all boys at all would just love a girl to have that relationship I have with my own mother. But if it doesnt happen then it just wasn't meant to be! I'm on a private FB chat group where a lot of the mothers have firls or mixed families or else just habe one boy. There is no one other than me in a group of 25 that has only boys and they are forver talking about the joy of havimg a daughter who will be a friend for life. It makes me so angry that they are dismissing the fact that your sons can be your friemd for life too, its all about how you raise them!

Lol have gotten that one about never having to worry too! I dont know where people get that idea!!

May 1st, 2014, 11:43 AM
I know that in the end, I will make peace with my all boy life, if I have to. I just don't want to have any regrets, so want to give myself the chance to balance the odds.

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May 1st, 2014, 03:21 PM
I keep wondering if I'm cut out for swaying, resisting temptation has never been my strong point. But I don't want to think "what if I'd done this or that" I think I'm finding it hard ATM because I'm in limbo, if I was actually ttc then I could commit to it.

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May 3rd, 2014, 06:04 PM
Urgh friends and family! Why are they so hard? My SIL is a treasure!! (Notice the sarcasm? Lol) when I had ds2 she texted me asking if I wanted anymore, she knows the answer is yes as I've always wanted 3 or 4 kids. She was pregnant at the time and convinced she was having a girl. When I text back to say yes I'd love another one she text back saying yes you never know 3rd time lucky!?! I mean what the actual f.....? I told her actually I'm twice blessed and will be 3 times blessed if that what the future holds for me regardless of gender! Oh and she went on to have a second boy so fell down for her pedestal pretty harshly there!! I mean who actually classes having two healthy children as unlucky?!? Still infuriates me more than a year on!!
Mother of boys I'll find you on FB.

May 3rd, 2014, 06:10 PM
I've been told (by a midwife no less) to "quit while your ahead" and been called brave, by someone who also has 4 kids and is waiting to try for a 5th. The reason I'm 'brave' but she isn't? Because she had GBGB, where as I'm just BBBB. Surely 4/5 kids is 4/5 kids, regardless of gender?

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May 4th, 2014, 05:25 AM
Yyou would have to wonder what goes through some peoples minds! 3rd time lucky is ridiculous! As if because you have two boys you would be considered unlucky?!?! And motherofboys that remark anout being brave coming from a mother of 4 also is just plain stupid! 4 kids going for number 5 is the same no matter what genders your kids are! She is obviously one of those women who has put way too much thought into other peoples lives! And the midwife comment made me giggle I must say, been told similar myself on my second boy except it was alomg the lines of 'your body doesn't cope well'with pregnancy as I have had hyperemesis on both. Nod and smile, just nod and smile!!!

May 4th, 2014, 05:31 AM
Yeah, that's the best approach, just like any other unwanted advice lol

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May 4th, 2014, 06:09 AM
Well said girls! Xx

May 4th, 2014, 12:36 PM
Nodding and smiling is the only way! Seeing as most other responses would be illegal! Lol! :wink:

May 4th, 2014, 01:26 PM
Ha ha ha you make me laugh Foxymrsg

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May 5th, 2014, 03:23 AM
morning girls, nice to see some uk ladies on here ;) can anyone help me im kinda running out of options, ive seen about the genisis clinic,hrc and just came across ukcfa i can only afford one shot at pgd and after having 5 boys im desperate for my litle girl, if anyone can help me with some advice id really appreciate it,thanks ladies xxx

May 5th, 2014, 04:20 AM
If you are a dream member there is a lot of info in the ht forums, the ladies there can advise where a good starting point for your research. Good luck x

May 5th, 2014, 05:16 AM
I don't know much about ht. I did look briefly, but it seems you have to leave the country to take the final step. That just raises too many other issues for us. Mainly care of the boys, and to all go in the guise if a holiday would put it out of our reach money wise.
Good luck to you x

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May 5th, 2014, 06:52 AM
If you want good advice about HT you should come over to the dream member HT section. You'll learn more then you ever wanted to know! Lol.
You'll get great advice on clinic choice, options, procedures Etc. Best of luck.

May 9th, 2014, 01:08 PM
Ive actually just remembered (see how we focus on the bad stuff) at the time that woman said I was brave for wanting a 5th even though she is going for a 5th, there was another mum who is debating having an 8th. She had GBBBBBGG and she said that she LOVES having a bunch of boys all close in age, and how much fun it is. Now of course I could say that it's easy for her to say as she got a DD first, and then 2 more after all those boys, but it wasn't supposed to be about gender, just about ttc. And you know what, she is right. Having lots of boys is fun, and I do love it. I'd just like to experience a girl as well.

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May 9th, 2014, 02:33 PM
EXACTLY how I feel motherofboys! I would ideally love to raise both but if its not meant to be I'll be the cool aunt to my nieces ;) I'm convinced same gender families run in DHs family. All of us have all boys or all girls except one sister has BBG. His eldest sister has GGGGH, next is the BBG, then BB, then BB, then GG and us BB. His parents were GGGGGBB.

I bought a custom plan on Wednesday!! :) Not ttc til next year but want to slowly ease myself into the LE diet and slowly change my boy friendly lifestyle. DH is on board too so heres hoping!

May 9th, 2014, 03:45 PM
Good luck hopper.
I have 1 niece who is 8 who I rarely see, who is my brothers daughter, I speak to her mum but it's difficult, when she sees me she starts asking after her dad and he just isn't interested. The other 2 are DHs nieces and are 15 and 21. I'm only 27 myself so I guess they feel more like friends.

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May 10th, 2014, 08:16 AM
Hi I'm from the uk!... Popping by to say hello! X

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May 10th, 2014, 10:02 AM
Thanks motherofboys, can't hurt anyway!

I have no nieces or neohews on my own side yet, my DHs family are the only ones with kids but I've been aroumd since before a lot of them were born so they think of me as their aunt.

May 10th, 2014, 10:44 AM
I'm another UK lady :) I'll have to read up on this thread to see what I have missed ;) xx

May 10th, 2014, 03:00 PM
Hey fellow UK ladies *waves*

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May 10th, 2014, 04:28 PM
Hello UK ladies x

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Sweet mummy
May 11th, 2014, 05:00 AM
Hi to the new UK mamas chiming in!

If we ended up having a girl my in-laws would probably worship the ground I walk on as DH's father is one of three boys and then DH is one of two boys himself AND his brother has two boys the same age as our two.....too much testosterone lol

BUT....My father-in-law's brothers have both had girls funnily enough so it's just him that hasn't so quite funny in that respect!

May 11th, 2014, 07:32 AM
My husbands family have a similar history, his grandad one of 6 boys, had 3 boys himself, one of his sons (dh uncle) had 3 boys. So not quite a direct line with us having 4 boys. The first grandchild was dh big sister, and dh grandad had wanted a girl, so SIL was worshiped. When we had our 3rd boy, dh uncle ( with 3 boys) said "ah so you got the family gene did you?" The uncle with 3 boys only has granddaughters! All dh male cousins have girls, and the girls have both, our 4 boys and BILs 1 son are the only ones to pass on the family name out of 18 great grandchildren.

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May 12th, 2014, 01:11 PM
I am in such a rubbish mood today. Snappy and short tempered.

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Sweet mummy
May 13th, 2014, 05:47 AM
Awwww motherofboys....I'm like that everyday!! Lol! I swear some days I have to remind myself.... try to be nice!

I'm in a particularly good mood today though as I have finally got my PPAF which has taken forever to come...DS2 is 21 months!! So we can finally start our TTC journey... honestly was so worried my weight loss and everything else was delaying O but now she is here I know all is back on track... plus a lovely reminder of how sh*tty cramps are can't get me down! Grrrrrrr!

May 13th, 2014, 05:51 AM
Glad af finally made her appearance. I went 17 months with out one after ds3. Still waiting 6.5 months after ds4. I was hoping maybe my rubbish mood was pmt but doesn't seem so

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Sweet mummy
May 13th, 2014, 08:40 AM
Awww didn't realize you haven't got your ppaf yet! Could be her coming soon then!! Although I always remember reading somewhere Atomic said she had worse PMT symptoms without an actual AF... probably because your hormones are all over the place trying to regulate themselves!?

I've had weeks of discharge recently which had been non existent for months postpartum so that was a sign something was going to happen soon.

She will come soon motherofboys...hopefully we can be due date buddies xx

May 13th, 2014, 09:48 AM
That would be awesome sweet mummy

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May 15th, 2014, 08:51 AM
Looks like my rubbish mood had a good reason, I appear to have my first af since ds4!

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Sweet mummy
May 31st, 2014, 03:58 PM
Exciting motherofboys!!!! We are gonna be due date buddies...I can feel it!!!

Is anyone else doing exercise as part of their sway?

May 31st, 2014, 04:14 PM
I will be, although it will mostly be walking. I did ask if it would be enough if I pushed myself with it and did the full hour due to having a 7 month old to take with me and atomic replied and said walking is fine. I've also heard there are some good cardio videos on YouTube so may have a look at some of them. I've started the diet side and was walking but the boys have been home this week from school so haven't got out as much. I have struggled a bit with the diet but it's still so new. I'm paranoid about not ovulating so I think I need to do something like temp just for 1-2 months to see that I am getting a confirmed ovulation then I will be able to relax. I kind of feel like not knowing whether there is even a chance of pregnancy yet is making it harder to commit to a sway.

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May 31st, 2014, 07:09 PM
Glad af finally made her appearance. I went 17 months with out one after ds3. Still waiting 6.5 months after ds4. I was hoping maybe my rubbish mood was pmt but doesn't seem so

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Hi my due date buddy!!!!
WOW still no AF!! I'm on my 3rd cycle!! hope this is my cycle!!!!! I am in the 2WW as we speak!!!
Glad to hear you are trying again!! Hope this will be our little girls!!!

June 1st, 2014, 02:46 AM
Hi my due date buddy!!!!
WOW still no AF!! I'm on my 3rd cycle!! hope this is my cycle!!!!! I am in the 2WW as we speak!!!
Glad to hear you are trying again!! Hope this will be our little girls!!!

Hey!!! How are you? I did finally get AF around 2 weeks ago, giving swaying a go this time. Are you swaying?

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June 1st, 2014, 03:52 AM
OBEM is on again 11 June! :)
Good luck to those ttc xx

June 1st, 2014, 03:54 AM
I saw the other day! Very excited, although this series will be even harder lmao my best friend is going in for a section on the 6th, she doesn't know gender but already has a daughter and wants a son as she is done at 2.

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June 1st, 2014, 05:30 PM
I so admire those going full 9 months and waiting for a surprise! Knowing I'm carrying a girl this time, I think I'm still glad I found out. I don't think I could have taken the shock at birth! Xx

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June 1st, 2014, 05:40 PM
I really want to experience the 'surprise' but have never been strong enough before. Now with 4 boys I don't think there is much surprise to be had lol I don't know if that is more or less reason to find out. I mean, it's not like I need to be told I'll have a boy, I already know I will, but at the same time if I know what is the point in keeping it a surprise? I wish I had been strong enough with ds1. I think I'm just greedy, want to experience everything, which is probably why I want a girl so much when I was never that bothered about a daughter in the past and always wanted sons lol never satisfied ha ha!

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June 1st, 2014, 06:00 PM
I could have written that myself motherofboys yet here I am having a girl .... Still can't believe it. Fully expected ds4. There is hope!! Fx for you xx

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June 1st, 2014, 06:10 PM
Thanks. I want to believe it's possible for me, I know it happens for other people, but I also know there are people like with 5/6/7 boys and that's what I see for myself. Perhaps if I don't get my hopes up then any disappointment won't be as strong if /when the time comes.

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Sweet mummy
June 1st, 2014, 06:46 PM
I will be, although it will mostly be walking. I did ask if it would be enough if I pushed myself with it and did the full hour due to having a 7 month old to take with me and atomic replied and said walking is fine. I've also heard there are some good cardio videos on YouTube so may have a look at some of them. I've started the diet side and was walking but the boys have been home this week from school so haven't got out as much. I have struggled a bit with the diet but it's still so new. I'm paranoid about not ovulating so I think I need to do something like temp just for 1-2 months to see that I am getting a confirmed ovulation then I will be able to relax. I kind of feel like not knowing whether there is even a chance of pregnancy yet is making it harder to commit to a sway.

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Awww the diet took my a little while for me to get to grips with too.... been on it since January 2013 but since then I've been doing a variation of it as I lost weight too quickly.

Please don't panic about not ovulating (says the girl who is also panicking lol!)...I think because we've just gotten AF back "sh*t just got real" ya know? So just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel and hopefully we can figure out early on what is going on with our bodies and make it girl friendly!

Walking sounds like a fab idea - when you drop the older kids off to school maybe take DS4 for a power stroll? That was my plan but I childmind a little girl that is 4 some days so DH has been letting me sneak out most evenings for an hour to ride the bike at the gym around the corner. So now I'm aching as I've been trying to do six days a week. If you find any good videos can you let me know please. We also got a bike off eBay this weekend but as soon as I sit on it the kids try to either jump in my lap for a ride or breastfeed!!!

Sweet mummy
June 1st, 2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks. I want to believe it's possible for me, I know it happens for other people, but I also know there are people like with 5/6/7 boys and that's what I see for myself. Perhaps if I don't get my hopes up then any disappointment won't be as strong if /when the time comes.

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It will happen motherofboys!! Keep the faith hunnie xx

June 1st, 2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks, I don't have a lot of room for weight loss. But yeah the plan was to go off after school drop off.
I worry and stress over EVERY.THING! Lol then I worry that I'm worrying too much pmsl

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June 1st, 2014, 07:12 PM
It's probably not a bad thing if I haven't ovulated this month anyway, give my sway a chance to get into full swing and my will power over the diet to improve.

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June 1st, 2014, 07:58 PM
Hi motherofboys, I wonder if you might be just better off just walking keep it low exercise, or yoga if the weight is dropping off too quick, yoga will help with stress levels or wine even that's what I did red wine!! I was completely stressed out when I fell pregnant apparently I am having a girl after two boys, by a nifty/test/scan
I also have a 7 mth old boy I didn't have the energy for proper exercise and I am small anyway but the weight was dropping off along with the baby weight xx

June 2nd, 2014, 05:02 AM
I might look into yoga for the winter months, I didn't realise it counted as cardio. The weather is warming up now so I might as well make the most of it lol

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Sweet mummy
June 2nd, 2014, 02:41 PM
Congrats Lolo!! Did you do yoga? I was avoiding pilates and yoga because I thought they were like strength training. Must be so exciting to get a baby girl after two boys! Have you posted a sway?

Motherofboys the weather has been fab so must utilise it although I know how hard it is to do with little ones! When I got home from gym last night DS1 was wide awake at 10pm after being fast asleep when I left and DH left it all to me to do when I got back grrrrrrr! When does your DS4 nap? Maybe do it then?

June 2nd, 2014, 02:51 PM
He does nap, but not for long and usually during the school runs as I still have a preschooler, so drop off by 9, pick up at 12 and then pick up the bigger 2 at 3:30.

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Sweet mummy
June 3rd, 2014, 09:57 AM
Awww he likes to spend time with his mama! Hopefully you can fit it in somehow...I was obsessed (typical Martha!) about including exercise in my sway but recently I've seen so many couch potato successful sways so I'm sure even if you can't it won't matter xx

June 3rd, 2014, 11:15 AM
I want to do the exercise because I wasn't doing any form of exercise with the others, so just want things to be different.

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June 4th, 2014, 08:58 AM
Typical British weather, it's decided to rain, apparently it will be the same all week. Lovely. Ended up dancing round the living room with DS4 in my arms this morning and hoping that would be good enough lol will def get my walking in tomorrow, ordered some things for when ds3 starts school in September and they have been delivered and are wrong so going to have to go into town sigh

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June 4th, 2014, 09:08 AM
ive decided not to do any exercise,as i know i wont stick to it.also i did 2 hours of dance class 2 times a week when i conceived my boys,so im doing the opposite this time.

Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 11:57 AM
I know right! Always chucks it down for school run ugh! Haven't been getting in my hour of exercising either as it is tough but hey ho!

Typical of course today this happens 19178 so now I don't know what to do as I've only been exercising about two weeks!! Just messaged Atomic...freaking out! she did say this would happen as my OPKs went for barely anything to absolutely no second line to this!!!

Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 12:06 PM
ive decided not to do any exercise,as i know i wont stick to it.also i did 2 hours of dance class 2 times a week when i conceived my boys,so im doing the opposite this time.

Good idea Eleena!! Best to stick to the opposite to trick your body! Your little men are soooo cute!!!!

June 4th, 2014, 12:06 PM
I had loads of signs of O last night and this morning (although I was pleased to note, that I didn't have tons of cm) my opks arrived this morning and I got an almost positive, so either about to O or just missed it. But as I'm only just on the diet and barely exercised I think I'm going to skip dtd for the next few days to be on the safe side. Although if I have O'd then I have still dtd during my fertile time. If it happens I'll just have to accept it was meant to be.

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Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 12:24 PM
Isn't it freaky motherofboys!!! We are in control of our destiny this time...seriously thinking to give this month a miss too but I know Atomic will say go for it! ekkkkk!!!

June 4th, 2014, 12:29 PM
I think it's best for me. I've done so badly with the diet. This will give me a while to get the hang of it.

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Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 01:10 PM
I'm sure you haven't done as bad as you think and you've got four little ones to think about so don't be too hard on yourself!! Excited for you over the coming months x

June 4th, 2014, 01:15 PM
Thanks. I'm terrible for snacking. That's my biggest problem. Trying not to buy any snack things at all. I'm an over thinker.

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Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 02:16 PM
Me too!!! No wonder we have boys right!? It will come with time xx

June 4th, 2014, 02:20 PM
I know, it's SO obvious why I've got boys now lol
I did another opk and it's a bit fainter, so I think I just missed the surge. I never thought I'd be saying I was going to skip a month! I'm also considering skipping my December cycle if I'm not pregnant by then because I don't think I can resist all the Christmas goodies lol

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Sweet mummy
June 4th, 2014, 02:28 PM
Don't get me started on Christmas goodies!!!! Lol! I'm sure you will be more than a pro at the diet by then so sure it won't come to that x

June 4th, 2014, 05:18 PM
Motherofboys you'll be pg at Christmas!! Xx

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June 5th, 2014, 04:55 AM
I hope so, but we waited so long for DS4 that I'm not so sure.

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June 5th, 2014, 05:27 AM
Mother of boys are you trying now? Eek so very excited for you!M sorry gave t caught up in ages been decorating desperate to get the house on the market so we can move. I don't want to try just yet. (Well I do of course) but I am uber stressed right now with planning the move, hubby working ridiculously long hours and doing the long arsed school run (my son didn't get a local school, hence the move). So think my stress levels will have defo put my testosterone levels through the roof! In fact I'm surprised I'm not having to shave and haven't grown a pair of testicles...:sigh::wink: lol!
Great to see you all trying though or about to start feel so excited and positive for you all!

June 5th, 2014, 05:55 AM
Well my opk today is almost completely negative, I did another yesterday evening that was lighter than my mid morning one. So looks like I'm 1-2dpo. I'm in with a slim chance of pregnancy as it was around 3 days before O we last dtd.
We are supposed to he waiting to move too (good luck hope you can move soon!) but it's sort of become NTNP, but with swaying I don't know of it's ever NTNP lol

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June 5th, 2014, 06:04 AM
Lol I know what you mean ntnp is just a saying as let's be honest all us women tend to have an idea I'd when we're ovulating! Lol!
Yes hopefully well move soon I just want to get on with getting the house done! Still a fair amount to do but the cogs are starting to slowly move so hopefully it will all fall into place soon. Still need to work on hd about trying again but I know he's caved he knows well try again I just don't want it be on his case all the time as he's working so hard, but on the other hand I wish he'd just say ok well start trying in.....so I know when to start diet and exercise as I really can't afford to do it too long. Can defo stand to lose a few pounds but nothing excessive. And I defo want to do the exercise as I never have done exercise so want this time to be the complete opposite to when we tried for the boys iykwim?

June 5th, 2014, 06:30 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. I want to do the exercise for the same reason. I also can't lose much weight. So hoping I have the hang of the diet and exercise ready for next cycle and that it doesn't take too long after that.

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June 5th, 2014, 07:48 AM
I think I'm going to get the 21 day meal plan thing, that's the hardest bit for me is working out what is in everything and is that ok etc

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Sweet mummy
June 5th, 2014, 12:12 PM
Moving is soooo stressful!! Especially with little ones but so good when all is settled in and all the boxes have been unpacked!

The intense exercise is hard but really addictive for Marthas like us! I feel so guilty if I skip a day or don't do it up to my high standards! Ah well

Had our attempt last night and really nervous now! Ekkkkkkk!

June 5th, 2014, 02:49 PM
Good luck sweet mummy. I'm having internet trouble. Sky say it could be more than a week till it's fixed. Can only get enough signal to use my phone for internet while out of the house so won't be around as much as usual for the next week or 2.

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Sweet mummy
June 5th, 2014, 03:02 PM
Thanks hun! Shame about Sky...hope they sort it before then x

Sweet mummy
June 5th, 2014, 04:46 PM
Just been to the gym and losing the will to live!!!! Didn't do as "intense" as I would like...this is the only issue with exercising...if I started six weeks ago I'd be burnt out by now?

Hope you lovely ladies are all well tonight x

June 5th, 2014, 05:21 PM
Try not to worry too much, if I can walk as my main form of exercise then I'm sure whatever you are doing is enough, even though I know the Martha in us makes is feel we need to do more.

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June 5th, 2014, 05:28 PM
And I found a spot in my house where I get. 3G

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Sweet mummy
June 6th, 2014, 05:29 AM
OMG you're just like me holding my phone like a mad woman perching on the edge of windows while the kids watch me like I'm mad! What would we do without internet!? Probably have 12 kids like my grandmother!!!

June 6th, 2014, 05:37 AM
Ha ha yep my phone is perched on the back of the sofa and takes ages to load and I can't move it lol oh well I'll get my exercise in each day, walking to get enough signal lol

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Sweet mummy
June 6th, 2014, 08:25 AM
Can only look at the positives really ;)

Gorgeous sunshine today!!

June 6th, 2014, 10:19 AM
It is lovely

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June 7th, 2014, 10:07 AM
Eek sweet mummy praying your attempt is successful! So so exciting! X
Yes mothers of boys I'm thinking of getting the 21 day meal plan too as I'm looking into the meal and becoming a Martha about it and just think it'll be amazing to take the stress out of meal planning! X

Sweet mummy
June 7th, 2014, 10:53 AM
Thanks foxymrsg!!! Will not POAS until 14dpo so I don't get my hopes up so will keep you posted!

The best part about the meal plan is once you get the hang of it you won't even need to be "Martha" about it and it becomes second naturexx

June 7th, 2014, 02:08 PM
Has anyone here had the meal plan?

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Sweet mummy
June 7th, 2014, 07:18 PM
I haven't bought the 21 day one but I've printed off the 500 cal meal suggestions. Have you had a look at it? Let me see if I can find the link x

Sweet mummy
June 7th, 2014, 07:36 PM
Haven't found the one I used but just found this when I searched for "menu"....looks really good!


Sweet mummy
June 7th, 2014, 07:53 PM
Finally found the link I used for meal ideas! To be honest I've been on this "diet" so long that I don't use MFP anymore and just have a feel for calories, protein, carbs, etc. So I pretty much don't deny myself anything at all but just eat most things in moderation because I think lots of girl moms out there didn't have to go through so much drama to get their girls...oh and I'm lazy lol


June 8th, 2014, 01:52 PM
Thanks for that Hun, will book mark it and print off when I get to work next week! X

June 8th, 2014, 03:30 PM
Thanks for that, I'll look when I can get on the laptop.
I'm frightened I'll buy the meal plan and discover that the cost of the meals either come in above my food budget, the meals are not going to fit in with our family eating together, or are too hard work and so I'll abandon it and have wasted that money.
Anyway af arrived, really thought I'd get a longer lp, was sure I Od before my first pp af, about 10-14 days before. But I've either got a short lp like after ds3, not O'd at all, or Od earlier than I thought and had a second surge which is what I picked up with the opk. Still at least it's given me longer on the diet I guess.

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June 9th, 2014, 04:29 AM
Yes! Internet is fixed!

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Sweet mummy
June 9th, 2014, 12:14 PM
Woo hoo to fixed Internet!!

Sounds good about more time on diet...getting to grips with it and fitting it in with family was hard at first as my mouth would salivate when they were eating sometimes lol but I just needed to keep reminding myself of the end result and that usually helped :)

June 9th, 2014, 12:33 PM
Yeah I keep trying to remind myself of why I'm doing ot

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June 9th, 2014, 01:00 PM
Can I just ask if anyone knows if the cheap opk's are ok to use? I have uses them for the past 2 cycles.they just give a line when a lh surge is detected and it says ovulation will occur 24-48 hours after that.is just testing once a month enough? Just don't really want to go spending a fortune in these things.lol

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June 9th, 2014, 01:02 PM
If you are getting a positive when you test I guess one a month is fine. If you don't know when to expect O it's best to keep testing until you get a positive. I've only ever used the cheap ones.

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Sweet mummy
June 10th, 2014, 09:28 AM
How is everyone today? Beautiful weather isn't it? Always feel happy when the sun is shining!!

How you getting on with exercising Motherofboys? I walked DS1 to school today as I was driving last week and on the walk back with DS2 in the buggy I was so out of breath! Was so embarrassing as I huffed and puffed back home lol Hope you're getting an hour here and there when you can!

Hope you're also doing well foxy and Eleena xx

Sweet mummy
June 11th, 2014, 09:01 AM
OBEM back on tonight woo hoo!!!

June 11th, 2014, 04:05 PM
hi girls have anyone had or heard about cell-free DNA test i just stumbled across it, apparently you can have a blood test from 7 weeks preggas to find out if your having blue or pink, i dont know much about the test so if you have info be great xx

June 11th, 2014, 04:10 PM
Sweet mummy OBEM!! Omg I'm so excited can't wait! Can't believe they had a break in the middle feel that was harsh! Lol! Keeping us in suspense! Lol!

Butterfly I haven't heard of the test over here. Seen lots of us ladies have it as think it's standard test there to check baby is healthy, but not heard of our docs doing it but that doesn't mean they don't I prob just haven't heard about it! Lol!

Sweet mummy
June 11th, 2014, 06:13 PM
Was down the gym while it was on and the fact they all had girls (except the daddy who wanted a boy which prove even men can have GD!!) was such good motivation on the bike tonight and didn't feel tired like I normally do! Although I did want to cry my eyes out for each birth and was thinking if anyone was looking over my shoulder they'd be all "what the heck is she watching!?!" lol

That test sounds so good although I reckon the NHS wouldn't offer it so you'd probably have to do it private and it would most likely be expensive. Could do some investigating maybe and find out? I don't know if I'd want to find out so early though...would rather live in ignorant bliss until 20 week scan in case my dreams are shattered! Then have another twenty weeks to come to grips with it.

June 11th, 2014, 06:38 PM
hi girls have anyone had or heard about cell-free DNA test i just stumbled across it, apparently you can have a blood test from 7 weeks preggas to find out if your having blue or pink, i dont know much about the test so if you have info be great xx

I paid £650 for the harmony test (there are a few different ones available depending where you live, google non invasive blood test) to check for trisomy issues, the blood goes to America to a lab, they test the free floating DNA in your blood. Early gender confirmation is a bonus of the test but I did it as I am 38 and wanted to know if baby looked healthy as I don't put much faith in the Nhs cubs test. I did wait til my 12 week scan confirmed baby looked ok. You can get it from 10 weeks. I was prepared to say good bye to the dream forever, purely to have peace of mind over health of baby, and ended up getting the best shock of my life! xx

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June 17th, 2014, 10:53 AM
Hey sorry I've been a bit absent. Well, I missed one born, it's recorded but with the boys and man being World Cup obsessed and me using my mornings to exercise I've not really had the chance to catch up with it.
I am still finding it hard to motivate myself with the exercise. My walks have just become boring now as I'm so limited to where I can walk to get back in time.
Diet is going better though, I don't eat breakfast or snack at all now. And my meals I'm trying to eat until no longer hungry/just about full, rather than when I'm for to burst. So even though I've not managed to cut out a lot of things I wanted to like meat, everything is lower because I'm just not taking in as much food over all.
I got dh some olive leaf extract and told him it was there if he wanted it as every time I mentioned buying it he wouldn't give a straight answer (he'd say something like "more babies?! You like babies") and then he asks me a few days ago "so this other thing you want to do (meaning swaying) when do you want to do that? As soon as?" Erm well seeing as you are not using any protection so we could become pregnant at any time and I'm already dieting and exercising I'd say that the answer would be "immediately"
Lately I just find myself wishing someone could tell me "yes you'll have a daughter one day" or "no, sorry it won't happen" just so I could relax. If they say no I'd still have another, but I wouldn't be clicking up a mental list as long as my arm of all the things I'm going to eat as soon as I get that bfp. And if they said yes I would then Id still sway but I'd be able to relax more, not on the sway stuff but just in myself.

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June 17th, 2014, 11:09 AM
motherofboys i so know how u feel, i feel like i have a empty hole in my belly that only a daughter could fill, i try not to think too much about it anymore as i would go into a deep depression, i just want to get preggas soon and what will be will be, hubby is taking olive leaf n l-root and tonight wer going in for the kill lol lots of pink thoughts n princess dust ;) xx

June 17th, 2014, 11:19 AM
We are limited with dh age, so no L-root for him, no abstain.
A few things have changed recently that have altered dh eating and he doesn't even realise. As well as thins that have made it easier for me with the diet. And I think that I can see how people can think they did nothing differently but still get the opposite. I still very much doubt I'll get a girl, and yes if I think about it too much I get depressed. I just can't see it being that way for me. I wish I could hurry up and get pregnant, enjoy my last pregnancy and then move on knowing that it's over with. The waiting and hoping is the worst.

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June 17th, 2014, 11:46 AM
I should point out that all the foods I want are naughty snack foods too. Although atomic did say on another post if there's something you really want swap a normal, sensible meal for it. But we eat as a family so wouldn't set a good example as I'd never eat a normal meal and just sit and pig a whole share size bar of chocolate while they sat their with their veggies and chicken lol

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Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 01:13 PM
Motherofboys hiiiii!! Was wondering how things were going!

I think all the boy mummies on here feel the exact same - "it will never happen for me!" and "can someone just guarantee me a girl please!" I know I definitely do and even if I hear "It's a girl!" at a scan I won't believe it until I see her in my arms!

This is why I'm so desperate to do exercise as I feel like it is the ONLY sway tactic so far with pretty much 100% success results. The thing that motivates me is my hot pink trainers lol I look down while I'm on the bike and think GIRL!!! Another thing too is my 'Martha' tendency to challenge myself to beat my last number of miles, RPM etc. You just need to find that thing deep down inside that drives your yearning for a girl and use it every time you go to exercise. In the long run six weeks on diet and exercise will be a drop in the ocean compared to always wondering if you could have done more.

Having said that if after all I've done results in DS3 for me I will still love him to bits because he did a heck of a lot to be here!

Lots of positive thoughts and hugs your way!! Xxx

Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 01:18 PM
As for snacks I still eat TONS!! Today for lunch I had about a TBSP reduced fat hummus with sea salt crackers which meant.....a lion bar, banana chocolate bread and a diet coke for dessert!!!! LOL!!! Of course I was starving by dinner but that is the plan AND I got to have the naughty stuff I wanted without feeling guilty!

Don't let the diet put you off.... loads of girl moms have girls while eating stuff we are avoiding but I think the key is to be ravenous between meals, eating your meals all on one go and no snacking. Once you crack it it really does become second nature!

June 17th, 2014, 01:48 PM
It is so weird because I don't even know why I want a girl, and I always thought I wanted all boys. Maybe I'm just greedy. I always remember my mum saying that 'my song' should be Queens I Want It All (and I want it now) maybe it's true, I mean I am so impatient and I got the boys I wanted but still want something more. Darn I'd hate to admit she was right about something! Lol
I think half the problem is I still see myself being here in 2 years, going "well I got the diet and exercise mastered but I'm still not preg" I guess I'm not the positive person I used to be, as far as I'm concerned it's going to take forever to fall pregnant and if I don't call it a day before we do, I'll end up with another boy. Don't know where this negative persons come from.
I don't plan to find out next time. I have always found out at the scan and I kept saying "next time we will have a surprise, we can't this time in case it's a girl" so with this possibly being the last time, I want that surprise. Besides if I was told girl I too wouldn't believe them lol

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Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 02:23 PM
Exactly!! I'd be like "girl!?...get another sonographer please!" lol

Kick that negativity in the butt girl!!! Your future is bright no matter how you take it...you've already got four beautiful kids so another one would be the cherry on top whether it is conceived now or next year! I've been on here yonks myself so we can hang out together lol

June 17th, 2014, 02:34 PM
Like I say I hate the waiting an wondering. If I knew I would have a girl one day I'd wait as long as I needed to for her. But not knowing drives me mad and makes me want it all to hurry up so I can just know lol

You know I don't think it helps that today was dh Nan's funeral. She had 3 boys herself and no girls. We got a lot of comments from distant relatives about "wow 4?" And closer relatives with "you'll have a girl next time" no one knows we plan any more. And my nephews girlfriend who is 21 was doting on ds4 then started raving on about her friend who is pregnant with a girl and how cute all the clothes are and how previous all the girls stuff is.
Also my best friend gave birth to her second girl on the 5th.

Most of the time now I find myself ok with everything and happy with my boys and so positive about another boy. Then I have days where the desire is just too much.

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Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 02:50 PM
Just yesterday a friend of mine that is having a boy (due at the end of the month) asked if we are going for #3 and told me I better be careful as I would probably end up with another boy or worse yet twin boys! All I could say was well I'd be so happy and blessed to have any child once it is healthy is all I am concerned about... the insensitivity of others is unbelievable!!

I want to be pregnant yesterday...I stare at pregnant women in public in awe thinking "please let that be me soon!!"

So sorry to hear about your DH's nan...my DH's nan also only had 3 boys!! Hence why everyone is convinced we can't have a girl. I think I really want a girl just to tell people where to stick it. If I could get just 1p for every time someone reminds me that 'well the husband determines the sex' I'd be a bloody millionaire!

June 17th, 2014, 03:00 PM
Yeah one of my friends told me after ds4 was born that I'd best not have any more as I'd have a boy. Felt like saying "and what's wrong with that" she has 1 of each, and told me a few days ago that her and her new bloke have decided they want a baby together and are hoping it's a girl because (get this!) he already has 5 boys! Yet she still maintains that I shouldn't have another!

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Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 03:56 PM
Ohhhhh love it lol Hope she has a girl then!!!

June 17th, 2014, 04:04 PM
Hi ladies! Omg I totally get everything you are saying! I just wish someone will say oh yes you're going to have a daughter or not as the case may be and then I can just continue on as normal and know whatever will be will be and be happy with either!
Oh the insensitivity of people makes me sick they have absolutely no idea what it's like when they throw their silly ideas and owts at us!
Ah I'm so desperate to starts trying soon but know I need to wait till we Move first! Feel like everything with the house diy has ground to a halt at the mo, maybe once that's back on track I'll feel a bit more positive! Finding myself around a couple of really negative people at the mo too that's getting me down so am distancing myself from them as can't bear the way they make me feel at the mo..not always baby related with them they are just negative people in general and it is just about everything. Lol

June 17th, 2014, 05:08 PM
She's rubbed it in my fave for years, even before it was important to me , that I don't have a girl. I know it makes me sound bitter but is quite like it if she got a taste of her own medicine. But I'm not that mean. I like to see my friends happy, so hopefully we will both have girls lol

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Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 05:25 PM
Ohhhhh love it lol Hope she has a girl then!!!

Meant this in a sarcastic way!! Sometimes "friends" that know our most inner secrets or desires can be our worst enemies I think as the friend who said that to me knows about my swaying and said if I get a girl she wants to know what I did...errrrr fat chance!! I'm not as nice as you motherofboys!!

Sweet mummy
June 17th, 2014, 05:29 PM
Hi ladies! Omg I totally get everything you are saying! I just wish someone will say oh yes you're going to have a daughter or not as the case may be and then I can just continue on as normal and know whatever will be will be and be happy with either!
Oh the insensitivity of people makes me sick they have absolutely no idea what it's like when they throw their silly ideas and owts at us!
Ah I'm so desperate to starts trying soon but know I need to wait till we Move first! Feel like everything with the house diy has ground to a halt at the mo, maybe once that's back on track I'll feel a bit more positive! Finding myself around a couple of really negative people at the mo too that's getting me down so am distancing myself from them as can't bear the way they make me feel at the mo..not always baby related with them they are just negative people in general and it is just about everything. Lol

Hoping house moves speed up and ttc journey is next on the agenda! I have done the same and just not getting in touch with negative people because I tend to want to get into "debates" with them over nonsense and raise my t levels and not to mention my blood pressure. I will talk to them again when I get my BFP lol

June 18th, 2014, 03:09 AM
morning girls..... o lord i need some advice, was fed up of waiting for positive ovulation and the mood just felt right last night that we bd, huge problem being i had the big o twice which was a bloody first lol and done my test this morning and ive finally got a high fertility, its not the peak face which is when i need to bd acording to my plan but i dont know if i should bd now at peak, but i really do want to get a bfp this month arghhhhhhhh help xx

Sweet mummy
June 18th, 2014, 04:25 AM
I think Atomic says BD at +OPK so maybe DTD again tonight so the sperm is there to meet the egg. What else are you incorporating into your sway? Antihistamine? Thinking it would be good to take one today in preparation.

I know how you feel... come on :pinksperm:

Sweet mummy
June 18th, 2014, 04:30 AM
Is anyone tempted to go to Dr. Potter's seminar in London? I know my husband would definitely say we can't afford to go HT but just curious.

June 18th, 2014, 04:32 AM
I think if it does happen this month it's meant to be. I think over all, this isn't a huge swaying factor. If you would feel better about it just skip this months bd at peak. But if your peak is soon then it could still happen.

Ok so maybe I'm not as generous as I'd like to be, if it was anyone else (like my friend who recently had her 2nd girl and really wanted a boy) if want them to be happy. I didn't even tell the one in the previous post about swaying. When my mean streak comes out I think I hope I get a girl and she gets a boy!! Lol

A mum at school turned up today with her baby who was born at the weekend. She has a 7 year old boy, and all I heard for weeks was about this girl she was having and all this stuff she'd for, and she turns up this morning with a BOY! Pretty much conforms for me that I will not be finding out. 2nd person I know recently at my hospital to be told girl and get boy. I know it happens but usually it's very few and far between.

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June 18th, 2014, 04:34 AM
What's this seminar? I briefly looked at ht but couldn't justify the money, no matter how deep my desire. Maybe if I won the lottery. But the fact you can't do it in the uk just kind of closed the door completely on that one

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June 18th, 2014, 06:27 AM
we was all up for going for ht with dr potter or dr savvas in cypus but it would mean waiting till nxt year to save and i was already feeling guilty as in most cases it takes at least 2 attempts, i couldnt justify spending that much, if we had the money i would defo be going to the seminar though, you can have a free skype consultation with dr potter anyway but he says its best to have your pre-testing done before you speak to him which mine came to around the 300 pound mark, thats why i decided to give swaying a go, sweetmummy ive been using hayfever tabs most days as im prone to it and me n hubbys gone veggies for the past month, dh takes the olive leaf n l-root and been releasing every day for past week, ive just been taking folic acid and diet coke, skipping breakie n aving two small meals a day i did use rehearsh the other day also, and i did put a pink babys dress under the matress for good luck lol, its prob all down to nature in the end though, but at least wer trying to push her in the rite way x

June 18th, 2014, 07:36 AM
Well I pushed myself to walk today. Looked like it was going to rain and I wasn't feeling it. I kept trying to convince myself I could skip this morning and that walking around the field at sports day this afternoon would be enough. But I thought what would happen to me is I would skip this morning then it would rain all afternoon and sports day would be cancelled. So I went for my walk. Got rained on. Now home and lunch eaten and the suns shining bright! Still it's done for today now.

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June 18th, 2014, 05:01 PM
just done another clearblue test and im now on peak fertility, is it normal to have a totally negative result yesterday then a high one this morning then a peak tonight, seems to be happening fast i thought it would take a few days to change from high to peak, well im gona bd tonight aswel even though i did last night to higher my chances and then il leave it and see if i get a pos preggas test which will be when wer in spain on hols :) omg im so blinking excited, fingers crossed n lots of pink dust please girls for my little bluebell to hopefully stick :ttc:

June 18th, 2014, 05:52 PM
Sending pink dust your way butterfly!
Yes just looked at the prices for HT no way we can justify that cost but am excited to give swaying a go!
Well done mob for doing your walk! It's sooo hard when you see the rain but just think of your goal! Exciting! Feel sorry for the mum at the school but does make me wonder if I'll find out when/if it happens. I want to as didn't find out with either ds1 or ds2 and can't bear the thought of feeling the anxiety again before baby is born as I did with ds2. However I've already decided if I do find out I won't be telling anyone either way as don't want to hear peoples hurtful comments if it's a boy and just incase the scans wrong if they say girl. It will also mean I don't have to watch what I'm saying if it us a girl around people who I know would've loved a girl so can't make them feel bad even though it'd be unintentionally! Iykwim? Lol

Sweet mummy
June 18th, 2014, 06:35 PM
Fingers, legs and eyes crossed for you butterfly!!! This could be it :) I had the exact same thing happen...fading in OPKS which then went negative and then a blinding positive one. How exciting!!!! Your sway sounds really good too x

MOB well done for doing your walk...it always bloody rains just when you need it not too right.. like school run, food shopping being brought in, etc.

Foxy that is soooooo considerate of you to think of others WHEN you get your girl!!

Figured HT would be crazy expensive but £300 for pre-testing alone definitely puts us out of that option. Guess I won't be going to the seminar lol Loving giving swaying a go though as I won't know til I try I suppose.

OBEM was fab as usual and less graphic than last week luckily so no weird stares at the gym lol xxx

June 19th, 2014, 04:54 AM
I missed it again! Got them recorded though.

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June 19th, 2014, 05:04 AM
I'm stressing about my cycle now. It looks like I may well have a short lp again. I don't want to take b6 this time if so as I've seen it can sway boy. I should be gearing up to O soon if I was going to have a decent length lp but so far no signs.

I won't be finding out next time. I always wanted a 'surprise' but was far too impatient with ds1 and then with the others I needed to know in case it was a girl. Ds4 I found out early because of gender desire. So if it's the last one I'm having the experience of a surprise (although not much of a surprise after 4 of the same lol)
I think even if you had no gender desire what do ever, being told the opposite, then finding out it was wrong at birth, could cause you to feel some GD just because you have built up this image of who you are having and this bond with this child, and then been presented with the opposite gender, a completely different person from who you were expecting.

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June 19th, 2014, 07:12 AM
Have you spoken to atomic on any ideas what you can do to lengthen your lp without ruining your sway? Am sure she'll be able to help!

Know what you mean shout wring sex when I was pregnant with ds1 DH and I were our for a meal and the waitress there said she'd had a lady in the day before who was crying and she asked her what was the matter and she said she'd been told girl and given birth to a boy, she was especially upset that day as she was taking back all the pink things she bought and also she felt like she'd lost her daughter as she'd imagined her growing up her wedding etc etc and now was feeling awful but feeling guilty for the way she felt too! A feeling we all know too well sometime I think!

June 19th, 2014, 07:13 AM
Oh and yes obem was cute! Wasn't surprised that gym man and his wife had a boy though! How much testosterone was flowing through his veins!! �� fair play to him though for turning his life around!

June 19th, 2014, 08:21 AM
I haven't yet as I want to see what's going on. Last month I didn't have any conformation of O, and have yet to O this month so it's just suspicion ATM.

I have done today's walk, but have change things up a bit. I had been walking from just before 11, and finishing my walk at preschool just before 12. Then lunch when I got back. But the not eating and then pushing myself with the walk was worrying me. I'm not having a gentle stroll, I end up puffing and panting lol and also a bit light headed. So I've descended I'm going to have a late breakfast/early lunch. Around 10/10:30 then do my walk. Then not have lunch and only eat dinner in the evening. That way I will have eaten something rather than exercising on empty, and get a longer break between my 2 meals. Plus because the big boys are not here and ds4 can't ask for what I'm eating I can have some of the things I really want instead of a healthy lunch sometimes. Plus I'm sure I read that eating right after exercising isn't a good swaying girl idea, as it's kind of like telling your body you won the fight for food.
I found my push to keep going though. And it is, if I stop exercising now, I know in a week I'll be back to being so desperate that I think I have to do the exercise and will start up again and then I'll keep switching between the 2 and end up not doing enough each week, making it 'moderate exercise' which sways boy.

I think this is going to be key for me. I don't think I have much hope of a girl, and I'm not swaying girl, I'm just trying to avoid swaying boy.

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Sweet mummy
June 19th, 2014, 02:20 PM
Cannot imagine being told girl and having a boy! Even if it was my first I would have been really sad. Praying this doesn't happen for any of us!

The dad was so sweet bless him...wanting to call the baby Zeus lol They had two girls and a boy and that was their fourth which was a boy and she was a gym bunny so probably why they have two girls first I thought!? I'm always analysing what people have and what may have been going on in their lives for them to have that gender...sad I know lol

Good plan with the walking after brekkie MOB so you're not going to faint from hunger! I went to the gym this morning after my usual session last night and wanted to die....was so hard to do it back to back. Had to as DH is off to his bosses house tonight to watch the footie so no one to watch the boys. I'm finding myself working my day around finding the hour to exercise which so far has worked but can see how frustrating it will get esp if I get a BFN this cycle.

Forgot to tell you ladies I got a BFN last cycle (can't remember of I did or didn't say) as I got AF at 11dpo so may have a short LP too if the same happens this cycle. Fingers crossed we both get it sorted MOB.

How you doing Foxy? Have you had an attempt yet?

June 19th, 2014, 02:30 PM
Mob I think you're right about eating after exercise giving your body the signal you've won! Makes total sense! Def makes sense to eat before!!
Hope your lp verb out for both of you!
No I haven't made an attempt yet I'm defo in too much of a stressy/planning mood that all the exercise and LE diet would be wasted as my Martha would win through and produce a boy! Lol! Think once either the house is ready to sell or sold I'll really relax and stop planning everything (I hope!) so I can then make an attempt!

June 19th, 2014, 02:33 PM
Ha ha I do that too, thinking yeah I can see why you got that gender.
I think as long as you have 9/10 days or more you are ok as and egg takes 7-9 days to reach the uterus and implant.

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Sweet mummy
June 19th, 2014, 03:59 PM
Awwww I forgot foxy...totally agree your house move is gonna raise t through the roof!

Thanks for the info mob...this is all new to me as my DH and I used to just DTD any old random time and have two boys from it lol

Are any of you members or heard of the NCT? Just read an article in their NCT Matters which talks about the difference between the genders , why toys are gender specific, etc. and actually quotes Shettles method!! I was shocked!! Made it sound like it was a bible quote...feel like I want to educate people bow...don't they know how ridiculous it sounds!?

June 19th, 2014, 04:54 PM
I only know because mine was 6 days last time. I've always just dtd whenever. Or when we were really trying hard every day/every other day.
Because dh age we can't abstain and when we were dtd every day we just didn't get pregnant and I don't know if it possibly lowers the count too much for some older dads. So I'm going to bite the bullet on this one, and go for every 4 days. I don't know when to expect O and once I've confirmed I am Oing with a decent length lp I want to step away from the opks and temping. It's just another obsession. So every 4 days will give a chance to catch the egg. Atomic said it's ok to go 4 days with his age, and that although it's technically boy timing, it can work.
I've heard of the NCT but not a member.
I was thinking earlier about how people would think we sounded mad if they heard our conversation "tricking your body into thinking it won the fight for food" and such. The amount of people though that I've seen say "we'd like a boy/girl next time so going to try shettles" and I've tried not to sound like a crazy person when saying noooo! Or even in GD forums when people have said diet and exercise are complete rubbish, and timing has been 'scientifically proven' !!!
And gender specific toys and boys and girls being different,I personally think it's mainly to do with personality. All my boys are different and have their own interests and temperaments.

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June 20th, 2014, 04:33 AM
Oh my when people tell me that Shettles is scientifically proven I want to scream in their face! Lol! God knows how AS must feel when she puts her heart and soul into this! I want to point people in this direction but as most people besides my mum and sister don't know we're planning on swaying I don't want to give the game away! Once we are pregnant though I will be pointing everyone who mentions shettles to this website! Then hopefully I'll have a girl and prove that this is the way and be able to pay it forward somehow!
Oh but when people look at me and say 2 boys? You should've tried timing!!! Ha yes because if I'd have conceived on any other day he'd have been a girl! Wtf!?! Lol! Glad I've found this website now though and believe we've found it at the time were meant to as all our DS's are meant to be here! Now it's our turn for our daughters to join us!

June 20th, 2014, 08:39 AM
Yes I agree, sometimes I think "I wish I'd known this before" then I stop and say no I don't because I wouldn't have some of my boys.
No one knows we are even planning another let alone swaying. But when people tell me about timing I just say that I know exactly when my timing was and that some of my boys have 'girl' timing.

Today's wall went well, I think. I am sure I kept my usual pace, and my legs still ached and I was swearing my my pony tail falling out. But my heart wasn't trying to break out of my chest and I wasn't puffing and panting so hard. Maybe I'm actually getting fit!

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Sweet mummy
June 20th, 2014, 12:23 PM
Love that foxy...you're so right!! I did Google how to get a girl before we had DS2 and found stuff like shallow release, etc. and didn't want to do all the craziness they were taking about so here he is!! Cannot wait to say... Shettles is rubbish..after we have DD1 ;)

Sweet mummy
June 20th, 2014, 12:24 PM
Good on ya mob!!! Keep up the good work hunnie xx

June 20th, 2014, 12:42 PM
Just realised all the typos in my last post. I was sweating not swearing lmao

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June 20th, 2014, 04:44 PM
Lol mob! Think it's fair game to be saying I'll be swearing after my workouts! Lol! Good for you on getting fitter! Great you're still sweating though! Thank goodness we've got better weather to do walking in!

June 20th, 2014, 07:41 PM
I know it's so much better, but also doesn't help with the sweating lol
I've been out this evening. The majority of my calories today came from cider lol
My friend had a party lite party at her house just up the road.
Just got home now. The freedom!!

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June 21st, 2014, 02:34 AM
So last night, at my friends, there was a friend of hers who I don't really know and I'd been talking to the ones I do know saying that the possibility of 1 more hasn't been completely ruled out and she asked how many I had so I just said 4 and she was like "and your NOT saying no to another?" Then a bit later they were talking about kids films and I admitted I hadn't seen anything like frozen and tangled etc and said my boys won't watch things with princesses cos they think they are for girls. This idea hasn't come from us, I've tried to get them to watch things with me, they just won't. So at that point she asked if I had all boys, and I of course said yes and she said "4 boys! It gets worse!!"
She hadn't even had a drink as she was driving. After she and a few others had left and it was just the ones I know left everyone was laughing about how blunt she'd been and how she didn't care what she said, but that bits stuck with me. Like everyone must think that but just not say.

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Sweet mummy
June 21st, 2014, 04:00 AM
Bloody insensitive people!! Why did she say that for? She doesn't even know you or your boys!! Ridiculous!! I would have been the same though...so gobsmacked I wouldn't have known what to say.

Please do not take it to heart and on the contrary this should motivate you even more to "go for your girl". Although having said that whether it is a boy or girl I'm sure you will love it just as much anyway. Just sad we need to justify to people our want for more children and one of an opposite gender to what we have.

June 21st, 2014, 04:15 AM
Before i knew gender this time, i was preparing my responses to justifying my 4th boy. Sad isn't it? eEpecially when now im having a girl everyone i tell from acquaintances i know from years at toddlers and nursery etc to family all look emotional and so happy for us! Which is lovely but i know it would have been a different story with anyone outwith my close friends and patrnts/sister :( I make it clear we were out to even the numbers! Anyhow, my favoured reply was going to be "wow, how rude" said with a smile for those needing a blunt response. And "hands full and hearts full of love, not so bad really!!" for those i felt the need to be tactful but straight with. So hard tho, when someone stuns you with their belief they have the right to comment on your family, as if!! Big hugs xx

June 21st, 2014, 04:54 AM
Everyone there had 1-2 children, I was once again in the situation of 'only one with out a girl' and those with more than 1 had both genders. I rolled out my old "I always wanted all boys, didn't think it would happen so just hoped if get at least 2 boys first" and also "once you have 4 boys you need to go for that last to complete the football team" it's sad we have to justify it. I bet if I had a mix then I would still be told I was crazy to want more. I also got "can you not just get a telly?" Why is it so bad to want lots of kids? To enjoy being a mum so much and raising children and want to do it again. I wanted 5-6 anyway even when I just had one and assumed I would have a completely balanced family.

Anyway LE diet is out the window today. Think I had a little too much last night, I'm not used to drinking lol I've already had weeatbix, a ginger bread man and a big lump of cheese. And it's not even 10.

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June 21st, 2014, 02:09 PM
What a horrible woman! How rude! Who does she think she is?? Things like this infuriate me how dare she pass judgement when she's doesn't know you or your children! I think people that say oh 4 boys or 4 girls have both genders but they have difficult children so they think all of that gender is the same as theirs....if that makes sense? Regardless of gender kids are kids and some are more trying than others but no matter what gender they are its parenting.I see far too many spoilt children unfortunately and their parents are always the ones that commiserate me on having two boys! Ha well I commiserate them for having children who run wild are rude and they'll have their work cut out when they're older....At least my boys behave!
Hold your head up high mob your boys are a great reflection on you and you rock!

June 21st, 2014, 02:49 PM
I was stalking but just had to say that MOB that woman needed a slap. On the having more comment I always say " I'm not asking you to look after them am I?" And as for the boy comment I would have said "yes and it's awful women like you that make me glad they ARE boys" wench lol sorry for butting in!

June 21st, 2014, 03:14 PM
Thankfully I don't have to see her again. The ones I see regularly all have kids at the boys schools and didn't make any comment.

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June 21st, 2014, 03:35 PM
I think it's those kinds of people/comments that make our gd so much worse. I'm always so defensive and on my guard when people ask how many/what gender my kids are.

June 21st, 2014, 03:48 PM
I'm very defensive of all boy families. Or I guess all 1 gender. There's one person I know that likes to butt in when ever someone asks how many kids I have, mostly they see me with DS4 and ask if his my 1st, I reply 4 and they go "wow" and she goes "all boys too!" I don't see why that should make a difference to anyone else. Then again, she has 1 child. A girl.

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June 21st, 2014, 04:51 PM
Makes me mad!!!!!!!

June 21st, 2014, 06:12 PM
Tell me about it. I don't know what business it is if anyone's how many children another person chooses to have. You see it in reverse too, people telling those who only have 1 and feel they are done, that their child needs a play mate and it isn't fair for them to be an only child. Yet give them more than 1 sibling and people start judging you on that. Or give them a sibling of the same gender and you've messed up on that part too. And it seems as soon as you get one gender, any child after that must be purely to get the opposite. It's almost like they are not people. They are accessories and if you don't have 1 of each your missing one of the 'must have' pieces of fashion. I know it works both ways and there are women desperate for boys.
Sorry ranting a bit, as I also saw a friend yesterday day time, the one who rudely told me I shouldn't have any more because I'd get boys, she has 1 of each. She seemed to be trying to find something to compete over. She even resorted to children's show sizes, asking what size ds3 was then telling me her daughter who is 9 months younger than him has a size bigger feet. Because this obviously makes all the difference in life. Felt like saying well you are old than me and my feet are bigger than yours! She also basically told me that I let the boys do too many clubs because she "couldn't be doing with all the running around" her kids do 1 club a week each. Mine do 2 sessions of judo, 1 of karate, beavers/cubs and football every week. I know some people think it's a lot but if it makes them happy then it makes me happy and there are life skills to be learnt in each, like discipline, and working as a team.

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June 22nd, 2014, 09:46 AM
So, this came up in my Facebook news feed. Brought tears to my eyes.

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June 22nd, 2014, 12:09 PM
Oh yes! I saw that on twitter it's adorable. I hope you get to take a pic like that of your kids one day. Hope I get to do it the other way round lol
I think it's amazing that your kids do so much I'd love to get mine into more things. I hate that people say " oh we have one of each now so we're done" it's like don't you just want kids? Not some stupid idea of the perfect little family. I wouldn't have stopped at 2 no matter what lol

June 22nd, 2014, 12:20 PM
I remember seeing this ages ago but couldn't remember the specifics! We could do that with dss and our 3 boys. Dss is 18 this year tho, not sure he'd be up for it lol xx

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June 22nd, 2014, 12:47 PM
Isn't it funny how something as simple as a picture like this can bring all those feelings back.

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June 22nd, 2014, 01:38 PM
I know, I am soo bad at staring at baby boys when I'm out its like they are this whole other being that seems so different to me lol
Mrs I I bet your dss would do it no problem he'll probably be all chuffed at his ickle baby sis :diaper: :)

June 22nd, 2014, 03:27 PM
It's not even just babies for me tbh I find myself watching the little girls pushing their dolls to preschool in toy prams and riding their bikes with the baskets, dolls seats and ribbons ********* off the handle bars.

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June 22nd, 2014, 04:02 PM
Oh it's torture :(

June 22nd, 2014, 04:15 PM
Don't I just know it. Sigh.

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June 22nd, 2014, 05:30 PM
Yes it's not always just pics that set us off! I was at a carnival yesterday and little girls in their adorable sundresses and then today I was at my nieces birthday party and all the little girls party dresses and hair bands! Sooo cute! Sets me off again even when I'm feeling fine! Hopefully one day we will all have our DG!

June 23rd, 2014, 04:39 AM
I had to get an early night last night, set me right off! Feel a bit better today. I hate that I can't just be satisfied with what I do have. And I hate that I have to work so hard to get something that other people don't even have to think about.

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June 23rd, 2014, 09:11 AM
Just heard my friend is having a boy after 4 girls. They def didn't sway, they had decided not to have any more and she'd enrolled in college and everything, then found herself pregnant. I'm happy for her but so jealous. I always feel like hearing stories like this means I won't get my GD and odds will be against me. Like on Facebook I admin a parenting group. 2 of us have 4 boys, one has 3 and is preg. I know she will have a girl because out of a small group of 8 people there can't be 3 of us who all have 4 boys.

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June 23rd, 2014, 02:54 PM
That's exactly how I feel, I know someone due around the time I was, she has 3 girls and I just know she will get a boy. I feel like the only boys I'll ever have are my dogs :(

June 23rd, 2014, 03:59 PM
Ha ha even all our pets are boys.
I think it's nice to see someone who wants what you have got, and remember that there are people trying just as hard as you but the opposite way round on these sites.

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June 24th, 2014, 02:16 AM
Definitely. I was actually surprised at how many people wanted all one gender. I guess because my ideal is a mix I just assumed that's what everyone wanted.
Oh and I have a lady doggie too, she keeps the others in line lol

June 24th, 2014, 02:50 AM
I torture myself daily looking at other people's family make up (especially if they have a pp) and wonder how they did it so easily :( I don't know anyone in RL with 2 boys (apart from my DH who is part of just 2 boys but that doesn't really count lol) and I do worry that I'm somehow going to be ostracised by the girl mums (even the ones that have a boy as well as a girl) that I grew up with and I made whilst pg whith DS1 :(
Just yesterday at work a colleague (an older man who has 2 girls himself) asked if I was having a girl, to which I said 'no baby is a boy' and gave a big smile and all he said was 'are you ok with that?' WTF is wrong with people? I said of course we were happy. My DH thinks that my GD is all in my head (and maybe he doesn't get the same sort of comments as a man) but he really doesn't get how much is perpetuated by other people's/ society's fascination with gender :( xx

June 24th, 2014, 03:05 AM
I don't think it's as bad for a man (with other peoples comments) when you get a 2nd boy because everyone seems to think that men want boys. I know more people who's hubby's have had the "oh poor you, you going to try again?" When they have 2 girls. Society thinks you have to want the same gender as yourself, and that you should have a pp so you can have 1 child for each partner to be close to and so gender specific activities. I do find now we are have 4 people have actually started asking DH if we will try again for a girl. But in the early days it was like "go you! 2 boys, well done mate!" But he has wanted a girl since before I did.

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June 24th, 2014, 04:11 AM
Imagine his shock if your said "no we wanted a girl so putting this boy up for adoption!!" idiots. Hes your baby and that makes him perfect!!!
When we were told at 12 weeks number 4 looked like a boy i was saying to dh, how hard can it be to get one girl!? Just 1. When people all around me seem to get girls so easily? I was having internal tantrums at the unfairness of it all. However getting told girl is so much less believable than being told boy! I'm still anxious about my 20 week scan in case they find a dangle ;) xx
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June 24th, 2014, 04:25 AM
Ha ha yeah that would be an awesome answer to stupid questions like that!

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June 24th, 2014, 04:26 AM
My dh really wanted a girl. He has 4 sons including our 3. At gender scan for our second he'd bought a pair of pink booties as a surprise. When we got in the car after the scan he gave me them and said "won't need these now" looking a bit sad. First time i realised he wanted a girl as much as me. We always imagined 2 kids. He agreed to ig sway for our 3rd. The ups and downs of swaying, douching, timing and 2 losses etc brought us closer. Although he didn't believe it would work. Ds3 is the light of his life, he's been totally hands on with him. Getting him to agree to #4 was a bit of a rollercoaster. He's 40 this year and had his 1st at 22. He did it for me. And i love him for that. I felt very torn about it but knew I'd regret not having our 4th. I got cold feet wondering if it was a selfish decision that would put too many financial pressure on us, and the boys missing out when we already have 3 lovely boys. Having a girl actually changed everything. It shouldn't but i feel now it will be so good for the boys to have a girl in the house. The financial restraints are almost offset by giving them a different gender sibling. Makes me sad to think I'd feel differently initially had it been a boy. Although that would be gone once he had been born. It stops being all about gender once they arrive because they're your child and that's all that matters and is separate from that longing for a girl xx
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June 24th, 2014, 06:24 AM
Mrs I, you have my feelings down to a T
My dh had to put up with my IG sway too and now I'm telling him u can't have this you should have that again lol

June 24th, 2014, 06:41 AM
It's so nice to hear that your dh had 4 boys then a girl Mrs I. I struggle to get mine to believe it's possible. Maybe that's a good thing though, because he is ALWAYS wrong. Every single time he thought we would have a girl, and up until being told "it's a boy" each time he would use the name we had picked out for a girl and says "when SHE is here" maybe if he thinks we will have a boy he will be wrong again and we will finally have his girl.
It's so weird it was his desire for a girl that really made me want one, and now I can't make him understand my desire, it's like his accepted that's how it's going to be and moved on, and now he has accepted it he can't understand why I haven't. And why I'd be willing to try all this swaying stuff when I won't happen.

My walk today almost killed me again, I usually walk around my village or to the next village, well today I decided to walk out of the village the opposite way to usual and go into the next village in that direction. Lots of little hills, finishing in a massive hill. Then on the way back I got stuck behind a couple with a little (around 2 year old) girl, so walking very slowly. Couldn't help thinking why did it have to be a girl and not a boy. With her big blue eyes, curly blonde hair, little summer dress, frilly white socks and proper little shoes.
I walked so hard in the way home I got a stitch lol

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June 24th, 2014, 05:02 PM
Motherofboys I think men can compartmentalise in a way we can't. Dh will admit to wanting a girl but if we didn't have one then so be it. No emotion, no upset, just (infuriating) calm. Although he tries to get where my need comes from he can only get it on a basic level as he didn't allow himself to imagine it could ever happen. However, when he found out this was a girl he was completely speechless .... As in "does not compute" type shut down. I got it on video and he watched it a load of times. He said it was like watching someone else, almost like an out of body experience ;)

Well done on your walking, I just can't do hills!! I bet seeing that little girl motivated you tho xx

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June 24th, 2014, 05:54 PM
I dunno if the universe put her in my path to spur me on or taunt me LOL
That is so...funny/ cute/ priceless the way your dh reacted to hearing girl. Perhaps you are right, and he can separate those feelings. Like he told me before our scan with ds4 he was scared in case it was another boy. But once it was over with and we knew he was all excited and going on about what it would be like with 4 boys. I guess like when we say we are not sad for the child we do get, but we are sad for the child we don't get.

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June 25th, 2014, 06:19 PM
I'm 20 weeks tomorrow! Since the sickness eased it's flying in xx
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June 25th, 2014, 06:21 PM
Oh wow exciting! I always find the middle bit (which is my favourite, no sickness, manageable sized bump, kicks and wriggles) seems to go the quickest.

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June 26th, 2014, 01:43 AM
Ooh big scan soon! Exciting! Halfway there lol

June 26th, 2014, 09:25 AM
Erm, OMG, today I became a dream member. Been meaning to for forever but always on my phone (as I am again now) so waited till I was on laptop. Anyway I finally looked at the link to meal ideas, and also found the myth of magic food thread, and the grade A and B etc foods. Did not realise just how much we could actually eat on the LE diet. I know what the limits for the day are, but was thinking all the 'nice' things were no nos. Pop Tarts are a grade A food! Pop Tarts people!!
It's like all the things I read when first researching went out my head and I was thinking I had to live on just low nutrient veg, and things like rice and pasta.
I'm so glad I finally did the dream member. Feeling more positive about the diet.
Getting bored of my walking roots now so have to find something else to fit in with it.

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June 27th, 2014, 09:54 AM
Mob your boys are gorgeous! Can I have one lol

June 27th, 2014, 11:38 AM
Swap ya?? Lol
Thank you, I'm a teeny bit biased when it comes to my boys, as I'm sure all parents are.

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June 27th, 2014, 02:46 PM
:kiss:Just looking at the Lil ones chubby cheeks :)
lol sooooooo cute !!

June 27th, 2014, 02:51 PM
Oh I know, I do love a bit of baby chub.

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June 27th, 2014, 05:48 PM
Finally catching up on OBEM! Watching the first episode now lol

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Sweet mummy
June 28th, 2014, 03:01 AM
Awwww I wish we had the option to record so I could catch up with you!! Enjoy xx

June 28th, 2014, 03:45 AM
We've got sky plus, but I also just got a on demand box thing free from sky so I can get 4oD and iPlayer etc through the sky box.
The look on that Dads fave when he saw his wife had had a boy was brilliant.

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atomic sagebrush
June 28th, 2014, 11:37 AM
I think that regarding timing eating and exercising, above all else please remember your body's needs. On paper, of course not eating before and after exercising and even existing on nothing but air and cranberries sounds great for TTC a girl, but you guys need to continue functioning and living your life here.

I think it is perfectly fine to eat something before exercise, or after exercise. Would probably not eat before AND after exercise. Or during - a couple people were using the glucose pouches for energy while exercising and that kind of defeats the purpose of it. :)

June 28th, 2014, 02:15 PM
I saw my friends daughter today. Oh she was so tiny and cute. I can't believe any of my boys were ever that small, even ds4 who is only 8 months. He looked like a giant next to her. Had a little cuddle. My friend told me she'd had a hard time adjusting to the fact she had 2 girls and that she'd never have a son, but she'll just have to hold out for grandsons. Her fiancé (who I can't say I'm too fond of) was like "so 4 boys hey? How's that working out for you? All boys?!" My reply was "much the same as all girls I suppose" he also asked me if my eldest was "doing his duty and his share as big brother" as an 8 year old I feel his duty is to be happy, play, occasionally fight with his brothers or push his luck with me. He might feed ds4 or pass me a packet of wipes or something now and then but that's about as far as 'his fair share' goes.
I stopped on the way to get my friend a present as the one I'd intended to get her I could to get hold of in the end. Standing in tesco, surrounded by baby girls clothes and completely spoilt for choice but knowing it wasn't for me and I'd have to choose just one thing, that I would then give away, was hard.

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June 28th, 2014, 02:24 PM
I've bought so many little girl dresses over the years for gifts. It sucks. Her df sounds like a tool!! Xx
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June 28th, 2014, 05:35 PM
Last time I bought anything for a baby girl was her first daughter. I was pregnant with ds3 and still felt that one day it would be me and it wasn't that hard.

And yeah her df is. Lol

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June 29th, 2014, 03:56 AM
You know I don't think I'm even O-ing yet. I've had a couple of almost positive opk but had negatives in between. Cp all over the place. Temps are up and down. I hate not knowing.

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June 29th, 2014, 05:50 AM
Oh it's so hard. I have a bag of baby boy clothes I was positive I would get using. I have them 8/9 years :( I remember my cousin having her little boy and I didn't have much money at the time so I took something out of my bag of baby boy stuff to give to her, I was ok until I actually handed it over...

June 29th, 2014, 06:07 AM
I've got a few things like toys and clothes my nan bought for my niece and asked me to pass in but her mum wouldn't accept them as they hadn't come through my brother (yeah, he gets a daughter and can't be bothered to be in her life) and I didn't want to upset my nan so kept them and thought at least one of her great grandchildren would have them and I'd say my niece out grew them and passed them down. But now my nan isn't here any more I really can not bare to part with them.

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June 29th, 2014, 09:26 AM
Have you seen about that Josie Cunningham, the one who was in all the papers for having a boob job on nhs. She is smoking 20 a day and drinking all through her pregnancy and is apparently saying that she only kept it cos a psychic told her it was a girl but it's s 3rd boy so she started drinking and smoking again. At first I was out raged. But as I read through it I started to sympathise. I do not agree with what she is doing one bit, but the way she talks of being told she was having a girl and picturing the pink room and dresses and then finding out she wasn't and not being able to think straight. I know a lot if that rings true for many of us. I think nice baby is here and she falls in love with him she will regret her choices in pregnancy.

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June 29th, 2014, 12:44 PM
This is the same girl who was going to have an abortion so she could be on big brother isn't it? I will keep my thoughts to myself on that one :nono:

June 29th, 2014, 01:29 PM
Ha ha yeah same one. And I think my thoughts were pretty much the same as yours must be. And I really do not agree with what she is doing or has done. And I don't think that GD is any excuse to be acting the way she is. I just kind of thought, yeah, your in the same place lots of us have been and are not dealing with it well.

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June 29th, 2014, 02:45 PM
Hope you O soon mob! Have to agree your boys are so cute! That is an especially cute profile pic!!
Ah yes that woman...Mmmm yes I relate to how she's feeling think we all do but as for her mothering skills in pregnancy.....well unbelievable! I hope one day she looks back on her life and realises what an idiot she has been!

June 30th, 2014, 04:49 AM
I'm sure she will regret it, and the worst part is it's out there on the internet and in papers for the world to see and a record to be kept forever. One day, her son could read that.

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July 3rd, 2014, 04:20 PM
So how is everyone doing? I've been entering all info into my fitness pal and been quite pleased with my diet since I became dream member. I've been playing around at how to eat my meals to get hungry and long enough between meals, with out having to starve. And end up with headaches from going too long. I tried having breakfast, lunch and dinner, because with just 2 meals and no snacking I wasn't getting enough calories in. But I found I wasn't actually hungry by dinner time as my body had got used to completely skipping breakfast, and still getting hungry in the evening.So I'm now doing going to try my first meal around 10ish then dinner 4/5pm then my 3rd meal, in the evening, after 9pm. See how that works. I think as long as I get a good few hours between each meal, and stay with in the days limits then it's all good.
Im really unsure what is happening with my cycle. I'm on cycle 25 and don't think I have O'd. I've had some very close to positive opks and my temps are all over the place, as is my cp and cm. I don't know if I should expect af in the next few days and I won't have O'd at all. If I am still waiting to O, and will still get a short lp. Or maybe I did O, but I think it's unlikely with the way the other signs are all over the place.
I keep feeling like I'm going to O or get af and then feel 'normal again' and then feel it coming again, so who knows. Trying to relax about it.

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July 3rd, 2014, 05:59 PM
Watching the second episode of OBEM. Fighting tears at those twins born at 30 weeks!

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July 4th, 2014, 06:24 AM
I can't watch it at the minute I'm emotional enough as it is! I hate all the waiting for af and o I had finally gotten into a good pattern of O on cd 19/20 and now I don't know where I'll be after the mc. Hopefully it won't have messed things up too much.

July 4th, 2014, 06:27 AM
I hope it all gets back to normal quickly for you.

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July 6th, 2014, 06:17 AM
Friend of mine who is due same time as I was told me yest she is having a girl after 2 boys (she doesn't know about my mc we're not close) I know she really wanted a girl for a while and I'm happy for her but it's hard when everyone else seems to get what they want without having to even try...

July 6th, 2014, 06:55 AM
I know, when we are struggling to just get 1 of the opposite to what we already have. I know people who got boy,girl,boy,girl. Or boy, 2 girls, boy, girl.

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July 6th, 2014, 08:37 AM
Babybeau, have you had mc af yet? Xx
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